A Word to the “Little Flock”
A Word to the “Little Flock.”
The following articles were written for the DAY-DAWN, which has been published at Canandaigua, New York, by O. R. L. Crosier. But as that paper is not now published, and as we do not know as it will be published again, it is thought best by some of us in Maine, to have them given in this form. I wish to call the attention of the “little flock” to those things which will very soon take place on this earth. AWLF 1.6
After our Savior had spoken of “distress of nations, with perplexity,” he said, “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads: for your redemption draweth nigh.” - Luke 21:28. AWLF 1.7
We do not rejoice to know that our fellow men are distressed, and famishing for want of food: but, still, the true believer will look up, and rejoice, in view of redemption, while this sure token of the coming of the Son of Man is beginning to come to pass. When we look abroad to other nations, and see them looking to this country for food: and then look at the scarcity, and rising price of food in our own nation, we cannot doubt but that the “time of trouble such as never was,” is fast coming upon the nations of the earth. JAMES WHITE BRUNSWICK, Maine, May 30, 1847. AWLF 1.8