Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary



NECKLACED, a. Marked as with a necklace.

NECKLAND, n. A neck or long tract of land.

NECKVERSE, n. The verse formerly read to entitle a party to the benefit of clergy, said to be the first verse of the fifty first Psalm, Miserere mei, etc.

NECKWEED, n. Hemp; in ridicule.

NECROLOGICAL, a. Pertaining to or giving an account of the dead or of deaths.

NECROLOGIST, n. One who gives an account of deaths.

NECROLOGY, n. [dead, and discourse] An account of the dead or of deaths; a register of deaths.

NECROMANCER, n. [See Necromancy.] One who pretends to foretell future events by holding converse with departed spirits; a conjurer.

NECROMANCY, n. [Gr. Dead, and divination.]

1. The art of revealing future events by means of a pretended communication with the dead. This imposture is prohibited. Deuteronomy 18:11.

2. Enchantment; conjuration.

NECROMANTIC, a. Pertaining to necromancy; performed by necromancy.

NECROMANTIC, n. Trick; conjuration.

NECROMANTICALLY, adv. By necromancy or the black art; by conjuration.

NECRONITE, n. [Gr., dead] Fetid feldspar, a mineral which when struck or pounded, exhales a fetid odor like that of putrid flesh.


1. In fabulous history and poetry, the drink of the gods; hence,

2. A very sweet and pleasant drink.

NECTAREAN, a. Resembling nectar; very sweet and pleasant.

The juice nectareous and the balmy dew.

NACTAREOUS, a. Resembling nectar; very sweet and pleasant.

The juice nectareous and the balmy dew.

NECTARED, a. Imbued with nectar; mingled with nectar; abounding with nectar.

NECTARIAL, a. Pertaining to the nectary of a plant.

Stamens inserted into the margin of a glandulous nectarial ring.

NECTARIFEROUS, a. [L., to bear] Producing nectar or nomus; as a nectariferous glandule.

NECTARINE, a. Sweet as nectar.

NECTARINE, n. A fruit, a variety of the peach with a smooth rind.

NECTARIZE, v.t. To sweeten.

NECTAROUS, a. Sweet as nectar.

NECTARY, n. In botany, the melliferous part of a vegetable, peculiar to the flower. It usually makes a part of the corol, gut is sometimes distinct from it. Sometimes ti is in the form of a horn or spur; sometimes in that of a cup; whence it is called the honey cup.

NEDDER, n. An adder.

NEED, n. [to be in want. The primary sense is to press.]

1. Want; occasion for something; necessity; a state that requires supply or relief. It sometimes expresses urgent want; pressing exigency.

What further need have we of witnesses? Matthew 26:65.

2. Want of the means of subsistence; poverty; indigence.

I know how to abound and to suffer need. Philippians 4:12.

NEED, v.t. [to compel] To want; to lack; to require, as supply or relief.

They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. Matthew 9:12.

NEED, v.i. To be wanted; to be necessary.

When we have done it, we have done all that is in our power, and all that needs. [Not used.]

Need is often used as an auxiliary, or at least without the personal termination.

And the lender need not fear he shall be injured.

NEEDED, pp. Wanted.

NEEDER, n. One that wants.

NEEDFUL, a. Necessary, as supply or relief; requisite.

All things needful for defense abound.

NEEDFULLY, adv. Necessarily.

NEEDILY, adv. [from needy] In want or poverty.

NEEDINESS, n. [from needy] Want; poverty; indigence.

NEEDING, ppr. Wanting; requiring, as supply or relief.

NEEDLE, n. [G. something sharp or pointed. It may be allied to nettle.]

1. A small instrument of steel pointed at one end, with an eye at the other to receive a thread; used in sewing and embroidery. Needles are also used by surgeons in sewing up wounds.

2. A small pointed piece of steel used in the mariners compass, which by its magnetic quality is attracted and directed to the pole, and thus enables navigators to steer their ships the course intended.

3. Any crystalized substance in the form of a needle.

Dipping needle, a magnetic needle that dips or inclines downwards.

NEEDLE, v.t. To form crystals in the shape of a needle.
NEEDLE, v.i. To shoot in crystalization into the form of needles; as needled prisms.

