Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary



UNFIRM, a. [See Firm.]

1. Not firm; weak; feeble; infirm.

[Note. When we speak of the weakness of the human frame, we use infirm. When we speak of the weakness of other things, as a bridge, wall and the like, we say, it is unfirm.]

2. Not stable; not well fixed.

With feet unfirm.

UNFIRMNESS, n. A weak state; instability.


1. Not fit; improper; unsuitable.

2. Unqualified; as a man unfit for an office.

UNFIT, v.t.

1. To disable; to make unsuitable; to deprive of the strength, skill or proper qualities for any thing. Sickness unfits a man for labor.

2. To disqualify; to deprive of the moral or mental qualities necessary for any thing. Sin unfits us for the society of holy beings.

UNFITLY, adv. Not properly; unsuitably.


1. Want of suitable powers or qualifications, physical or moral; as the unfitness of a sick man for labor, or of an ignorant man for office; the unfitness of sinners for the enjoyments of heaven.

2. Want of propriety or adaptation to character or place; as unfitness of behavior or of dress.

UNFITTED, pp. Rendered unsuitable; disqualified.


1. Rendering unsuitable; disqualifying.

2. a. Improper; becoming.

UNFIX, v.t.

1. To loosen from any fastening; to detach from any thing that holds; to unsettle; to unhinge; as, to unfix the mind or affections.

2. To make fluid; to dissolve.

Nor can the rising sun unfix their frosts.


1. Unsettled; loosened.

2. a. Wandering; erratic; inconstant; having no settled habitation.

3. Having no settled view or object of pursuit.

UNFIXING, ppr. Unsettling; loosening.

UNFLAGGING, a. Not flagging; not drooping; maintaining strength or spirit.

UNFLATTERED, a. Not flattered.


1. Not flattering; not gratifying with obsequious behavior; not coloring the truth to please.

2. Not affording a favorable prospect; as, the weather is unflattering.


1. Not yet furnished with feathers; implumous; as an unfledged bird.

2. Young; not having attained to full growth.

UNFLESHED, a. Not fleshed; not seasoned to blood; raw; as an unfleshed hound; unfleshed valor.

UNFOILED, a. Not vanquished; not defeated.

UNFOLD, v.t.

1. To open folds; to expand; to spread out.

2. To open any thing covered or close; to lay open to view or contemplation; to disclose; to reveal; as, to unfold one’s designs; to unfold the principles of a science.

3. To declare; to tell; to disclose.

Unfold the passion of my love.

4. To display; as, to unfold the works of creation.

5. To release from a fold or pen; as, to unfold sheep.

UNFOLDED, pp. Opened; expanded; revealed; displayed; released from a fold.

UNFOLDING, ppr. Opening; expanding; disclosing; displaying; releasing from a fold.

UNFOLDING, n. The act of expanding, displaying or disclosing; disclosure.

UNFOOL, v.t. To restore from folly. [Not in use.]

UNFORBEARING, a. Not forbearing.


1. Not forbid; not prohibited; applied to persons.

2. Allowed; permitted; legal; applied to things.

UNFORBIDDENNESS, n. The state of being unforbidden. [Not in use.]


1. Not forced; not compelled; not constrained.

2. Not urged or impelled.

3. Not feigned; not heightened; natural as unforced passions; unforced expressions of joy.

4. Not violent; easy; gradual; as an easy and unforced ascent.

5. Easy; natural; as an unforced posture.

UNFORCIBLE, a. Wanting force or strength; as an unforcible expression.

UNFORDABLE, a. Not fordable; that cannot be forded, or passed by wading; as an unfordable river.

UNFOREBODING, a. Giving no omens.

UNFOREKNOWN, a. Not previously known or foreseen.

UNFORESEEABLE, a. That cannot be foreseen. [A bad word and not in use.]

UNFORESEEN, a. Not foreseen; not foreknown.

UNFORESKINNED, a. Circumcised. [Bad.]

UNFORETOLD, a. Not predicted.

UNFOREWARNED, a. [See Warn.] Not previously warned or admonished.

UNFORFEITED, a. Not forfeited.

UNFORGIVEN, a. Not forgiven; not pardoned.

UNFORGIVING, a. Not forgiving; not disposed to overlook or pardon offenses; implacable.


1. Not forgot; not lost to memory.

2. Not overlooked; not neglected.

UNFORM, v.t. To destroy; to unmake; to decompose or resolve into parts.

UNFORMED, a. Not molded into regular shape; as unformed matter.

UNFORSAKEN, a. Not forsaken; not deserted; not entirely neglected.


1. Not fortified; not secured from attack by walls or mounds.

2. Not guarded; not strengthened against temptations or trials; weak; exposed; defenseless; as an unfortified mind.

3. Wanting securities or means of defense.

UNFORTUNATE, a. Not successful; not prosperous; as an unfortunate adventure; an unfortunate voyage; unfortunate attempts; an unfortunate man; an unfortunate commander; unfortunate business.

