Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary



MANIPULATION, n. [L. manipulus, supra.] In general, work by hand; manual operation; as in mining, the manner of digging ore; in chimistry, the operation of preparing substances for experiments; in pharmacy, the preparation of drugs.

MANKILLER, n. [man and kill.] One who slays a man.

MANKILLING, a. Used to kill men.

MANKIND, n. [man and kind. This word admits the accent either on the first or second syllable; the distinction of accent being inconsiderable.]

1. The race or species of human beings.

The proper study of mankind is man.

2. A male, or the males of the human race.

Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind. Leviticus 18:22.

MANKIND, a. Resembling man in form, not woman.

MANLESS, a. [man and less.] Destitute of men; not manned; as a boat. [Little used.]

MANLIKE, a. Having the proper qualities of a man.

1. Of man’s nature.

MANLINESS, n. [from manly.] The qualities of a man; dignity; bravery; boldness.

MANLING, n. A little man.

MANLY, a. [man and like.] Manlike; becoming a man; firm; brave; undaunted.

Serene and manly, hardened to sustain

The load of life--

1. Dignified; noble; stately.

He moves with manly grace.

2. Pertaining to the adult age of man; as a manly voice.

3. Not boyish or womanish; as a manly stride.


1. A substance miraculously furnished as food for the Israelites in their journey through the wilderness of Arabia. Exodus 16:4-36.

Josephus, Ant. B. 3.1. considers the Hebrew word man, to signify what. In conformity with this idea, the seventy translate the passage, Exodus 16:15. what is this? which rendering seems to accord with the following words, for they knew not what it was. And in the Encyclopedia, the translators are charged with making Moses fall into a plain contradiction. Art. Manna. But Christ and his apostles confirm the common version: “Not as your fathers ate manna, and are dead.” John 6:58; Hebrews 9:4. And we have other evidence, that the present version is correct; for in the same chapter, Moses directed Aaron to “take a pot and put a homer full of manna therein.” Now it would be strange language to say, put an homer full of what, or what is it. So also verse Exodus 16:35. “The children of Israel ate manna forty years, etc.” In both verses, the Hebrew word is the same as in verse Exodus 16:15.

2. In the materia medica, the juice of a certain tree of the ash-kind, the Fraxinus ornus, or flowering ash a native of Sicily, Calabria, and other parts of the south of Europe. It is either naturally concreted, or exsiccated and purified by art. The best manna is in oblong pieces or flakes of a whitish or pale yellow color, light, friable, and somewhat transparent. It is a mild laxative.

MANNER, n. [L. manus, the hand.]

1. Form; method; way of performing or executing.

Find thou the manner, and the means prepare.

2. Custom; habitual practice.

Show them the manner of the king that shall reign over them. This will be the manner of the king. 1 Samuel 8:9, 11.

Paul, as his manner was-- Acts 17:2.

3. Sort; kind.

Ye tithe mint and rue, and all manner of herbs. Luke 11:42.

They shall say all manner of evil against you falsely-- Matthew 5:11.

In this application, manner has the sense of a plural word; all sorts or kinds.

4. Certain degree or measure. It is in a manner done already.

The bread is in a manner common. 1 Samuel 21:5.

This use may also be sometimes defined by sort or fashion; as we say, a thing is done after a sort or fashion, that is, not well, fully or perfectly.

Augustinus does in a manner confess the charge.

5. Mien; cast of look; mode.

Air and manner are more expressive than words.

6. Peculiar way or carriage; distinct mode.

It can hardly be imagined how great a difference was in the humor, disposition and manner of the army under Essex and that under Waller.

A man’s company may be known by his manner of expressing himself.

7. Way; mode; of things.

The temptations of prosperity insinuate themselves after a gentle, but very powerful manner.

8. Way of service or worship.

The nations which thou hast removed and placed in the cities of Samaria, know not the manner of the god of the land-- 2 Kings 17:26.

9. In painting, the particular habit of a painter in managing colors, lights and shades.

MANNER, v.t. To instruct in manners.

MANNERISM, n. Adherence to the same manner; uniformity of manner.

MANNERIST, n. An artist who performs his work in one unvaried manner.

MANNERLINESS, n. The quality of being civil and respectful in behavior; civility; complaisance.

MANNERLY, a. Decent in external deportment; civil; respectful; complaisant; not rude or vulgar.

What thou think’st meet and is most mannerly.

MANNERLY, adv. With civility; respectfully; without rudeness.

MANNERS, n. plu. Deportment; carriage; behavior; conduct; course of life; in a moral sense.

Evil communications corrupt good manners. 1 Corinthians 15:33.

