Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary



CONTRARIWISE, adv. [contrary and wise, manner.] On the contrary; oppositely; on the other hand.

Not rendering evil for evil, nor railing for railing; but contrariwise, blessing. 1 Peter 3:9.

CONTRARY, a. [L., against.]

1. Opposite; adverse; moving against or in an opposite direction; as contrary winds.

2. Opposite; contradictory; not merely different, but inconsistent or repugnant.

The flesh lusteth against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary, the one to the other. Galatians 5:17.

This adjective, in many phrases, is to be treated grammatically as an adverb, or as an adjective referring to a sentence or affirmation; as, this happened contrary to my expectations. The word here really belongs to the affirmation or fact declared, this happened; for contrary does not, like an adverb, express the manner of happening, but that the fact itself was contrary to my expectation. According, agreeable, pursuant, antecedent, prior, anterior, etc., are often used in the like manner.


1. A thing that is contrary or of opposite qualities.

No contraries hold more antipathy, than I and such a knave.

2. A proposition contrary to another, or a fact contrary to what is alledged; as, this is stated to be a fact, but I will endeavor to show the contrary.

On the contrary, in opposition; on the other side.

To the contrary, to an opposite purpose, or fact.

They did it, not for want of instruction to the contrary.

He said it was just, but I told him to the contrary.

CONTRARY, v.t. To contradict or oppose.

CONTRARY-MINDED, a. Of a different mind or opinion.


1. To set in opposition two or more figures of a like kind, with a view to show the difference or dissimilitude, and to manifest the superior excellence of the one by the inferiority of the other, or to exhibit the excellence of the one and the defects of the other in a more striking view; as, to contrast two picture or statues.

2. To exhibit differences or dissimilitude in painting and sculpture, by position or attitude, either of the whole figure or of its members; or to show to advantage by opposition or difference of position.

3. To set in opposition different things or qualities, to show the superior excellence of one to advantage.

To contrast the goodness of God with our rebellion, will tend to make us humble and thankful.


1. Opposition or dissimilitude of figures, by which one contributes to the visibility or effect of the other. Contrast, in this sense, is applicable to things of a similar kind. We never speak of a contrast between a man and a mountain, or between a dog and a tree; but we observe the contrast between an oak and a shrub, and between a palace and a cottage.

2. Opposition, or difference of position, attitude, etc., of figures, or of their several members; as in painting and sculpture.

3. Opposition of things or qualities; or the placing of opposite things in view, to exhibit the superior excellence of one to more advantage. What a contrast between modesty and impudence, or between a well-bred man and a clown!

CONTRASTED, pp. Set in opposition; examined in opposition.

CONTRASTING, ppr. Placing in opposition, with a view to discover the difference of figures or other things, and exhibit the advantage or excellence of one beyond that of the other.

CONTRA-TENOR, n. In music, a middle part between the tenor and treble; counter.

CONTRATE-WHEEL, n. In watch-work, the wheel next to the crown, the teeth and hoop of which lie contrary to those of the other wheels, whence its name.

CONTRAVALLATION, n. [L., to fortify.] In fortification, a trench guarded with a parapet, thrown round a place by the besiegers, to secure themselves, and check the sallies of the garrison.

CONTRAVENE, v.t. [L., to come.] Literally, to come against; to meet. Hence, to oppose, but used in a figurative or moral sense; to oppose in principle or effect; to contradict; to obstruct in operation; to defeat; as, a law may contravene the provisions of the constitution.

CONTRAVENED, pp. Opposed; obstructed.

CONTRAVENER, n. One who opposes.

CONTRAVENING, ppr. Opposing in principle or effect.

CONTRAVENTION, n. Opposition; obstruction; a defeating of the operation or effect.

The proceedings of the allies were in direct contravention of the treaty.

CONTRAVERSION, n. [L., a turning.] A turning to the opposite side; antistrophe.

CONTRAYERVA, n. [L., an antidote for poison, or in general, an antidote.] The genus of plants, Dorstenia; all low herbaceous plants, natives of the warm climates of America, and useful as diaphoretics.

CONTRECTATION, n. [L.] A touching or handling.

