Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary



DISCLAIMATION, n. The act of disclaiming; a disavowing. [Not used.]

DISCLAIMED, pp. Disowned; disavowed; rejected; denied.


1. A person who disclaims, disowns or renounces.

2. In law, an express or implied denial by a tenant that he holds an estate of his lord; a denial of tenure, by plea or otherwise.

DISCLAIMING, ppr. Disowning; disavowing; denying; renouncing.

DISCLOSE, v.t. discloze. [dis and close; L. See Close.]

1. To uncover; to open; to remove a cover from, and lay open to the view.

The shells being broken, the stone included in them is disclosed.

2. To discover; to lay open to the view; to bring to light. Events have disclosed the designs of the ministry.

3. To reveal by words; to tell; to utter; as, to disclose the secret thoughts of the heart.

4. To make known; to show in any manner. A blush may disclose a secret passion in the breast.

5. To open; to hatch. [Not used.]

The ostrich layeth her eggs under sand, where the heat of the sun discloseth them.

DISCLOSE, n. Discovery.

DISCLOSED, pp. Uncovered; opened to view; made known; revealed; told; uttered.

DISCLOSER, n. One who discloses or reveals.

DISCLOSING, ppr. Uncovering; opening to view; revealing; making known; telling.

DISCLOSURE, n. Disclozhur.

1. The act of disclosing; an uncovering and opening to view; discovery.

2. The act of revealing; utterance of what was secret; a telling.

3. The act of making known what was concealed.

4. That which is disclosed or made known.

DISCLUSION, n. Discluzhun. [L.] An emission; a throwing out. [Little used.]

DISCOAST, v.i. To depart from; to quit the coast. [Not used.]

DISCOHERENT, a. Incoherent. The latter is generally used.

DISCOID, n. Something in form of a discus or disk.

DISCOID, DISCOIDAL, a. Having the form of a disk. Discoid or discous flowers, are compound flowers, not radiated, but the florets all tubular, as the tansy, southern-wood, etc.

DISCOLOR, v.t. [L.]

1. To alter the natural hue or color of; to stain; to tinge. A drop of wine will discolor a glass of water; silver is discolored by sea-water.

2. To change any color, natural or artificial; to alter a color partially. It differs from color and dye, in denoting a partial alteration, rather than an entire change of color.

3. Figuratively, to alter the complexion; to change the appearance; as, to discolor ideas.


1. The act of altering the color; a staining.

2. Alteration of color; stain; as spots and discolorations of the skin.

3. Alteration of complexion or appearance.


1. Altered in color; stained.

2. a. Variegated; being of divers colors.

DISCOLORING, ppr. Altering the color of hue; staining; changing the complexion.

DISCOMFIT, v.t. [L., to fasten, to nail; to fix.] To rout; to defeat; to scatter in fight; to cause to flee; to vanquish.

Joshua discomfited Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword. Exodus 17:13.

He, fugitive, declined superior strength, discomfited, pursued.

DISCOMFIT, n. Rout; dispersion; defeat; overthrow.

DISCOMFITED, pp. Routed; defeated; overthrown.

DISCOMFITING, ppr. Routing; defeating.

DISCOMFITURE, n. Rout; defeat in battle; dispersion; overthrow.

Every man’s sword was against his fellow, and there was a very great discomfiture. 1 Samuel 14:20.

2. Defeat; frustration; disappointment.

DISCOMFORT, n. [dis and comfort.] Uneasiness; disturbance of peace; pain; grief; inquietude.

DISCOMFORT, v.t. To disturb peace or happiness; to make uneasy; to pain; to grieve; to sadden; to deject.


1. Causing uneasiness; unpleasant; giving pain; making sad. [Little used.]

2. Uneasy; melancholy; refusing comfort. [Not used.] [Instead of this word, uncomfortable is used.]

DISCOMFORTED, pp. Made uneasy; disturbed; pained; grieved.

DISCOMFORTING, ppr. Disturbing peace and happiness; making uneasy; grieving.

DISCOMMEND, v.t. [dis and commend.] To blame; to censure; to mention with disapprobation.

I do not discommend the lofty style in tragedy.

DISCOMMENDABLE, a. Blamable; censurable; deserving disapprobation.

DISCOMMENDABLENESS, n. Blamableness; the quality of being worthy of disapprobation.

DISCOMMENDATION, n. Blame; censure; reproach.

DISCOMMENDER, n. One who discommends; a dispraiser.

DISCOMMENDING, ppr. Blaming; censuring.

DISCOMMODE, v.t. To put to inconvenience; to incommode; to molest; to trouble. [Discommodate is not used.]

DISCOMMODED, pp. Put to inconvenience; molested; incommoded.