UNFORTUNATELY, adv. Without success; unsuccessfully; unhappily. the scheme unfortunately miscarried.

UNFORTUNATENESS, n. Ill luck; ill fortune; fortune; failure of success.


1. Not fostered; not nourished.

2. Not countenanced by favor; not patronized.

UNFOUGHT, a. unfaut’. Not fought.

UNFOULED, a. Not fouled; not polluted; not soiled; not corrupted; pure.

UNFOUND, a. Not found; not met with.


1. Not founded; not built or established.

2. Having no foundation; vain; idle; as unfounded expectations.

UNFRAMABLE, a. Not to be framed or molded. [Not in use.]

UNFRAMABLENESS, n. The quality of not being framable. [Not in use.]


1. Not framed; not fitted for erection; as unframed timber.

2. Not formed; not constructed; not fashioned.

UNFRATERNAL, a. Not brotherly.

UNFREE, a. Not free; as unfree peasants.

UNFREQUENCY, n. The state of being unfrequent.

UNFREQUENT, a. Not frequent; not common; not happening often; infrequent.

UNFREQUENT, v.t. To cease to frequent. [Not in use.]

UNFREQUENTED, a. Rarely visited; seldom resorted to by human beings; as an unfrequented place or forest.

UNFREQUENTLY, adv. Not often; seldom.

UNFRIABLE, a. Not easily crumbled.

UNFRIENDED, a. unfrend’ed. Wanting friends; not countenanced or supported.

UNFRIENDLINESS, n. Want of kindness; disfavor.


1. Not friendly; not kind or benevolent; as an unfriendly neighbor.

2. Not favorable; not adapted to promote or support any object; as weather unfriendly to health.

UNFROCK, v.t. To divest.

UNFROZEN, a. Not frozen; not congealed.

UNFRUGAL, a. Not frugal; not saving or economical.


1. Not producing fruit; barren; as an unfruitful tree.

2. Not producing off-spring; not prolific; barren; as an unfruitful female.

3. Not producing good effects or works; as an unfruitful life.

4. Unproductive; not fertile; as an unfruitful soil.

UNFRUITFULNESS, n. Barrenness; infecundity; unproductiveness; applied to persons or things.

UNFRUSTRABLE, a. That cannot be frustrated.

UNFULFILLED, a. Not fulfilled; not accomplished; as a prophecy or prediction unfulfilled.


1. Not fumigated.

2. Not exhaling smoke; not burnt.

UNFUNDED, a. Not funded; having no permanent funds for the payment of its interest; as an unfunded debt.

UNFURL, v.t. To loose and unfold; to expand; to open or spread; as, to unfurl sails.

UNFURLED, pp. Unfolded; expanded.

UNFURLING, ppr. Unfolding; spreading.


1. To strip of furniture; to divest; to strip.

2. To leave naked.


1. Not furnished; not supplied with furniture; as an unfurnished room or house.

2. Unsupplied with necessaries or ornaments.

3. Empty; not supplied.

UNFUSED, a. s as z. Not fused; not melted.

UNFUSIBLE, a. s as z. Infusible. [The latter word is generally used.]

UNGAINABLE, a. That cannot be gained. [Little used.]

UNGAINFUL, a. Unprofitable; not producing gain.

UNGAINLY, a. Not expert or dextrous; clumsy; awkward; uncouth; as an ungainly strut in walking.

[I believe ungain is not used.]

UNGALLED, a. Unhurt; not galled.

UNGARNISHED, a. Not garnished or furnished; unadorned.

UNGARRISONED, a. Not garrisoned; not furnished with troops for defense.

UNGARTERED, a. Being without garters.

UNGATHERED, a. Not gathered; not cropped; not picked.

UNGEAR, v.t. To unharness; to strip of gear.

UNGEARED, pp. Unharnessed.

UNGEARING, ppr. Stripping of harness or gear.

UNGENERATED, a. Having no beginning; unbegotten.

UNGENERATIVE, a. Begetting nothing.


1. Not of a noble mind; not liberal; applied to persons; as an ungenerous man or prince.

2. Not noble; not liberal; applied to things; as an ungenerous act.

3. Dishonorable; ignominious.

The victor never will impose on Cato ungen’rous terms.

UNGENEROUSLY, adv. Unkindly; dishonorably.

UNGENIAL, a. Not favorable to nature or to natural growth; as ungenial air; ungenial soils.

Sullen seas that was th’ ungenial pole.

UNGENTEEL, a. Not genteel; used of persons; not consistent with polite manners or good breeding; used of manners.

UNGENTEELLY, adv. Uncivilly; not with good manners.

UNGENTLE, a. Not gentle; harsh; rude.

UNGENTLEMANLIKE, a. Not like a gentleman.

UNGENTLEMANLY, a. Not becoming a gentleman.


1. Want of gentleness; harshness; severity; rudeness.

2. Unkindness; incivility.

UNGENTLY, adv. Harshly; with severity; rudely.