NEEDLE-FISH, n. A fish of the genus Syngnathus. The middle of the body is hexangular. Also, the sea-urchin.

NEEDLEFUL, n. As much thread as is put at once in a needle.

NEEDLE-MAKER, n. One who manufactures needles.

NEEDLER, n. One who manufactures needles.

NEEDLE-ORE, n. Acicular bismuth glance.

NEEDLE-SHELL, n. The sea-urchin.

NEEDLE-STONE, n. A mineral of the zeolite family.

NEEDLEWORK, n. Work executed with a needle; or the business of a seamstress. It is used particularly for embroidery.

NEEDLE-ZEOLITE, n. A species of zeolite of a grayish white color.


1. Not wanted; unnecessary; not requisite; as needless labor; needless expenses.

2. Not wanting.

NEEDLESSLY, adv. Without necessity.

NEEDLESSNESS, n. Unnecessariness.

NEEDMENT, n. Something needed or wanted. [Not used.]

NEEDS, adv. Necessarily; indispensably; generally used with must.

A trial at law must needs be innocent in itself.

NEEDY, a. Necessitous; indigent; very poor; distressed by want of the means of living.

To relieve the needy and comfort the afflicted, are duties that fall in our way every day.

Spare the blushes of needy merit.

NEER, a contraction of never.

NEESE, v.i. To sneeze [See Sneeze, which is formed on this word.]

NEESEWORT, n. A plant.

NEESING, n. A sneezing.

NEF, n. The nave of a church. [Not used. See Nave.]

NEFANDOUS, a. [L. Unlawful, or to utter.] Wicked in the extreme; abominable; atrociously sinful or villianous; detestably vile.

NEFARIOUSLY, adv. With extreme wickedness; abominably.

NEGATION, n. [L. The sense is to thrust, to stop or repel; for in Italian, negare is to deny, and annegare is to deny, and to drown, to stifle in water; to drown or inundate.]

1. Denial; a declaration that something is not; opposed to affirmation; as, the soul is not matter.

2. In logic, description by denial, exclusion or exception.

Negation is the absence of that which does not belong to the thing we are speaking of.

3. Argument drawn from denial.

It may be proved by way of negation, that they came not from Europe, as having no remainder of the arts, learning and civilities of it.


1. Implying denial or negation; opposed to affirmative, as a negative proposition is that which denies. Matter is not spirit.

2. Implying absence; opposed to positive.

There is a negative way of denying Christ, when we do not acknowledge and confess him.

3. Having the power of stopping or restraining. A negative voice in legislation is a voice or vote to prevent the passing of a law or decree.

Negative sign, in algebra, the sign of subtraction, a sign which indicates that the quantity to which it is prefixed is to be subtracted. It is opposed to positive ro affirmative; as ab-n.

Negative electricity, according to Dr. Franklin, is a deficiency of the fluid in a substance, or less than the substance naturally contains.


1. A proposition by which something is denied; as, matter has not the power of moving itself.

2. A word that denies; as not, no.

3. In legislation, the right or power of preventing the enaction of a law or decree. The governor has not a negative on the proceedings of the legislature, but each branch has a negative on the other.

Negative pregnant, a negation of one thing, implying the affirmation of another.


1. To disprove; to prove the contrary.

The omission or infrequency of such recitals does not negative the existence of miracles.

2. To reject by vote; to refuse to enact or sanction. The senate negatived the bill.

3. To resist a choice or what is proposed.


1. With or by denial; as, he answered negatively.

2. In the form of speech implying the absence of something; opposed to positively.

I shall show what this image of god in man is, negatively, by showing wherein it does not consist, and positively, by showing wherein it does consist.

3. Negatively charged or electrified. [See Positively.]

NEGATORY, a. That denies; belonging to negation. [Little used.]

NEGER, n. [L. niger] A black person; one of the African race.

NEGLECT, v.t. [G. To let, to leave, to suffer to pass. The sense of the latter words then is to leave behind, or permit to remain; I suspect the L. To be composed of the same prefix, as n is not radical in the latter. But of this I am not confident.]

1. To omit by carelessness or design; to forbear to do, use, employ, promote or attend to; as, to neglect duty or business; to neglect to pay honest debts; to neglect our interest or policy; to neglect the means in our power.