CONTRIBUTARY, a. [See Contribute.] Paying tribute to the same sovereign; contributing aid to the same chief or principal.

It was situated on the Ganges, at the place where this river received a contributary stream.

CONTRIBUTE, v.t. [L., to grant, assign, or impart. See Tribe, Tribute.]

1. To give or grant in common with others; to give a common stock or for a common purpose; to pay a share.

England contributes much more than any other of the allies.

It is the duty of Christians to contribute a portion of their substance for the propagation of the gospel.

2. To impart a portion or share to a common purpose.

Let each man contribute his influence to correct public morals.

CONTRIBUTE, v.i. To give a part; to lend a portion of power, aid or influence; to have a share in any act or effect.

There is not a single beauty in the piece, to which the invention must not contribute.

CONTRIBUTED, pp. Given or advanced to a common fund, stock or purpose; paid as a share.

CONTRIBUTING, ppr. Giving in common with others to some stock or purpose; imparting a share.


1. The act of giving to a common stock, or in common with others; the act of lending a portion of power or influence to a common purpose; the payment of each man’s share of some common expense.

2. That which is given to a common stock or purpose, either by an individual or by many. We speak of the contribution of one person, or the contribution of a society. Contributions are involuntary, as taxes and imposts; or voluntary, as for some undertaking.

3. In a military sense, impositions paid by a frontier country, to secure themselves from being plundered by the enemys army; or impositions upon a country in the power of an enemy, which are levied under various pretenses, and for various purposes, usually for the support of the army.

CONTRIBUTIVE, a. Tending to contribute; contributing; having the power or quality of giving a portion of aid or influence; lending aid to promote, in concurrence with others.

This measure is contributive to the same end.

CONTRIBUTOR, n. One who contributes; one who gives or pays money to a common stock or fund; one who gives aid to a common purpose in conjunction with others.

CONTRIBUTORY, a. Contributing to the same stock or purpose; promoting the same end; bringing assistance to some joint design, or increase to some common stock.

CONTRISTATE, v.t. [L.] To make sorrowful. [Not used.]

CONTRISTATION, n. The act of making sad. [Not used.]

CONTRITE, a. [L., to break or bruise; to rub or wear. See Trite.] Literally, worn or bruised. Hence, broken-hearted for sin; deeply affected with grief and sorrow for having offended God; humble; penitent; as a contrite sinner.

A broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. Psalm 51:17.

CONTRITELY, adv. In a contrite manner; with penitence.

CONTRITENESS, n. Deep sorrow and penitence for sin.


1. The act of grinding or rubbing to powder.

2. Penitence; deep sorrow for sin; grief of heart for having offended and infinitely holy and benevolent God. The word is usually understood to mean genuine penitence, accompanied with a deep sense of ingratitude in the sinner, and sincere resolution to live in obedience to the divine law.

Fruits of more pleasing savor, from thy seed sown with contrition in his heart.

Imperfect repentance is by some divines called attrition.

CONTRIVABLE, a. [See Contrive.] That may be contrived; capable of being planned, invented, or devised.

Perpetual motion may seem easily contrivable.

CONTRIVANCE, n. [See Contrive.]

1. The act of inventing, devising or planning.

There is no work impossible to these contrivances.

2. The thing invented or planned; a scheme; plan; disposition of parts or causes by design.

Our bodies are made according to the most orderly contrivance.

3. Artifice; plot; scheme.

He has managed his contrivance well.


1. To invent; to devise; to plan.

Our poet has always some beautiful design, which he first establishes, and then contrives the means which will naturally conduct him to his end.

2. To wear out.

[This must be from the L. Contero, contrivi, and if the French controuver, and Italian controvare, are the same word differently applied, the primary sense is, to invent by rubbing, that is, by ruminating; or to strike out, as in forge. But the word is probably from trouver, to find.]

CONTRIVE, v.i. To form or design; to plan; to scheme.

How shall we contrive to hide our shame? [This verb is really transitive, but followed by a verb, in the place of an object or name.]

CONTRIVED, pp. Invented; planned; devised.

CONTRIVEMENT, n. Contrivance; invention.

