Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary



UNSTATE, v.t. To deprive of dignity.

UNSTATUTABLE, a. Contrary to statute; not warranted by statute.

UNSTEADFAST, a. unsted’fast.

1. Not fixed; not standing or being firm.

2. Not firmly adhering to a purpose.

UNSTEADFASTNESS, n. unsted’fastness. Want of steadfastness; instability; inconstancy.

UNSTEADILY, adv. unsted’ily.

1. Without steadiness; in a wavering, vacillating manner.

2. Inconstantly; in a fickle manner.

3. Not in the same manner at different times; variously.

UNSTEADINESS, n. unsted’iness.

1. Unstableness; inconstancy; want of firmness; irresolution; mutableness of opinion or purpose.

2. Frequent change of place; vacillation.

UNSTEADY, a. unsted’y.

1. Not steady; not constant; irresolute.

2. Mutable; variable; changeable; as unsteady winds.

3. Not adhering constantly to any fixed plan or business.

UNSTEEPED, a. Not steeped; not soaked.

UNSTIMULATED, a. Not stimulated; not excited; as unstimulated nature.

UNSTIMULATING, a. Not exciting motion or action.

UNSTING, v.t. To disarm of a sting.

Elegant dissertations on virtue and vice - will not unsting calamity.

UNSTINGED, pp. Deprived of its sting.

UNSTINTED, a. Not stinted; not limited.

UNSTIRRED, a. unstur’red. Not stirred; not agitated.

UNSTITCH, v.t. To open by picking out stitches.

UNSTITCHED, a. Not stitched.

UNSTOOPING, a. Not stooping; not bending; not yielding; as unstooping firmness.

UNSTOP, v.t.

1. To free from a stopple, as a bottle or cask.

2. To free from any obstruction; to open.


1. Opened.

2. a. Not meeting any resistance.

UNSTOPPING, ppr. Taking out a stopper; opening; freeing from obstruction.


1. Not stored; not laid up in store; not warehoused.

2. Not supplied with stores; as a fort unstored with provisions.

UNSTORMED, a. Not assaulted; not taken by assault.


1. Not strained; as unstrained oil.

2. Easy; not forced; natural; as an unstrained derivation.

UNSTRAITENED, a. Not straitened; not contracted.

UNSTRATIFIED, a. Not stratified; not formed or being in strata or layers.

UNSTRENGTHENED, a. Not strengthened; not supported; not assisted.


1. To relax tension; to loosen; as, to unstring the nerves.

2. To deprive of strings; as, to unstring a harp.

3. To loose; to untie.

4. To take from a string; as, to unstring beads.

UNSTRUCK, a. Not struck; not impressed; not affected; as unstruck with horror.


1. Not studied; not premeditated.

2. Not labored; easy; natural; as an unstudied style.

UNSTUDIOUS, a. Not studious; not diligent in study.

UNSTUFFED, a. Not stuffed; not filled; not crowded.

UNSUBDUED, a. Not subdued; not brought into subjection; not conquered; as nations or passions unsubdued.

UNSUBJECT, a. Not subject; not liable; not obnoxious.

UNSUBJECTED, a. Not subjected; not subdued.

UNSUBMISSIVE, a. Not submissive; disobedient.

UNSUBMITTING, a. Not submitting; not obsequious; not readily yielding.

UNSUBORDINATED, a. Not subordinated or reduced to subjection.

UNSUBORNED, a. Not suborned; not procured by secret collusion.

UNSUBSIDIZED, a. Not engaged in another’s service by receiving subsidies.


1. Not substantial; not solid.

2. Not real; not having substance.

UNSUCCEEDED, a. Not succeeded; not followed.

UNSUCCESSFUL, a. Not successful; not producing the desired event; not fortunate.

UNSUCCESSFULLY, adv. Without success; without a favorable issue; unfortunately.

UNSUCCESSFULNESS, n. Want of success or favorable issue.

UNSUCCESSIVE, a. Not proceeding by a flux of parts or by regular succession.

UNSUCKED, a. Not having the breasts drawn.

UNSUFFERABLE, a. Not sufferable; not to be endured; intolerable. [But the word now used is insufferable.]

UNSUFFERABLY, adv. So as not to be endured. [For this, insufferably is chiefly used.]

UNSUFFERING, a. Not suffering; not tolerating.

UNSUFFICIENCE, n. Inability to answer the end proposed. [For this, insufficiency is used.]

UNSUFFICIENT, a. Not sufficient; inadequate. [For this, insufficient is now used.]

UNSUGARED, a. UNSHOOGARED. Not sweetened with sugar.


1. Not suitable; unfit; not adapted; as timber unsuitable for a bridge.

2. Unbecoming; improper; as a dress unsuitable for a clergyman; unsuitable returns for favors.

UNSUITABLENESS, n. Unfitness; incongruity; impropriety.


