Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary


STITCHEL, n. A kind of hairy wool. [Local.]

STITCHER, n. One that stitches.

STITCHERY, n. Needlework; in contempt.

STITCHFALLEN, a. Fallen, as a stitch in knitting. [Not in use.]

STITCHING, ppr. Sewing in a particular manner; uniting with a needle and thread.


1. The act of stitching.

2. Work done by sewing in a particular manner.

3. The forming of land into ridges or divisions.

STITCH-WORT, n. A plant, camomile. [L.] A plant of the genus Stellaria.

STITH, a. Strong; rigid. [Not in use.]

STITHY, n. [supra.]

1. An anvil. [Local.]

2. A disease in oxen.

STIVE, v.t. [See Stuff and Stew.]

1. To stuff up close. [Not in use.]

2. To make hot, sultry and close. [Not in use.]

STIVER, n. A Dutch coin of about the value of a half-penny sterling, or the cent of the United States. It is also a money of account in Holland and Flanders.

STOAK, v.t. To stop; to choke; in seamens language.

STOAT, n. An animal of the weasel king; the ermine. This animal is called stoat when of a reddish color, and ermine when white, as in winter.

STOCAH, n. An attendant; a wallet boy. [Not English nor used.]


1. A stab; a thrust with a rapier.

2. A fence or barrier made with stakes or posts planted in the earth; a slight fortification. [See Stockade.]

STOCHASTIC, a. [Gr.] Conjectural; able to conjecture. [Not in use.]

STOCK, n. [G., a stem, a staff, a stick, a block. This word coincides with stake, stick, stack; that which is set or fixed.]

1. The stem or main body of a tree or other plant; the fixed, strong, firm part; the origin and support of the branches. Job 14:8.

2. The stem in which a graft is inserted, and which is its support.

The cion overruleth the stock quite.

3. A post; something fixed, solid and senseless.

When all our fathers worshipd stocks and stones.

4. A person very stupid, dull and senseless.

Lets be no stoics, nor no stocks.

5. The handle of any thing.

6. The wood in which the barrel of a musket or other fire-arm is fixed.

7. A thrust with a rapier. [Not in use.]

8. A cravat or band for the neck.

9. A cover for the leg. [Now stocking.]

10. The original progenitor; also, the race or line of a family; the progenitors of a family and their direct descendants; lineage; family. From what stock did he spring?

Thy mother was no goddess, nor thy stock from Dardanus--

Men and brothern, children of the stock of Abraham-- Acts 13:26.

11. A fund; capital; the money or goods employed in trade, manufactures, insurance, banking, etc.; as the stock of a banking company; the stock employed in the manufacture of cotton, in making insurance and the like. Stock may be individual or joint.

12. Money lent to government, or property in a public debt; a share or shares of a national or other public debt, or in a company debt. The United States borrow of the bank or of individuals, and sell stock bearing an interest of five, six or seven per cent. British stocks are the objects of perpetual speculation.

13. Supply provided; store. Every one may be charitable out of his own stock. So we say, a stock of honor, a stock of fame.

Add to that stock which justly we bestow.

14. In agriculture, the domestic animals or beasts belonging to the owner of a farm; as a stock of cattle or of sheep. It is also used for the crop or other property belonging to the farm.

15. Living beasts shipped to a foreign country; as, a brig sailed yesterday with stock on deck. The cattle are called also live stock.

16. In the West Indies, the slaves of a plantation.

17. Stocks, plu. A machine consisting of two pieces of timber, in which the legs of criminals are confined by way of punishment.

18. The frame or timbers on which a ship rests while building.

19. The stock of an anchor is the piece of timber into which the shank is inserted.

20. In book-keeping, the owner or owners of the books.

STOCK, v.t.

1. To store; to supply; to fill; as, to stock the mind with ideas. Asia and Europe are well stocked with inhabitants.

2. To lay up in store; as, he stocks what he cannot use.

3. To put in the stocks. [Little used.]

4. To pack; to put into a pack; as, to stock cards.

5. To supply with domestic animals; as, to stock a farm.

6. To supply with seed; as, to stock land with clover or herdsgrass.

7. To suffer cows to retain their milk for 24 hours or more, previous to sale.

To stock up, to extirpate; to dig up.

