Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary



PANEGYRIZE, v.t. To praise highly; to write or pronounce an eulogy on.

PANEGYRIZE, v.i. To bestow praises.

PANEGYRIZED, pp. Highly praised or eulogized.

PANEGYRIZING, ppr. Praising highly; eulogizing.


1. A square piece of board, or other piece somewhat similar inserted between other pieces; as the panel of a door.

2. A piece of parchment or schedule, containing the names of persons summoned by the sheriff. Hence more generally,

3. The whole jury.

PANEL, v.t. To form with panels; as, to panel a wainscot.

PANELESS, a. Without panes of glass.

PANG, n. Extreme pain; anguish; agony of body; particularly, a sudden paroxysm of extreme pain, as in spasm, or childbirth. Isaiah 21:3.

I saw the hoary traitor,

Grin in the pangs of death, and bit the ground.

PANG, v.t. To torture; to give extreme pain to.

PANGOLIN, n. A species of Manis or scaly lizard, found only in Hindoostan.

PANIC, n. A sudden fright; particularly, a sudden fright without real cause, or terror inspired by a trifling cause or misapprehension of danger; as, the troops were seized with a panic; they fled in a panic.

PANIC, a. Extreme or sudden; applied to fright; as panic fear.
PANIC, n. [L. panicum.] A plant and its grain, of the genus Panicum. The grain or seed is like millet, and it is cultivated in some parts of Europe for bread.

PANIC-GRASS, n. A plant of the genus Panicum.

PANICLE, n. [L. panicula, down upon reeds, cat’s tail, allied to L. pannus, cloth.] In botany, a species of inflorescence, in which the flowers or fruits are scattered on peduncles variously subdivided, as in oats and some of the grasses. The panicle is of various kinds, as the dense or close, the spiked, the squeezed, the spreading, the diffused, the divaricating.

PANICLED, a. Furnished with panicles.

PANICULATE, PANICULATED, a. Having branches variously subdivided; as a paniculate stem.

1. Having the flowers in panicles; as a paniculate inflorescence.

PANNADE, n. The curvet of a horse. [See Panic.]

PANNAGE, n. [from L. panis.] The food of swine in the woods; as beach nuts, acorns, etc. called also pawns; also, the money taken by agistors for the mast of the king’s forest.

PANNEL, n. [L. pannus, cloth.] A kind of rustic saddle.

1. The stomach of a hawk.

PANNELLATION, n. The act of impanneling a jury. [Not used.]

PANNIER, n. pan’yer. [L. panis, bread.] A wicker basket; primarily, a bread-basket, but used for carrying fruit or other things on a horse.

PANNIKEL, n. The brain pan or skull. [Not in use.]

PANOPLY, n. [Gr. all, and arms.] Complete armor or defense.

We had need to take the christian panoply, to put on the whole armor of God.

PANORAMA, n. [Gr. all, and view, to see.] Complete or entire view; a circular painting having apparently no beginning or end, from the center of which the spectator may have a complete view of the objects presented.

PANSOPHICAL, a. [See Pansophy.] Pretending to have a knowledge of every thing.

PANSOPHY, n. [Gr. all, and wisdom.] Universal wisdom or knowledge. [Little used.]

PANSY, n. A plant and flower of the genus Viola; the viola tricolor, or garden violet.

PANT, v.i.

1. To palpitate; to beat with preternatural violence or rapidity, as the heart in terror, or after hard labor, or in anxious desire or suspense.

Yet might her piteous heart be seen to pant and quake.

2. To have the breast heaving, as in short respiration or want of breath.

Pluto pants for breath from out his cell.

3. To play with intermission or declining strength.

The whispering breeze

Pants on the leaves and dies upon the trees.

4. To long; to desire ardently.

Who pants for glory, finds but short repose.

As the heart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. Psalm 42:1.

P`ANT, n. Palpitation of the heart.


1. A garment for males in which breeches and stockings are in a piece; a species of close long trowsers extending to the heels.

