Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary



UNDULL, v.t. To remove dullness or obscurity; to clear; to purify. [Not used.]

UNDULY, adv.

1. Not according to duty or propriety.

2. Not in proper proportion; excessively. His strength was unduly exerted.

UNDURABLE, a. Not durable; not lasting. [Not in use.]

UNDUST, v.t. To free from dust. [Not in use.]

UNDUTEOUS, a. Not performing duty to parents and superiors; not obedient; as an unduteous child, apprentice or servant.

UNDUTIFUL, a. Not obedient; not performing duty; as an undutiful son or subject.

UNDUTIFULLY, adv. Not according to duty; in a disobedient manner.

UNDUTIFULNESS, n. Want of respect; violation of duty; disobedience; as the undutifulness of children or subjects.


1. Not dying; not perishing.

2. Not subject to death; immortal; as the undying souls of men.

UNEARNED, a. unern’ed. Not merited by labor or services.

Hoping heaven will bless thy slighted fruits, and give thee bread unearn’d.

UNEARTHED, a. unerth’ed. Driven from a den, cavern or burrow.

UNEARTHLY, a. unerth’ly. Not terrestrial.

UNEASILY, adv. s as z.

1. With uneasiness or pain.

He lives uneasily under the burden.

2. With difficulty; not readily.


1. A moderate degree of pain; restlessness; want of ease; disquiet.

2. Unquietness of mind; moderate anxiety or perturbation; disquietude.

3. That which makes uneasy or gives trouble; ruggedness; as the uneasiness of the road. [Unusual.]

UNEASY, a. s as z.

1. Feeling some degree of pain; restless; disturbed; unquiet. The patient is uneasy.

2. Giving some pain; as an uneasy garment.

3. Disturbed in mind; somewhat anxious; unquiet. He is uneasy respecting the success of his project.

The soul, uneasy and confin’d from home, rests and expatiates in a life to come.

4. Constraining; cramping; as uneasy rules.

5. Constrained; stiff; not graceful; not easy; as an uneasy deportment.

6. Giving some pain to others; disagreeable; unpleasing.

A sour, untractable nature makes him uneasy to those who approach him.

7. Difficult.

Things - so uneasy to be satisfactorily understood. [Not in use.]

UNEATABLE, a. Not eatable; not fit to be eaten.

UNEATEN, a. Not eaten; not devoured.

UNEATH, adv.

1. Not easily. [Not in use.]

2. Beneath; below. [Not in use. See Neither and Beneath.]

UNECLIPSED, a. Not eclipsed; not obscured.

UNEDIFYING, a. Not edifying; not improving to the mind.

UNEDUCATED, a. Not educated; illiterate.

UNEFFACED, a. Not effaced; not obliterated.

UNEFFECTUAL, a. Ineffectual. [The latter is the word now used.]

UNELASTIC, a. Not elastic; not having the property of recovering its original state, when bent or forced out of its form.

UNELATED, a. Not elated; not puffed up.

UNELBOWED, a. Not attended by any at the elbow.

UNELECTED, a. Not elected; not chosen; not preferred.

UNELEGANT, a. Not elegant. [Not used. See Inelegant.]

UNELIGIBLE, a. Not proper to be chosen; ineligible. [The latter is the word now used.]

UNEMANCIPATED, n. Not emancipated or liberated from slavery.

UNEMBALMED, a. Not embalmed.


1. Not embarrassed; not perplexed in mind; not confused. The speaker appeared unembarrassed.

2. Free from pecuniary difficulties or incumbrances. He or his property is unembarrassed.

3. Free from perplexing connection; as, the question comes before the court unembarrassed with irrelevant matter.

UNEMBITTERED, a. Not embittered; not aggravated.


1. Free from a corporeal body; as unembodied spirits.

2. Not embodied; not collected into a body; as embodied militia.

UNEMPHATIC, a. Having no emphasis.


1. Not employed; not occupied; not busy; at leisure; not engaged.

2. Not being in use; as unemployed capital or money.

UNEMPOWERED, a. Not empowered or authorized.

UNEMPTIABLE, a. Not to be emptied; inexhaustible. [Not in use.]

UNEMULATING, a. Not emulating; not striving to excel.

UNENCHANTED, a. Not enchanted; that cannot be enchanted.

UNENCUMBER, v.t. To free from incumbrance.


1. Disengaged from incumbrance.

2. a. Not encumbered; not burdened.


1. Not endowed; not furnished; not invested; as a man unendowed with virtues.

2. Not furnished with funds; as an unendowed college or hospital.

UNENDURING, a. Not lasting; of temporary duration.

UNENERVATED, a. Not enervated or weakened.


1. Not engaged; not bound by covenant or promise; free from obligation to a particular person; as, a lady is unengaged.

2. Free from attachment that binds; as, her affections are unengaged.

3. Unemployed; unoccupied; not busy.

4. Not appropriated; as unengaged revenues. [We generally say, unappropriated revenue or money.]

UNENGAGING, a. Not adapted to engage or win the attention or affections; not inviting.

UNENJOYED, a. Not enjoyed; not obtained; not possessed.

UNENJOYING, a. Not using; having no fruition.

UNENLARGED, a. Not enlarged; narrow.

UNENLIGHTENED, a. Not enlightened; not illuminated.

