Advent Review, and Sabbath Herald, vol. 24

October 4, 1864

RH, Vol. XXIV. Battle Creek, Mich., Third-Day, No. 19

James White


“Here is the Patience of the Saints; Here are they that keep the Commandments of God, and the Faith of Jesus.”

The Advent Review & Sabbath Herald


is published weekly, by
The Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association.

TERMS. —Two Dollars a year in advance. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 145.1

Address Elder JAMES WHITE, Battle Creek, Michigan. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 145.2

Life’s Contest


Fight for the Truth, O soldier in life’s battle,
Though foes encompass thee on either side,
Gird on thy breastplate and unsheath thy weapon,
O’er error’s hosts triumphant thou shalt ride.
Dare to do right, the heavens bending o’er thee,
Bear but this watchword on their shining arch,
The “Higher Law” is written all before thee,
Read and obey it on thine onward march.
ARSH October 4, 1864, page 145.3

The world has need of spirits true and fearless,
Who dare to wall where duty leads the way,
Treading life’s path however sad and cheerless,
Hoping through darkest night for dawning day,
Has need of hearts like temples set in order,
Where Justice ministers and Mercy pleads,
Where Pity weeps and Love sits at the altar,
Pouring out fullness for all human needs.
ARSH October 4, 1864, page 145.4

Thou hast no time to dream, the world is waiting
For blows that thy strong arm alone can give,
And weary souls watch at their prison grating,
Till thou shalt break their chains and bid them live.
Go tell thy brother that the strong are needed,
Truth calls her champions to the open field,
The ranks are thin, be ready for the contest,
All that can armour wear or weapon wield.
[Sabbath Recorder.
ARSH October 4, 1864, page 145.5

Sanctification: or Living Holiness


by eld. d. t. bourdeau.

(Continued.) ARSH October 4, 1864, page 145.6

the working faculties

As God does nothing in vain, it is reasonable to believe that these faculties were made to be exercised. Accordingly the Sacred Record informs us that when the Creator had formed man, he took him and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. Genesis 2:15. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 145.7

Physical labor was appointed before the fall, and must have been designed to meet the wants of men. The organization of man is such that he needs to exercise his working faculties; and he cannot neglect to do this without sustaining a loss. It does not require a labored argument to prove this. Reason, common sense and experience teach that the digestive organs demand the exercise of the working powers, and that proper physical exercise helps in conveying the nutritive properties of food into the different parts of the system, and in imparting vigor, strength, and health to the body and the mind. Hence as a general thing, the laboring classes, especially those who exercise out of doors, are stronger physically, and enjoy better health, than persons of sedentary habits. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 145.8

But notwithstanding this, it is a lamentable fact that there is in the masses of the present age, an inclination to shun physical labor. It is by many considered a disgrace to engage in manual labor or other physical exercise. Many would be ashamed to be seen working with their hands as old-fashioned people used to do. And strange to say that in many instances even those who have labored hard to get above want, will partake of this spirit and encourage the same in their children. Under thus influence children think that they cannot be gentlemen and ladies if they work physically, and they will either spend their time in idleness, and grow up as it were in the shade, without getting the power of endurance, and without obtaining the experience they so much need, and which would prove a blessing to themselves and to others; or they will select a vocation that does not require physical exertion, but calls into exercise the mental faculties. Some of these delicate children are encouraged to engage in literary pursuits. They are perhaps told that it will be better for their health. They engage in their studies, overtax the mind, and are very careful to exercise as little as possible with their physical powers. The result is that some die before they have completed their studies, and not a few of those who gain their object are left with shattered nerves and a ruined constitution. And how much benefit and comfort can they derive from all their knowledge? It is of but little use to them, and they lack the very thing they need to communicate it to others, viz., vigor and strength of body and mind. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 145.9

In the name of reason and Scripture, we enter our protest against such a spirit and such a course. We would not lightly esteem knowledge, or discourage in others a desire to pursue proper studies. Let useful knowledge be eagerly pursued and cherished. But the most useful knowledge is that which pertains to our duty, and we cannot understand our whole duty unless we have a certain knowledge of the nature and functions of the prominent faculties of our beings and the relations they sustain to each other. Let the mind be cultivated, but let not the body be neglected. In order that we may excel in the study of any subject and advance in knowledge, it is necessary that we possess health and vigor of mind. Now the health of the mind depends much on that of the body, and physical exercise assists in promoting the health of the body. Hence the greatest and most useful men that have lived have been careful to cultivate and exercise their physical faculties. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 145.10

Ashamed to labor physically, while physical labor is appointed by the Creator, and is so beneficial to man! It would be far better to be ashamed of the least inclination to shun physical labor, and of the shameful consequences resulting from idleness. Better be ashamed of leaving the way marked out by God and approved by reason and experience, to pursue a course opposed to God, reason, and common sense, and destructive of health and happiness. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 145.11

Those who think it a disgrace to labor with their hands would doubtless be ashamed of Christ, and many holy men and women spoken of in the Scriptures; for they engaged in manual labor. Christ was a carpenter, and we understand that this was one reason why the Jews were offended at him. They said, “Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary? .... And they were offended at him.” Mark 6:3. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 145.12

The great apostle to the Gentiles was a tent-maker, and was not ashamed to work with his hands. Physical labor was not a hindrance to him in his work, but rather made him more successful in advancing the cause of truth. As he labored with his hands, or traveled on foot in imitation of the example of his divine Master before him, he showed that he was actuated by unselfish principles, set an example for his brethren to follow, and had the satisfaction that he did what he could to supply his wants and the wants of others. He could say, I have coveted no man’s silver, or gold, or apparel. Yes, ye yourselves know that these hands have ministered unto my necessities, and to them that were with me. I have showed you all things, how that so laboring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” “For ye remember, brethren, our labor and travail; for laboring night and day, because we would not be chargeable to any of you, we preached unto you the gospel of God.” “Neither did we eat any man’s bread for naught; but wrought with labor and travail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you: not because we had not power, but to make ourselves an ensample unto you to follow us.” Acts 20:33-35; 1 Thessalonians 2:9; 2 Thessalonians 3:8, 9. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 145.13

When man had fallen, God cursed the earth, thus making it necessary for man to labor more to maintain his existence. The solemn mandate from God was, “Cursed is the earth for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it, all the days of thy life; thorns also and this tles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat of the herb of the field. In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return unto the ground.” Genesis 3:17-19. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 145.14

This judgment was mixed with mercy. It was a blessing to man that God added to his labor after he sinned. As man labored in the sweat of his face, he would be more apt to remember his shameful fall, and would be less inclined to devise and practice wickedness. On the same principle it is wiser for people now to labor than to remain in idleness. If children generally were taught to delight more in manual labor, their minds would not be so liable to wander from the path of virtue, and they would be more easily kept from pursuing a course that has ruined thousands of promising children and youth, and brought so many parents and guardians to shame. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 145.15

And would not the same principle work well with older persons who do not love industrious labor? Think of the base and enormous crimes which are practiced in this generation to avoid labor. Think of the extremes to which many go in speculation. To many of this class the following good advice of Paul would apply well: “Let him that stole, steal no more, but rather let him labor working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.” Ephesians 4:28. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 145.16

Idleness and effeminacy are forbidden, while labor and industry are encouraged, by the word of God. Paul exhorted his brethren to not be slothful in business, to learn to maintain good works (or profess honest trades, margin,) that they be not unfruitful, and commanded that if any man would not work neither should he eat. Romans 12:11; Titus 3:14; 2 Thessalonians 3:10. He also declared that no effeminate shall inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 145.17

Says Solomon, “He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand; but the hand of the diligent maketh rich. He that gathereth in summer is a wise son; but he that sleepeth in harvest is a son that causeth shame.” “The soul of the sluggard desireth and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.” “Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep and an idle soul shall suffer hunger.” “The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold: therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing.” “I went by the field of the slothful, and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding; and lo, it was all grown over with thorns; and nettles had covered the face thereof; and the stone-wall there of was broken down. Then I saw and considered it well: I looked upon it and received instruction. Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: so shall thy poverty come as one that traveleth; and thy want as an armed man.” Proverbs 10:4, 5; 3:4; 19:15; 20:4; 24, 30-34. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 145.18

Solomon’s advice to the sluggard is as follows: “Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, provideth her meat In the summer, and gathereth her food in harvest. How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep?” Proverbs 11:6-9. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 146.1

Ezekiel 16:49, 50. “Behold this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty and committed abomination before me; therefore I took them away, as I saw good.” ARSH October 4, 1864, page 146.2

The above scripture supports the oft-repeated saying that a lazy person cannot be a Christian. He that is indolent and slack in temporal matters, is liable to be so in spiritual matters. He is not fully prepared to plow through the hardships connected with the Christian warfare, and cannot be successful in overcoming. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 146.3

It is a source of encouragement to those who labor with their hands, that they can with industrious labor act an important part in advancing the cause of their Master. But pains should be taken to not overtax the body. While proper physical exercise is strengthening and invigorating to the body and the mind, excessive physical labor exhausts the physical and mental energies, and unfits us to engage in the worship of God. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 146.4

The idea that we are living near the end does not constitute a sufficient reason to retrain from labor, as some have contended. It is rather a strong motive to induce us to do that which is conducive to our present well being, and helps forward the cause of truth. We should not labor and plan to lay up treasures on earth; but we should labor and plan with reference to the end near, and to push forward the solemn work of the last message. Is health a blessing to be prized, and is it our duty to do what we can to preserve it? Then should we exercise our working faculties. Will the saints in the future state possess literal bodies, and strong physical powers to be used in performing delightsome labor? and is it a fact that the future state is soon to be ushered in? Then is it reasonable and consistent to cherish physical labor, and exercise the working faculties here. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 146.5

(To be continued.)

