An Appeal to Seventh-day Adventists to Fulfil Their Duty to the South


Come to Stay

“The Southern field must be worked intelligently.” The work of the South cannot be accomplished by coming South for a short time and then returning to the North. PH012 10.3

“I wish to say that the Southern field is a world of its own. The work here will have to be carried forward independently to a large degree. The workers in the field will have to exercise judgment as to the best ways of advancing. This field needs workers who will say, I will not fail nor be discouraged.” PH012 10.4

“We must not lose sight of the neglected parts of the vineyard. Men may say that it is a waste of valuable time and money for strong men and women to go out into these hills, and out-of-the-way places to labor.... Some may say, ‘If I were engaged in this sort of work, some connected with the church would discountenance me.’ What if they should?” PH012 11.1