Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary


GOARISH, a. Patched; mean.

GOAT, n. An animal or quadruped of the genus Capra. The horns are hollow, turned upwards, erect and scabrous. Goats are nearly of the size of sheep, but stronger, less timid and more agile. They delight to frequent rocks and mountains, and subsist on scanty coarse food. The milk of the goat is sweet, nourishing and medicinal, and the flesh furnishes provisions to the inhabitants of countries where they abound.

GOAT-CHAFFER, n. An insect, a kind of beetle.

GOATFISH, n. A fish of the Mediterranean.

GOATHERD, n. One whose occupation is to tend goats.

GOATISH, a. Resembling a goat in any quality; of a rank smell.

1. Lustful.

GOAT-MILKER, n. A kind or owl, so called from sucking goats.

GOAT’S-BEARD, n. In botany, a plant of the genus Tragopogon.

GOATSKIN, n. The skin of a goat.

GOAT’S-RUE, n. A plant of the genus Galega.

GOAT’S-STONES, n. The greater goat’s stones is the Satyrium; the lesser, the Orchis.

GOAT’S-THORN, n. A plant of the genus Astragalus.

GOAT-SUCKER, n. In ornithology, a fowl of the genus Caprimulgus, so called from the opinion that it would suck goats. It is called also the fern-owl. In Bailey, it is called a goat-milker.

GOB, n. [Heb. a hill, a boss.] A little mass or collection; a mouthful. [A low word.]

GOBBET, n. A mouthful; a lump.

GOBBET, v.t. To swallow in large masses or mouthfuls. [A low word.]

GOBBLE, v.t. To swallow in large pieces; to swallow hastily.

GOBBLE, v.i. To make a noise in the throat, as a turkey.

GOBBLER, n. One who swallows in haste; a greedy eater; a gormandizer.

1. A name sometimes given to the turkey cock.

GOBLET, n. A kind of cup or drinking vessel without a handle.

We love not loaded boards, and goblets crown’d.


1. An evil spirit; a walking spirit; a frightful phantom.

To whom the goblin, full of wrath, replied.

2. A fairy; an elf.

GOD, n.

1. The Supreme Being; Jehovah; the eternal and infinite spirit, the creator, and the sovereign of the universe.

God is a spirit; and they that worship him, must worship him in spirit and in truth. John 4:24.

2. A false god; a heathen deity; an idol.

Fear not the gods of the Amorites. Judges 6:10.

3. A prince; a ruler; a magistrate or judge; an angel.

Thou shalt not revile the gods, nor curse the ruler of thy people. Exodus 22:28; Psalm 97:7, 9.

[Gods here is a bad translation.]

4. Any person or thing exalted too much in estimation, or deified and honored as the chief good.

Whose god is their belly. Philippians 3:19.

GOD, v.t. To deify. [Not used.]

GODCHILD, n. [god and child.] One for whom a person becomes sponsor at baptism, and promises to see educated as a christian.

GODDAUGHTER, n. [god and daughter.] A female for whom one becomes sponsor at baptism. [See Godfather.]

GODDESS, n. A female deity; a heathen deity of the female sex.

When the daughter of Jupiter presented herself among a crowd of goddesses, she was distinguished by her graceful stature and superior beauty.

1. In the language of love, a woman of superior charms or excellence.

GODDESSLIKE, a. Resembling a goddess.

GODFATHER, n. The man who is sponsor for a child at baptism, who promises to answer for his future conduct and that he shall follow a life of piety, by this means laying himself under an indispensable obligation to instruct the child and watch over his conduct. This practice is of high antiquity in the christian church, and was probably intended to prevent children from being brought up in idolatry, in case the parents died before the children had arrived to years of discretion. In the catholic church the number of godfathers and godmothers is reduced to two; in the church of England, to three; but formerly the number was not limited.

GODF`ATHER, v.t. To act as godfather; to take under one’s fostering care.

GODHEAD, n. god’hed.

1. Godship; deity; divinity; divine nature or essence; applied to the true God, and to heathen deities.

2. A deity in person; a god or goddess.

GODLESS, a. Having no reverence for God; impious; ungodly; irreligious; wicked.

1. Atheistical; having no belief in the existence of God.

GODLESSNESS, n. The state of being impious or irreligious.

GODLIKE, a. Resembling God; divine.

1. Resembling a deity, or heathen divinity.

2. Of superior excellence; as godlike virtue; a godlike prince.

GODLILY, adv. Piously; righteously.

GODLINESS, n. [from godly.] Piety; belief in God, and reverence for his character and laws.

1. A religious life; a careful observance of the laws of God and performance of religious duties, proceeding from love and reverence for the divine character and commands; christian obedience.

Godliness is profitable unto all things. 1 Timothy 4:8.