Tobacco-Using. No. 10


tobacco on religion

If paralyzing the native energies of the nervous system can impair mental and moral developments, then tobacco is doing its work of destruction on regions character. While it deadens the natural power, stability, and activity, of every nerve in the body, it puts a damper upon the developments of religious sentiment and feeling. Tobacco-users so abuse their spiritual energies in this respect, that they cannot conveniently carry out the form, much less apparent spirit, of religious services, without this ungodly agent. A social meeting for religious services, composed of tobacco users, deprived for several hours of that filthy companion, would be a dreary affair: there would be no signs of emotion except those of ungratified lust, and the Devil laughing over the victory he had won. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 146.6

A deacon once said to me, in self-defense against my appeals to his conscience on the subject, “If I go to conference or prayer meeting without first smoking or taking a chew of tobacco with me, I cannot enjoy the meeting, I cannot speak or pray without it; the meeting passes like a dull and heavy task; I enjoy none of its exercises; and I long to have it close, that I may procure relief. But when I previously smoke or carry my plug of tobacco with me, I then can enjoy the meeting, can talk and pray, get good and do good, and all goes well.” My reply, in substance, was this: “Instead, deacon, of going to the social meeting under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, depending on its agency to give you enjoyment, and freedom of feeling and utterance, you go there leaning on the inspiration of tobacco-an agency not from above, but from beneath-one that is ‘earthly, sensual, devilish.” ARSH October 4, 1864, page 146.7

This is a perfect sample of the condition and feeling of thousands; and more or less of all tobacco-users. They so deaden the natural sensibilities of the body and mind, by using it, that they are not immediately susceptible of the impulses of the Holy Spirit, by which alone is true spirit of devotion and religious enjoyment are induced. Everything to them is insipid and lifeless, without their tobacco. They absolutely depend on its exciting properties to give them what they call spiritual life. Unless excited by its immediate use, they come under its paralyzing power, which disqualifies them for any and every calling in life. But so far from being under any proper religious feeling, or any influence of Divine energy, they have yielded themselves to the ensnaring and bewildering excitations of the Devil, through his great agent, tobacco. They are in a like condition with the liquor drinker, who, under its exciting power, can talk eloquently on religion, and shed alcoholic tears of alternate joy and penitence. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 146.8

The time was when the professed ministers of Christ were accustomed to make use of the unhallowed inspirations of alcohol to prepare and preach their sermons. Now their eyes are opened to its diabolical agency. No ecclesiastical council would now ordain a man who was addicted to his cups. But while they reject this, many hold on to the more deadly and soul-crushing agent, tobacco,—an agent, which, when compared with gradual rum-steeping, is making their souls and bodies more perfect slaves to earthly lust. And, besides being a more inveterate enemy to grace, it is a far more filthy sin against God. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 146.9

Now, instead of giving to the mind the unhallowed inspirations of the intoxicating drink, they give themselves to the inspiring properties of tobacco. The more intently they study, the more they chew and smoke the deadly stuff. Instead of denying the flesh, that the Divine agency may fill the heart, quicken the mind, and guide the thought, they so indulge this sensual appetite as to paralyze the finer susceptibilities of the soul, and in a degree, shut out the Spirit of God. For tobacco and the Holy Ghost can no more dwell together in the same person, than the Holy Ghost and alcohol. The tobacco more effectually and permanently bars out the Spirit from the inner temple of the man, than alcohol in moderation, because of its protracted sedative influences, which the former does not possess. And it not only embarrasses the indwelling of the Spirit, by beclouding the man’s inner temple, but by defiling the outer temple. The Spirit of God not only chooses a pure heart, freed from the stains of unhallowed lusts, but a body free from the literal defilement of gross indifference and filthy physical habits. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 146.10

While the mind occupies its earthly tabernacle, its vigor and activity depend much upon the healthy state of the vital forces. Consequently, when those vital forces are impaired. mental energy and durability are diminished. Our religious enjoyment and usefulness depend much on a healthful condition of the mental faculties. When the vital forces are depressed, competitive gloominess hangs over the mental and spiritual energies. In this way, spiritual despondency, or apathy, or both, are general attendants on a depressed state of the nervous system. Whatever, therefore, depresses the vital or electric forces of the body, depresses the forces of the soul. Tobacco’s most destructive thrust is hurled at the very seat of vitality-the electric circulation of the nervous system. Here is its chief work of destruction to the body. And, while doing this, it is jostling the equilibrium and power of the mind, and destroying the vigor and animation of the soul. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 146.11

The dream of an elderly lady may possibly illustrate this truth. She was professedly very pious, but allowed, for many years, her devotions to her pipe, like thousands in the church, to exceed her devotions to God. She was more sure not to forget her vows to this carnal appetite, than not to neglect her closet for prayer. One night she dreamed of an aerial flight to the regions of the spirit world, where not only her eyes could feast on the beauties of elysian fields, but where she could converse with perfected spirits. One of these she asked to go and look for her name in the Book of Life. He complied; but at length returned with a sad countenance, saying it was not there. Again she besought him to go, and search more thoroughly. After a more lengthy examination, he returned with out finding it. She wept bitterly. But she could not rest till a third search should be made. after a long and anxious absence, he returned with a brightened countenance, saying it had, after great labor, been found; but that so deep was the covering which years of tobacco-smoke had laid over it, that it was with great difficulty that it could be discerned. She awoke, and found herself prostrated with weeping. It is not for me to say, whether there was, or was not, any Divine instruction in this dream; but it produced in the old lady a repentance from her evil habits, and a pious resolution henceforward to give unto God, not a divided, but a whole heart-to cast the idol at her feet, and lay no more of her time, and money, and vital energies, upon its unholy altar. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 146.12

Tobacco stands in the way of Gospel impressions on the minds of unconverted men. It not only dampens Christian love and zeal, and lessens the spiritual enterprise of the church, but blunts the mental susceptibility of those who have never known the power of Divine grace. Any artificial excitement creates a barrier to impressions from the Holy Spirit. Alcoholic liquors, or opium, or any other excitants of like character, form insuperable obstacles to saving grace. Take two individuals alike in every respect, except that one narcotizes himself habitually with tobacco, and the one who is free from the habit, would be found far more impressible, under Divine influences, than the other. This would be found true, whether these influences were bestowed while the subject was under its immediately exciting properties, or under its ultimate narcotism. That this poison obstructs the intercourse of the Spirit, seems practically admitted by the generality of tobacco-using professors; for, as they are about to enter upon the duty of prayer, they always cast away their quid. They seem intuitively conscious that tobacco and the Spirit have no affinity. Therefore, when they are about to pray, they cast this devil out of their mouth. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 146.13

What would be the effect of a man’s preaching from the text, “Abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul,” on the mind of an enlightened, common-sense congregation, with a plug of tobacco in his mouth, or being known as a smoker or snuffer of the weed? While he calls on them to put away unholy appetite, and save their money for the altar of Christ, he must put that most unholy and expensive oral lust forever from him. And while he would gain access to the hearts of an idolatrous world around him, he must persuade his church, who are the epistles of his ministry, to put away that idol which adheres closest to the flesh. For unconverted men will have very little confidence in the sincerity of ministers or churches, with all their professions of love for lost men, while they see, by demonstrative facts, that they will give more money, on an average, for a plug of Cavendish or a Principe, than to save a soul from hell. If the money spent by the church for this object, could be spent for Bibles and their distribution, what a mighty enlargement of means would at once be brought to bear upon the extensions of Gospel light! ARSH October 4, 1864, page 146.14

Tobacco costs the church, every year, more than five times as much as is collected for sending abroad Gospel light into a benighted world. Nor is this expenditure simply a waste of the pecuniary means of the church, crippling its financial strength, but a waste of time and talent, and moral power. And if we reckon only the waste of money, while so much is needed for extending the triumphs of the cross, it reflects shame and disgrace on the whole Christian church. To think that the means for sending the Gospel to all the world would be more than five times what they now are, if the money paid for tobacco by professors of Christianity, were cast into the Gospel treasury, is enough to chill one’s blood to the heart. O, shame on the church for their stupidity and sin, touching this thing! Instead of loving Christ and his Gospel with all the heart, and denying themselves every needless thing, especially every worldly lust and ungodly indulgence, in order to increase the Gospel fund, they are wasting money, time, and energies, for that “earthly, sensual, devilish” appetite for tobacco. They are, also, by their example, encouraging others in a habit which helps to close the avenues of the soul against the saving power of the Gospel; and are practically saying to ungodly men, that the self-denial of unnatural lusts is a non-essential or an impracticable grace. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 146.15

The literal defilements of tobacco hinder the progress of Divine truth. Instances have occurred, in times of religious revivals, where individuals who were occupying the position of inquirers, were so disturbed with the tobacco breath of the minister or deacon, who was conversing with them on the subject, that they have made this objection against putting themselves any longer in the seat of the inquirers. Oh, let ministers and deacons put away a breath which resists the Holy Ghost, and nauseates the subject of its convicting power! The Devil casts infernal smiles on those professors who champ and puff this deadly essence; not merely because it paralyses physical energy and shortens human life, but because it stupefies the native susceptibilities of the mind, and blunts the soul to the moral suasions of Heaven. Nay, he triumphs while he knows that its nauseous fumes choke up the gateway that leads to the kingdom of Christ, and become a “stench in the nostrils of Jehovah.” ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.1

(To be Continued.)

What is the Truth?


