Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students

Long Courses of Study

There are many who think that in order to be fitted for acceptable service they must go through a long course of study under learned teachers in some school of the world. This they must do, it is true, if they desire to secure what the world calls education. But we do not say to our youth, Study, study, keeping your mind all the time on books. Nor do we say to them, You must spend your time in school in acquiring the so-called “higher education.” The cause of God needs experienced workers. But we should not think that we must climb to the highest round of knowledge in every science. Time is short, and we must labor earnestly for souls. If students will study the word of God diligently and prayerfully, they will find the knowledge that they need. CT 496.4

It is not necessary that all know several languages; but it is necessary that all have an experience in the things of God. I do not say that there should be no study of the languages. The languages should be studied. Before long there will be a positive necessity for many to leave their homes and go to work among people of other tongues; and those who have some knowledge of these languages will be able to communicate with those who do not know the truth. CT 497.1