Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary



1. Having cold blood.

2. Without sensibility, or feeling.

COLD-FINCH, n. A species of Motacilla, a bird frequenting the west of England, with the head and back of a brownish gray, the belly white, and the quill feathers and tail black.

COLD-HEARTED, a. Wanting passion or feeling; indifferent.

COLD-HEARTEDNESS, n. Want of feeling or sensibility.

COLDLY, adv. In a cold manner; without warmth; without concern; without ardor or animation; without apparent passion, emotion or feeling; with indifference or negligence; as, to answer one coldly; a proposition is coldly received.


1. Want of heat; as the coldness or water or air. When the heat or temperature of any substance is less than that of the animal body exposed to it, that state or temperature is called coldness.

2. Unconcern; indifference; a frigid state of temper; want of ardor, zeal, emotion, animation, or spirit; negligence; as, to receive an answer with coldness; to listen with coldness.

3. Want of apparent affection, or kindness; as, to receive a friend with coldness.

4. Coyness; reserve; indifference; as, to receive addresses with coldness.

5. Want of sensual desire; frigidity; chastity.

COLD-SHOT, a. Brittle when cold, as a metal.

COLE, n. The general name of all sorts of cabbage or brassica; but we generally use it in its compounds, cole-wort, cauliflower, etc.

COLE-MOUSE, n. [See Coal-mouse.]

COLEOPTER, COLEOPTERA, n. The coleopters, in Linnes system of entomology, are an order of insects, having crustaceous elytra or shells, which shut and form a longitudinal suture along the back, as the beetle.

COLEOPTERAL, a. Having wings covered with a case or sheath, which shuts as above.

COLE-PERCH, n. A small fish, less than the common perch.


1. The seed of the navew, napus sativa, or long-rooted, narrow-leafed rapa; reckoned a species of brassica or cabbage.

2. Cabbage seed.

COLE-WORT, n. A particular species of cole, brassica, or cabbage.

COLIC, n. In general, a severe pain in the bowels, of which there are several varieties; as bilious colic, hysteric colic, nervous colic and many others.

COLIC, COLICAL, a. Affecting the bowels.

COLIN, n. A bird of the partridge kind, found in America and the West Indies, called.

COLL, v.t. To embrace.

COLLAPSE, v.i. To fall together, as the two sides of a vessel; to close by falling together; as, the fine canals or vessels of the body collapse in old age.

COLLAPSED, pp. Fallen together; closed.

COLLAPSION, n. A state of falling together; a state of vessels closed.


1. Something worn round the neck, as a ring of metal, or a chain. The knights of several orders wear a chain of gold, enameled, and sometimes set with ciphers or other devices, to which the badge of the order is appended.

2. The part of a garment which surrounds the neck. Job 30:18.

3. A part of a harness for the neck of a horse or other beast, used in draught.

4. Among seamen, the upper part of a stay; also, a rope in form of a wreath to which a stay is confined.

To slip the collar, is to escape or get free; to disentangle ones self from difficulty, labor, or engagement.

A collar of brawn, is the quantity bound up in one parcel.

COLLAR, v.t.

1. To seize by the collar.

2. To put a collar on.

To collar beef or other meat, is to roll it up and bind it close with a string.

COLLARAGE, n. A tax or fine laid for the collars of wine-drawing horses.

COLLAR-BONE, n. The clavicle.


1. Seized by the collar.

2. Having a collar on the neck.

COLLATE, v.t. Literally, to bring or lay together. Hence,

1. To lay together and compare, by examining the points in which two or more things of a similar kind agree or disagree; applied particularly to manuscripts and books; as, to collate copies of the Hebrew Scriptures.

2. To confer or bestow a benefice on a clergyman, by a bishop who has it in his own gift or patronage; or more strictly, to present and institute a clergyman in a benefice, when the same person is both the ordinary and the patron; followed by to.

If the patron neglects to present, the bishop may collate his clerk to the church.

3. To bestow or confer; but now seldom used, except as in the second definition.

COLLATE, v.i. To place in a benefice, as by a bishop.

If the bishop neglects to collate within six months, the right to do it devolves on the archbishop.

COLLATED, pp. Laid together and compared; examined by comparing; presented and instituted, as a clergyman, to a benefice.