2. Revelation; the system of christianity.

Without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness;

God was manifest in the flesh. 1 Timothy 3:16.

GODLING, n. A little deity; a diminutive god; as a puny godling.

GODLY, a. [god-like] Pious; reverencing God, and his character and laws.

1. Living in obedience to God’s commands, from a principle of love to him and reverence of his character and precepts; religious; righteous; as a godly person.

2. Pious; conformed to God’s law; as a godly life.

GODLY, adv. Piously; righteously.

All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. 2 Timothy 3:12.

GODLYHEAD, n. Goodness.

GODMOTHER, n. [god and mother.] A woman who becomes sponsor for a child in baptism.

GODSHIP, n. Deity; divinity; the rank or character of a god.

O’er hills and dales their godships came.

GODSMITH, n. A maker of idols.

GODSON, n. One for whom another has been sponsor at the font.

GOD SPEED, n. God speed, that is success. 2 John 10.

GOD’S-PENNY, n. An earnest-penny.

GODWARD. Toward God. [An ill-formed word.]

GODWIT, n. A fowl of the grallic order and genus Scolopax. It has a bill four inches long; the feathers on the head, neck and back are of a light reddish brown; those on the belly white, and the tail is regularly barred with black and white. This fowl frequents fens and the banks of rivers, and its flesh is esteemed a great delicacy.

GODYELD, GODYIELD, adv. [Supposed to be contracted from good or god, and shield.] A term of thanks.

GOEL, a. Yellow.

GOER, n. [from go.] One that goes; a runner or walker; one that has a gait good or bad.

1. One that transacts business between parties; in an ill sense.

2. A foot.

3. A term applied to a horse; as a good goer; a safe goer. [Unusual in the U. States.]

GOETY, n. Invocation of evil spirits. [Not in use.]

GOFF, n. A foolish clown; also, a game. [See Golf.]

GOFFISH, a. Foolish; stupid.

GOG, n. Haste; ardent desire to go.

GOGGLE, v.i. [L. celo; or from gog.]

To strain or roll the eyes.

And wink and goggle like an owl.

GOGGLE, a. Having full eyes; staring.
GOGGLE, n. A strained or affected rolling of the eye.

GOGGLED, a. Prominent; staring, as the eye.

GOGGLE-EYE, n. A rolling or staring eye.

GOGGLE-EYED, a. Having prominent, distorted or rolling eyes.

GOGGLES, n. plu.

1. In surgery, instruments used to cure squinting, or the distortion of the eyes which occasions it.

2. Cylindrical tubes, in which are fixed glasses for defending the eyes from cold, dust, etc. and sometimes with colored glasses to abate the intensity of light.

3. Blinds for horses that are apt to take fright.

GOING, ppr. [from go.] Moving; walking; traveling; turning; rolling; flying; sailing, etc.

GOING, n. The act of moving in any manner.

1. The act of walking.

2. Departure.

3. Pregnancy.

4. Procedure; way; course of life; behavior; deportment; used chiefly in the plural.

His eyes are on the ways of man, and he seeeth all his goings. Job 34:21.

5. Procedure; course of providential agency or government.

They have seen thy goings, O God; even the goings of my God, my King, in the sanctuary. Psalm 68:24.

Going out,

Goings out, In scripture, utmost extremity or limit; the point where an extended body terminates. Numbers 34:5, 9.

1. Departure or journeying. Numbers 33:2.

GOITER, n. The bronchocele; a large tumor that forms gradually on the human throat between the trachea and the skin.

The inhabitants of this part of the Valais are subject to goiters.

GOITROUS, a. Pertaining to the goiter; partaking of the nature of bronchocele.

1. Affected with bronchocele.

Let me not be understood as insinuating that the inhabitants in general are either goitrous or idiots.

GOLA, n. In architecture, the same as cymatium.

GOLD, n.

1. A precious metal of a bright yellow color, and the most ductile and malleable of all the metals. It is the heaviest metal except platina; and being a very dense, fixed substance, and not liable to be injured by air, it is well fitted to be used as coin, or a representative of commodities in commerce. Its ductility and malleability render it the most suitable metal for gilding. It is often found native in solid masses, as in Hungary and Peru; though generally in combination with silver, copper or iron.

2. Money.

For me, the gold of France did not seduce--

3. Something pleasing or valuable; as a heart of gold.

4. A bright yellow color; as a flower edged with gold.

5. Riches; wealth.

Gold of pleasure, a plant of the genus Myagrum.

GOLD, a. Made of gold; consisting of gold; as a gold chain.

GOLDBEATEN, a. Gilded. [Little used.]

GOLDBEATER, n. One whose occupation is to beat or foliate gold for gilding.

Goldbeater’s skin, the intestinum rectum of an ox, which goldbeaters lay between the leaves of the metal while they beat it, whereby the membrane is reduced very thin, and made fit to be applied to cuts and fresh wounds.