STOCKADE, n. [See Stoccade.]

1. In fortification, a sharpened post or stake set in the earth.

2. A line of posts or stakes set in the earth as a fence or barrier.

STOCKADE, v.t. TO surround or fortify with sharpened posts fixed in the ground.

STOCKADED, pp. Fortified with stockades.

STOCKADING, ppr. Fortifying with sharpened posts or stakes.

STOCKBROKER, n. [stock and broker.] A broker who deals in the purchase and sale of stocks or shares in the public funds.

STOCK-DOVE, n. [stock and dove.] The ring-dove.

The stock dove is the wild pigeon of Europe, [Columbus oenas,] long considered as the stock of the domestic pigeon, but now regarded as a distinct species. The ring-dove is the Columba palumbus.

STOCK-FISH, n. [stock and fish.] Cod dried hard and without salt.

STOCK-GILLYFLOWER, n. A plant, a species of Cheiranthus; sometimes written stock July flower.

STOCKING, n. [from stock.] A garment made to cover the leg.

STOCKING, v.t. To dress in stockings.

STOCKISH, a. Hard; stupid; blockish. [Little used.]

STOCK-JOBBER, n. [stock and job.] One who speculates in the public funds for gain; one whose occupation is to buy and sell stocks.

STOCK-JOBBING, n. The act of art of dealing in the public funds.

STOCK-LOCK, n. [stock and lock.] A lock fixed in wood.

STOCKS. [See under Stock.]

STOCK-STILL, a. [stock and still.] Still as a fixed post; perfectly still.

Our preachers stand stock-still in the pulpit.

STOCKY, a. [from stock.] Thick and firm; stout. A stocky person is one rather thick than tall or corpulent; one whose bones are covered well with flesh, but without a prominent belly.

STOIC, n. [Gr., a porch in Athens where the philosopher Zeno taught.] A disciple of the philosopher Zeno, who founded a sect. He taught that men should be free from passion, unmoved by joy or grief, and submit without complaint to the unavoidable necessity by which all things are governed.


1. Pertaining to the Stoics or to their doctrines.

2. Not affected by passion; unfeeling; manifesting indifference to pleasure or pain.

STOICALLY, adv. In the manner of the Stoics; without apparent feeling or sensibility; with indifference to pleasure or pain.

STOICALNESS, n. The state of being stoical; indifference to pleasure or pain.


1. The opinions and maxims of the Stoics.

2. A real or pretended indifference to pleasure or pain; insensibility.

STOKE, is the same word as stock, differently applied. It is found in many English names of towns.

STOKE, STOKER, n. One who looks after the fire in a brew-house. [Local or technical.]

STOLE, pret. of steal.


1. A long vest or robe; a garment worn by the priests of some denominations when they officiate. It is a broad strip of cloth reaching from the neck to the feet.

2. [L.] A sucker; a shoot from the root of a plant, by which some plants may be propagated; written also stool.

STOLEN, pp. Stoln. The passive participle of steal.

Stolen waters are sweet. Proverbs 9:17.

STOLID, a. [L., from the root of still, stall, to set.] Dull; foolish; stupid. [Not used.]

STOLIDITY, n. [supra.] Dullness of intellect; stupidity. [Little used.]

STOLONIFEROUS, a. [L., a sucker; to produce.] Producing suckers; putting forth suckers; as a stoloniferous stem.

STOMACH, n. [L.]

1. In animal bodies, a membranous receptacle, the organ of digestion, in which food is prepared for entering into the several parts of the body for its nourishment.

2. Appetite; the desire of food caused by hunger; as a good stomach for roast beef. [A popular use of the word.]

3. Inclination; liking.

He which hath no stomach to this fight, let him depart--

4. Anger; violence of temper.

Stern was his look, and full of stomach vain.

5. Sullenness; resentment; willful obstinacy; stubbornness.

This sort of crying proceeding from pride, obstinacy and stomach, the will, where the fault lies, must be bent.

6. Pride; haughtiness.

He was a man of an unbounded stomach, ever ranking himself with princes.