1. Being by the side, side by side, on the side, or side to side.

In his bright radiance and collateral light

Must I be comforted, not in his sphere.

Collateral pressure is pressure on the side. So we say, collateral circumstances, circumstances which accompany a principal event.

2. In genealogy, descending from the same stock or ancestor, but not one from the other; as distinguished from lineal. Lineal descendants proceed one from another in a direct line; collateral relations spring from a common ancestor, but from different branches of that common stirps or stock. Thus the children of brothers are collateral relations, having different fathers, but a common grandfather.

3. Collateral security, is security for the performance of covenants or the payment of money, besides the principal security.

4. Running parallel.

5. Diffused on either side; springing from relations; as, collateral love.

6. Not direct, or immediate.

If by direct or collateral hand.

7. Concurrent; as, collateral strength.

COLLATERAL, n. A collateral relation or kinsman.


1. Side by side; or by the side.

2. Indirectly.

3. In collateral relation; not in a direct line; not lineally.

COLLATERALNESS, n. The state of being collateral.

COLLATING, ppr. Comparing; presenting and instituting.


1. The act of bringing or laying together, and comparing; a comparison of one copy or thing of a like kind with another.

2. The act of conferring or bestowing; a gift.

3. In the canon law, the presentation of a clergyman to a benefice by a bishop, who has it in his own gift or patronage. Collation includes both presentation and institution. When the patron of a church is not a bishop, he presents his clerk for admission, and the bishop institutes him; but if a bishop is the patron, his presentation and institution are one act and are called collation.

4. In common law, the presentation of a copy to its original, and a comparison made by examination, to ascertain its conformity; also, the report of the act made by the proper officers.

5. In Scots law, the right which an heir has of throwing the whole heritable and movable estates of the deceased into one mass, and sharing it equally with others who are of the same degree of kindred.

6. A repast between full meals; as a cold collation.

Collation of seals, denotes one seal set on the same label, on the reverse of another.

COLLATIVE, a. Advowsons are presentative, collative or donative. An advowson collative is where the bishop and patron are one and the same person; in which case the bishop cannot present to himself, but he does, by one act of collation or conferring the benefice, the whole that is done, in common cases, by both presentation and institution.


1. One who collates or compares manuscripts or copies of books.

2. One who collates to a benefice, as when the ordinary and patron are the same person.

COLLAUD, v.t. To unite in praising.

COLLEAGUE, n. A partner or associate in the same office, employment or commission, civil or ecclesiastical.

It is never used of partners in trade or manufactures.

COLLEAGUE, v.t. To unite with in the same office.

COLLEAGUED, pp. United as an associate in the same office.

COLLEAGUESHIP, n. Partnership in office.


1. To gather, as separate persons or things, into one body or place; to assemble or bring together; as, to collect men into an army; to collect ideas; to collect particulars into one sum.

2. To gain by observation or information.

From all that can be collected, the public peace will not soon be interrupted.

3. To gather from premises; to infer as a consequence.

Which consequence, I conceive, is very ill collected.

4. To gather money or revenue from debtors; to demand and receive; as, to collect taxes; to collect the customs; to collect accounts, or debts.

5. To gather, as crops; to reap, mow or pick, and secure in proper repositories; as, to collect hay, corn or fruits.

6. To draw together; to bring into united action; as, to collect all the strength, or all the powers of the mind.

7. To obtain from contribution.

To collect ones self, is to recover from surprise, or a disconcerted state; to gain command over the thoughts, when dispersed; over the passions, when tumultuous; or the mind, when dismayed.

COLLECT, v.i. To run together; to accumulate; as, pus collects in an abscess; sand or snow collects in banks.

1. A short comprehensive prayer; a prayer adapted to a particular day or occasion.

2. A collection or gathering of money.

COLLECTANEOUS, a. Gathered; collected.


1. Gathered; assembled; congregated; drawn together.

2. Recovered from surprise or dismay; not disconcerted; cool; firm; prepared.

COLLECTEDLY, adv. In one view; together; in one body.

COLLECTEDNESS, n. A collected state of the mind; recovery from surprise.