GOLDBOUND, a. Encompassed with gold.

GOLD COAST, n. In geography, the coast of Africa where gold is found; being a part of the coast of Guinea.

GOLDEN, a. goldn. Made of gold; consisting of gold.

1. Bright; shining; splendid; as the golden sun.

Reclining soft on many a golden cloud.

2. Yellow; of a gold color; as a golden harvest; golden fruit.

3. Excellent; most valuable; as the golden rule.

4. Happy; pure; as the golden age, the age of simplicity and purity of manners.

5. Preeminently favorable or auspicious.

Let not slip the golden opportunity.

Golden number, in chronology, a number showing the year of the moon’s cycle.

Golden rule, in arithmetic, the rule of three or rule of proportion.

GOLDEN-CUPS, n. A plant, the Ranunculus.

GOLDEN-LUNGWORT, n. A plant of the genus Hieracium.

GOLDENLY, adv. Splendidly; delightfully. [Not used.]

GOLDENMAIDENHAIR, n. A plant of the genus Polytrichum.

GOLDEN-MOUSEEAR, n. A plant of the genus Hieracium.

GOLDENROD, n. A plant, the Solidago.

GOLDENROD-TREE, n. A plant, the Bosea.

GOLDEN-SAMPHIRE, n. A plant, the Inula crithmifolia.

GOLDEN-SAXIFRAGE, n. A plant, the Chrysosplenium.

GOLDEN-THISTLE, n. A plant of the genus Scolymus.

GOLDFINCH, n. The Fringilla carduelis, a bird so named from the color of its wings.

GOLD-FINDER, n. One who finds gold; one who empties jakes. [Not much used.]

GOLDFISH, GOLDENFISH, n. A fish of the genus Cyprinus, of the size of a pilchard, so named from its bright color. These fishes are bred by the Chinese, in small ponds, in basons or porcelain vessels, and kept for ornament.

GOLD-HAMMER, n. A kind of bird.

GOLD-HILTED, a. Having a golden hilt.

GOLDING, n. A sort of apple.

GOLDLACE, n. A lace wrought with gold.

GOLDLACED, a. Trimmed with gold lace.

GOLDLEAF, n. Gold foliated or beaten into a thin leaf.

GOLDNEY, n. A fish, the gilthead.

GOLD-PLEASURE, for gold of pleasure, a plant of the genus Myagrum.

GOLD-PROOF, a. Proof against bribery or temptation by money.

GOLD-SIZE, n. A size or glue for burnishing gilding.

GOLDSMITH, n. An artisan who manufactures vessels and ornaments of gold and silver.

1. A banker; one who manages the pecuniary concerns of others. [Goldsmiths were formerly bankers in England, but in America the practice does not exist, nor is the word used in this sense.]

GOLDTHREAD, n. A thread formed of flatted gold laid over a thread of silk, by twisting it with a wheel and iron bobbins.

1. A plant, the Helleborus trifolius; so called from its fibrous yellow roots.

GOLDWIRE, n. An ingot of silver, superficially covered with gold and drawn through small round holes.

GOLDYLOCKS, n. A name given to certain plants of the genera Chrysocoma and Gnaphalium.

GOLF, n. A game with ball and bat, in which he who drives the ball into a hole with the fewest strokes is the winner.

GOLL, n. [Gr. a cavity, and the hollow of the hand.]

Hands; paws; claws. [Not in use or local.]

GOLOE-SHOE, n. An over-shoe; a shoe worn over another to keep the foot dry.

GOM, n. A man.

GONDOLA, n. A flat-bottomed boat, very long and narrow, used at Venice in Italy on the canals. A gondola of middle size is about thirty feet long and four broad, terminating at each end in a sharp point or peak rising to the highth of a man. It is usually rowed by two men, called gondoliers, who propel the boat by pushing the oars. The gondola is also used in other parts of Italy for a passage boat.

GONDOLIER, n. A man who rows a gondola.

GONE, pp. of go; pronounced nearly gawn.

1. Departed.

It was told Solomon that Shimei had gone from Jerusalem to Gath. 1 Kings 2:41.

2. Advanced; forward in progress; with far, farther, or further; as a man far gone in intemperance.

3. Ruined; undone. Exert yourselves, or we are gone.

4. Past; as, these happy days are gone; sometimes with by. Those times are gone by.

5. Lost.

When her masters saw that the hope of their gains were gone, - Acts 16:19.

6. Departed from life; deceased; dead.

GONFALON, GONFANON, n. [L. pannus, cloth.] An ensign or standard; colors.

GONFALONIER, n. A chief standard bearer.

GONG, n. A privy or jakes.

1. An instrument made of brass, of a circular form, which the Asiatics strike with a wooden mallet.