Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary



DISPURVEY, v.t. To unprovide. [Not in use.]

DISPURVEYANCE, n. Want of provisions. [Not in use.]

DISPUTABLE, a. [See Dispute.] That may be disputed; liable to be called in question, controverted or contested; controvertible; of doubtful certainty. We speak of disputable opinions, statements, propositions, arguments, points, cases, questions, etc.

DISPUTANT, n. One who disputes; one who argues in opposition to another; a controvertist; a reasoner in opposition.

DISPUTANT, a. Disputing; engaged in controversy.


1. The act of disputing; a reasoning or argumentation in opposition to something, or on opposite sides; controversy in words; verbal contest, respecting the truth of some fact, opinion, proposition or argument.

2. An exercise in colleges, in which parties reason in opposition to each other, on some question proposed.

DISPUTATIOUS, a. Inclined to dispute; apt to cavil or controvert; as a disputatious person or temper.

The Christian doctrine of a future life was no recommendation of the new religion to the wits and philosophers of that disputatious period.

DISPUTATIVE, a. Disposed to dispute; inclined to cavil or to reason in opposition; as a disputative temper.

DISPUTE, v.i. [L. Dispute is radically very similar to debate and discuss, both of which are from beating, driving, agitation.]

1. To contend in argument; to reason or argue in opposition; to debate; to altercate; and to dispute violently is to wrangle. Paul disputed with the Jews int he synagogue. The disciples of Christ disputed among themselves who should be the greatest. Men often dispute about trifles.

2. To strive or contend in opposition in a competitor; as, we disputed for the prize.


1. To attempt to disprove by arguments or statements; to attempt to prove to be false, unfounded or erroneous; to controvert; to attempt to overthrow by reasoning. We dispute assertions, opinions, arguments or statements, when we endeavor to prove them false or unfounded. We dispute the validity of a title or claim. Hence to dispute a cause or case with another, is to endeavor to maintain ones own opinions or claims, and to overthrow those of his opponent.

2. To strive or contend for, either by words or actions; as, to dispute the honor of the day; to dispute a prize. But this phrase is elliptical, being used for dispute for, and primarily the verb is intransitive. See the Intransitive Verb, No. 2.

3. To call in question the propriety of; to oppose by reasoning. An officer is never to dispute the orders of his superior.

4. To strive to maintain; as, to dispute every inch of ground.


1. Strife or contest in words or by arguments; an attempt to prove and maintain ones own opinions or claims, by arguments or statements, in opposition to the opinions, arguments or claims of another; controversy in words. They had a dispute on the lawfulness of slavery, a subject which, one would think, could admit of no dispute.

Dispute is usually applied to verbal contest; controversy may be in words or writing.

Dispute is between individuals; debate and discussion are applicable to public bodies.

2. The possibility of being controverted; as in the phrase, this is a fact, beyond all dispute.

DISPUTED, pp. Contested; opposed by words or arguments; litigated.

DISPUTELESS, a. Admitting no dispute; incontrovertible.

DISPUTER, n. One who disputes, or who is given to disputes; a controvertist.

Where is the disputer of this world. 1 Corinthians 1:20.

DISPUTING, ppr. Contending by words or arguments; controverting.

DISPUTING, n. The act of contending by words or arguments; controversy; altercation.

Do all things without murmurings or disputings. Philippians 2:14.

DISQUALIFICATION, n. [See Disqualify.]

1. The act of disqualifying; or that which disqualifies; that which renders unfit, unsuitable or inadequate; as, sickness is a disqualification for labor or study.

2. The act of depriving of legal power or capacity; that which renders incapable; that which incapacitates in law; disability. Conviction of a crime is a disqualification for office.

3. Want of qualification. It is used in this sense, though improperly. In strictness, disqualification implies a previous qualification; but careless writers use it for the want of qualification, where no previous qualification is supposed. Thus, I must still retain the consciousness of those disqualifications, which you have been pleased to overlook.

DISQUALIFIED, pp. Deprived of qualifications; rendered unfit.

DISQUALIFY, v.t. [dis and qualify.]

1. To make unfit; to deprive of natural power, or the qualities or properties necessary for any purpose; with for. Indisposition disqualifies the body for labor, and the mind for study. Piety disqualifies a person for no lawful employment.

2. To deprive of legal capacity, power or right; to disable. A conviction of perjury disqualifies a man for a witness. A direct interest in a suit disqualifies a person to be a juror in the cause.