2. A character in the Italian comedy, and a buffoon in pantomimes; so called from his close dress.

PANTER, n. One that pants.

PANTER, n. A net.

PANTESS, n. [from pant.] The difficulty of breathing in a hawk.

PANTHEISM, n. [Gr. all, and God, whence theism.] The doctrine that the universe is God, or the system of theology in which it is maintained that the universe is the supreme God.

PANTHEIST, n. One that believes the universe to be God; a name given to the followers of Spinosa.

The earliest Grecian pantheist of whom we read is Orpheus.

PANTHEISTIC, PANTHEISTICAL, n. Pertaining to pantheism; confounding God with the universe.

PANTHEON, n. [Gr. all, and God.] A temple or magnificent edifice at Rome, dedicated to all the gods. It is now converted into a church. It was built or embellished by Agrippa, son-in-law to Augustus, is of a round or cylindrical form, with a spherical dome, and 144 feet in diameter.

PANTHER, n. [L. from Gr.] A fierce, ferocious quadruped of the genus Felis, of the size of a large dog, with short hair, of a yellow color, diversified with roundish black spots. This animal is carnivorous, and will climb trees in pursuit of small animals. It is a native of Africa. The name is also applied to other species of the genus.

PANTILE, n. A gutter tile.

PANTING, ppr. [See Pant.] Palpitating; breathing with a rapid succession of inspirations and expirations; longing.

P`ANTING, n. Palpitation; rapid breathing; longing.

PANTINGLY, adv. With palpitation or rapid breathing.

PANTLER, n. [L. panis, bread.] The officer in a great family who has charge of the bread.

PANTOFLE, n. A slipper for the foot.

PANTOGRAPH, n. [Gr. all, and to describe.] A mathematical instrument so formed as to copy any sort of drawing or design.

PANTOGRAPHIC, PANTOGRAPHICAL, a. Pertaining to a pantograph; performed by a pantograph.

PANTOGRAPHY, n. General description; view of an entire thing.

PANTOMETER, n. [Gr. all, and to measure.] An instrument for measuring all sorts of elevations, angles and distances.

PANTOMETRIC, PANTOMETRICAL, a. Pertaining to a pantometer; performed by a pantometer.

PANTOMIME, n. [L. pantomimus; Gr. all, and a mimic.]

1. One that imitates all sorts of actions and characters without speaking; one that expresses his meaning by mute action. The pantomimes of antiquity used to express in gestures and action, whatever the chorus sung, changing their countenance and behavior as the subject of the song varied.

2. A scene or representation in dumb show.

3. A species of musical entertainment.

PANTOMIME, a. Representing only in mute action.

PANTOMIMIC, PANTOMIMICAL, a. Pertaining to the pantomime; representing characters and actions by dumb show.

PANTON, PANTON-SHOE, n. [L. pando, to open.] A horse shoe contrived to recover a narrow and hoof-bound heel.

PANTRY, n. [L. panarium, from panis, bread.] An apartment or closet in which provisions are kept.

PANURGY, n. [Gr. all, and work.] Skill in all kinds or work or business; craft.

PAP, n. [L. papilla.] A nipple of the breast; a teat.

PAP, n. [Low L. papa.]

1. A soft food for infants, made with bread boiled or softened with water.

2. The pulp of fruit.

PAP, v.t. To feed with pap.

PAPA, n. [L. papa.] Father; a word with us used by children.


1. The office and dignity of the pope or bishop of Rome; popedom.

2. Papal authority.

PAPAL, a. Belonging to the pope or pontiff of Rome; popish; as papal authority; the papal chair.

1. Proceeding from the pope; as a papal license or indulgence; a papal edict.

2. Annexed to the bishopric of Rome.

PAPALIN, n. A papist. [Not used.]

PAPAVEROUS, a. [L. papavereus, from papaver, a poppy.]

Resembling the poppy; of the nature or qualities of poppies.