1. Ceremonious behavior; civility; decent and respectful deportment.

Shall we, in our applications to the great God, take that to be religion, which the common reason of mankind will not allow to be manners?

2. A bow or courtesy; as, make your manners; a popular use of the word.

MANNISH, a. [from man.] Having the appearance of a man; bold; masculine; as a mannish countenance.

A woman impudent and mannish grown.

MANOMETER, n. [Gr. measure.] An instrument to measure or show the alterations in the rarity or density of the air.

MANOMETRICAL, a. Pertaining to the manometer; made by the manometer.

MANOR, n. [L. maneo, to abide.] The land belonging to a lord or nobleman, or so much land as a lord or great personage formerly kept in his own hands for the use and subsistence of his family. In these days, a manor rather signifies the jurisdiction and royalty incorporeal, than the land or site; for a man may have a manor in gross, as the law terms it, that is, the right and interest of a court-baron, with the perquisites thereto belonging.

MANOR-HOUSE, MANOR-SEAT, n. The house belonging to a manor.

MANORIAL, MANERIAL, a. Pertaining to a manor.

They have no civil liberty; their children belong not to them, but to their manorial lord.

MANPLEASER, n. [man and pleaser.] One who pleases men, or one who takes uncommon pains to gain the favor of men.

MANQUELLER, n. [man and quell.]

A mankiller; a manslayer; a murderer. [Not used.]

MANSE, n. mans. [L. mansio, from maneo, to abide.]

1. A house or habitation; particularly, a parsonage house. A capital manse is the manor-house or lord’s court.

2. A farm.

MANSERVANT, n. A male servant.

MANSION, n. [L. mansio, from maneo, to dwell.]

1. Any place of residence; a house; a habitation.

Thy mansion wants thee, Adam, rise.

In my Father’s house are many mansions. John 14:2.

2. The house of the lord of a manor.

3. Residence; above.

These poets near our princes sleep,

And in one grave their mansions keep.

MANSION, v.i. To dwell; to reside.

MANSIONARY, a. Resident; residentiary; as mansionary canons.

MANSION-HOUSE, n. The house in which one resides; an inhabited house.

MANSIONRY, n. A place of residence. [Not used.]

MANSLAUGHTER, n. [man and slaughter. See Slay.]

1. In a general sense, the killing of a man or of men; destruction of the human species; murder.

2. In law, the unlawful killing of a man without malice, express or implied. This may be voluntary, upon a sudden heat or excitement of anger; or involuntary, but in the commission of some unlawful act. Manslaughter differs from murder in not proceeding from malice prepense or deliberate, which is essential to constitute murder. It differs from homicide excusable, being done in consequence of some unlawful act, whereas excusable homicide happens in consequence of misadventure.

MANSLAYER, n. One that has slain a human being. The Israelites had cities of refuge for manslayers.

MANSTEALER, n. One who steals and sells men.

MANSTEALING, n. The act of stealing a human being.

MANSUETE, a. [L. mansuetus.] Tame; gentle; not wild or ferocious. [Little used.]

MANSUETUDE, n. [L. mansuetudo.] Tameness; mildness; gentleness.

MANTA, n. A flat fish that is very troublesome to pearlfishers.

MANTEL. [See Mantle.]

MANTELET, MANTLET, n. [dim. of mantle.] A small cloke worn by women.

1. In fortification, a kind of movable parapet or penthouse, made of planks, nailed one over another to the highth of almost six feet, cased with tin and set on wheels. In a siege, this is driven before pioneers, to protect them from the enemy’s small shot.

MANTIGER, n. rather mantichor, or manticor [L. manticora, mantichora.] A large monkey or baboon.

MANTLE, n. [Gr. a cloke.]

1. A kind of cloke or loose garment to be worn over other garments.

The herald and children are clothed with mantles of satin.

2. A cover.

Well covered with the night’s black mantle.

3. A cover; that which conceals; as the mantle of charity.

MANTLE, v.t. To cloke; to cover; to disguise.

So the rising senses

Begin to chase th’ignorant fumes, that mantle

Their clearer reason.

MANTLE, v.i. To expand; to spread.

The swan with arched neck

Between her white wings mantling, rows

Her state with oary feet.

1. To joy; to revel.

My frail fancy, fed with full delights,

Doth bathe in bliss, and mantleth most at ease.

2. To be expanded; to be spread or extended.

He gave the mantling vine to grow,

A trophy to his love.

3. To gather over and form a cover; to collect on the surface, as a covering.

There is a sort of men, whose visages

Do cream and mantle like a standing pond.