[Note. This word in all the foregoing senses, except the first, is nearly obsolete or inelegant.]

STOMACH, v.t. [L.]

1. To resent; to remember with anger.

The lion began to show his teeth, and to stomach the affront.

This sense is not used in America, as far as my observation extends. In America, at least in New England, the sense is,

2. To brook; to bear without open resentment or without opposition. [Not elegant.]

STOMACH, v.i. To be angry. [Not in use.]

STOMACHED, a. Filled with resentment.

STOMACHER, n. An ornament or support to the breast, worn by females. Isaiah 3:24.

STOMACHFUL, a. Willfully obstinate; stubborn; perverse; as a stomachful boy.

STOMACHFULNESS, n. Stubbornness; sullenness; perverse obstinacy.


1. Pertaining to the stomach; as stomachic vessels.

2. Strengthening to the stomach; exciting the action of the stomach.

STOMACHIC, n. A medicine that excites the action and strengthens the tone of the stomach.

STOMACHING, n. Resentment. [Not in use.]

STOMACHLESS, a. Being without appetite.

STOMACHOUS, a. Stout; sullen; obstinate. [Not in use.]

STOMP, for stamp, which see.

STOND, n. [for stand.] A stop; a post; a station. [See Stand.]

STONE, n. [Gr.]

1. A concretion of some species of earth, as lime, silex, clay and the like, usually in combination with some species of air or gas, with sulphur or with a metallic substance; a hard compact body, of any form and size. In popular language, very large masses of concretions are called rocks; and very small concretions are universally called gravel or sand, or grains of sand. Stones are of various degrees of hardness and weight; they are brittle and fusible, but not malleable, ductile, or soluble in water. Stones are of great and extensive use int he construction of buildings of all kinds, for walls, fences, piers, abutments, arches, monuments, sculpture and the like. When we speak of the substance generally, we use stone in the singular; as a house or wall of stone. But when we speak of particular separate masses, we say, a stone, or the stones.

2. A gem; a precious stone.

Inestimable stones, unvalud jewels.

3. Any thing made of stone; a mirror.

4. A calculous concretion in the kidneys or bladder; the disease arising from a calculus.

5. A testicle.

6. The nut of a drupe or stone fruit; or the hard covering inclosing the kernel, and itself inclosed by the pulpy pericarp.

7. In Great Britain, the weight of fourteen pounds. [8, 12, 14, or 16.] [Not used in the United States, except in reference to the riders of horses in races.]

8. A monument erected to preserve the memory of the dead.

Should some relentless eye glance on the stone where our cold relics lie--

9. It is used to express torpidness and insensibility; as a heart of stone.

I have not yet forgot myself to stone.

10. Stone is prefixed to some words to qualify their signification. Thus stone-dead, is perfectly dead, as lifeless as a stone; stone-still, still as a stone, perfectly still; stone-blind, blind as a stone, perfectly blind.

To leave no stone unturned, a proverbial expression which signifies to do every thing that can be done; to use all practicable means to effect an object.

Meteoric stones, stones which fall from the atmosphere, as after the displosion of a meteor.

Philosophers stone, a pretended substance that was formerly supposed to have the property of turning any other substance into gold.

STONE, a. Made of stone, or like stone; as a stone jug.
STONE, v.t.

1. To pelt, beat or kill with stones.

And they stoned Stephen calling on God and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. Acts 7:59.

2. To harden.

O perjurd woman, thou dost stone my heart. [Little used.]

3. To free from stones; as, to stone raisins.

4. To wall or face with stones; to line or fortify with stones; as, to stone a well; to stone a cellar.

STONE-BLIND, a. [stone and blind.] Blind as a stone; perfectly blind.

STONE-BOW, n. [stone and bow.] A cross bow for shooting stones.

STONE-BREAK, n. [stone and break. L.] A plant.

STONE-CHAT, STONE-CHATTER, n. [stone and chatter.] A bird, the Motacilla rubicola.

STONE-CRAY, n. A distemper in hawks.

STONE-CROP, n. A sort of tree. A plant of the genus Sedum; wall-pepper. The stone-crop tree or shrubby glass-wort is of the genus Chenopodium.