1. In a manner unbecoming or improper.

2. Incongruously; as a man and wife unsuitably matched.

UNSUITED, a. Not suited; not fitted; not adapted; not accommodated.

UNSUITING, a. Not fitting; not becoming.


1. Not sullied; not stained; not tarnished.

2. Not disgraced; free from imputation of evil.

UNSUNG, a. Not sung; not celebrated in verse; not recited in verse.

UNSUNNED, a. Not having been exposed to the sun.

UNSUPERFLUOUS, a. Not more than enough.

UNSUPPLANTED, a. Not supplanted; not overthrown by secret means or stratagem.

UNSUPPLIED, a. Not supplied; not furnished with things necessary.

UNSUPPORTABLE, a. That cannot be supported; intolerable. [But insupportable is generally used.]

UNSUPPORTABLENESS, n. Insupportableness. [The latter is chiefly used.]

UNSUPPORTABLY, adv. Insupportably. [The latter is generally used.]


1. Not supported; not upheld; not sustained.

2. Not countenanced; not assisted.

UNSUPPRESSED, a. Not suppressed; not subdued; not extinguished.

UNSURE, a. [See Sure.] Not fixed; not certain.

UNSURMOUNTABLE, a. That cannot be surmounted or overcome; insuperable.

UNSURPASSED, a. Not surpassed; not exceeded.

UNSUSCEPTIBLE, a. Not susceptible; not capable of admitting or receiving; as a heart unsusceptible of impressions a substance unsusceptible of change or of permanent colors.

UNSUSPECT, for unsuspected, is not in use.

UNSUSPECTED, a. Not suspected; not considered as likely to have done an evil act, or to have a disposition to evil.

UNSUSPECTEDLY, adv. In a manner to avoid suspicion.

UNSUSPECTING, a. Not imagining that any ill is designed; free from suspicion.


1. Having no suspicion; not indulging the imagination of evil in others; as an unsuspicious youth.

2. Not to be suspected; as unsuspicious testimony.

UNSUSPICIOUSLY, adv. Without suspicion.

UNSUSTAINABLE, a. Not sustainable; that cannot be maintained or supported; as unsustainable pain; a suit in law unsustainable.

UNSUSTAINED, a. Not sustained; not supported; not seconded.

UNSWATHE, v.t. To take a swathe from; to relieve from a bandage.

UNSWAYABLE, That cannot be swayed, governed or influenced by another. [Little used.]


1. Not swayed; not wielded; as a scepter.

2. Not biased; not controlled or influenced.

UNSWEAR, v.t. To recant or recall an oath.

UNSWEAT, v.t. unswet’. To ease or cool after exercise or toil. [A bad word and not used.]

UNSWEATING, a. unswet’ing. Not sweating.

UNSWEET, a. Not sweet. [Little used.]

UNSWEPT, a. Not cleaned with a broom; not swept; not brushed.

UNSWORN, a. Not sworn; not bound by an oath; not having taken an oath; as, the witness is unsworn.

UNSYMMETRICAL, a. Wanting symmetry or due proportion of parts.

UNSYSTEMATIC, UNSYSTEMATICAL, a. Not systematic; not having regular order, distribution or arrangement of parts.

UNSYSTEMIZED, a. Not systemized; not arranged in due order; not formed into system.

UNTACK, v.t. To separate what is tacked; to disjoin; to loosen what is fast.


1. Not rendered impure by admixture; not impregnated with foul matter; as untainted air.

2. Not sullied; not stained; unblemished; as untainted virtue or reputation.

3. Not rendered unsavory by putrescence; as untainted meat.

4. Not charged with a crime; not accused; as, he lived untainted.

UNTAINTEDLY, adv. Without spot; without blemish; without imputation of crime.

UNTAINTEDNESS, n. State or quality of being untainted; purity.

UNTAKEN, a. unta’kn.

1. Not taken; not seized; not apprehended; as a thief untaken.

2. Not reduced; not subdued; as untaken Troy.

3. Not swallowed.

Untaken away, not removed. 2 Corinthians 3:14.

Untaken up, not occupied; not filled.

Untalked of, not talked of; not made the subject of conversation.


1. That cannot be tamed or domesticated; that cannot be reclaimed from a wild state.

2. Not to be subdued or reduced to control.


1. Not reclaimed from wildness; not domesticated; not made familiar with man; as an untamed beast.

2. Not subdued; not brought under control; as a turbulent, untamed mind.

3. Not softened or rendered mild by culture; as an untamed people.

UNTANGLE, v.t. To disentangle; to loose from tangles or intricacy; as, to untangle thread.

Untangle this cruel chain.

UNTANGLED, pp. Disentangled.