And the brain dances to the mantling bowl.

4. To rush to the face and cover it with a crimson color.

When mantling blood

Flow’d in his lovely cheeks.

[Fermentation cannot be deduced from mangling, otherwise than as a secondary sense.]

MANTLE, MANTLE-TREE, n. The piece of timber or stone in front of a chimney, over the fire-place, resting on the jambs.

[This word, according to Johnson, signifies the work over the fire-place, which we call a mantle-piece.]

MANTLE-PIECE, MANTLE-SHELF, n. The work over a fire-place, in front of the chimney.

MANTLING, n. In heraldry, the representation of a mantle, or the drapery of a coat of arms.

MANTO, n. A robe; a cloke.

MANTOLOGY, n. [Gr. divination, and discourse.] The act or art of divination or prophesying. [Little used.]

MANTUA, n. A lady’s gown.

MANTUA-MAKER, n. One who makes gowns for ladies.

MANUAL, a. [L. manualis, from manus, the hand.]

1. Performed by the hand; as manual labor or operation.

2. Used or made by the hand; as a deed under the king’s sign manual.

MANUAL, n. A small book, such as may be carried in the hand, or conveniently handled; as a manual of laws.

1. The service book of the Romish church.

Manual exercise, in the military art, the exercise by which soldiers are taught the use of their muskets and other arms.

MANUARY, a. Done by the hand. [Not used.]

MANUBIAL, a. [L. manubialis, from manubioe, spoils.]

Belonging to spoils; taken in war. [Little used.]

MANUDUCTION, n. [L. manus, hand, and ductio, a leading.]

Guidance by the hand.

MANUDUCTOR, n. [L. manus, hand, and ductor, a leader.]

An officer in the ancient church, who gave the signal for the choir to sing, who beat time and regulated the music.

MANUFACTORY, n. [See Manufacture.]

A house or place where goods are manufactured.

MANUFACTURAL, a. Pertaining or relating to manufactures.

MANUFACTURE, n. [L. manus, hand, and facio, to make.]

1. The operation of making cloth, wares, utensils, paper, books, and whatever is used by man; the operation of reducing raw materials of any kind into a form suitable for use, by the hands, by art or machinery.

2. Any thing made from raw materials by the hand, by machinery, or by art; as cloths, iron utensils, shoes, cabinet work, sadlery, and the like.

MANUFACTURE, v.t. To make or fabricate from raw materials, by the hand, by art or machinery, and work into forms convenient for use; as, to manufacture cloth, nails, or glass.

1. To work raw materials into suitable forms for use; as, to manufacture wool, cotton, silk or iron.

MANUFACTURE, v.i. To be occupied in manufactures.

MANUFACTURED, pp. Made form raw materials into forms for use.

MANUFACTURER, n. One who works raw materials into wares suitable for use.

1. One who employs workmen for manufacturing; the owner of a manufactory.

MANUFACTURING, ppr. Making goods and wares from raw materials.

MANUMISE, for manumit, not used.

MANUMISSION, n. [L. manumissio. See Manumit.]

The act of liberating a slave from bondage, and giving him freedom.

MANUMIT, v.t. [L. manumitto; manus, hand, and mitto, to send.]

To release from slavery; to liberate from personal bondage or servitude; to free, as a slave.

MANUMITTED, pp. Released from slavery.

MANUMITTING, ppr. Liberating from personal bondage.

MANURABLE, a. [from manure.] That may be cultivated. This, though the original sense, is rarely or never used. The present sense of manure, would give the following signification.

1. That may be manured, or enriched by manure.

MANURAGE, n. Cultivation. [Not used.]

MANURANCE, n. Cultivation. [Not used.]

MANURE, v.t. [L. manus, hand, and ouvrer, to work, L. operor.]

1. To cultivate by manual labor; to till.

[In this sense not now used.]

2. To apply to land any fertilizing matter, as dung, compost, ashes, lime, fish, or any vegetable or animal substance.

3. To fertilize; to enrich with nutritive substances.

The corps of half her senate

Manure the fields of Thessaly.

MANURE, n. Any matter which fertilizes land, as the contents of stables and barnyards, marl, ashes, fish, salt, and every kind of animal and vegetable substance applied to land, or capable of furnishing nutriment to plants.

MANURED, pp. Dressed or overspread with a fertilizing substance.

MANUREMENT, n. Cultivation; improvement. [Little used.]

MANURER, n. One that manures land.

MANURING, ppr. Dressing or overspreading land with manure; fertilizing.

MANURING, n. A dressing or spread of manure on land.

MANUSCRIPT, n. [L. manu scriptum, written with the hand.]