UNENSLAVED, a. Not enslaved; free.

UNENTANGLE, v.t. To free from complication or perplexity; to disentangle.


1. Disentangled;

2. a. Not entangled; not complicated; not perplexed.

UNENTERPRISING, a. Not enterprising; not adventurous.

UNENTERTAINING, a. Not entertaining or amusing; giving no delight.

UNENTERTAININGNESS, n. The quality of being unentertaining or dull.

UNENTHRALLED, a. Not enslaved; not reduced to thralldom.

UNENTOMBED, a. Not buried; not interred.

UNENVIED, a. Not envied; exempt from the envy of others.

UNENVIOUS, a. Not envious; free from envy.

UNEPITAPHED, a. Having no epitaph.

UNEQUABLE, a. Different from itself; different at different times; not uniform; diverse; as unequable motions; unequable months or seasons.

UNEQUAL, a. [L. inaequalis.]

1. Not equal; not even; not of the same size, length, breadth, quantity, etc.; as men of unequal stature; houses of unequal dimensions.

2. Not equal in strength, talents, acquirements, etc.; inferior.

3. Not equal in age or station; inferior.

4. Insufficient; inadequate. His strength is unequal to the task.

5. Partial; unjust; not furnishing equivalents to the different parties; as an unequal peace; an unequal bargain.

6. Disproportioned; ill matched.

Against unequal arms to fight in pain.

7. Not regular; not uniform; as unequal pulsations.

8. In botany, having the parts not corresponding in size, but in proportion only, as a corol; rugged, not even or smooth, as the surface of a leaf or stem.

An unequal leaf, is when the two halves separated by the mid-rib, are unequal in dimensions, and their bases not parallel; called also an oblique leaf.

UNEQUALABLE, a. Not to be equaled.

UNEQUALED, a. Not to be equaled; unparalleled; unrivaled; in a good or bad sense; as unequaled excellence; unequaled ingratitude or baseness.


1. Not equally; in different degrees; in disproportion to each other.

2. Not with like sentiments, temper or religious opinions or habits. 2 Corinthians 6:14.

UNEQUALNESS, n. State of being unequal; inequality.


1. Not equitable; not just.

2. Not impartial. [Inequitable is generally used.]


1. Not equivocal; not doubtful; clear; evident; as unequivocal evidence.

2. Not ambiguous; not of doubtful signification; not admitting different interpretations; as unequivocal words or expressions.

UNEQUIVOCALLY, adv. Without doubt; without room to doubt; plainly; with full evidence.

UNERRABLE, a. Incapable of erring; infallible.

UNERRABLENESS, n. Incapacity of error.


1. Committing no mistake; incapable of error; as, the unerring wisdom of God.

2. Incapable of failure; certain. He takes unerring aim.

UNERRINGLY, adv. Without mistake.

UNESCHEWABLE, a. Unavoidable. [Not in use.]

UNESPIED, a. Not espied; not discovered; not seen.

UNESSAYED, a. Not essayed; unattempted.


1. Not essential; not absolutely necessary; not of prime importance.

2. Not constituting the essence.

3. Void of real being; as unessential night.

UNESSENTIAL, n. Something not constituting essence, or not of absolute necessity. Forms are among the unessentials of religion.

UNESTABLISH, v.t. To unfix; to deprive of establishment. [Little used.]

UNESTABLISHED, a. Not established; not permanently fixed.

UNEVANGELICAL, a. Not orthodox; not according to the gospel.

UNEVEN, a. une’vn.

1. Not even; not level; as an uneven road or way; uneven ground.

2. Not equal; not of equal length.

Hebrew verse consists of uneven feet.

3. Not uniform; as an uneven temper.

UNEVENLY, adv. In an uneven manner.


1. Surface not level; inequality of surface; as the unevenness of ground or of roads.

2. Turbulence; change; want of uniformity; as the unevenness of king Edward’s reign. [Unusual.]

3. Want of uniformity; as unevenness of temper.

4. Want of smoothness.

UNEVITABLE, a. Not to be escaped; unavoidable. [The word now used is inevitable.]

UNEXACT, a. Not exact. [See Inexact, which is generally used.]

UNEXACTED, a. Not exacted; not taken by force.

UNEXAGGERATED, a. Not exaggerated.

UNEXAGGERATING, a. Not enlarging in description.

UNEXAMINABLE, a. Not to be examined or inquired into.


1. Not examined; not interrogated strictly; as a witness.

2. Not inquired into; not investigated; as a question.

3. Not discussed; not debated.

UNEXAMPLED, a. Having no example or similar case; having no precedent; unprecedented; unparalleled; as the unexampled love and sufferings of our Savior.

UNEXCEPTIONABLE, a. Not liable to any exception or objection; unobjectionable; as unexceptionable conduct; unexceptionable testimony.

UNEXCEPTIONABLENESS, n. State or quality of being unexceptionable.

UNEXCEPTIONABLY, adv. In a manner liable to no objection; as a point unexceptionably proved.

UNEXCISED, a. s as z. Not charged with the duty of excise.

UNEXCITED, a. Not excited; not roused.

UNEXCOGITABLE, a. Not to be found out. [Not in use.]

UNEXCOMMUNICATED, a. Not excommunicated.

UNEXCUSABLE, a. s as z. Not excusable. [We now use inexcusable.]