2. To omit to receive or embrace; to slight.

How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation? Hebrews 2:3.

3. To slight; not to notice; to forbear to treat with attention or respect. Among people of good breeding, strangers seldom complain of being neglected.

4. To postpone. [Not in use.]


1. Omission; forbearance to do any thing that can be done or that requires to be done. Neglect may be from carelessness or intention. The neglect of business is the cause of many failures, but neglect of economy is more frequent and more injurious.

2. Slight; omission of attention or civilities. Neglect of due notice and attention to strangers is characteristic of ill breeding.

3. Negligence; habitual want of regard.

Age breeds neglect in all.

4. State of being disregarded.

Rescue my poor remains from vile neglect.

NEGLECTED, pp. Omitted to be done; slighted; disregarded.

NEGLECTER, n. One that neglects.


1. Heedless; careless; inattentive.

2. Accustomed or apt to omit what may or ought to be done.

3. Treating with neglect or slight.

4. Indicating neglect, slight or indifference; as a neglectful countenance.

NEGLECTFULLY, adv. With neglect; with heedless inattention; with careless indifference.

NEGLECTING, ppr. Omitting; passing by; forbearing to do; slighting; treating with indifference.

NEGLECTINGLY, adv. Carelessly; heedlessly.

NEGLECTION, n. The state of being negligent. [Not used.]

NEGLECTIVE, a. Inattentive; regardless of. [Little used.]

NEGLIGEE, n. A kind of gown formerly worn.


1. Neglect; omission to do; more generally,

2. Habitual omission of that which ought to be done, or a habit of omitting to do things, either from carelessness or design. Negligence is usually the child of sloth or laziness, and the parent of disorders in business, often of poverty.


1. Careless; heedless; apt or accustomed to omit what ought to be done; inattentive to business or necessary concerns. It is applied to a particular instance of neglect, or it denotes habitually careless or inattentive. 2 Chronicles 29:11; 2 Peter 1:12.

He that thinks he can afford to be negligent, is not far from being poor.

2. Regardless.

Be thou negligent of fame.


1. Carelessly; heedlessly; without exactness; as a person negligently dressed; a piece negligently written; a farm negligently cultivated.

2. With slight, disregard or inattention.

NEGOTIABILITY, n. The quality of being negotiable or transferable by indorsement.

NEGOTIABLE, a. [from negotiate] That may be transferred by assignment or indorsement; that may be passed from the owner to another person so as to vest the property in the assignee; as a negotiable note or bill or exchange.

NEGOTIANT, n. One who negotiates; a negotiator. [Not used.]

NEGOTIATE, v.i. [L. An errand, business; to go on errands, to negotiate.]

1. To transact business; to treat with another respecting purchase and sale; to hold intercourse in bargaining or trade, either in person or by a broker or substitute; as, to negotiate with a man for the purchase of goods or a farm.

2. To hold intercourse with another respecting a treaty, league or convention; to treat with respecting peace or commerce.

It is a crime for an embassador to betray his prince for whom he should negotiate.


1. To procure by mutual intercourse and agreement with another; as, to negotiate a loan of money.

Ship brokers and interpreters negotiate affreightments.

2. To procure, make or establish by mutual intercourse and agreement with others. Mr. Jay negotiated a treaty with the British ministry in 1794.

3. To sell; to pass; to transfer for a valuable consideration; as, to negotiate a bill of exchange.

The notes were not negotiated to them in the usual course of business or trade.

NEGOTIATED, pp. Procured or obtained by agreement with another; sold or transferred for a valuable consideration.

NEGOTIATING, ppr. Treating with; transacting business.


1. The act of negotiating; the transacting of business in traffick; the treating with another respecting sale or purchase.

2. The transaction of business between nations; the mutual intercourse of governments by their agents, in making treaties and the like; as the negotiations at Ghent.

NEGOTIATOR, n. One that negotiates; one that treats with others either as principal or agent, in respect to purchase and sale, or public compacts.

NEGRESS, n. [See Negro.] A female of the black race of Africa.

NEGRO, n. [It is remarkable that our common people retain the exact Latin pronunciation of this word, neger.] A native or descendant of the black race of men in Africa. The word is never applied to the tawny or olive colored inhabitants of the northern coast of Africa, but to the more southern race of men who are quite black.

