Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary
UNPREPOSSESSED, a. Not prepossessed; not biased by previous opinions; not partial.
UNPREPOSSESSING, a. Not having a winning appearance.
1. Not pressed.
2. Not enforced.
UNPRESUMPTUOUS, a. [See Presume.] Not presumptuous; not rash; modest; submissive.
UNPRETENDING, a. Not claiming distinction; modest.
UNPREVAILING, a. Being of no force; vain.
1. Not prevented; not hindered.
2. Not preceded by any thing. Obs.
UNPRIEST, v.t. To deprive of the orders of a priest.
UNPRIESTLY, a. Unsuitable to a priest.
UNPRINCE, v.t. unprins’. To deprive of principality or sovereignty.
UNPRINCELY, a. unprins’ly. Unbecoming a prince; not resembling a prince.
1. Not having settled principles; as souls unprincipled in virtue.
2. Having no good moral principles; destitute of virtue; not restrained by conscience; profligate.
1. Not printed; as a literary work.
2. Not stamped with figures; white; as unprinted cotton.
UNPRISONED, a. s as z. Set free from confinement.
UNPRIZABLE, a. Not valued; not of estimation.
UNPRIZED, a. Not valued.
UNPROCLAIMED, a. Not proclaimed; not notified by public declaration.
1. Not productive; barren.
2. More generally, not producing large crops; not making profitable returns for labor; as unproductive land.
3. Not profitable; not producing profit or interest; as capital; as unproductive funds or stock.
4. Not efficient; not producing any effect.
UNPRODUCTIVENESS, n. The state of being unproductive; as land, stock, capital labor, etc.
UNPROFANED, a. Not profaned; not violated.
1. Not pertaining to one’s profession.
2. Not belonging to a profession.
UNPROFICIENCY, n. Want of proficiency or improvement.
1. Bringing no profit; producing no gain beyond the labor, expenses and interest of capital; as unprofitable land; unprofitable stock; unprofitable employment.
2. Producing no improvement or advantage; useless; serving no purpose; as an unprofitable life; unprofitable study. Job 15:3.
3. Not useful to others.
4. Misimproving talents; bringing no glory to God; as an unprofitable servant. Matthew 25:30.
UNPROFITABLENESS, n. The state of producing no profit or good; uselessness; inutility.
1. Without profit; without clear gain; as capital unprofitably employed.
2. Without any good effect or advantage; to no good purpose.
UNPROFITED, a. Not having profit or gain.
UNPROHIBITED, a. Not prohibited; not forbid; lawful.
UNPROJECTED, a. Not planned; not projected.
1. Not prolific; barren; not producing young or fruit.
2. Not producing in abundance.
UNPROMISING, a. Not promising; not affording a favorable prospect of success, of excellence, of profit, etc.; as an unpromising youth; an unpromising season.
1. Not prompted; not dictated.
2. Not excited or instigated.
UNPRONOUNCEABLE, a. unpronouns’able. That cannot be pronounced. [Unusual.]
UNPRONOUNCED, a. Not pronounced; not uttered.
UNPROP, v.t. To remove a prop from; to deprive of support.
UNPROPER, a. Not fit or proper. Obs. [Improper is the word now used.]
UNPROPERLY, adv. Unfitly. Obs. [See Improperly.]
UNPROPHETIC, UNPROPHETICAL, a. Not foreseeing or not predicting future events.
UNPROPITIOUS, a. Not propitious; not favorable; not disposed to promote; inauspicious.
UNPROPITIOUSLY, adv. Unfavorably; unkindly.
UNPROPORTIONABLE, a. Wanting due proportion.
UNPROPORTIONATE, a. Wanting proportion; disproportionate; unfit.
UNPROPORTIONED, a. not proportioned; not suitable.
UNPROPOSED, a. s as z. Not proposed; not offered.
UNPROPPED, a. Not propped; not supported or upheld.
UNPROSPEROUS, a. Not prosperous; not attended with success; unfortunate.
UNPROSPEROUSLY, adv. Unsuccessfully; unfortunately.
UNPROSPEROUSNESS, n. Want of success; failure of the desired result.
UNPROSTITUTED, a. Not prostituted; not debased.
1. Not protected; not defended.
2. Not countenanced; not supported.
UNPROTRACTED, a. Not protracted; not drawn out in length.