This question should be earnestly propounded by every Christian; but the mass seem contented with the inquiry, “What is popular?” We should be willing to follow the truth irrespective of popular theology! Let the truth be what it may, or where it may, we should strive to be with it, at whatever sacrifice!! Tradition should not deter us from scrutinizing a search for this rare article, in this age of fables! Without pausing to ask, “Have any of the rulers believed,” or noted Divines embraced, this or that sentiment, we should zealously prosecute the inquiry, “What is TRUTH?” The Saviour, in addressing the Father, gives this general answer: Thy word is truth.” Then let us appeal to that word for an answer to the following series of questions, relative to immortality. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.2

1. Are men in possession of immortality? Ans.: “The King of kings and Lord of lords; who ONLY hath immortality.”—1 Timothy 4:15, 16; Romans 2:7. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.3

2. When will the saints obtain immortality? Ans.: “At the last trump * * this mortal must put on immortality,”—1 Corinthians 15:52. 53. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.4

3. Are saints recompensed at death or at the resurrection? Ans.: “Thou shalt be recompensed at the RESURRECTION of the just.”—Luke 14:14; Revelation 11:18; Matthew 16:27; Revelation 22:12. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.5

4. Are saints to be recompensed in Heaven or on the earth? Ans.: “Behold the righteous shall be recompensed in the EARTH.”—Proverbs 11:31; Revelation 5:10: Matthew 5:5; Psalm 37:11; Matthew 6:10; Daniel 7:27; Revelation 11:15. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.6

5. Are the dead conscious or unconscious? Ans.: “The DEAD KNOW NOT ANYTHING.”—Ecclesiastes 9:5; Psalm 146:4; Isaiah 38:18; Ecclesiastes 3:19. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.7

6. Are departed saints now celebrating the praises of the Lord? Ans.: “The dead praise NOT the Lord.” Psalm 115:17; Ecclesiastes 9:6; Psalm 6:5. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.8

7. Are the patriarchs in Heaven? Ans.: “David is NOT ascended into the heavens.”—Acts 2:34; John 3:13. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.9

8. Have the prophets received their reward, or does it await them at the judgment? Ans.: “The time of the dead that they should be judged, and that thou shouldst give REWARD unto thy servants the PROPHETS.”—Revelation 11:18; Psalm 17:15. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.10

9. Have the apostles gone to Heaven? Ans.: “As I said to the Jews, Whither I go ye cannot come, so now I say TO YOU” (apostles).—John 13:33; 1 Timothy 4:16. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.11

10. Are saints crowned at death, or at Christ’s coming? Ans.: “When the Chief Shepherd SHALL APPEAR ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.”—1 Peter 5:4; 2 Timothy 4:18; 1 Peter 1:4, 5. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.12

11. Do saints go to glory at death, or at the appearing of Christ? Ans.: “When Christ who is our life shall appear, THEN shall ye also appear with him in glory.”—Colossians 3:4; I John 3:2. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.13

12. Did Job expect to see his Redeemer at death, or “at the latter day”—in Heaven, or “upon the earth”—in a disembodied state, or in his resurrected capacity? Ans.: “I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand AT THE LATTER DAY upon the EARTH: and though after my skin, worms destroy this body, yet in my FLESH shall I see God.”—Job 19:25, 26; 1 Thessalonians 4:16. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.14

13. Did David expect to be satisfied at death or at the resurrection? Ans.: “I shall be satisfied when I AWAKE with thy likeness,”—Psalm 17:15; Philippians 3:20, 21. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.15

14. Will the saints “shine” in the kingdom at death or at the resurrection? Ans.: “Many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall AWAKE * * they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament.”—Daniel 12:2, 3; Matthew 13:40-43. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.16

15. Did Christ promise to receive saints unto himself at death, or at his coming? Ans.: “I will COME AGAIN and RECEIVE YOU unto myself.”—John 14:3; Romans 8:23. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.17

16. Do saints enter the kingdom at death, or at Christ’s coming? Ans.: “When the Son of man shall come in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him * * THEN shall the King say unto them on His right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom.”—Matthew 25:31-34; Daniel 7:27. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.18

17. Did the apostles groan for a disembodied state, or for the redemption of the body? Ans.: “We ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption; to wit, the REDEMPTION of the BODY.”—Romans 8:23; 2 Corinthians 5:4. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.19

18. When will the saints receive eternal life? Ans.: “In the WORLD TO COME eternal life.”—Mark 10:30; Luke 17:30. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.20

19. Are the saints made equal to the angels at death, or at the resurrection? Ans.: “They which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world and the RESURRECTION of the dead * * THEY are equal unto the angels.”—Luke 20:35, 36; Matthew 22:30. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.21

20. Were the ancient worthies rewarded at death? Ans.: “These all died in faith, NOT having received the promises.”—Hebrews 11:13, 39, 40. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.22

21. When did they expect their reward? Ans.: “Others were tortured not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better RESURRECTION.”—Hebrews 11:35; 1 Peter 1:13. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.23

22. Will the soul come from Heaven, or the grave, at the resurrection? “God will redeem my SOUL from the power of the GRAVE.”—Psalm 49:14; 89:48. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.24

23. Does the soul die? Ans.: “He spared not their SOUL from DEATH.”—Psalms 78:50; 22:29; Ezekiel 18:4, 20; Joshua 10:35; Ezekiel 22:27; Isaiah 38:17; Psalm 56:13; Revelation 16:3; Job 33:29, 30; Psalm 30:3; 119:175. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.25

24. What would be the ultimatum without a resurrection? Ans.: “If there be no resurrection of the dead, then is not Christ risen * * then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished.”—1 Corinthians 15:13-18. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.26

punishment of the wicked

25. Are the wicked now being punished in some unknown hell, or are they to be punished at the judgment day? Ans.: “Reserve the unjust unto the judgment TO BE PUNISHED.”—2 Peter 2:9; Job 21:30. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.27

26. Does the sinner receive his damnation at death, or at his resurrection? Ans.: “They that have done evil [shall come forth] unto the RESURRECTION of damnation.”—John 5:29. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.28

27. Are the wages of sin eternal life in misery? Ans.: “The wages of sin is DEATH.”—Romans 6:23. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.29

28. What death awaits the sinner? Ans.: “The SECOND death.”—Revelation 20:14. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.30

29. Will the sinner exist eternally unconsumed? Ans.: “Behold the day cometh that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall BURN THEM UP, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them NEITHER ROOT NOR BRANCH.”—Malachi 4:1; Psalm 37:10; 2 Thessalonians 1:9; Obadiah 16, Revelation 20:9. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.31

30. Will the wicked emigrate to some remote realm to receive their punishment, or will the foretold hell of the impenitent exist on earth at the great burning day? Ans.: “The heavens and the EARTH which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto FIRE against the DAY OF JUDGMENT and PERDITION OF UNGODLY MEN.”—2 Peter 3:7; Proverbs 11:31; Matthew 13:40-42. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.32

With the popular view, we have only a human sacrifice for immortal souls, for it is contended that only the body of Christ died; whereas, the Scriptures show us that we have a divine sacrifice, as Christ “poured out his SOUL unto DEATH,” making “His SOUL an of fering for sin.”—Isaiah 53:10, 12; Matthew 26:48; Acts 2:27-31. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.33

Modern theology is subversive of the scriptural doctrine of a judgment day, as it represents men as going to Heaven or hell before being judged, involving the idea of a future rally from hell and Heaven to “stand before the judgment seat of Christ”—which would be like first hanging a man, and afterward trying his case! Neither the reward of the righteous, nor the damnation of the sinner can be realized before the judgment. Jesus never told us that we must give an account at death, but “They shall give account IN THE DAY OF JUDGMENT.”—Matthew 12:36.—Crisis, California. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.34

Mr. Million Dollars


The following from the address of Henry Ward Beecher, at the recent meeting of the Tract Society in Boston, is characteristic and pertinent: ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.35

A man may make a million dollars and be-a man. For a man who has got a million dollars, you know is a man-in New York, I suppose, in Boston. Every body takes his hat off to Mr. Million Dollars. He is conciliated, he is respected; and if there is any prospect that dew will be shaken off his branches, he is invited everywhere. If a man has a million dollars he is a man; but he dies, and his million dollars is cut into pieces, and persons carry it off their several ways. Mr. Million Dollars after an appropriate funeral, is buried, and there lies; and in a few years nobody talks about him, nobody thinks about him, nobody hears about him. In fifty years the shrewdest man might go and read his grave stone and find “Mr. Million Dollars.” “Who was he and where is his money?” And it would puzzle an antiquary to tell what those heirs did do with it. It puzzled them after a few years to tell where it had gone to. He made his money; it gave him power and influence; he distributed it among his heirs, yes, he distributed it, and they squandered it; he died and went to dust, and that was the last of him, so far as this world is concerned; I don’t know what became of him beyond. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.36

But suppose that instead of that he had made himself his own executor, and had put fifty thousand dollars behind a printing-press and said “As long as interest lasts on that fifty thousand dollars, work, press, work!” Suppose he had taken some treatise written for liberty, based upon the Bible, and carrying out the vital power of the Gospel, and had taken another fifty thousand dollars and put it into the hands of the Tract Society saying, “I consecrate to the printing of that book this fifty thousand dollars; work with that money as long as it can bear interest.” Suppose he had taken five hundred thousand dollars and appointed them his sentinels-stationing fifty thousand dollars there, and there, and there-they would go on working until the last trump sounds; and when a hundred years had passed over his grave, his name through that society, would still be fresh, and his influence still be potent for good. Every tract would bear his name upon its imprint, and million tombstones could not make it so illustrious. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.37

All creation is busy. The angels in Heaven are “ministering” ones, and those that are fallen and lost are “going about” to tempt and destroy. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 147.38

The Review and Herald

No Authorcode

“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”



To speak of any one personally with disapprobation is not pleasant, but circumstances sometimes render it unavoidable, to save ourselves from injustice. The course that is being pursued by Ransom Hicks of Providence, R. I., makes it necessary that we say a word respecting him and his course. We learn that he is scattering over the country, so far as he can procure names, pamphlets and fly leaves calculated to be prejudicial to the Review and its publishers. He invariably falls into a great bluster over the fact that he first offered his articles to the Review but no notice was taken of it; that he has challenged, but gets no reply; that we “keep mum,” etc., thereby giving the idea that we, without cause or provocation, either treat him with ungentlemanly neglect, or are afraid to come in contact with his positions. Some of our readers are aware, and for the benefit of those who are not, we will state, that the course of this man toward the conductors of this paper, for the past nine years, more especially in connection with the abuse he heaped upon us in connection with the “messenger” movement, for which no real acknowledgment or apology has been made, has been such as to amount to a forfeiture on his part of any notice or regard from this Office. Nevertheless, during the time above mentioned, the Office has been beset with letters from him, in which he has worked in every possible manner to get his name into the paper. But in view of his past course, and of the fact, moreover, that what he has written has been to dispute some point, or pick a flaw with some person or thing, showing that he was actuated only by a spirit of contention,—in view of all this, we have studiously excluded him from the paper, and for the same reasons, shall probably continue so to do. We should be recreant to the honor and respect we owe to the truth, should we admit such a person with his past precedents, and present standing and purposes, into the Review. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 148.1