1. That may be collected or gathered; that may be inferred.

2. That may be gathered or recovered; as, the debts or taxes are or are not collectible.

COLLECTING, ppr. Gathering; drawing together; assembling.


1. The act of gathering, or assembling.

2. The body formed by gathering; an assemblage, or assembly; a crowd; as a collection of men.

3. A contribution; a sum collected for a charitable purpose.

Now concerning the collection for the saints. 1 Corinthians 16:1.

4. A gathering, as of matter in an abscess.

5. The act of deducing consequences; reasoning; inference.

6. A corollary; a consectary; a deduction from premises; consequence.

7. A book compiled from other books, by the putting together of parts; a compilation; as a collection of essays or sermons.


1. Formed by gathering; gathered into a mass, sum, or body; congregated, or aggregated.

2. Deducing consequences; reasoning; inferring.

3. In grammar, expressing an number or multitude united; as a collective noun or name, which, though in the singular number itself, denotes more than one; as, company, army, troop, assembly.

COLLECTIVELY, adv. In a mass, or body; in a collected state; in the aggregate; unitedly; in a state of combination; as the citizens of a state collectively considered.

COLLECTIVENESS, n. A state of union; mass.


1. One who collects or gathers things which are scattered or separate.

2. A compiler; one who gathers and puts together parts of books, or scattered pieces, in one book.

3. In botany, one who gathers plants, without studying botany as a science.

4. An officer appointed and commissioned to collect and receive customs, duties, taxes or toll.

5. A bachelor of arts in Oxford, who is appointed to superintend some scholastic proceedings in Lent.


1. The office of a collector of customs or taxes.

2. The jurisdiction of a collector.

COLLEGATARY, n. In the civil law, a person who has a legacy left to him in common with one or more other persons.

COLLEGE, n. In its primary sense, a collection, or assembly. Hence,

1. In a general sense, a collection, assemblage or society of men, invested with certain powers and rights, performing certain duties, or engaged in some common employment, or pursuit.

2. In a particular sense, an assembly for a political or ecclesiastical purpose as the college of Electors or their deputies at the diet in Ratisbon. So also, the college of princes, or their deputies; the college of cities, or deputies of the Imperial cities; the college of Cardinals, or sacred college. In Russia, the denomination, college, is given to councils of state, courts or assemblies of men intrusted with the administration of the government, and called Imperial college; the college of foreign affairs; the college of war; the admiralty college; the college of justice; the college of commerce; the medical college.

In Great Britain and the United States of America, a society of physicians is called a college. So also there are colleges of surgeons; and in Britain, a college of philosophy, a college of heralds, a college of justice, etc. Colleges of these kinds are usually incorporated or established by the supreme power of the state.

3. An edifice appropriated to the use of students, who are acquiring the languages and sciences.

4. The society of persons engaged in the pursuits of literature, including the officers and students. Societies of this kind are incorporated and endowed with revenues.

5. In foreign universities, a public lecture.

COLLEGE-LIKE, n. Regulated after the manner of a college.

COLLEGIAL, a. Relating to a college; belonging to a college; having the properties of a college.


1. Pertaining to a college; as collegiate studies.

2. Containing a college; instituted after the manner of a college; as a collegiate society.

3. A collegiate church is one that has no bishops see; but has the ancient retinue of a bishop, canons and prebends. Of these some are of royal, others of ecclesiastical foundation; and each is regulated, in matters of divine service, as a cathedral. Some of these were anciently abbeys which have been secularized.

COLLEGIATE, n. The member of a college.


1. Among jewelers, the horizontal face or plane at the bottom of brilliants; or the part of a ring in which the stone is set.

2. In glass-making, that part of glass vessels which sticks to the iron instrument used in taking the substance from the melting-pot.

3. Anciently, a band or collar.

4. A term used by turners.

COLLETIC, a. Having the property of gluing; agglutinant.

COLLETIC, n. An agglutinant.

COLLIDE, v.i. To strike or dash against each other.


1. A digger of coal; one who works in a coal-mine.

2. A coal-merchant or dealer in coal.

3. A coasting vessel employed in the coal trade, or in transporting coal from the ports where it is received from the mines, to the ports where it is purchased for consumption.


1. The place where coal is dug.

2. The coal trade.

COLLIFLOWER. [See Cauliflower.]