PAPAW, n. The carica papaya, a tree growing in warm climates to the highth of eighteen or twenty feet, with a soft herbaceous stem, naked nearly to the top, where the leaves issue on every side on long foot-stalks. Between the leaves grow the flower and the fruit, which is of the size of a melon. The juice is acrid and milky, but the fruit when boiled is eaten with meat, like other vegetables.

1. The papaw of North America belongs to the genus Annona or custard apple.

PAPE, n. The pope.

PAPER, n. [L. papyrus, the name of an Egyptian plant, from which was made a kind of paper.]

1. A substance formed into thin sheets on which letters and figures are written or printed. Paper is made of different materials; but among us it is usually made of linen or cotton rags. A fine paper is made of silk, particularly for bank-notes, which require to be very thin.

2. A piece of paper.

3. A single sheet printed or written; as a daily paper; a weekly paper; a periodical paper; referring to essays, journals, newspapers, etc.

4. Any written instrument, whether note, receipt, bill, invoice, bond, memorial, deed, and the like. The papers lie on the speaker’s table.

They brought a paper to me to be signed.

5. A promissory note or notes or a bill of exchange; as negotiable paper.

6. Hangings printed or stamped; paper for covering the walls of rooms.

PAPER, a. Made of paper; consisting of paper.

1. Thin; slight; as a paper wall.

PAPER, v.t. To cover with paper; to furnish with paper hangings; as, to paper a room or a house.

1. To register. [Not used.]

2. To fold or inclose in paper.

PAPER-CREDIT, n. Evidences of debt; promissory notes, etc. passing current in commercial transactions.

1. Notes or bills emitted by public authority, promising the payment of money. The revolution in N. America was carried on by means of paper-credit.

PAPER-FACED, a. Having a face as white as paper.

PAPER-KITE, n. A light frame covered with paper for flying in the air like a kite.

PAPER-MAKER, n. One that manufactures paper.

PAPER-MILL, n. A mill in which paper is manufactured.

PAPER-MONEY, n. Notes or bills issued by authority, and promising the payment of money, circulated as the representative of coin. We apply the word to notes or bills issued by a state or by a banking corporation; rarely or never to private notes or bills of exchange, though the latter may be included.

PAER-STAINER, n. One that stains, colors or stamps paper for hangings.

PAPESCENT, a. [from pap.] Containing pap; having the qualities of pap.

PAPESS, n. A female pope.

PAPIL, n. [L. papilla.] A small pap or nipple.

PAPILIO, n. [L.] A butterfly. In zoology a genus of insects of numerous species. These insects are produced from the caterpillar. The chrysalis is the tomb of the caterpillar and the cradle of the butterfly.

PAPILIONACEOUS, a. Resembling the butterfly; a term in botany, used to describe the corols of plants which have the shape of a butterfly, such as that of the pea. The papilionaceous plants are of the leguminous kind.

The papilionaceous corol is usually four-petaled, having an upper spreading petal, called the banner, two side petals called wings, and a lower petal called the keel.

PAPILLARY, PAPILLOUS, a. Pertaining to the pap or nipple; resembling the nipple; covered with papils.

PAPILLATE, v.i. To grow into a nipple.

PAPILLOSE, a. Nipply; covered with fleshy dots or points; verrucose; warty; as a papillose leaf.

Covered with soft tubercles, as the ice-plant.

PAPISM, n. Popery.

PAPIST, n. A Roman catholic; one that adheres to the church of Rome and the authority of the pope.

PAPISTIC, PAPISTICAL, a. Popish; pertaining to popery; adherent to the church of Rome and its doctrines and ceremonies.

PAPISTRY, n. Popery; the doctrines and ceremonies of the church of Rome.

PAPIZED, a. Conformed to popery.

PAPPOUS, a. [from L. pappus.] Downy; furnished with a pappus, as the seeds of certain plants, such as thistles, dandelions, etc.

PAPPUS, n. [L. from Gr. an old man or grandfather, hence a substance resembling gray hairs.] The soft downy substance that grows on the seeds of certain plants, as on those of the thistle.

