Testimony Treasures, vol. 2


Good Management

The financial management in some of our schools can be greatly improved. More wisdom, more brain power, must be brought to bear upon the work. More practical methods must be brought in to stop the increase of expenditure, which would result in indebtedness. In Battle Creek and College View altogether too much money has been invested in buildings, and more than was necessary has been spent in furnishing the school homes. 2TT 468.3

When the managers of a school find that it is not meeting running expenses, and debts are heaping up, they should act like levelheaded businessmen and change their methods and plans. When one year has proved that the financial management has been wrong, let wisdom's voice be heard. Let there be a decided reformation. Teachers may manifest a Christlike excellence in serious, solid thinking and planning to improve the state of things. They should enter heartily into the plans of the managers and share their burdens. 2TT 468.4