NEGUS, n. A liquor made of wine, water, sugar, nutmeg and lemon juice; so called, it is said, from its first maker, Col. Negus.

NEIF, n.

1. The neaf or fist. [Not used.]

2. A slave. [Not used.]

NEIGH, v.i. [signifies to jar or quarrel; a sharp noise.] To utter the voice of a horse, expressive of want or desire; to whinny.

NEIGH, n. na. The voice of a horse; a whinnying.


1. One who lives near another. In large towns, a neighbor is one who lives within a few doors. In the country, a neighbor may live at a greater distance; and in new settlements, where the people are thinly scattered over the country, a neighbor may be distant several miles. Such is the use of the word in the United States.

2. One who lives in familiarity with another; a word of civility.

3. An intimate; a confidant.

4. A fellow being. Acts 7:27.

5. One of the human race; any one that needs our help, or to whom we have an opportunity of doing good.

6. A country that is near.


1. To adjoin; to confine on or be near to.

These grow on the hills that neighbor the shore.

2. To acquaint with; to make near to or make familiar. [Not used.]

3. To neighbor it, in colloquial language, to cultivate friendly intercourse by mutual visits.


1. A place near; vicinity; the adjoining district or any place not distant. He lives in my neighborhood.

2. State of being near each other; as several states in a neighborhood.

3. The inhabitants who live in the vicinity of each other. The fire alarmed all the neighborhood.

NEIGHBORING, a. Living or being near; as the neighboring inhabitants; neighboring countries or nations.

NEIGHBORLINESS, n. State or quality of being neighborly.


1. Becoming a neighbor; kind; civil.

Judge if this be neighborly dealing.

2. Cultivating familiar intercourse; interchanging frequent visits; social. Friend, you are not neighborly.

NEIGHBORLY, adv. With social civility; as, to live neighborly.

NEIGHBORSHIP, n. State of being neighbors. [Not in use.]

NEITHER, n. [Compound pronoun, pronominal adjective, or a substitute, and not either, or not other. Not either; not the one nor the other.]

1. It refers to individual things or persons; as, which road shall I take? Neither, take neither road. The upright judge inclines to neither party. It is used as a substitute; as, the upright judge inclines to neither of the parties.

He neither loves Nor either cares for him.

2. It refers to a sentence; as, ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it. That is, ye shall not eat, not either or other shall ye touch it; ye shall not eat, nor shall ye do the other thing here mentioned, that is, touch it. Genesis 3:3.

Fight neither with small nor great, save only with the king; that is, fight not, either with small or great. 1 Kings 22:31.

Neither, in the first part of a negative sentence, is followed by nor, in the subsequent part. It is neither the one nor the other. But or would be most proper, for the negative in neither, applies to both parts of the sentence. It is often used in the last member of a negative sentence instead of nor, as in the passage above cited. Ye shall not eat it, neither shall ye touch it. Here neither is improperly used for nor, for not in the first clause refers only to that clause, and the second negative refers only to the second clause. Ye shall not eat it, nor shall ye touch it. In the sentences above, neither is considered to be a conjunction or connecting word, though in fact it is a pronoun or representative of a clause of a sentence.

3. Neither primarily refers to two; not either of two. But by usage it is applicable to any number, referring to individuals separately considered. Five or ten persons being charged with a misdemeanor or riot, each may say, neither of us was present.

4. Neither sometimes closes a sentence in a peculiar manner, thus, men come not to the knowledge of ideas thought to be innate, till they come to the use of reason; not then neither. That is not either when they come to the use of reason, or before. Formerly, in English, as in Greek and French, two negatives were used for one negation. But in such phrases as that above, good speakers now use either; nor then either.

NEM. CON. For nemine contradicente. No one contradicting or opposing, that is, unanimously; without opposition.

NEMOLITE, n. An arborized stone.

NEMORAL, a. Pertaining to a wood or grove.

NEMOROUS, a. Woody.

NEMPNE, v.t. To call.

NENIA, n. A funeral song; an elegy.

NENUPHAR, n. The water lily or water rose, a species of Nymphaea.

NEODAMODE, n. In ancient Greece, a person newly admitted to citizenship.

NEOLOGIC, a. Pertaining to neology; employing new words.