Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary
KROUT, [See Crout.]
KRUKA, n. A bird of russia and Sweden, resembling a hedge sparrow.
KUFIC, a. The Kufic letters were the ancient letters of the Arabic, so called from Kufa, or the Euphrates.
KUMISS, n. A liquor or drink made from mare’s milk fermented and distilled; milkspirit, used by the Tartars.
KURIL, n. A bird, the black petrel.
KURILIAN, a. The Kurilian isles are a chain in the Pacific, extending from the southern extremity of Kamschatka to Jesso.
KY, n. Kine. [Not in use.]
KYANITE, n. [Gr. sky colored. It is written also cyanite, but most improperly, if pronounced kyanite. Kyanite is doubtless the preferable orthography.]
A mineral found both massive and in regular crystals. It is frequently in broad or compressed six-sided prisms, with bases a little inclined; or this crystal may be viewed as a four sided prism, truncated on two of its lateral edges, diagonally opposite. Its prevailed color is blue, whence its name, but varying from a fine Prussian blue to sky-blue, or bluish white. It occurs also of various shades of green, and even gray, or white and reddish. It is infusible by the common blowpipe. This mineral is called by Hauy and Brongniart, disthene, and by Saussure, sappare.
KYANOGEN, n. [Gr. blue and to beget.]
Carbureted azote; the compound base of prussic acid, called also prussine.