STONECUTTER, n. [stone and cut.] One whose occupation is to hew stones.

STONECUTTING, n. The business of hewing stones for walls, steps, cornices, monuments, etc.

STONED, pp. Pelted or killed with stones; freed from stones; walled with stones.

STONE-DEAD, a. [stone and dead.] As lifeless as a stone.

STONE-FERN, n. [stone and fern.] A plant.

STONE-FLY, n. [stone and fly.] An insect.

STONE-FRUIT, n. [stone and fruit.] Fruit whose seeds are covered with a hard shell enveloped in the pulp, as peaches, cherries, plums, etc.; a drupe.

STONE-HAWK, n. [stone and hawk.] A kind of hawk.

STONE-HEARTED, STONY-HEARTED, a. [stone and heart.] Hard hearted; cruel; pitiless; unfeeling.

STONE-HORSE, n. [stone and horse.] A house built of stone.

STONE-HOUSE, n. [stone and house.] A house built of stone.

STONE-PARSLEY, n. A plant of the genus Bubon.

STONE-PIT, n. [stone and pit.] A pit or quarry where stones are dug.

STONE-PITCH, n. [stone and pitch.] Hard inspissated pitch.

STONE-PLOVER, n. [stone and plover.] A bird.

STONER, n. One who beats or kills with stones; one who walls with stones.

STONE’S-CAST, STONE’S-THROW, n. [stone and cast or throw.] The distance which a stone may be thrown by the hand.

STONE’S-MICKLE, n. A bird.

STONE-SQUARER, n. [stone and square.] One who forms stones into squares. 1 Kings 5:18.

STONE-STILL, a. [stone and still.] Still as a stone; perfectly still or motionless.

STONE-WALL, n. [stone and wall.] A wall built of stones.

STONE-WARE, n. [stone and ware.] A species of potters ware of a coarse kind, glazed and baked.

STONE-WORK, n. [stone and work.] Work or wall consisting of stone; masons work of stone.

STONINESS, n. [from stony.]

1. The quality of abounding with stones; as, the stoniness of ground renders it difficult to till.

2. Hardness of heart.

STONY, a. [G.]

1. Made of stone; as a stony tower.

2. Consisting of stone; as a stony cave.

3. Full of stones; abounding with stones; as stony ground.

4. Petrifying; as the stony dart of senseless cold.

5. Hard; cruel; unrelenting; pitiless; as a stony heart.

6. Insensible; obdurate; perverse; morally hard.

STOOD, pret. of stand.

STOOK, n. A small collection of sheaves set up in the field. [Local.]

STOOL, n. [G., a stool, a stock, a pew, a chair, the see of a bishop. This coincides with stall and still. A stool is that which is set, or a seat.]

1. A seat without a back; a little form consisting of a board with three or four legs, intended as a set for one person.

2. The seat used in evacuating the contents of the bowels; hence, an evacuation; a discharge from the bowels.

3. [L.] A sucker; a shoot from the bottom of the stem or the root of a plant.

Stool of repentance, in Scotland, an elevated seat in the church, on which persons sit as a punishment for fornication and adultery.

STOOL, v.i. In agriculture, to ramify; to tiller, as grain; to shoot out suckers.

STOOL-BALL, n. [stool and ball.] A play in which balls are driven from stool to stool.

STOOM, v.t. To put bags of herbs or other ingredients into wine, to prevent fermentation. [Local.]

STOOP, v.i.

1. To bend the body downward and forward; as, to stoop to pick up a book.

2. To bend or lean forward; to incline forward in standing or walking. We often see men stoop in standing or walking, either from habit or from age.

3. To yield; to submit; to bend by compulsion; as, Carthage at length stooped to Rome.

4. To descend from rank or dignity; to condescend. IN modern days, attention to agriculture is not called stooping in men of property.

Where men of great wealth stoop to husbandry, it multiplieth riches exceedingly.

5. To yield; to be inferior.

These are arts, my prince, in which our Zama does not stoop to Rome.

6. To come down on prey, as a hawk.

The bird of Jove stoopd from his airy tour, two birds of gayest plume before him drove.