DISQUALIFYING, ppr. Rendering unfit; disabling.

DISQUANTITY, v.t. To diminish. [Not in use.]

DISQUIET, a. [dis and quiet.] Unquiet; restless; uneasy. [Seldom used.]

DISQUIET, n. Want of quiet; uneasiness; restlessness; want of tranquility in body or mind; disturbance; anxiety.
DISQUIET, v.t. To disturb; to deprive of peace, rest or tranquility; to make uneasy or restless; to harass the body; to fret or vex the mind.

That he may disquiet the inhabitants of Babylon. Jeremiah 50:34.

Why hast thou disquieted me. 1 Samuel 28:15.

O my soul, why art thou disquieted within me? Psalm 42:11.

DISQUIETED, pp. Made uneasy or restless; disturbed; harassed.

DISQUIETER, n. One who disquiets; he or that which makes uneasy.

DISQUIETFUL, a. Producing inquietude.


1. Disturbing; making uneasy; depriving of rest or peace.

2. a. Tending to disturb the mind; as disquieting apprehensions.

DISQUIETLY, adv. Without quiet or rest; in an uneasy state; uneasily; anxiously; as, he rested disquietly that night. [Unusual.]

DISQUIETNESS, n. Uneasiness; restlessness; disturbance of peace in body or mind.

DISQUIETOUS, a. Causing uneasiness. [Not used.]

DISQUIETUDE, n. Want of peace or tranquility; uneasiness; disturbance; agitation; anxiety. It is, I believe, most frequently used of the mind.

Religion is our best security from the disquietudes that embitter life.

DISQUISITION, n. [L., to seek.] A formal or systematic inquiry into any subject, by arguments, or discussion of the facts and circumstances that may elucidate truth; as a disquistion on government or morals; a disquistion concerning the antediluvian earth. [It is usually applied to a written treatise.]


1. To degrade from rank. [Not used.]

2. To throw out of rank or into confusion.

DISREGARD, n. [dis and regard.] Neglect; omission of notice; slight; implying indifference or some degree of contempt; as, to pass one with disregard.

DISREGARD, v.t. To omit to take notice of; to neglect to observe; to slight as unworthy of regard or notice.

Studious of good, man disregarded fame.

We are never to disregard the wants of the poor, nor the admonitions of conscience.

DISREGARDED, pp. Neglected; slighted; unnoticed.

DISREGARDFUL, a. Neglectful; negligent; heedless.

DISREGARDFULLY, adv. Negligently; heedlessly.

DISRELISH, n. [dis and relish.]

1. Distaste; dislike of the palate; some degree of disgust. Men generally have a disrelish for tobacco, till the taste is reconciled to it by custom.

2. Bad taste; nauseousness.

3. Distaste or dislike, in a figurative sense; dislike of the mind, or of the faculty by which beauty and excellence are perceived.


1. To dislike the taste of; as, to disrelish a particular kind of food.

2. To make nauseous or disgusting; to infect with a bad taste. [In this sense, I believe, the word is little used.]

3. To dislike; to feel some disgust at; as, to disrelish vulgar jests.

DISRELISHED, pp. Not relished; disliked; made nauseous.

DISRELISHING, ppr. Disliking the taste of; experiencing disgust at; rendering nauseous.

DISREPUTABLE, a. [dis and reputable.]

1. Not reputable; not in esteem; not honorable; low; mean; as disreputable company.

2. Dishonorable; disgracing the reputation; tending to impair the good name, and bring into disesteem. It is disreputable to associate familiarly with the mean, the lewd and the profane.

DISREPUTATION, n. [dis and reputation.] Loss or want of reputation or good name; disrepute; disesteem; dishonor; disgrace; discredity. Ill success often brings an enterprising man, as well as his project, into disreputation.

DISREPUTE, n. [dis and repute.] Loss or want of reputation; disesteem; discredit; dishonor. The alchimist and his books have sunk into disrepute.

DISRESPECT, n. [dis and respect.]

1. Want of respect or reverence; disesteem. Disrespect often leads a man to treat another with neglect or a degree of contempt.

2. As an act, incivility; irreverence; rudeness.


1. Wanting in respect; irreverent; as a disrespectful thought or opinion.

2. Manifesting disesteem or want of respect; uncivil; as disrespectful behavior.

DISRESPECTFULLY, adv. In a disrespectful manner; irreverently; uncivilly.

DISROBE, v.t. [dis and robe.]

