Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students

Cause of Opposition to the Bible

It is not for want of evidence that men doubt divine truth; they are not infidels through ignorance of the character of the word of God. But through sin the whole human organism is deranged, the mind is perverted, the imagination corrupted. Temptations from without find an answering chord within the heart, and the feet slide imperceptibly into sin. And so it is that many hate the Bible. Some would not care if there were not a Bible in the world. CT 424.3

When the Son of God was on trial, the Jews cried out, “Away with Him, crucify Him!” because His pure life and holy teaching convicted them of sin and condemned them; and for the same reason many in their hearts cry out against the word of God. Many, even of the children and youth, have learned to love sin. They hate reflection, and the thought of God is a sting to their conscience. It is because the human heart is inclined to evil that it is so dangerous to sow the seeds of skepticism in young minds. CT 425.1