COLLIGATE, v.t. To tie or bind together.

The pieces of isinglass are colligated in rows.

COLLIGATED, pp. Tied or bound together.

COLLIGATING, ppr. Binding together.

COLLIGATION, n. A binding together.

COLLIMATION, n. The act of aiming at a mark; aim; the act of leveling, or of directing the sight to a fixed object.

COLLINEATION, n. The act of aiming, or directing in a line to a fixed object.

COLLING, n. An embrace; dalliance.

COLLIQUABLE, a. That may be liquefied, or melted; liable to melt, grow soft, or become fluid.


1. The substance formed by melting; that which is melted.

2. Technically, the fetal part of an egg; the transparent fluid in an egg, containing the first rudiments of the chick.

3. The first rudiments of an embryo in generation.

COLLIQUANT, a. That has the power of dissolving or melting.

COLLIQUATE, v.i. To melt; to dissolve; to change from solid to fluid; to become liquid.

COLLIQUATE, v.t. To melt or dissolve.

COLLIQUATED, pp. Melted; dissolved; turned from a solid to a fluid substance.

COLLIQUATING, ppr. Melting; dissolving.


1. The act of melting.

2. A dissolving, flowing or wasting; applied to the blood, when it does not readily coagulate, and to the solid parts, when they waste away by excessive secretion, occasioning fluxes and profuse, clammy sweats.

COLLIQUATIVE, a. Melting; dissolving; appropriately indicating a morbid discharge of the animal fluids; as a colliquative fever, which is accompanied with diarrhoea, or profuse sweats; a colliquative sweat is a profuse clammy sweat.

COLLIQUEFACTION, n. A melting together; the reduction of different bodies into one mass by fusion.

COLLISION, n. s as z.

1. The act of striking together; a striking together of two hard bodies.

2. The state of being struck together; a clashing. Hence,

3. Opposition; interference; as a collision of interests or of parties.

4. A running against each other, as ships at sea.

COLLOCATE, v.t. To set or place; to set; to station.

COLLOCATE, a. Set; placed.

COLLOCATED, pp. Placed.

COLLOCATING, ppr. Setting; placing.


1. A setting; the act of placing; disposition in place.

2. The state of being placed, or placed with something else.

COLLOCUTION, n. A speaking or conversing together; conference; mutual discourse.

COLLOCUTOR, n. One of the speakers in a dialogue.

COLLOGUE, v.t. To wheedle.


1. A small slice of meat; a piece of flesh.

2. In burlesque, a child.

In Job 15:27 it seems to have the sense of a thick piece or fleshy lump. He maketh collops of fat on his flanks. This is the sense of the word in N. England.

COLLOQUIAL, a. [See Colloquy.] Pertaining to common conversation, or to mutual discourse; as colloquial language; a colloquial phrase.

COLLOQUIST, n. A speaker in a dialogue.

COLLOQUY, n. Conversation; mutual discourse of two or more; conference; dialogue.

COLLOW. [See Colly.]

COLLUCTANCY, n. A struggling to resist; a striving against; resistance; opposition of nature.

COLLUCATATION, n. A struggling to resist; contest; resistance; opposition; contrariety.

COLLUDE, v.i. To play into the hand of each other; to conspire in a fraud; to act in concert.

COLLUDER, n. One who conspires in a fraud.

COLLUDING, ppr. Conspiring with another in a fraud.

COLLUDING, n. A trick; collusion.

COLLUSION, n. s as z.

1. In law, a deceitful agreement or compact between two or more persons, for the one party to bring an action against the other, for some evil purpose, as to defraud a third person of his right.

A secret understanding between two parties, who plead or proceed fraudulently against each other, to the prejudice of a third person.

2. In general, a secret agreement for a fraudulent purpose.

COLLUSIVE, a. Fraudulently concerted between two or more; as a collusive agreement.

COLLUSIVELY, adv. By collusion; by secret agreement to defraud.

COLLUSIVENESS, n. The quality of being collusive.

COLLUSORY, a. Carrying on a fraud by a secret concert; containing collusion.

COLLY, COLLOW, n. The black grime or soot of coal or burnt wood.

COLLY, v.t. To make foul; to grime with the smut of coal.