1. To divest of a robe; to divest of garments; to undress.

2. To strip of covering; to divest of any surrounding appendage. Autumn disrobes the fields of verdure.

These two peers were disrobed of their glory.

DISROBED, pp. Divested of clothing; stripped of covering.

DISROBER, n. One that strips of robes or clothing.

DISROBING, ppr. Divesting of garments; stripping of any kind of covering.

DISROOT, v.t. [dis and root.]

1. To tear up the roots, or by the roots.

2. To tear from a foundation; to loosen or undermine.

A piece of ground disrooted from its situation by subterraneous inundations.

DISROOTED, pp. Torn up by the roots; undermined.

DISROOTING, ppr. Tearing up by the roots; undermining.

DISRUPT, a. [L., to burst.] Rent from; torn asunder; severed by rending or breaking.


1. The act of rending asunder; the act of bursting and separating.

2. Breach; rent; dilaceration; as the disruption of rocks in an earthquake; the disruption of a stratum of earth; disruption of the flesh.

DISRUPTURE, v.t. [dis and rupture.] To rend; to sever by tearing, breaking or bursting. [Unnecessary, as it is synonymous with rupture.]

DISRUPTURED, pp. Rent asunder; severed by breaking.

DISRUPTURING, ppr. Rending asunder; severing.

DISSATISFACTION, n. [dis and satisfaction.] The state of being dissatisfied; discontent; uneasiness proceeding from the want of gratification, or from disappointed wishes and expectations.

The ambitious man is subject to uneasiness and dissatisfaction.

DISSATISFACTORINESS, n. Inability to satisfy or give content; a failing to give content.

DISSATISFACTORY, a. Unable to give content. Rather, giving discontent; displeasing.

To have reduced the different qualifications, in the different states, to one uniform rule, would probably have been as dissatisfactory to some of the states, as difficult for the convention.


1. Made discontented; displeased.

2. a. Discontented; not satisfied; not pleased; offended.

DISSATISFY, v.t. To render discontented; to displease; to excite uneasiness by frustrating wishes or expectations.

DISSATISFYING, ppr. Exciting uneasiness or discontent.

DISSEAT, v.t. To remove from a seat.

DISSECT, v.t. [L., to cut.]

1. To cut in pieces; to divide an animal body, with a cutting instrument, by separating the joints; as, to dissect a fowl. Hence appropriately,

2. To cut in pieces, as an animal or vegetable, for the purpose of examining the structure and use of its several parts; to anatomize. Also, to open any part of a body to observe its morbid appearances, or to ascertain the cause of death or the seat of a disease.

3. To divide into its constituent parts, for the purpose of examination; as, dissect your mind; dissect a paragraph.

DISSECTED, pp. Cut in pieces; separated by parting the joints; divided into its constituent parts; opened and examined.

DISSECTING, ppr. Cutting in pieces; dividing the parts; separating constituent parts for minute examination.


1. The act of cutting in pieces an animal or vegetable, for the purpose of examining the structure and uses of its parts; anatomy.

Dissection was held sacrilege till the time of Francis I.

2. The act of separating into constituent parts, for the purpose of critical examination.

DISSECTOR, n. One who dissects; an anatomist.

DISSEIZE, v.t. [dis and seize.] In law, to dispossess wrongfully; to deprive of actual seizin or possession; followed by of; as, to disseize a tenant of his freehold.

A man may suppose himself disseized, when he is not so.

DISSEIZED, pp. Put out of possession wrongfully or by force; deprived of actual possession.

DISSEIZEE, n. A person put out of possession of an estate unlawfully.

DISSEIZIN, n. The act of disseizing; an unlawful dispossessing of a person of his lands, tenements, or incorporeal hereditaments; a deprivation of actual seizin.

DISSEIZING, ppr. Depriving of actual seizin or possession; putting out of possession.

DISSEIZOR, n. One who puts another out of possession wrongfully; he that dispossessses another.

DISSEMBLANCE, n. [dis and semblance.] Want of resemblance. [Little used.]

DISSEMBLE, v.t. [L.]

1. To hide under a false appearance; to conceal; to disguise; to pretend that not to be which really is; as, I will not dissemble the truth; I cannot dissemble my real sentiments. [This is the proper sense of this word.]

2. To pretend that to be which is not; to make a false appearance of. This is the sense of simulate.

Your son Lucentio doth love my daughter, and she loveth him, or both dissemble deeply their affections.