DISCOMMODING, ppr. Putting to inconvenience; giving trouble to.

DISCOMMODIOUS, a. Inconvenient; troublesome.

DISCOMMODITY, n. Inconvenience; trouble; hurt; disadvantage.

DISCOMMON, v.t. [dis and common.]

1. To appropriate common land; to separate and inclose common.

2. To deprive of the privileges of a place.

DISCOMPLEXION, v.t. To change the complexion or color. [Not used.]

DISCOMPOSE, v.t. discompoze. [dis and compose.]

1. To unsettle; to disorder; to disturb; applied to things.

2. To disturb peace and quietness; to agitate; to ruffle; applied to the temper or mind; expressing less agitation than fret and vex, or expressing vexation with decorum.

3. To displace; to discard. [Not in use.]

DISCOMPOSED, pp. Unsettled; disordered; ruffled; agitated; disturbed.

DISCOMPOSING, ppr. Unsettling; putting out of order; ruffling; agitating; disturbing tranquility.

DISCOMPOSITION, n. Inconsistency. [Not used.]

DISCOMPOSURE, n. Discompozhur. Disorder; agitation; disturbance; perturbation; as discomposure of mind.

DISCONCERT, v.t. [dis and concert.]

1. To break or interrupt any order, plan or harmonious scheme; to defeat; to frustrate. The emperor disconcerted the plans of his enemy. Their schemes were disconcerted.

2. To unsettle the mind; to discompose; to disturb; to confuse. An unexpected question may disconcert the ablest advocate in his argument.

DISCONCERTED, pp. Broken; interrupted; disordered; defeated; unsettled; discomposed; confused.

DISCONCERTING, ppr. Disordering; defeating; discomposing; disturbing.

DISCONCERTION, n. The act of disconcerting.

DISCONFORMITY, n. [dis and conformity.] Want of agreement or conformity; inconsistency.

DISCONGRUITY, n. [dis and congruity.] Want of congruity; incongruity; disagreement; inconsistency.

DISCONNECT, v.t. [dis and connect.] To separate; to disunite; to dissolve connection.

The commonwealth would, in a few generations, crumble away, be disconnected into the dust and powder of individuality--

This restriction disconnects bank paper and the precious metals.

DISCONNECTED, pp. Separated; disunited. This word is not synonymous with unconnected, though often confounded with it. Disconnected implies a previous connection; unconnected does not necessarily imply any previous union.

DISCONNECTING, ppr. Separating; disuniting.

DISCONNECTION, n. The act of separating, or state of being disunited; separation; want of union.

Nothing was therefore to be left in all the subordinate members, but weakness, disconnection and confusion.

DISCONSENT, v.i. [dis and consent.] To differ; to disagree; not to consent.

DISCONSOLATE, a. [dis and L.] [See Console.]

1. Destitute of comfort or consolation; sorrowful; hopeless or not expecting comfort; sad; dejected; melancholy; as a parent, bereaved of an only child and disconsolate.

2. Not affording comfort; cheerless; as the disconsolate darkness of a winters night.

DISCONSOLATELY, adv. In a disconsolate manner; without comfort.

DISCONSOLATENESS, n. The state of being disconsolate or comfortless.

DISCONSOLATION, n. Want of comfort.

DISCONTENT, n. [dis and content.] Want of content; uneasiness or inquietude of mind; dissatisfaction at any present state of things.

DISCONTENT, a. Uneasy; dissatisfied.
DISCONTENT, v.t. To make uneasy at the present state; to dissatisfy.

DISCONTENTED, pp. or a. Uneasy in mind; dissatisfied; unquiet; as, discontented citizens make bad subjects.

DISCONTENTEDLY, adv. In a discontented manner or mood.

DISCONTENTEDNESS, n. Uneasiness of mind; inquietude; dissatisfaction.

DISCONTENTING, a. Giving uneasiness.

DISCONTENTMENT, n. The state of being uneasy in mind; uneasiness; inquietude; discontent.

DISCONTINUANCE, n. [See Discontinue.]

1. Want of continuance; cessation; intermission; interruption of continuance; as a discontinuance of conversation or intercourse.

2. Want of continued connection or cohesion of parts; want of union; disruption.

3. In law, a breaking off or interruption of possession, as where a tenant in tail makes a feoffment in fee-simple, or for the life of the feoffee, or in tail, which he has not power to do; in this case, the entry of the feoffee is lawful, during the life of the feoffor; but if he retains possession after the death of the feoffor, it is an injury which is termed a discontinuance, the legal estate of the heir in tail being discontinued, till a recovery can be had in law.