Deeply chagrined, apparently, at the result of his efforts in this direction, he now seeks revenge (for we think no other spirit can be discovered in his writings) by scattering his publications over the land, as above stated, in hope of disaffecting the brethren and sisters, and injuring the Review. The first point on which he thinks to raise division is the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, placing the former on the fourth, and the latter on the seventh, days of the week. Here he professes to have a new discovery and great light. But he has simply adopted the Seventh-day-Baptist view, which was discussed and matured among them probably before ever he was born. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 148.2

A second point on which he takes his stand, is 2 Corinthians 3:7. He accuses us of great stupidity for referring the stones mentioned in this verse to the tables of stone which contained the ten commandments, whereas he refers them to the stones set up by Joshua, and plaistered with plaister, and on which a copy of the law of Moses was written, forty years after the tables of stone were given to Moses at Sinai. Deuteronomy 27:4; Joshua 8:32. But the text speaks of something which was “written and engraven in stones.” Was there anything engraven in the stones set up by Joshua? Nothing. There was a writing on the plaister; for those stones were covered with plaister, not simply laid up in plaister, as he contends. There was nothing engraven in stones except the ten commandments which God did engrave in tables of stone. Exodus 32:16. See the contrast also in verse 3 of 2 Corinthians 3, in which these tables are not called stones merely as in verse 7, but tables of stone. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 148.3

But Paul continues, The ministration of death was glorious, “so that the children of Israel could not steadfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance.” What were the facts in the case? When Moses came down from his second interview with the Lord in Sinai, having the tables of the ten commandments in his hands, which as a minister of the first covenant, he had then received of the Lord, the skin of his face shone, so that the children of Israel could not look upon him, as stated by Paul; and so long as he talked with them he put a vail over his face. Exodus 34:29-35. No sane man can doubt but Paul refers to this time and circumstance. It is the hight of nonsense, as shown by Bro. Cottrell in No. 15, to refer it to the writing of Joshua upon the plaistered stones in Mout Ebal forty years afterward, and after Moses had gone into his grave. Some of our brethren in the West a few years since conceived the same idea, that the stones of 2 Corinthians 3:7, were the stones set up by Joshua; but when they saw Paul’s evident allusion to Moses’ coming down from Sinai with the stones in his hand, they were sensible enough to immediately give up the idea. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 148.4

But Mr. H. now thinks he is a mighty instrument in the hands of Providence to do a great work. In a letter addressed by him, July 31, 1864, “To the President of the Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association,” occurs this passage: “And now, if I am fit for nothing but a rod to scourge certain leaders in the second house of Israel for their arrogance and rejection of the light of God’s truth when it is presented to them through some other source than that of Battle Creek, then I will be found in the way of my duty doing honor to 1 in that capacity.” ARSH October 4, 1864, page 148.5

Think of a man who besides making only confusion on the death and resurrection of Christ, cannot come within forty years of the truth on 2 Corinthians 3:7, setting himself up as a “rod to scourge certain leaders in the second house of Israel.” We would not seem harsh or severe; but we think it would be difficult to conceive of a more glaring and disgusting compound of egotism and fanaticism. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 148.6

We give the following articles from Brn. Cottrell and Waggoner, touching the subjects here introduced. Bro. Cottrell, though still adhering to his former S. D. Baptist views of the time of the crucifixion of Christ, presents nevertheless, what we consider to be correct ideas of the relative importance of the subject, and how it should be held, on whichever side the truth may be-not, however that we have any doubt in our own mind on this question. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 148.7

The Resurrection of Christ


Bro. Smith: You are doubtless aware that our schismatical friend, Mr. Hicks, has recently paid you a salute through the Recorder, rebuking you sharply for admitting the commonly-received opinion that our Saviour was crucified on the sixth day of the week. He seems to think that you certainly ought to know better, especially if you had read a recent article written by himself, entitled “A Refutation of the Principal Claim of Sunday-keeping to Divine Authority.” If you had read that, as I suppose you had, you are considered inexcusable. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 148.8

Though I have always held the opinion that the crucifixion took place earlier in the week than Friday, yet I fail to see any criminality on your part in thinking differently and expressing it as you understand it, even though you had lead the article referred to. I fail also to see that Sunday-keeping has gained any thing, or Sabbath-keeping lost any thing, by the admission. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 148.9

I never dispute that Christ rose on Sunday, in advocating the Sabbath, because it would lengthen the discussion and nothing be gained in the end. Besides this, if we try to prove that the resurrection took place on the Sabbath, opposers will take it as a tacit admission that the day on which he rose is the Sabbath, and they can easily satisfy themselves and their hearers that it was on the first day of the week. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 148.10

Some years ago, I heard Alexander Campbell of Bethany, Va., say that whether the Saviour arose on the first day or the day before (as though he doubted which), it was first known that he was risen on the first day, and consequently, if we would commemorate the event by the observance of a day, the first day only could with propriety be used for that purpose. I mentally admitted the correctness of the remark, but it had no effect on my mind in respect to the Sabbath question. How could we celebrate the resurrection on the day before the fact was known? It was the joyful morning that proclaimed a risen Saviour that should celebrate the glorious event, provided this were the Heaven-appointed way of celebrating this event. Hence it is just as well, and I think decidedly better, to let the people have it their own way, not disputing the claim of the first day, as being the resurrection day. And I would further admit that the resurrection should be celebrated, and bring forward the divine institution, even baptism, which was appointed for this very purpose. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 148.11

So what Mr. Hicks calls the “principal claim,” amounts to nothing, though it be admitted; but the factionist can magnify motes into mountains and these ARSH October 4, 1864, page 148.12

“Mountains interposed,
Make enemies of nations, which had else,
Like kindred drops have mingled into one.”
R. F. Cottrell.
ARSH October 4, 1864, page 148.13

“A Refutation of the Principal Claim of Sunday Keeping to Divine Authority,” etc., etc


The above is part of the title of an 8 page tract, published by Ransom Hicks, Providence, R. I. The object is to prove that the Lord Jesus rose on the Sabbath, or seventh day; and the effort made would lead us to understand that he considered it very important to establish this point, thereby virtually confessing that if the Lord did rise on the first day of the week our opponents would have an argument therefrom in favor of Sunday sabbatizing. The great folly of the effort is in attaching so much importance to the claim. If somebody should affirm that a flea were an elephant, would it appear seemly to endeavor to chase it down with dogs and guns, to show that it was not an elephant? Yet this is somewhat like the mighty effort of our valorous friend R. H. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 148.14

To show the importance of the question he quotes from the Catholic catechism, where it is asked, and answered, “Why was the Jewish Sabbath changed in to the Sunday?” “Because Christ rose from the dead on a Sunday.” This, however, is only part of the answer. But it would seem to be enough on this point to show that the resurrection is not related to the Sabbath question, and that the Catholics base the obligation to keep Sunday on the authority of the church, and not of the Bible. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 148.15

The “foundation” of his “discourse” is Matthew 12:40: the sign of Jonah. Now whether the Lord was crucified on Friday or on Thursday, (as some argue,) and whether the sign of Jonah refers exclusively to our Lord’s burial, i. e., whether our Saviour meant the sepulcher by “the heart of the earth,” (as many doubt,) are really matters of minor importance. The grave is not literally “the heart of the earth,” and if our Saviour uses the term figuratively, the figure may mean something beside the tomb wherein he lay. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 148.16

So far from this being a settled point, we consider his main position a sheer assumption. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 148.17

But the assumption might be more readily waived if his argument was fair and reasonable. I will notice one of his main arguments that it may be seen what reliance can be placed on his conclusion. On pp. 4, 5, he says: ARSH October 4, 1864, page 148.18

But says our friend, Doct. Sunday, does not Matthew 28:1, 2, in speaking of the time that the two Marys came to see the sepulchre, when there was a great earthquake, and the angels of the Lord came and rolled back the stone from the door,) say, that it was in the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week? He does, or his words are so rendered, and we are also aware that various are your renderings of this text, Doct. Sunday, all of which are designed to make it appear, somehow, that at the time the two Marys came to see the sepulchre was on the first of the week. But your labor in that work will ever be in vain. The word day is not in the original. And the word dawn is not in the original. The word there properly means approached. Hence the text reads; “Now it being late in the Sabbath, as the first of the week approached, came Mary Magdalene,” etc. Thus it is proved that the time that the two Marys came to see the sepulchre, was late in the Sabbath, and not on the first of the week.” ARSH October 4, 1864, page 148.19

Now we turn back to page 2, and with the above compare the following: ARSH October 4, 1864, page 149.1

“Concerning the time when the women (which came with Jesus from Galilee) came to the sepulchre to anoint him, Mark says, (Mark 16:1, 2,) that “it was very early in the morning, the first day of the week, at the rising of the sun;” i. e. not that the sun was risen, but that it was about to rise, or at the early break of day. Luke says 24:1, that it was very early; in the Greek, deep twilight, or when there was scarcely any light. John 20:1, says it was very early, while it was yet dark. That is, it was not yet fully daylight of the sun had not yet risen. The time when they came, therefore, was at the break of day, when the sun was about to rise, but while it was yet so dark as to render objects obscure, or not distinctly visible.’-(Barnes.) Thus early in the morning of the first day of the week were the women at the sepulcher.” ARSH October 4, 1864, page 149.2

