Testimony Treasures, vol. 3


The Youth to Be Missionaries

Let not the youth be ignored; let them share in the labor and responsibility. Let them feel that they have a part to act in helping and blessing others. Even the children should be taught to do little errands of love and mercy for those less fortunate than themselves. 3TT 68.3

Let the overseers of the church devise plans whereby young men and women may be trained to put to use their entrusted talents. Let the older members of the church seek to do earnest, compassionate work for the children and youth. Let ministers put to use all their ingenuity in devising plans whereby the younger members of the church may be led to co-operate with them in missionary work. But do not imagine that you can arouse their interest merely by preaching a long sermon at the missionary meeting. Plan ways whereby a live interest may be kindled. Let all have a part to act. Train the young to do what is appointed them, and from week to week let them bring their reports to the missionary meeting, telling what they have experienced and through the grace of Christ what success has been theirs. If such reports were brought in by consecrated workers, the missionary meetings would not be dull and tedious. They would be full of interest, and there would be no lack in attendance. 3TT 68.4

In every church the members should be so trained that they will devote time to the winning of souls to Christ. How can it be said of the church, “Ye are the light of the world,” unless the members of the church are actually imparting light? 3TT 69.1

Let those who have charge of the flock of Christ awake to their duty and set many souls to work. 3TT 69.2