DISSEMBLE, v.i. To be hypocritical; to assume a false appearance; to conceal the real fact, motives, intention or sentiments under some pretense.

Ye have stolen and dissembled also. Joshua 7:11.

He that hateth, dissembleth with his lips. Proverbs 26:24.

DISSEMBLED, pp. Concealed under a false appearance; disguised.

DISSEMBLER, n. One who dissembles; a hypocrite; one who conceals his opinions or dispositions under a false appearance.

DISSEMBLING, ppr. Hiding under a false appearance; acting the hypocrite.

DISSEMBLINGLY, adv. With dissimulation; hypocritically; falsely.

DISSEMINATE, v.t. [L., to sow; seed.]

1. Literally, to sow; to scatter seed; but seldom or never used in its literal sense. But hence,

2. To scatter for growth and propagation, like seed; to spread. Thus, principles, opinions and errors are disseminated, when they are spread and propagated. To disseminate truth or the gospel is highly laudable.

3. To spread; to diffuse.

A uniform heat disseminate through the body of the earth.

4. To spread; to disperse.

The Jews are disseminated through all the trading parts of the world.

[The second is the most proper application of the word, as it should always include the idea of growth or taking root. The fourth sense is hardly vindicable.]


1. Scattered, as seed propagated; spread.

2. In mineralogy, occurring in portions less than a hazel nut; being scattered.

DISSEMINATING, ppr. Scattering and propagating; spreading.

DISSEMINATION, n. The act of scattering and propagating, like seed; the act of spreading for growth and permanence. We trust the world is to be reformed by the dissemination of evangelical doctrines.

DISSEMINATOR, n. One who disseminates; one who spreads and propagates.

DISSENSION, n. [L., to think.] Disagreement in opinion, usually a disagreement which is violent, producing warm debates or angry words; contention in words; strife; discord; quarrel; breach of friendship and union.

Debates, dissensions, uproars are thy joy.

Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension with them. Acts 15:2.

We see dissensions in church and state, in towns, parishes, and families, and the word is sometimes applied to differences which produce war; as the dissensions between the houses of York and Lancaster in England.

DISSENSIOUS, a. Disposed to discord; quarrelsome; contentious; factious. [Little used.]

DISSENT, v.i. [L., to think.]

1. To disagree in opinion; to differ; to think in a different or contrary manner; with from. There are many opinions in which men dissent from us, as they dissent from each other.

2. To differ from an established church, in regard to doctrines, rites or government.

3. To differ; to be of a contrary nature. [Less proper.]


1. Difference of opinion; disagreement.

2. Declaration of disagreement in opinion; as, they entered their dissent on the journals of the house.

3. Contrariety of nature; opposite quality. [Not in use.]

DISSENTANEOUS, a. Disagreeable; contrary.

DISSENTANY, a. Dissentaneous; inconsistent. [Not used.]


1. One who dissents; one who differs in opinion, or one who declares his disagreement.

2. One who separates from the service and worship of any established church. The word is in England particularly applied to those who separate from, or who do not unite with, the church of England.

DISSENTIENT, a. Disagreeing; declaring dissent.

DISSENTIENT, n. One who disagrees and declares his dissent.

DISSENTING, ppr. Disagreeing in opinion; separating from the communion of an established church. It is used as an adjective; as a dissenting minister or congregation.

DISSENTIOUS, a. Disposed to disagreement or discord.

DISSEPIMENT, n. [L., to separate; to inclose or guard.] In botany, a partition in dry seed-vessels, as in capsules and pods, which separates the fruit into cells.

DISSERT, v.i. [L.] To discourse or dispute. [Little in use.]

DISSERTATION, n. [L., to discourse; to sow, that is, to throw.]

1. A discourse, or rather a formal discourse, intended to illustrate a subject.

2. A written essay, treatise or disquisition; as Plutarchs dissertation on the poets; Newtons dissertations on the prophecies.

DISSERTATOR, n. One who writes a dissertation; one who debates.

DISSERVE, v.t. disserv. [dis and serve.] To injure; to hurt; to harm; to do injury or mischief to.

He took the first opportunity to disserve him.

Too much zeal often disserves a good cause.

DISSERVED, pp. Injured.

DISSERVICE, n. Injury; harm; mischief; as, violent remedies often do a disservice.

DISSERVICEABLE, a. Injurious; hurtful.

DISSERVICEABLENESS, n. The quality of being injurious; tendency to harm.

DISSETTLE, v.t. To unsettle. [Not used.]