Mr. Hicks has put forth both of these positions with all confidence; and as they directly contradict each other, we must suppose, if he has confidence in both, that he is “double minded.” This will account for his being “unstable in all his ways.” The last-quoted position is, of course the Scriptural one: for Mark, Luke, and John, all plainly declare that it was on the first-day of the week,—not on the Sabbath, as Mr. H.’s singular criticism on Matthew 28, would have it appear. Dr. Clarke’s criticism on this text is certainly more reliable than Mr. Hicks’, and it has the merit of making Matthew harmonize with Mark, Luke, and John, while Mr. H. makes Mathew contradict the other evangelists. Dr. Clarke shows clearly that Matthew should be translated to harmonize with the others; and so Bernard’s Bible and Whiting’s Translation read, Matthew 28:1, “After the Sabbath, as the first-day of the week was dawning.” On the declaration that “dawn is not the original,” it will be sufficient to see the following (the word used by Matthew is a?éöuóó). ARSH October 4, 1864, page 149.3

“E?éöuó (a?é öuó to shine), to begin to shine, grow light, dawn.”—Greenfield. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 149.4

“E?éöuó (from a?é, on, and öuó, to dawn), to shine upon, to begin to be day, dawn.”—Groves. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 149.5

Mr. H. doubtless thinks he has done a great work; and highly recommends it to the “Sabbatarian brotherhood” as “harmonious,” “convenient and effectual” in refuting the Sunday claim: but as one of that number I must say I fail to see that he has rendered the subject more clear than Seventh-day Baptists have done before him, or raised it to that importance which he attaches to it. The most prominent evidence afforded by the tract, afforded also by all his writings that we have yet seen, is of the almost unbounded egotism of the author. j. h. w. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 149.6

Importance of the Second Advent of Christ


There is not a truth brought to view in the Scriptures, of greater importance than the doctrine of the second coming of our Lord. The great importance of this event is shown by a number of very interesting considerations among which are the following: ARSH October 4, 1864, page 149.7

1. The resurrection of the dead. All Bible believing Christians look forward to the resurrection of the dead in Christ, with much desire and interest. And it is the blessed promise of the resurrection that dispels the darkness of nature that settles around the tomb and fills our hearts with sweet consolation when we are bereaved of friends that we shall never more see in this world. Our friends that have fallen asleep in Christ will not awake till the resurrection; and that event will not take place till the Lord comes again. “For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16. Then at his coming the last trump will sound, and the righteous saints will awake from their long and dreamless slumbers. But if he does not come again the last trump will not sound and then the dead will not awake and come forth but will sleep an eternal sleep, and so infidelity prove true. The second Advent of Christ is therefore the great antidote for infidelity, and is an effectual cure of that destroying malady to all who will have faith in his appearing. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 149.8

2. The saints’ reward depends upon the resurrection. “For you shall be recompensed at the resurrection of the just.” Luke 14:14. The resurrection as we have shown above, depends upon his second coming. Therefore the reward of the saints depends upon his appearing again. If this event never takes place, then the saint can never receive his reward-God’s word proves a failure, and infidelity proves true again. There is however a theory quite prevalent now that promises that at death we shall go to Heaven and receive our reward. This as the reader, can very easily perceive is not the truth revealed to us in the Scriptures. Be sides there is no promise of any such things in all the word of God. Furthermore if this doctrine be true there is no need of the resurrection. For if we go to Heaven before it and without it what benefit can it be to us? It also sets aside the generally-believed doctrine of the future Judgment. For if the righteous go to Heaven and the wicked go to hell at death; then of necessity one or the other of the following conclusions must be correct. The Judgment takes place at death (and if so the Scriptures cannot be true which says “God knows how to reserve the unjust unto the day of Judgment to be punished” 2 Peter 2:9), or it does not take place at all. The theory of going to Heaven at death is therefore proved to be unscriptural-a tare which the enemy hath sown among the wheat of God’s promises. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 149.9

3. We are dependent upon the Lord’s coming for immortality. Paul tells us that at his coming when the last trumpet sounds we shall put on immortality. 1 Corinthians 15:53. This implies that we are mortal now and that we cannot become immortal till he comes again. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 149.10

4. We are not to receive the promised crown of glory till his appearing. “And when the Chief Shepherd shall appear ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.” 1 Peter 5:4. Blessed promises. The great kings and emperors of earth, exult in wearing a corruptible crown of fading and decaying glory; but the poor child of God, at last will rejoice forever in wearing the crown the beauties of which are unfading and the glories of which shall eternally endure. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 149.11

5. We all desire to go to Heaven; to appear with Christ in glory. This we cannot realize at death, but at the last day when he comes again. Paul says, When Christ who is our life shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.” Colossians 3:4. Christ says, “I will come again and receive you to myself that where I am there ye may be also.” John 14:3. From the above we see that much, with us, depends upon his second coming. If he comes as he has promised, the saints will be raised from the dead, will be changed to immortality, will be crowned with the unfading crown, will be forever saved and appear with him in glory. In view of such a beautiful cluster of glorious events that hang upon his appearing again, may we not join in the petition, “Even so, come Lord Jesus, and come quickly?” ARSH October 4, 1864, page 149.12

B. F. Snook.

Meetings in Michigan


Bro. White; Sabbath and first-day, Sept. 17 and 18, we were holding meetings with the church in Bowne, Kent Co. Parents and children manifested a deep and lively interest in the meetings, and the church was much blessed of the Lord in celebrating the ordinances of the Lord’s house. One happy soul was buried with Christ by baptism, and two added to the church. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 149.13

Sept. 20-23, evening meetings in Lowell and Vergennes, Kent Co., in Brn. Van Deusen’s and Gerould’s districts. Brn. here are scattered. Those who met with us were encouraged and in earnest to go forward in the good cause of the Lord. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 149.14

Sept. 23-27 with the church in Caledonia. Meetings on the Sabbath were free and interesting, especially the social meeting. On first-day friends outside of the church came to fill up the meeting and seemed much interested to hear. O Lord strengthen and encourage thy people to move on zealously and unitedly in the glorious work of the third angel’s message. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 149.15

Joseph Bates.
Caledonia, Mich., Sept., 26, 1864.

Minnesota Conference


Bro. White: Our State Conference has just closed. It was one of the best meetings ever enjoyed by us in the State; not because we had the best preaching, but because there was a disposition manifested on the part of brethren and sisters universally to settle down into the work. Our social meeting was the best we ever enjoyed in the State. Fifty cheering testimonies were given in quick succession. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 149.16

The brethren and sisters of Minnesota are beginning to take hold of the work. We had good freedom in presenting some portions of our faith to the people. Some acknowledged the truth on the Sabbath, and promised to obey. Two young women took up their cross and followed their Lord in baptism. The cause in Minnesota was never in a more prospering condition. The labors of Bro. Sanborn the past summer have helped us much. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 149.17

New fields of labor will be visited the ensuing Conference year, and with the help of the Lord, a good work will be accomplished we trust. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 149.18

Jno. Bostwick.
W. M. Allen.
Oronoco, Minn., Sept. 19th 1864.

Minutes of the Iowa Conference, of 1864


Bro. White: The Iowa Conference convened at Pilot Grove, on the 16th of Sept., 1864. Meeting called to order by the President, Eld. B. F. Snook, prayer by Eld. W. H. Brinkerhoff. The present amount of s. b. fund, is seventeen hundred and thirty seven dollars and seventeen cents ($1737,17). Ten churches were present by delegates. Six churches not represented. Whole number of members, four hundred and thirty-five. Total amount of gain above losses, forty-six. Amount paid in of Conference funds, $723,86. Amount extended, $716,46. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 149.19

Officers for the present year: President, Eld. B. F. Snook; Vice-President, E. P. Butler; Secretary, W. H. Brinkerhoff; Treasurer, Thomas Hare; Executive Committee, J. T. Mitchell, and D. Andre. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 149.20

Bro. Benn Auten was chosen as delegate to represent this Conference, at the next General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. The Executive Committee were instructed to call for missionary labor for the State. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 149.21

Voted, That this Conference censures all those churches which were not represented in this Conference either by delegate or letter. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 149.22

Voted, To amend the constitution by inserting the word Vice-President after the word President, in Sec. 1 of Art. ii, W. H. Brinkerhoff, Secretary. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 149.23

Sabbath Meditations. No. 7


In Spiritual Gifts Vol. iii, chapter 14, are some facts brought to light, which show the thoroughness of Jacob’s repentance. As he wrestled for deliverance, his sin was continually held up before his mind, that is the deception he had practiced by which he had obtained his father’s blessing; and this, although he had previously repented deeply of his wrongs. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 149.24

Thus the Christian bewails his sin, as it often presents itself. Thus David mourned often for his sin in the matter of Uriah. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 149.25

First views of sin are necessarily imperfect: but as we progress in holiness, the iniquity of sin, its utter hatefulness, and exceeding sinfulness, appear to our view. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 149.26

Let a child by its frowardness man the painting which the artist had labored for years to perfect, and at first he might be convinced of his wrong as the injury was represented to him; but in after years, especially if he should himself become devoted to the art of painting, as the spoiled painting is held up before him, he becomes more and more acquainted with the extent of the injury done, as he is more and more capable of appreciating the beauty and excellence, and magnitude of the work destroyed. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 149.27

So the child of God as he draws nearer to God and obtains more correct and adequate views of his perfections and attributes, of course sets a higher estimate upon them, and has a more settled aversion to evil. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 149.28

As the artist holds up before his pupil the beautiful painting marred and ruined by childish frowardness, and as it is seen by the pupil how much harm that act has occasioned, the regret of his kind teacher, whose labor has been lost and frustrated, how does he mourn. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.1

A sin repented of deeply to-day, may in after years come up again to our view, as we discover its far-reaching effects, and pernicious tendency. More deep, more heart-searching is such repentance, as time accumulates evidence of the mischief resulting from a single wrong act, which at first seemed rather a little thing. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.2

As a small accumulation of snow falling upon the summit of the lofty Alps, may rapidly enlarge itself by rolling down the steep mountain side until it becomes the mighty avalanche, bearing in its course immense rocks, trees, and acres of compact snow, and ice, burying hamlets and villages in its course, so a sin seeming but little in itself at first, may be very destructive and wide spread in its after course. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.3

How much would you regret causing an avalanche by some rude act as you stood upon the mountain summit. At first you might smile as it tumbled from depth to depth, but as it rapidly grew in extent, and finally with thundering sound fell upon peaceful villages, leaving destruction in its path, how would you mourn in bitterness the temerity which sent the first light snow-ball down the cliff. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.4