4. Discontinuance of a suit, is when a plaintiff leaves a chasm in the proceedings in his cause, as by not continuing the process regularly from day to day; in which case the defendant is not bound to attend. Formerly the demise of the king caused a discontinuance of all suits; but this is remedied by statute 1. Ed. VI.

DISCONTINUATION, n. Breach or interruption of continuity; disruption of parts; separation of parts which form a connected series.

DISCONTINUE, v.t. [dis and continue.]

1. To leave off; to cause to cease, as a practice or habit; to stop; to put an end to; as, to discontinue the intemperate use of spirits. Inveterate customs are not discontinued without inconvenience.

The depredations on our commerce were not to be discontinued.

2. To break off; to interrupt.

3. To cease to take or receive; as, to discontinue a daily prayer.


1. To cease; to leave the possession, or lose an established or long enjoyed right.

Thyself shalt discontinue from thine heritage. Jeremiah 17:4.

2. To lose the cohesion of parts; to suffer disruption or separation of substance. [Little used.]

DISCONTINUED, pp. Left off; interrupted; broken off.

DISCONTINUER, n. One who discontinues a rule or practice.

DISCONTINUING, ppr. Ceasing; interrupting; breaking off.

DISCONTINUITY, n. Disunion of parts; want of cohesion.


1. Broken off; interrupted.

2. Separated; wide; gaping.

DISCONVENIENCE, n. [dis and convenience.] Incongruity; disagreement. [Little used.]

DISCONVENIENT, a. Incongruous.

DISCORD, n. [L.]

1. Disagreement among persons or things. Between persons, difference of opinions; variance; opposition; contention; strife; any disagreement which produces angry passions, contest, disputes, litigation or war. Discord may exist between families, parties and nations.

2. Disagreement; want of order; a clashing.

All discord, harmony not understood.

3. In music, disagreement of sounds; dissonance; a union of sounds which is inharmonious, grating and disagreeable to the ear; or an interval whose extremes do not coalesce. Thus the second and the seventh, when sounded together, make a discord. The term discord is applied to each of the two sounds which form the dissonance, and to the interval; but more properly to the mixed sound of dissonant tones. It is opposed to concord and harmony.

DISCORD, v.i. To disagree; to jar; to clash; not to suit; not to be coincident. [Not in use.]

DISCORDANCE, DISCORDANCY, n. [L.] Disagreement; opposition; inconsistency; as a discordance of opinions, or of sounds.


1. Disagreeing; incongruous; contradictory; being at variance; as discordant opinions; discordant rules or principles.

2. Opposite; contrarious; not coincident; as the discordant attractions of comets, or of different planets.

3. Dissonant; not in unison; not harmonious; not accordant harsh; jarring; as discordant notes or sounds.

DISCORDANTLY, adv. Dissonantly; in a discordant manner; inconsistently; in a manner to jar or clash; in disagreement with another, or with itself.

DISCORDFUL, a. Quarrelsome; contentious.

DISCOUNSEL, v.t. To dissuade. [Not in use.]

DISCOUNT, n. [See Count. Literally, a counting back or from.]

1. A sum deducted for prompt or advanced payment; an allowance or deduction from a sum due, or from a credit; a certain rate per cent deducted from the credit price of goods sold, on account of prompt payment; or any deduction from the customary price, or from a sum due or to be due at a future time. Thus the merchant who gives a credit of three months will deduct a certain rate per cent for payment in hand, and the holder of a note or bill of exchange will deduct a certain rate per cent of the amount of the note or bill for advanced payment, which deduction is called a discount.

2. Among bankers, the deduction of a sum for advanced payment; particularly, the deduction of the interest on a sum lent, at the time of lending. The discounts at banking institutions are usually the amount of legal interest paid by the borrower, and deducted from the sum borrowed, at the commencement of the credit.

3. The sum deducted or refunded; as, the discount was five per cent.

4. The act of discounting. A note is lodged in the bank for discount. The banks have suspended discounts.


1. To deduct a certain sum or rate per cent from the principal sum. Merchants discount five or six per cent, for prompt or for advanced payment.

2. To lend or advance the amount of, deducting the interest or other rate per cent from the principal, at the time of the loan or advance. The banks discount notes and bills of exchange, on good security.

The first rule--to discount only unexceptionable paper.

DISCOUNT, v.i. To lend or make a practice of lending money, deducting the interest at the time of the loan. The banks discount for sixty or ninety days, sometimes for longer terms.

DISCOUNTABLE, a. That may be discounted. Certain forms are necessary to render notes discountable at a bank. A bill may be discountable for more than sixty days.

DISCOUNT-DAY, n. The day of the week on which a bank discounts notes and bills.