PAPPY, a. [from pap.] Like pap; soft; succulent.

PAPULAE, n. [L.] Pimples; blisters; eruptions on the skin.

PAPULOSE, a. Covered with vesicular points or with little blisters; as a papulose leaf.

PAPULOUS, a. Full of pimples or pustules.

PAPYRUS, n. [L.] An Egyptian plant, a kind of reed, of which the ancients made paper.

PAR, n. [L. par, equal, paro.]

1. State of equality; equal value; equivalence without discount or premium. Bills of exchange are at par, above par, or below par. Bills are at par, when they are sold at their nominal amount for coin or its equivalent.

2. Equality in condition.

PARABLE, n. [L. parabilis.] Easily procured. [Not used.]

PARABLE, n. [L. parabola; Gr. to throw forward or against, to compare to or against; as in confero, collatum, to set together, or one thing with another.] A fable or allegorical relation or representation of something real in life or nature, from which a moral is drawn for instruction; such as the parable of the trees choosing a king, Judges 9:7-20.; the parable of the poor man and his lamb. 2 Samuel 12:1-14.; the parable of the ten virgins, Matthew 25:1-13.
PARABLE, v.t. To represent by fiction or fable.

PARABOLA, n. [L. See Parable.] A conic section arising from cutting a cone by a plane parallel to one of its sides, or parallel to a plane that touches one of its sides.

PARABOLE, n. parab’oly. [See Parable.] In oratory, similitude; comparison.

PARABOLIC, PARABOLICAL, a. Expressed by parable or allegorical representation; as parabolical instruction or description.

1. [from parabola.] Having the form of a parabola; as a parabolic curve.

PARABOLICALLY, adv. By way of parable.

1. In the form of a parabola.

PARABOLIFORM, a. Having the form of a parabola.

PARABOLISM, n. [from parabola.] In algebra, the division of the terms of an equation by a known quantity that is involved or multiplied in the first term.

PARABOLOID, n. [Gr. form.] In geometry, a paraboliform curve whose ordinates are supposed to be in the subtriplicate, subquadruplicate, etc., ratio of their respective abscissae. Another species is when the parameter multiplied into the square of the abscissae, is equal to the cube of the ordinate. The curve is then called a semi-cubical paraboloid.

A parabolic conoid. [See Conoid.]

PARACELSIAN, n. A physician who follows the practice of Paracelsus, a Swiss physician of celebrity, who lived at the close of the fifteenth century.

PARACELSIAN, a. Denoting the medical practice of Paracelsus.

PARACENTESIS, PARACENTESY, n. [Gr. through, and to pierce.] The operation in surgery called tapping.

PARACENTRIC, PARACENTRICAL, a. [Gr. beyond, and center.] Deviating from circularity.

PARACHRONISM, n. [Gr. beyond, and time.] An error in chronology; a mistake in regard to the true date of an event.

PARACHUTE, n. [Gr. against.] In aerostation, an instrument to prevent the rapidity of descent.

PARACLETE, n. [Gr. to call.] Properly, an advocate; one called to aid or support; hence, the consoler, comforter or intercessor, a term applied to the Holy Spirit.

PARADE, n. [L. paro.]

1. In military affairs, the place where troops assemble for exercise, mounting guard or other purpose.

2. Show; ostentation; display.

Be rich, but of your wealth make no parade.

3. Pompous procession.

The rites performed, the parson paid,

In state return’d the grand parade.

4. Military order; array; as warlike parade.

5. State of preparation or defense.

6. The action of parrying a thrust.

PARADE, v.t. To assemble and array or marshal in military order. The general gave orders to parade the troops. The troops were paraded at the usual hour.

1. To exhibit in a showy or ostentatious manner.

PARADE, v.i. To assemble and be marshaled in military order.

1. To go about in military procession.

2. To walk about for show.

PARADED, pp. Assembled and arrayed.

PARADIGM, n. par’adim. [Gr. example, to show.] An example; a model. In grammar, an example of a verb conjugated in the several modes, tenses and persons.