So with the effects of sin as we get up higher upon the eminence cast up for the ransomed of the Lord, and get clearer views of God, and his holiness, and the beauty and perfections of his law and government; and as we recede further from sin and its author, the more clearly, do we see its far-reaching and destructive effects. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.5

No doubt Jacob was favored with a view of the direful effect of his deception upon his posterity, to the latest generation. Perhaps God showed him how as centuries passed away, his posterity would become more and more deceitful and covetous and wicked, until the end; but be this as it may, in some way Jacob was made to discover more clearly than ever, the heinousness of his sin. But even now, this sin could not have been put away had he not repented of it previously. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.6

Oh, the sweets of innocence! And while we writhe in the pangs of conviction, we rejoice that a way is opened up, by which man may be finally restored to his first estate of innocence and peace, where no pangs of remorse, or bitter repentings shall be felt, but all their wailings of grief, and groans of repentance, shall be exchanged for joyful songs of deliverance. Till then we wait in hope. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.7

J. Clarke.

Bringing a Man to Prayer Meeting


A member of the Cincinnati Conference writes to the Western Christian Advocate, in this way: “I had missed brother Brown and some others from the prayer meeting for several weeks, and my temper was getting lost. I opened two or three batteries Sunday morning from the pulpit, and thought the work done; but lo! after the exhortation, the meetings continued as thin as ever. Mortified as well as surprised, I meditated a new turn. I went privately to see brother Brown. He was wood-chopping, a few rods from home. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.8

“Good afternoon, brother B.” ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.9

“Good afternoon, brother M.” ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.10

“All well at home?” ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.11

“Quite well, thank you; how are yourself and family? ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.12

“Moderately well, thank you. Somehow I have missed you at the prayer-meetings lately.” ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.13

“Well, yes, I have not been there. I have got so tired by the time sundown came, Wednesday night, I could scarcely carry my feet after me.” ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.14

“So we kept up the colloquy for ten minutes or more, when I took Brown’s axe and tried it on the beech log before me. He seemed pleased at the size of my chips, and invited me in to see the family. The interview was pleasant and profitable, and brother Brown and wife and the oldest girl were at prayer-meeting the next Wednesday evening. My call had more power than my eleven o’clock pulpit battery. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.15

Those who know how to extract the moral from the foregoing, are respectfully recommended to occupy the floor. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.16

The Giving of the Law


Lo! Jehovah came from Heaven,
Clothed in majesty as he came,
And a light to earth was given
Like the burning of a flame.
ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.17

He came down upon Mount Sinai,
On the summit of the hill,
Holding in his hand a pattern,
And a transcript of his will—
ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.18

Pattern of his holy temple,
Where He kept his holy law;
And the glorious exhibition,
Filled the Israelites with awe.
ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.19

Moses then received commission,
That vast Hebrew host to bring,
Round the mount where they could listen,
To the voice of God their King.
ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.20

Long and loud the trumpet sounded,
Quaked the mount, the earth, the air,
When the people, all astounded,
Bowed before Jehovah there.
ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.21

Then He spake the ten commandments
With a loud and thunder-tone,
And with his own finger wrote them,
On two tables made of stone.
ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.22

Then as his peculiar people,
He to them revealed the plan
Of an earthly tabernacle
To keep with them in the land.
ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.23

Where the blood of guiltless victims
On its altar could be lain,
Pointing to the dear Redeemer,
Who for sinners should be slain.
ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.24

In the holy of the holies,
Was the ark and law of God,
There enshrouded ‘neath its glory,
Through the Jewish age it stood.
ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.25

All its tacklings, cords, and curtains
God to Moses did recount,
Saying, See thou surely make it,
As was showed thee in the mount.
ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.26

Thus he showed how in his wisdom,
He had pitched a temple where,
When his Son had filled his mission,
He could stand to offer prayer.
ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.27

Here the sinner brought his offering,
Here the Priest atoned for him,
Here the law was sheltered under
Mercy-seat and cherubim.
ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.28

These were types of things in Heaven,
And to us revealed the plan
How our sins can be forgiven,
Through the blood of Christ the Lamb.
ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.29

But the types and shadows ended,
When the Son of God was slain,
When the cried in death, ‘Tis finished,
And the vail was rent in twain.
ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.30

Now no more on earthly altars
Is the blood of victims poured;
For our great High Priest has entered
The true temple of the Lord.
ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.31

For a season he is pleading
His own blood on Calvary spilt,
Now the “penitent” believing,
Can be saved from all his guilt.
ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.32

But the days of priesthood ended,
He will take his kingly throne,
King of kings, by hosts attended
Then he’ll come to claim his own.
ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.33

May we feel the moments precious,
While he pleads before the throne,
Haste to keep all God’s commandments
And the faith of his dear Son.
Cornelia Rice.
Folsomdale, N. Y.
ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.34

Religion and Chemistry


Prof. Stowe, in his discourse in the last issue of Bidwell’s National Preacher, gives the following characteristic dictum of the great errorist of our age, and his own very happy reply: ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.35

“The late Theodore Parker once told me that he no more felt the need of an infallible revelation on religion than on chemistry. It struck me that there were some very essential differences in the two cases. Chemistry lies entirely within the bounds of natural knowledge; religion does not. We can detect the mistakes of chemists by our own investigations in the world of nature, as open to us as to the chemist; but who can go into the spirit lands, and there detect the mistakes of the religious philosophers, and come back and let us know? By the time the mistake is ascertained it is too late to correct it. Moreover, chemistry pertains only to material things and this short life; but religion to spiritual things, which fix our destinies for eternity. I must have an infallible, objective revelation on religion, or I must discard religious thought altogether, and live wholly in and for the world of sense.” ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.36

The Soldier’s Faith


The following story is told of a soldier in the army of Napoleon I. One day, when the Emperor was reviewing his troops in Paris, he thoughtlessly let fall the reins of his horse from his hands upon the animal’s neck, whereupon the startled and proud charger galloped away; and before the rider could recover the bridle while clinging to the saddle, a common soldier ran out from the ranks, caught the reins, stopped the horse, and placed the bridle again in the hands of the Emperor. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.37

“Much obliged to you, Captain.” said Napoleon. The man immediately believed the Chief, and said, “Of what regiment, Sire.” ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.38

Napoleon, delighted with his quick perception and ready trust in his word, replied, “Of my guards!” and rode away. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.39

Now, what will the soldier do? Will he wait awhile, and talk about it, and try to reason himself into the conviction that he is to be Captain, or that he may really set out at once upon that office? Or will he believe fully and act immediately? He might have said, “I have no captain’s uniform, I am not conducted to the superior officers, nor am I introduced to them. I must wait for further evidence or demonstrations before I really believe that I am captain, or at least before I act upon any such supposition.” ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.40

But, no! he was not so faithless. As soon as the Emperor left, he laid down his gun, saying, “He may take it who will,” and instead of returning to the ranks whence he so suddenly issued, he started for the company of staff officers. They were amazed at his apparent rudeness and disobedience of orders, and one of the Generals contemptuously said, “What does this fellow want here? ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.41

“This fellow,” replied the soldier proudly, “is Captain of the guard.” ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.42

“You, my poor friend, you are mad to say so,” was the answer of the superior officer. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.43

He said it” replied the soldier, pointing to the Emperor, still in sight. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.44

“I ask your pardon, sir,” said the General, respectfully; “I was not aware of it.” And so the soldier came duly to his post as a Captain of Napoleon’s guard. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.45

The soldier had faith in the Emperor’s word. It was that which brought him his promotion. Oh, for all men to have as much faith in God as they have in men! The Lord says, “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.” Sinner, why not then immediately believe and be baptized? Why do you wait? Ah! you look at the subject from your own weak and worldly and selfishly biased reason, and not from faith. Why not stop and believe and act with no delay? It is the way for you to be saved. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.46

What better way will you find, if you do not believe? Who has ever found a better way? “Their rock is not as our rock.” Do not wait for the slow and unsatisfactory and unsaving process of self-persuasion. Your heart is too wicked to be saved in that way. You will perish while you stay to reason. You know enough of the Bible and the way of salvation to believe immediately. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.47

Christians, there is a practical truth here for you. See to it that you repent toward God; that you surrender your all to Him; that you take up every cross, then immediately believe that you are what the Lord declares you are if you thus comply with His Word. Believe and feel the comfort and strength of believing. Live not on self-persuasion, but on faith, then the life that you live will be by faith on the Son of God, who loved us and gave Himself for us. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 150.48

Dr. Malan, in commenting on the foregoing anecdote, says, “As he (the soldier) believed himself to be a captain before wearing his uniform; so, on the word and promise of God, one believes himself to be a child of Jesus before being sanctified by his Spirit. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.1

Yes, thank God, we are not to wait to see ourselves perfectly sanctified before believing that we are justified by faith. We are accepted and justified if only we believe with the heart unto righteousness-unto the love and thirsting after righteousness-and then we may pray that we may be wholly sanctified; and that the body, soul and spirit, may be preserved blameless unto the coming of the day of the Lord Jesus. “Neither be ye of doubtful mind” any more. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.2

Daily Prayer


An aged minister once gave some advice to a young Christian. It was this: “Never neglect, never forget, daily, secret prayer. It is here that the Christian always loses ground. Neglect this, and you cannot fail to grow cold and indifferent. Never let a day pass over your head, without earnest prayer.” ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.3

The good old man is dead, but the words he uttered may serve as a warning to more than one, especially to the young. Never neglect secret prayer. Are you busy? Do you excuse yourself because you are so hurried every day? Remember who gives you time. Are you well and strong? Thank God for health. Are you sick? Surely your heart must frame petitions to Him who holds life and death in his hand. Are you exposed to temptations? There is no safeguard like prayer. Have you neglected this duty? Take up again the broken threads. Have you never begun? Life is short and time is fleeting. Do not neglect secret prayer.—Boston Recorder. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.4