A book or paper written with the hand or pen.

MANUSCRIPT, a. Written with the hand; not printed.

MANUTENENCY, n. Maintenance. [Not in use.]

MANY, a. men’ny.

1. Numerous; comprising a great number of individuals.

Thou shalt be a father of many nations. Genesis 17:4.

Not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. 1 Corinthians 1:26.

Many are the afflictions of the righteous. Psalm 34:19.

It is often preceded by as or so, and followed by so, indicating an equal number.

As many books as you take, so many shall be charged to your account.

So many laws argue so many sins.

It is followed by as.

As many as were willing-hearted brought bracelets. Exodus 35:22.

It precedes an or a, before a noun in the singular number.

Full many a gem of purest ray serene.

2. In low language, preceded by too, it denotes powerful or much; as, they are too many for us.

MANY, n. men’ny. A multitude; a great number of individuals; the people.

O thou fond many.

The vulgar and the many are fit only to be led or driven.

MANY, n. men’ny. A retinue of servants; household.

MANY-CLEFT, a. Multifid; having many fissures.

MANY-COLORED, a. Having many colors or hues.

MANY-CORNERED, a. Having many corners, or more than twelve; polygonal.

MANY-FLOWERED, a. Having many flowers.

MANY-HEADED, a. Having many heads; as a many-headed monster; many-headed tyranny.

MANY-LANGUAGED, a. Having many languages.

MANY-LEAVED, a. Polyphyllous; having many leaves.

MANY-MASTERED, a. Having many masters.

MANY-PARTED, a. Multipartite; divided into several parts; as a corol.

MANY-PEOPLED, a. Having a numerous population.

MANY-PETALED, a. Having many petals.

MANY-TWINKLING, a. Variously twinkling or gleaming.

MANY-VALVED, a. Multivalvular; having many valves.

MAP, n. [L. mappa, a cloth or towel, a Punic word.] A representation of the surface of the earth or of any part of it, drawn on paper or other material, exhibiting the lines of latitude and longitude, and the positions of countries, kingdoms, states, mountains, rivers, etc. A map of the earth, or of a large portion of it, comprehends a representation of land and water; but a representation of a continent or any portion of land only, is properly a map, and a representation of the ocean only or any portion of it, is called a chart. We say, a map of England, of France, of Europe; but a chart of the Atlantic, of the Pacific, etc.

MAP, v.t. To draw or delineate, as the figure of any portion of land.

MAPLE, MAPLE-TREE, n. A tree of the genus Acer, of several species. Of the sap of the rock maple, sugar is made in America, in great quantities, by evaporation.

MAPLE-SUGAR, n. Sugar obtained by evaporation from the juice of the rock maple.

MAPPERY, n. [from map.] The art of planning and designing maps.

MAR, v.t. [L. marceo.]

1. To injure by cutting off a part, or by wounding and making defective; as, to mar a tree by incision.

I pray you, mar no more trees by writing songs in their barks.

Neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard. Leviticus 19:27.

2. To injure; to hurt; to impair the strength or purity of.

When brewers mar their malt with water.

3. To injure; to diminish; to interrupt.

But mirth is marred, and the good cheer is lost.

4. To injure; to deform; to disfigure.

Ire, envy and despair

Marr’d all his borrow’d visage.

His visage was so marred more than any man. Isaiah 52:14.

Moral evil alone mars the intellectual works of God.

[This word is not obsolete in America.]

MAR, in nightmar. [See Nightmar.]
MAR, n. An injury.

1. A lake. [See Mere.]

MARACAN, n. A species of parrot in Brazil.

MARACOCK, n. A plant of the genus Passiflora.

MARANATHA, n. The Lord comes or has come; a word used by the apostle Paul in expressing a curse. This word was used in anathematizing persons for great crimes; as much as to say, “may the Lord come quickly to take vengeance on thee for thy crimes.”

MARANON, n. The proper name of a river in South America, the largest in the world; most absurdly called Amazon.

MARASMUS, n. [Gr. to cause to pine or waste away.]

Atrophy; a wasting of flesh without fever or apparent disease; a kind of consumption.

MARAUD, v.i. [Heb. to rebel; L. cursus, curro.]

To rove in quest of plunder; to make an excursion for booty; to plunder.

MARAUDER, n. A rover in quest of booty or plunder; a plunderer; usually applied to small parties of soldiers.

MARAUDING, ppr. Roving in search of plunder.

MARAUDING, n. A roving for plunder; a plundering by invaders.

MARAVEDI, n. A small copper coin of Spain, equal to three mills American money, less than a farthing sterling.