CONTRIVER, n. An inventor; one who plans or devises; a schemer.

CONTRIVING, ppr. Planning; forming in design.


1. Primarily, a book, register or account, kept to correct or check another account or register; a counter-register. Hence, check; restraint; as, to speak, or to act without control. The wind raged without control. Our passions should be under the control or reason.

2. Power; authority; government; command. Children should be under the control of their parents. The events of life are not always under our control.

3. He or that which restrains.


1. To keep under check by a counter-register or double account. The proper officer controls the accounts of the treasury.

2. To check; to restrain; to govern.

I feel my virtue struggling in my soul; But stronger passion does its power control.

3. To overpower; to subject to authority; to counteract; to have under command. The course of events cannot be controlled by human wisdom or power.

4. To direct or govern in opposition; to have superior force, or authority over.

A recital cannot control the plain words in the granting part of a deed.

CONTROLLABLE, a. That may be controlled, checked or restrained; subject to command.

Passion is the drunkenness of the mind, and not always controllable by reason.

CONTROLLED, pp. Checked; restrained; governed.


1. One who controls, or restrains; one that has the power or authority to govern or control.

The great controller of our fate deignd to be man, and lived in low estate.

2. An officer appointed to keep a counter-register of accounts, or to oversee, control or verify the accounts of other officers; as in Great Britain, the controller of the hanaper, of the household, of the pipe, and of the pells. In the United States, the duty of the controller of the treasury is to superintend the adjustment and preservation of the public accounts; to examine all accounts settled by the auditor, and certify to the register the balances due thereon; to countersign all warrants drawn by the secretary of the treasury which shall be warranted by law; to report to he secretary the official forms of all papers to be issued in the different offices for collecting the public revenue, and the manner and form of keeping and stating the accounts of the persons employed in them, etc.

CONTROLLERSHIP, n. The office of a controller.


1. The power or act of controlling; the state of being restrained; control; restraint.

2. Opposition; resistance; counteraction; refutation.

For this word, control is now generally used.

CONTROVERSE, n. and v. Controversy, and to dispute.


CONTROVERSIAL, a. [See Controvert, Controversy.] Relating to disputes; as a controversial discourse.

CONTROVERSIALIST, n. One who carries on a controversy; a disputant.

CONTROVERSY, n. [L. See Controvert.]

1. Dispute; debate; agitation of contrary opinions. A dispute is commonly oral, and a controversy in writing. Dispute is often or generally a debate of short duration, a temporary debate; a controversy is often oral and sometimes continued in books or in law for months or years.

This left no room for controversy, about the title.

Without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness. 1 Timothy 3:16.

2. A suit in law; a case in which opposing parties contend for their respective claims before a tribunal.

And by their word shall every controversy and every stroke be tried. Deuteronomy 21:5.

3. Dispute; opposition carried on.

The Lord hath a controversy with the nations. Jeremiah 25:31.

4. Opposition; resistance.

And stemming [the torrent] with hearts of controversy.

CONTROVERT, v.t. [L., to turn. Literally, to turn against.] To dispute; to oppose by reasoning; to contend against in words or writings; to deny and attempt to disprove or confute; to agitate contrary opinions; as, to controvert opinions, or principles; to controvert the justness of a conclusion.

CONTROVERTED, pp. Disputed; opposed in debate.

CONTROVERTER, n. One who controverts; a controversial writer.

CONTROVERTIBLE, a. That may be disputed; disputable; not too evident to exclude difference of opinion; as, this is a controvertible point of law.

CONTROVERTING, pp. Disputing; denying and attempting to refute.

CONTROVERTIST, n. One who controverts; a disputant; a man versed or engaged in controversy, or disputation.

How unfriendly is the spirit of the controvertist to the discernment of the critic.

CONTUMACIOUS, a. [L., to swell.]

1. Literally, swelling against; haughty. Hence, obstinate; perverse; stubborn; inflexible; unyielding; disobedient; as a contumacious child.

2. In law, wilfully disobedient to the orders of a court.

CONTUMACIOUSLY, adv. Obstinately; stubbornly; perversely; in disobedience of orders.