Bro. White: Those lines which appeared in Review No. 10, present volume, entitled “A quiet mind,” did somewhat disturb my “quiet mind” when I saw the name that was attached to them. They are not my composition. Some three years since I found them, and copied them several times as they seemed to find a place in my heart; but I never designed to give any one to understand that they originated with me. As they stand in the Review, with my name attached, it gives a wrong impression. The author’s name I do not know. L. C. Tolhurst. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.5

Copopa, Ohio. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.6

Note. It is but just to Sr. Tolhurst to say that the lines were not sent to this office by her; but we received them from a friend, who had attached her name to them stating that they came from her, and requesting for them a place in the Review. The lines are excellent, and the explanation above given will make all right in regard to their authorship.—Ed. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.7

Doctrinal Preaching.—It is a prevailing notion that doctrinal preaching is necessarily dry and uninteresting, but this is a mistake. Zion’s Herald in an article, “Inculcate our Doctrines,” very justly remarks: ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.8

“Doctrinal preaching is not necessarily dry. If there is dryness any where, it must be in the man, and not in those eternal themes which concern Heaven and earth. If anything has power to move the heart and straits deepest emotions, it must be the contemplation of those grand old themes with which the heart of Paul, of Luther, of Wesley, and of Ashbury was kind led into such holy enthusiasm. All along the centuries these doctrines in the hearts and ministry of earnest, devoted men, have been the power of God unto salvation; and such they will continue to be among us now and hereafter when ever they find like men to preach them. Let us away with the idea that dullness or lack of interest necessarily attaches to the doctrine of the church. If anywhere, those qualities belong to our stupid and unskillful ways of handling them. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.9

An Educated Man.—An educated man ought to know three things: First where he is-that is to say, what sort of a world he has got into; how large it is; what kind of creatures live in it, and how; what it is made of and what may be made of it. Secondly, where he is going-that is to say, what chances or reports there are of any other world besides this; what seems to be the nature of that other world. Thirdly, what he had best do under these circumstances-that is to say, what kind of faculties he possesses; what are the present state and wants of mankind; what is his place in society; and what are the readiest means in his power of attaining happiness and diffusing it. The man who knows these things, and who has his will so subdued in the learning of them, that he is ready to do what he knows he ought, is an educated man; and the man who knows them not, is uneducated. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.10

Be Content.—There was a boy who only wanted a marble. When he had the marble he only wanted a ball; when he had a ball he only wanted a top; when he had a top he only wanted a kite; and when he had a marble, ball, top, and kite, he was not happy. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.11

There was a man who only wanted money; when he had money he only wanted a house; when he had a house he only wanted land; when he had land he only wanted a coach; and when he had money, house, land, and coach, he wanted more than ever. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.12

Be content with little, for much will have more, all the world over. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.13



“Then they that feared the Lord, spake often one to another.”

This department of the paper is designed for the brethren and sisters to freely and fully communicate with each other respecting their hopes and determinations, conflicts and victories, attainments and desires, in the heavenly journey. Seek first a living experience and then record it, carefully and prayerfully, for the comfort and encouragement of the other member of the household of faith. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.14

From Bro. Bostwick

Bro. White: I was with the Church at Lynxville, Wis., Sept. 10, and 11, it being the Quarterly Meeting of the Lynxville and Kickapoo Churches. This was a good meeting and the Lord was with us. We tried to show them the importance of living out these solemn truths by example as well as by words. We hope that they will feel the importance of pressing together for the prize. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.15

According to request I met once more with the brethren and sisters at Mauston, Sep. 16, and continued the meetings till the 21st. We were disappointed in not meeting Bro. Steward at this meeting. But the Lord was with us once more. Sabbath morning, in our prayer-meeting over forty testimonies were givin in less than fifty minutes. This was a happy place; and our hearts were made to rejoice. After our meeting, first-day afternoon, three made up their mind to be baptized, and the ordinance was administered by Bro. Russell. After this, the ordinances of the Lord’s house were attended to in which about fifty engaged. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.16

Before this meeting closed three others made up their minds to be baptized. This was truly a profitable meeting; and we hope that this church will go on in the strait, and narrow way, and lead those little lambs that have united with them, to the Kingdom. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.17

At this meeting six were baptized and eight united with the church. If this church lives right we think that before long, others will unite with them. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.18

Brethren and sisters, let us arise and put on the whole armor of God, and press on together toward the mark, for the prize of the nigh calling of God in Christ Jesus, so that we may be ready for the loud cry of the third angel’s message, which we see is on the rise. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.19

Pray for me that I may be found living humble and doing what I can for the advancement of the cause of God. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.20

Yours in love of the blessed truths of the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.21

L. G. Bostwick.
Mauston, Wis., Sept. 22, 1864.

From Bro. Satterlee

Bro. White: The cause of truth is still onward in Princeville. We have just closed our Quarterly Meeting, which was one of deep interest to us all. The brethren and sisters seemed to exhibit some of the go through spirit; and the Lord did abundantly bless. Bro. J. B. Merritt and three of his family came a distance of ninety miles to meet with us. One of his daughters professed faith in Chris at this meeting. One arose requesting the prayers of the church. Oh may the deep heart-searching Spirit of God rest upon this lonely family until they are all gathered into the fold is our prayer. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.22

Two were baptized, and five added to the church We are trying to live out the truth, and to exert a saying influence around us, that honest souls may be gathered in, and sinners see the beauty there is in the truth and be led to glorify our Father which is in Heaven. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.23

C. G. Satterlee, Clerk.
Princeville, Ills.

From Bro. Loudon

Bro. White: I desire to say that I am not weary in this good cause of present truth, but the truth shines brighter and brighter. I love the doctrine taught in the Review; for I can see truly it, is the doctrine of the Bible. It does not show itself inconsistent nor controdictory of the word of the Lord. I embraced the Advent faith in 1842, and the doctrine of the life and death and the Sabbath, in 1850 and ‘52. I had to throw away some things I had been taught before, as I found they were not the word of the Lord, but the traditions of the elders. I am trying to learn the truth as it is in the word of the Lord and practice the same. I find myself a poor practitioner and unworthy; but Christ is worthy. Pray for me Brn. and sisters that I may have a part in the first resurrection over which the second death hath no power. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.24

Yours in hope of eternal life. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.25

James Loudon.
Janesville, Wis.

From Bro. Lawrence

Bro. White: I have been from home three days visiting from house to house (where invitations have been extended) in five different towns. Found some quite anxious to hear and read our publications. Two subscribed for the Review with a good prospect that six families will read it. Four of them already keeping the Sabbath. I might add that Mrs. L. accompanied me and we had in most places where we visited good seasons of prayer which were usually solicited by the friends themselves. I trust that this kind of labor will not be in vain. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.26

H. W. Lawrence.
W. Bangor, N. Y.

From Sister Hibbard

Bro. White: As I am not permitted to meet often with the people of God, I desire to say a few words through the Review. I am not discouraged by any means, but feel encouraged to press on and strive to overcome every besetting sin, that when Jesus comes, I may be found clothed, not with my own righteousness, but with the righteousness of Christ. I feel to rejoice that the light of present truth is shining on our pathway. How plain it is that we are living in the last days, and that perilous times are close upon us, and yet how few realize it! How important that we guard well our words and actions, that we bring no reproach upon the cause of God. I feel a strong desire from day to day to live nearer my God, and desire to have the Holy Spirit to guide me through all the duties of life. I sincerely desire the prayers of God’s people, that I may so live here, as to share with them the blessings of the new earth, when the saints take the kingdom. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.27

Yours striving to overcome. B. M. Hibbard. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.28

East Wilson, Niagara Co., N. Y. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.29

Bro. C. E. Hall writes from Montpelier, Wis.: There are three families in this place that keep the Sabbath. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.30

We have not heard a sermon on present truth since Bro. W. M. Allen was here four years ago. Our prayer is, Lord, send a laborer this way. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.31

Sister E. J. Bickford writes from Memphis, Mich.: For the first time I would acknowledge through the Review what the Lord has done for me. He has brought me to see the truths of the third angel’s message; and I feel to praise his holy name for giving me a heart to receive it. I am trying to keep all the commandments of God and the faith of his dear Son; and to have my work done and well done when the Lord comes. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.32

Obituary Notices


Died the 8th of June last at Zanesville Ohio, Cornelius Woodruff in the 71st year of his age. The subject of this notice united with M. E. church in 1815. Because of his opposition to oppression he left them, and united first with the Protestant M. church, and then with the Wesleyan. As a conscientious Christian whenever truth and righteousness demanded he moved forward. When the doctrine of the Advent and life in Christ only, were presented he embraced them. The Law of God and the Sabbath were received and conscientiously obeyed. Some objected to his changing so frequently; but it was always in a right direction. As a citizen and a Christian and minister, he was universally respected as a man of unsullied reputation. He died in peace, in hope of a speedy reflection at the coming of Christ. S. Woodruff. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 151.33

The Review and Herald



Let none infer from the publication of the present series of articles on tobacco, that our people are especially addicted to this habit. We are happy to know that as a general thing those who were in its use when they embraced the truth, have broken away from the evil. But we cannot be any too thoroughly fortified on this subject, and especially should it be kept before the people, so long as there is the least vestige of the unclean and unchristian habit hanging about any. The author, L B. Coles M. D., is a fine writer. We say, Let these articles be studied by all. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.1

Postage on the Review: Hugh West. The Postage on the Review to any part of the United States, outside of the county where it is published, is 5cts per quarter to be paid in advance. This is to be paid at the office where the paper is received. Nothing is gained by prepaying the postage at this office. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.2

We are at present out of calf bound hymn books, but are expecting another lot from the binders soon. We have several orders on hand which we will fill as soon as received. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.3

Both Are Right


In No. 17 of Review, Bro. J. M. Aldrich proposes that each subscriber for the Review who is able and willing, pay $3 a year in order that receipts may equal expenses. This is right. He and Bro. Lindsay set a good example in this matter which we trust will be followed by thousands. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.4

But this does not take the place of donations proposed by Bro. H. S. Gurney. Let the donations from $5 to $100 come in to sustain the book department, and let the $3-a-year plan sustain the Review. It will be seen that both are right. So let the liberal work go on that the Steam Press may continue to run. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.5

j. w.