7. To alight from the wing.

And stoop with closing pinions from above.

8. To sink to a lower place.

Cowering low with blandishments, each bird stoopd on his wing.

STOOP, v.t.

1. To cause to incline downward; to sink; as, to stoop a cask of liquor.

2. To cause to submit. [Little used.]


1. The act of bending the body forward; inclination forward.

2. Descent from dignity or superiority; condescension.

Can any loyal subject see with patience such a stoop from sovereignty?

3. Fall of a bird on his prey.

4. In America, a kind of shed, generally open, but attached to a house; also, an open place for seats at a door.


1. A vessel of liquor; as a stoop of wine or ale.

2. A post fixed in the earth. [Local.]

STOOPED, pp. Caused to lean.

STOOPER, n. One that bends the body forward.

STOOPING, ppr. Bending the body forward; yielding; submitting; condescending; inclining.

STOOPINGLY, adv. With a bending of the body forward.

STOOR, v.i. To rise in clouds, as dust or smoke; from the Welsh ystwr, a stir. [Local.]

STOOTER, n. A small silver coin in Holland, value 2 stivers.

STOP, v.t. [G., to stop, to check, to pose, to fill, to cram, to stuff, to quilt, to darn, to mend. See Stifle. L., tow; to stuff, to crowd; to be stupefied, whence stupid, stupor, [that is, to stop, or a stop.] The primary sense is either to cease to move, or to stuff, to press, to thrust in, to cram; probably the latter.]

1. To close, as an aperture, by filling or by obstructing; as, to stop a vent; to stop the ears; to stop wells of water. 2 Kings 3:19.

2. To obstruct; to render impassable; as, to stop a way, road or passage.

3. To hinder; to impede; to arrest progress; as, to stop a passenger in the road; to stop the course of a stream.

4. To restrain; to hinder; to suspend; as to stop the execution of a decree.

5. To repress; to suppress; to restrain; as, to stop the progress of vice.

6. To hinder; to check; as, to stop the approaches of old age or infirmity.

7. To hinder from action or practice.

Whose disposition, all the world well knows, will not be rubbd nor stoppd.

8. To put an end to any motion or action; to intercept; as, to stop the breath; to stop proceedings.

9. To regulate the sounds of musical strings; as, to stop a string.

10. In seamanship, to make fast.

11. To point; as a written composition. [Not in use.]

STOP, v.i.

1. To cease to go forward.

Some strange commotion is in his brain; he bites his lip, and starts; stops on a sudden, looks upon the ground---

2. To cease from any motion or course of action. When you are accustomed to a course of vice, it is very difficult to stop.

The best time to stop is at the beginning.

STOP, n.

1. Cessation of progressive motion; as, to make a stop.

2. Hindrance of progress; obstruction; act of stopping.

Occult qualities put a stop to the improvement of natural philosophy--

3. Repression; hindrance of operation or action.

It is a great step towards the mastery of our desires, to give this stop to them.

4. Interruption.

These stops of thine fright me the more.

5. Prohibition of sale; as the stop of wine and salt.

6. That which obstructs; obstacle; impediment.

A fatal stop travesd their headlong course.

So melancholy a prospect should inspire us with zeal to oppose some stop to the rising torrent.

7. The instrument by which the sounds of wind music are regulated; as the stops of a flute or an organ.

8. Regulation of musical chords by the fingers.

In the stops of lutes, the higher they go, the less distance is between the frets.

9. The act of applying the stops in music.

Th organ-sound a time survives the stop.

10. A point or mark in writing, intended to distinguish the sentences, parts of a sentence or clauses, and to show the proper pauses in reading. The stops generally used, are the comma, semi-colon, colon and period. To these may be added the marks of interrogation and exclamation.

STOP-COCK, n. [stop and cock.] A pipe for letting out a fluid, stopped by a turning cock.

STOP-GAP, n. [stop and gap.] A temporary expedient. [Not used.]

STOPLESS, a. Not to be stopped. [Not in use.]

STOPPAGE, n. The act of stopping or arresting progress or motion; or the state of being stopped; as the stoppage of the circulation of the blood; the stoppage of commerce.