CONTUMACIOUSNESS, n. Obstinacy; perverseness; stubbornness; contumacy.


1. Stubbornness; unyielding obstinacy; inflexibility.

2. In law, a wilful contempt and disobedience to any lawful summons or order of court; a refusal to appear in court when legally summoned, or disobedience to its rules and orders.

CONTUMELIOUS, a. [L. See Contumely.]

1. Haughtily reproachful; contemptuous; insolent; rude and sarcastic; as contumelious language.

2. Haughty and contemptuous; disposed to utter reproach, or to insult; insolent; proudly rude; as a contumelious person.

3. Reproachful; shameful; ignominious.

CONTUMELIOUSLY, adv. In a contumelious manner; with pride and contempt; reproachfully; rudely; insolently.

CONTUMELIOUSNESS, n. Reproach; rudeness; contempt.

CONTUMELY, n. [L., to swell.] Rudeness or reproach compounded of haughtiness and contempt; contemptuousness; insolence; contemptuous language.

The oppressors wrong; the proud man’s contumely.

CONTUND, v.t. [L.] To beat; to bruise by beating. [Little used.]

CONTUSE, v.t. [L.] To beat; to bruise; to injure the flesh or substance of a living being or other thing without breaking the skin or substance, sometimes with a breach of the skin or substance.

CONTUSION, n. [L., to beat.]

1. The act of beating and bruising, or the state of being bruised.

2. The act of reducing to powder or fine particles by beating.

3. In surgery, a bruise; a hurt or injury to the flesh or some part of the body by a blunt instrument, or by a fall.

CONUNDRUM, n. A low jest; a mean conceit.

CONUSANCE, n. Cognizance; knowledge; notice. [See Conusance.]

CONUSANT, a. Knowing; having notice of.

CONVALESCENCE, CONVALESCENCY, n. [L., to grow stronger; to get strength, to be strong. See Well and Avail.] Renewal of health; the insensible recovery of health and strength after disease; the state of a body renewing its vigor after sickness or weakness.

CONVALESCENT, a. Recovering health and strength after sickness or debility.

CONVALLARY, n. A genus of plants, Convallaria.

CONVENABLE, a. [See Convene.]

1. That may be convened, or assembled.

2. Consistent.

CONVENE, v.i. [L., to come.]

1. To come together; to meet; to unite; as things.

The rays of light converge and convene in the eyes.

2. To come together; to meet in the same place; to assemble; as persons. Parliament will convene in November. The two houses of the legislature convened at twelve o’clock. The citizens convened in the state house.


1. To cause to assemble; to call together; to convoke. The President has power to convene the Congress, on special occasions.

2. To summon judicially to meet or appear.

By the papal canon law, clerks can be convened only before ecclesiastical judge.

CONVENED, pp. Assembled; convoked.

CONVENER, n. One who convenes or meets with others; one who calls together.

CONVENIENCE, CONVENIENCY, n. [L.] Literally, a coming together; a meeting. Hence,

1. Fitness; suitableness; propriety; adaptation of one thing to another, or to circumstances.

2. Commodiousness; ease; freedom from difficulty.

Every man must want something for the convenience of his life.

There is another convenience in this method.

3. That which gives ease; accommodation; that which is suited to wants or necessity A pair of spectacles is a great convenience in old age.

4. Fitness of time or place.

CONVENIENT, a. Fit; suitable; proper; adapted to use or to wants; commodious; followed by to or for; usually by for.

Some arts are peculiarly convenient to particular nations.

Feed me with food convenient for me. Proverbs 30:8.


1. Fitly; suitably; with adaptation to the end or effect. That house is not conveniently situated for a tradesman.

2. Commodiously; with ease; without trouble or difficulty. He cannot conveniently accept the invitation.

CONVENING, ppr. Coming together; calling together.

CONVENING, n. The act of coming together; convention.

CONVENT, n. [L., to assemble.]

1. An assembly of persons devoted to religion; a body of monks or nuns.

2. A house for persons devoted to religion; an abbey; a monastery; a nunnery.

CONVENT, v.t. [L.] To call before a judge or judicature.
CONVENT, v.i. To meet; to concur. [Not used.]