Note from Bro. Steward


Bro. White: My meetings continued to increase in interest at Marquette until the close. The little church there have many trials to pass through, yet I trust the Lord is purifying unto himself some souls there who will stand with the 144.000 on mount Zion. On the last evening of our meeting while the house was full I took an expression to see how many believed the seventh-day was the true Sabbath, and I should think three fourths of the entire congregation rose. May the Lord help them to do as well as hear. Some decided to keep the Sabbath and I left the little church much encouraged by our meetings. The Lord bless and save them. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.6

Sister White’s Testimony in Vols. iii and iv, finds a cordial and warm reception in Wisconsin. Oh how kind the Lord is to manifest such care for his people. Praise his holy name. We shall soon get through this wilderness to Canaan’s blissful shores. Then let us press cheerfully on to the end, willingly submitting to the purifying process until we are found without fault before God’s throne. Amen. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.7

T. M. Steward.
Rockton, Ills.

Conference in R. I


Providence Permitting, a Conference of Seventh day Adventists will be held with the church of Peace dale, R. I., in the Advent Chapel at Rocky Brook, commencing Friday evening, November. 4th, and continuing over Sabbath and first-day. It is hoped there will be a good gathering of Sabbath-keepers within reach of the meeting from Mass., R. I., and Ct. Bro. and sister White, and myself, design to be present. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.8

Those coming to the Conference will call on Wm. Prange of Peacedale, who will point them to their stoping places. The nearest R. R. station, is Kingston, four miles distant. Conveyance from all trains. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.9

By request of Brn. Rodman and Carpenter. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.10

J. N. Loughborough.

“Just as I Am.”


Two elderly ladies, “mothers in Israel,” were one day conversing with a minister of the gospel. One of them, fluent of speech, readily gave expression to her religious experience, her trust in Christ, and hope of soon entering into the rest prepared for God’s children. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.11

When at length she paused, her sister, a quiet, reticent woman, said with a tear in her eye, “I cannot tell how I feel, the words don’t come, but here is a hymn which will speak for me,” and from out the faded and worn leaves of her pocket-book she took a bit of paper bearing the marks of constant use; her friend opened it, and not without emotion, read: ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.12

“Just as I am, without one plea,
But that Thy blood was shed for me,
And that Thou bid’st me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.”
ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.13

“Yes, that’s it,” she said, smiling through her tears, ‘Just as I am.’ And she folded up the precious bit, and replaced it in the faded pocket-book, ready again to be her comfort in hours of communion, with her Saviour.—Sel. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.14

Ten Reasons why I should Ask for the Gift of the Holy Ghost


1. God is willing to give me that unspeakable gift. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.15

2. It is absolutely necessary that I have the Holy Spirit. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.16

3. It is the Spirit that renews the heart. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.17

4. It is he that seals the believing soul unto redemption. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.18

5. I am ignorant, and he is the great Teacher. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.19

6. I am poor and feeble, and he is the Comforter, the Paraclete. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.20

7. I must be holy, and it is he that sanctifies. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.21

8. He is the Spirit of adoption, who gives me the spirit of a child. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.22

9. He comforts me by bearing witness to my discipleship. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.23

10. I know not what to pray for, but he both teaches me to pray, and himself intercedes for me mightily and acceptably. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.24

The Spirit of God gives love; he gives joy, he gives peace. Oh how many precious fruits of the Spirit there are. Galatians 5:22, 23. Each one suggests a powerful reason why I should ask for the gift of the Holy Ghost. Fulfil unto me thy promise, O God, Ezekiel 36:26, 27, and my tongue shall sing aloud of thy righteousness-Sel. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.25

In 1851 there were but 7000 miles of electric telegraph lines, while in 1863 there were 160,000 miles. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.26



Eld. B. F. Snook will hold meetings with the church at Hickory Grove, near Mount Pleasant, beginning Oct. 7th, at 7 o’clock p. m., to continue over Sunday. Also will be at the Liberty Quarterly meeting beginning Oct. 14th. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.27

Iowa Conf. Com.

The next Quarterly Meeting of the church at Mack ford, Wis., will be held, ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.28

Oct. 22. 1864. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.29

We hope the brethren and sisters will come prepared to work for the Lord, not forgetting the promise in Malachi 3:10. Rufus Baker. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.30

Providence permitting, I will meet with the brethren in. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.31

South Bend, Ind., Sabbath, Oct. 8, 1864. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.32

North Liberty, ” ” ” 15,“ ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.33

Charlotte, Windsor and Oneida churches, in Quarterly Meeting, at the Potter school-house, near Bro. Car man’s Sabbath and first-day Oct. 22 and 23. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.34

Bunkerhill, evenings ” 26 ” 27. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.35

Tompkins, Sabbath and first-day ” 29 ” 30. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.36

Jackson, evening ” 31. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.37

Hanover, Nov. 2. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.38

Hillsdale, Sabbath and first-day ” 5 and 6 ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.39

Meetings to commence each Sabbath at 101 o’clock. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.40

John Byington.

Providence permitting, I will meet with the church at Orange and North Plains, Oct 1. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.41

At Chesaning, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, Oct. 4 and 5. The Owasso church will meet with them. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.42

At St. Charles, the 8th and 9th. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.43

At Woodhull, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings, the 11th and 12th. Will some one in Woodhull meet me at Owasso depot, Tuesday morning, the 11th, and take me to that place? The church in Locke will meet with them. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.44

At Tyrone, the 15th and 16th. Will some one meet me at Fentonville depot, Thursday, at 1 o’clock p. m. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.45

At Milford, Tuesday the 18th at 1 o’clock p. m. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.46

R. J. Lawrence.

Business Department


Business Notes

C. O. Taylor. You will find J. L. Green’s credit in No. 16, of present Volume. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.47

L. G. Bostwick. Yes. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.48

For Review and Herald

Annexed to each receipt in the following list, is the Volume and Number of the Review & Herald to which the money receipted pays. If money for the paper is not in due time acknowledged, immediate notice of the omission should then be given. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.49

Mrs. W Thewlis 26-19, L L Tiffany 25-1, W Gulick 25-18, W Richmond 26-1, Laura L Cook 26-16, John Blandin 26-19, Mrs E Davis 26-1, Huldah Bonner 26-19, H C S Carus for N Grant and Hellen Myers each 26-19, A J Cory 24-9, A B Pearsall 25-1, J D Pierson 26-1, L Russel 26-14, Louisa J Rose 26-19, H Keefer 25-20, Susannah Ducenshine 26-19, J M Murand 25-19, W Patten 25-19, J Haskell 26-14, R L Simson 25-7, each $1. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.50

W H Brinkerhoff 27-1, C F Worthen 26-6, R F Cowles 25-9, J Hunter Jr 26-19, R Smalley 27-1, G White 26-18, Joel Gulick 26-16, D G Dickinson 26-16, J H Williams 27-2, J Philbric 26-1, J Aldrich 26-16, L Ross 26-14, Sarah Traverse 26-10, Mrs T Shafer 26-19, A F Fowler 26-1, W Vancil 26-14, J M Baker 26-14, J Z Lamb 26-19, M Lull 26-10, J H Murry 26-8, J L Howe 25-9, D Jewel 27-1, A Hazeltine 26-14, each $2,00. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.51

A T Brooks 25-1, Mary Buxton 25-1, A S Dunning 25-19, D R Strong 25-19, L B Ward 25-19, J Grover 25-19, E J Grover 25-19, M J Pierce 25-19, 50cts each. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.52

W Sevy $4,00 26-1, A T Andrews $3,00 24-11, H West 75c, 25-1, E P Giles $1,17 26-5. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.53

Books Sent By Mail

Conrad Walter 83c. J T Colby 83c, Hugh West 25c, E H Steele 8c, Isaac Sanborn 8c, Henry Keefer $1,66, Mrs H B Hayward $1,66, H Bingham $1, H C Merriam $5, Mrs Geo Vedder $1,66. Miss. A C Hudson, $1,66, James A Sell 50c, Martha C Allen 50c, L Lathrop $2, Newel Grant $1,50, H G Washburn 34c, A S Hutch ins 83c, G W Sheldon 83c, Willis Bailey $1,12, I C, Vaughan 17c, E P Giles $1,83, A Noyes 83c. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.54

Subscriptions at the Rate of $3,00 per year

E S Griggs $3,28-3, H L Richmond $3,29-1, V B Gaskill $3, 26-17, A Noyes $3,17, 27-1, R Holland $2, 26-1. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.55

Donations to Purchase a Stock of Paper

Conrad Walter $5,00, Lancaster Church, N. Y. $5,00, R Smalley $3,00, J P Kellogg $25,00, O Mears $5,00, D R Palmer $20,00, Abigail Palmer $5,00. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.56

Soldiers’ Tract Fund

Lancaster Church, N. Y. $3,00. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.57

Books sent by Express

W H Brinkerhoff, Lisbon, Iowa $50,00, O Mears $20,00, Rufus Baker, Brandon, Wis. $6,00. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.58

Cash Received on Account

E S Griggs $17,00, Joseph Bates $18,00, I D Van Horn $103,23, O Mears $15,00, Wm. Merry $10,50, J N Loughborough $45,00. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.59

Review to Poor

D R Palmer $5,00. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.60

General Conference Missionary Fund

Conrad Walter $5,00, J F Colby 64c, Charles L Davis $7,00, H C Merriam $20,00, J P Kellogg $25,00, V B Gaskill $5,00, Church at Waukon Iowa $40,00, D R Palmer $25,00, Abigail Palmer $5,00, J W Burtis $5,00. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.61

Michigan Conference Fund

Received from Churches. Church at Battle Creek $40. Locks $5. Oneida $7,50. Salem Center Ind. $22.30. Color $1,50. Vergennes $49,04. Otsego $28. Shelby $25. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.62

Received from Individuals. Peter Palmbla $5. J. Kemp $1. N. R. Rigby $10. I. D. Van Horn $2. Lyman Gerould $5. ARSH October 4, 1864, page 152.63