1. Deducted from a principal sum; paid back; refunded or allowed; as, the sum of five per cent was discounted.

2. Having the amount lent on discount or deduction of a sum in advance; as, the bill was discounted for sixty days.

DISCOUNTENANCE, v.t. [dis and countenance.]

1. To abash; to ruffle or discompose the countenance; to put to shame; to put out of countenance. [Not used.]

How would one look from his majestic brow--Discountenance her despised.

2. To discourage; to check; to restrain by frowns, censure, arguments, opposition, or cold treatment. The good citizen will discountenance vice by every lawful means.

DISCOUNTENANCE, n. Cold treatment; unfavorable aspect; unfriendly regard; disapprobation; whatever tends to check or discourage.

He thought a little discountenance on those persons would suppress that spirit.

DISCOUNTENANCED, pp. Abashed; discouraged; checked; frowned on.

DISCOUNTENANCER, n. One who discourages by cold treatment, frowns, censure or expression of disapprobation; one who checks or depresses by unfriendly regards.

DISCOUNTENANCING, ppr. Abashing; discouraging; checking by disapprobation or unfriendly regards.

DISCOUNTER, n. One who advances money on discounts.


1. Deducting a sum for prompt or advanced payment.

2. Lending on discount.

DISCOUNTING, n. The act or practice of lending money on discounts.

The profitable business of a bank consists in discounting.

DISCOURAGE, v.t. discurage. [dis and courage. See Courage.]

1. To extinguish the courage of; to dishearten; to depress the spirits; to deject; to deprive of confidence.

Fathers, provoke not your children, lest they be discouraged. Colossians 3:21.

2. To deter from any thing; with from.

Why discourage ye the hearts of the children of Israel from going over into the land which the Lord hath given them? Numbers 32:7.

3. To attempt to repress or prevent; to dissuade from; as, to discourage an effort.

DISCOURAGED, pp. Discuraged. Disheartened; deprived of courage or confidence; depressed in spirits; dejected; checked.

DISCOURAGEMENT, n. Discuragement.

1. The act of disheartening, or depriving of courage; the act of deterring or dissuading from an undertaking; the act of depressing confidence.

2. That which destroys or abates courage; that which depresses confidence or hope; that which deters or tends to deter from an undertaking, or from the prosecution of any thing. Evil examples are great discouragements to virtue. The revolution was commenced under every possible discouragement.

DISCOURAGER, n. Discurager. One who discourages; one who disheartens, or depresses the courage; one who impresses or fear of success; one who dissuades from an undertaking.

DISCOURAGING, ppr. Discuraging.

1. Disheartening; depressing courage.

2. a. Tending to dishearten, or to depress the courage; as discouraging prospects.

DISCOURSE, n. Discors. [L., to run.]

1. The act of the undertaking, by which it passes from premises to consequences; the act which connects propositions, and deduces conclusions from them. [This sense is now obsolete.]

2. Literally, a running over a subject in speech; hence, a communication of thoughts by words, either to individuals, to companies, or to public assemblies. Discourse to an individual or to a small company is called conversation or talk; mutual interchange or thoughts; mutual intercourse of language. It is applied to the familiar communication of thoughts by an individual, or to the mutual communication of two or more. We say, I was pleased with his discourse, and he heard our discourse.

The vanquished party with the victors joined, nor wanted sweet discourse, the banquet of the mind.

3. Effusion of language; speech.

4. A written treatise; a formal dissertation; as the discourse of Plutarch on garrulity; of Cicero on old age.

5. A sermon, uttered or written. We say, an extemporaneous discourse, or a written discourse.


1. To talk; to converse; to but it expresses rather more formality than talk. He discoursed with us an hour on the events of the war. We discoursed together on our mutual concerns.

2. To communicate thoughts or ideas in a formal manner; to treat upon in a solemn, set manner; as, to discourse on the properties of the circle; the preacher discoursed on the nature and effects of faith.

3. To reason; to pass from premises to consequences.

DISCOURSE, v.t. To treat of; to talk over; to discuss. [Not used.]

Let use discourse our fortunes.


1. One who discourses; a speaker; a haranguer.

2. The writer of a treatise or dissertation.

DISCOURSING, ppr. Talking; conversing; preaching; discussing; treating at some length or in a formal manner.


1. Reasoning; passing from premises to consequences.

2. Containing dialogue or conversation; interlocutory.

The epic is interlaced with dialogue or discoursive scenes.

DISCOURTEOUS, a. Discurteous. [dis and courteous.] Uncivil; rude; uncomplaisant; wanting in good manners; as discourteous knight.

DISCOURTEOUSLY, adv. Discurteously. In a rude or uncivil manner; with incivility.