1. An assembly or meeting; usually applied to a meeting of dissenters from the established church, for religious worship. In this sense it is used by English writers and in English statutes. Hence, an assembly, in contempt. In the United States, this word has no appropriate application, and is little used, or not at all.

2. A secret assembly or cabal; a meeting for plots.

CONVENTICLER, n. One who supports or frequents conventicles.

CONVENTION, n. [L. See Convene.]

1. The act of coming together; a meeting of several persons or individuals.

2. Union; coalition.

3. An assembly. In this sense, the word includes any formal meeting or collection of men for civil or ecclesiastical purposes; particularly an assembly of delegates or representatives for consultation on important concerns, civil, political or ecclesiastical. In Great Britain, convention is the name given to an extraordinary assembly of the estates of the realm, held without the kings writ; as the assembly which restored Charles II. to the throne, and that which declared the throne to be abdicated by James II. In the United States, this name is given to the assembly of representatives which forms a constitution of government, or political association; as the convention which formed the constitution of the United States in 1787.

4. An agreement or contract between two parties, as between the commanders of two armies; an agreement previous to a definitive treaty.

CONVENTIONAL, a. Stipulated; formed by agreement.

Conventional services reserved by tenures on grants, made out of the crown or knights service.

CONVENTIONARY, a. Acting under contract; settled by stipulation; conventional; as conventionary tenants.

CONVENTIONER, n. One who belongs to a convention.

CONVENTIONIST, n. One who makes a contract.

CONVENTUAL, a. Belonging to a convent; monastic; as conventual priors.

CONVENTUAL, n. One that lives in a convent; a monk or nun.

CONVERGE, v.i. [L., to incline. See Verge.] To tend to one point; to incline and approach nearer together, as two lines which continually approach each other; opposed to diverge. Lines which converge in one direction, diverge in the other.

The mountains converge into a single ridge.

CONVERGENCE, CONVERGENCY, n. The quality of converging; tendency to one point.

CONVERGENT, a. Tending to one point; approaching each other, as they proceed or are extending.

CONVERGING, ppr. Tending to one point; approaching each other, as lines extended.

Converging rays, in optics, those rays of light, which proceeding from different points of an object, approach, meet and cross, and become diverging rays.

Converging series, in mathematics, is that in which the magnitude of the several terms gradually diminishes.

CONVERSABLE, a. [See Converse.] Qualified for conversation, or rather disposed to converse; ready or inclined to mutual communication of thoughts; sociable; free in discourse.

CONVERSABLENESS, n. The quality of being free in conversation; disposition or readiness to converse; sociability.

CONVERSABLY, adv. In a conversable manner.

CONVERSANT, a. [See Converse.]

1. Keeping company; having frequent or customary intercourse; intimately associating; familiar by fellowship or cohabitation; acquainted.

But the men were very good to us--as long as we were conversant with them. 1 Samuel 25:15.

Never to be infected with delight, nor conversant with ease and idleness.

2. Acquainted by familiar use or study. We correct our style, and improve our taste, by being conversant with the best classical writers. In the foregoing applications, this word is most generally followed by with, according to present usage. In was formerly used; and both in and among may be used.

3. Concerning; having concern, or relation to; having for its object; followed by about.

Education is conversant about children.


1. General course of manners; behavior; deportment; especially as it respects morals.

Let your conversation be as becometh the gospel. Philippians 1:27.

Be ye holy in all manner of conversation. 1 Peter 1:15.

2. A keeping company; familiar intercourse; intimate fellowship or association; commerce in social life. Knowledge of men and manners is best acquired by conversation with the best company.

3. Intimate and familiar acquaintance; as a conversation with books, or other object.

4. Familiar discourse; general intercourse of sentiments; chat; unrestrained talk; opposed to a formal conference.

What I mentioned in conversation was not a new thought.

[This is now the most general use of the word.]

CONVERSATIONED, a. Acquainted with the manner of acting in life. [Not used.]

CONVERSATIVE, a. Relating to an intercourse with men; opposed to contemplative.

She chose to endue him with conversative qualities of youth.

CONVERSAZIONE, n. A meeting of company.