1. Not proved; not known by trial.
2. Not established as true by argument, demonstration or evidence.
UNPROVIDE, v.t. To unfurnish; to divest or strip of qualifications.
1. Divested of qualifications.
2. a. Not provided; unfurnished; unsupplied.
UNPROVIDENT, a. Improvident. Obs.
UNPROVISIONED, a. s as z. Not furnished with provisions.
1. Not provoked; not incited; applied to persons.
2. Not proceeding from provocation or just cause; as an unprovoked attack.
UNPROVOKING, a. Giving no provocation or offense.
UNPRUDENTIAL, a. Imprudent. [Not used.]
UNPRUNED, a. Not pruned; not lopped.
UNPUBLIC, a. Not public; private; not generally seen or known.
1. Not made public; secret; private.
2. Not published; as a manuscript or book.
UNPUNCTUAL, a. Not punctual; not exact in time.
UNPUNCTUALITY, n. Want of punctuality.
UNPUNCTUATED, a. Not punctuated; not pointed.
UNPUNISHED, a. Not punished; suffered to pass without punishment or with impunity; as a thief unpunished; an unpunished crime.
UNPUNISHING, a. Not punishing.
UNPURCHASED, a. Not purchased; not bought.
UNPURE, a. Not pure; impure. Obs. [See Impure.]
UNPURGED, a. Not purged; unpurified.
1. Not purified; not freed from recrement or foul matter.
2. Not cleansed from sin; unsanctified.
UNPURPOSED, a. Not intended; not designed.
UNPURSED, a. Robbed of a purse.
UNPURSUED, a. Not pursued; not followed; not prosecuted.
UNPUTREFIED, a. Not putrefied; not corrupted.
UNQUAFFED, a. Not quaffed; not drank.
1. Not qualified; not fit; not having the requisite talents, abilities or accomplishments.
2. Not having taken the requisite oath or oaths.
3. Not modified or restricted by conditions or exceptions; as unqualified praise.
UNQUALIFY, v.t. To divest of qualifications. [But instead of this, disqualify is now used.]
UNQUALITIED, a. Deprived of the usual faculties. [Not in use.]
UNQUARRELABLE, a. That cannot be impugned. [Not in use.]
UNQUEEN, v.t. To divest of the dignity of queen.
UNQUELLED, a. Not quelled; not subdued.
UNQUENCHABLE, a. That cannot be quenched; that will never be extinguished; inextinguishable. Matthew 3:12; Luke 3:17.
UNQUENCHABLENESS, n. The state or quality of being inextinguishable.
UNQUENCHABLY, adv. In a manner or degree so as not to be quenched.
UNQUENCHED, a. Not extinguished.
UNQUESTIONABLE, a. Not to be questioned; not to be doubted; indubitable; certain; as unquestionable evidence or truth; unquestionable courage.
UNQUESTIONABLY, adv. Without doubt; indubitably.
1. Not called in question; not doubted.
2. Not interrogated; having no questions asked; not examined.
3. Indisputable; not to be opposed.
UNQUESTIONING, a. Not calling in question; not doubting; unhesitating.
1. Not quick; slow.
2. Not alive; motionless. [Not in use.]
UNQUICKENED, a. Not animated; not matured to vitality; as unquickened progeny.
1. Not quiet; not calm or tranquil; restless; uneasy; as an unquiet person; an unquiet mind.
2. Agitated; disturbed by continual motion; as the unquiet ocean.
3. Unsatisfied; restless.
UNQUIET, v.t. To disquiet. [Not in use.]
UNQUIETLY, adv. In an unquiet state; without rest; in an agitated state.
1. Want of quiet; want of tranquility; restlessness; uneasiness.
2. Want of peace; as of a nation.
3. Turbulence; disposition to make trouble or excite disturbance.
UNQUIETUDE, n. Uneasiness; restlessness. Obs. [For this, disquietude and inquietude are used.]
UNRACKED, a. Not racked; not poured from the lees.
1. Not raked; as land unraked.
2. Not raked together; not raked up; as fire.
1. Not ransacked; not searched.
2. Not pillaged.
UNRANSOMED, a. Not ransomed; not liberated from captivity or bondage by payment for liberty.
UNRASH, a. Not rash; not presumptuous.
1. To disentangle; to disengage or separate threads that are knit.
2. To free; to clear from complication or difficulty.
3. To separate connected or united parts; to throw into disorder.
Nature all unravel’d.
4. To unfold, as the plot or intrigue of a play.