General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1



THE fifteenth meeting of the General Conference was called to order at 10 A. M., March 1, 1895. After singing, prayer was offered by Elder I. D. Van Horn. Minutes were read and accepted. GCB March 3, 1895, page 440.4

Reports of committees being in order, the Committee on Resolutions submitted the following from the Committee on Resolutions for the Religious Liberty Association - GCB March 3, 1895, page 440.5

23. Whereas, The religious liberty work is not designed merely to prepare the way for the Third Angel’s Message, but is the giving of the message itself; therefore, — GCB March 3, 1895, page 440.6

Resolved, That we urge upon all friends of religious liberty everywhere, and especially upon ministers and other conference laborers, the importance of a thorough preparation for the intelligent presentation of religious liberty questions. GCB March 3, 1895, page 440.7

24. Whereas, The introduction of numerous Sunday bills and other measures of like character into the legislatures and courts of the various States and countries affords good opportunities for placing before legislators and other men in public life the fundamental principles of the gospel; therefore, — GCB March 3, 1895, page 440.8

Resolved, That we urge upon all our conference and mission field officers the importance of meeting these issues by the general circulation of literature and by personal work with jurists and members of legislatures. GCB March 3, 1895, page 440.9

Resolved, That we request the General Conference Committee to continue a competent man in the religious-liberty work at the capital of the nation, especially during the next session of Congress. GCB March 3, 1895, page 440.10

Whereas, The American Sentinel is one of the very best means of interesting public men in religious liberty principles, and as a result, in kindred truths; therefore, — GCB March 3, 1895, page 440.11

Resolved, That we encourage an increased circulation of this paper. GCB March 3, 1895, page 440.12

The Chair then called up the report of the Committee on Distribution of Labor, page 425 of the BULLETIN. Victor Thompson moved, D. H. Oberholtzer seconded, that it be adopted. Upon placing the question before the Conference, the Chair remarked that while this was a large report as compared with others, the growth of our cause must also be taken in mind; and when that was considered, it would be seen that the report was not disproportionately large. The Chair then read from “Gospel Workers,” page 450, the following:— GCB March 3, 1895, page 440.13

It is not the best way to have one or two ministers go over the same ground again and again. There should be an interchange of laborers. They should not be confined to one field, but should labor in different conferences, that the churches may have the benefit of their different gifts. When this was done in the past, greater success attended the laborers. GCB March 3, 1895, page 440.14

And again on page 240:— GCB March 3, 1895, page 440.15

The question is asked me if it is not a mistake to remove presidents of State conferences in the field when many of the people under their present charge are unwilling to give them up. The Lord has been pleased to give me light on this question. I have been shown that ministers should not be retained in the same districts year after year, nor should the same man long preside over a conference. A change is for the good of our conferences and churches. GCB March 3, 1895, page 440.16

In view of these and similar statements, the propriety of many of these proposed moves could easily be understood, and he presumed that they would answer many inquiries which would otherwise arise. Speaking in behalf of the Committee, — although the Chair was able to be with them in their work but very little, — he knew they had prayerfully and with great care accomplished their work. GCB March 3, 1895, page 440.17

The Committee asked the privilege of withdrawing for further consideration Recommendation 13, relating to E. G. Olsen. The request was granted. GCB March 3, 1895, page 441.1

The first recommendation was read by the Secretary, and was spoken to by J. H. Durland, Superintendent of District No. 4, who gave reasons for the changes proposed. These were because South Dakota has quite a large number of German laborers near the North Dakota line, and it being difficult to remove their families, by making this change, a field is open to them very near to where they now reside. Also in South Dakota the severe drouth has almost effectually broken up the canvassing work for the present, and the canvassers need an additional field for operation, which will be afforded to them in North Dakota. In reference to Recommendation 2, Elder Durland stated that the south western part of South Dakota was very difficult of access from the eastern part, whereas Nebraska already had churches contiguous to that portion of South Dakota. Nebraska workers could reach the Black Hills country much more easily than it could be reached from the eastern part of South Dakota. He also stated that the questions of finance which might arise would be satisfactorily adjusted between the conferences interested. GCB March 3, 1895, page 441.2

C. M. Everest spoke of the interest of Minnesota in North Dakota, and the fact that Minnesota had already planned and provided a large amount of work to be done in the canvassing for that field, and it would be quite a loss to relinquish their plans at this time. He also called the attention of the Conference to the difficulty of communication between North and South Dakota. GCB March 3, 1895, page 441.3

N. W. Allee stated that from the Minnesota point of view they had no object in getting rid of North Dakota; they were very closely related together in their interests and work, and it was only out of consideration for the general interests of the cause that they would consent to such an arrangement. GCB March 3, 1895, page 441.4

N. P. Nelson, of South Dakota, spoke of the loss that South Dakota as a State has suffered, both in drouth and in the dishonesty of some of its officials. He said that it was quite clearly understood that they were in financial straits, but he wished to state that the conference was not looking for financial aid, since its standing was very satisfactory. The conference owed no debts, and was able to pay its laborers; but for the reason stated by Brother Durland, they were seeking for more territory in which to locate their laborers. They now had a large class of twenty-five canvassers ready to enter the field, and nowhere for them to work. GCB March 3, 1895, page 441.5

C. M. Everest moved, as there was not a perfect understanding on the subject, that the matter be referred back to the Committee. No second. W. B. White moved that the recommendation be referred back to the General Conference Committee. S. H. Lane seconded the motion. J. H. Durland stated that such action would affect to a greater or less extent the remainder of the report of the Committee on Distribution of Labor, and thought the matter would better be settled definitely. Motion to refer was lost. GCB March 3, 1895, page 441.6

H. Shultz remarked that it is the object of the canvassing work to get books before the people, and he didn’t see that it made any particular difference which conference did the work, so long as it was done; but he thought that the German workers in South Dakota would do excellent work in the territory of North Dakota, and favored the proposed change. GCB March 3, 1895, page 441.7

A. T. Jones remarked that the general interests of the cause would seem to favor the proposed change, while the objections to it were more local in their nature, and therefore the general interests should be considered. GCB March 3, 1895, page 441.8

C. M. Everest, N. W. Allee, and others, participated still further in the discussion, and the question being called, the vote was taken upon Recommendations 1 and 2, and they were carried without objection. GCB March 3, 1895, page 441.9

Recommendations 3 and 4 passed without discussion. GCB March 3, 1895, page 441.10

A. J. Read spoke to Recommendation 5, giving a brief account of the island of New Guinea, and expressed the willingness of himself and wife to go to that country if the brethren thought it advisable. He was willing to undergo the hardships and encounter the dangers to which they would be exposed, but regretted that they had not a preparation for the medical work. The Conference had partially provided for this, however, in sending a doctor along with them. The recommendation was carried. GCB March 3, 1895, page 441.11

E. H. Gates spoke to Recommendation 6, giving an interesting account of the Fiji Islands, and the work upon which those sent there would enter. Elder Cole had already expressed a wish to labor in these islands. The recommendation was carried. GCB March 3, 1895, page 441.12

Recommendation 7 was spoken to by F. M. Wilcox, who alluded to the interest which was awakening in Brazil. H. P. Holser spoke of the connection existing between those of Stangnowski’s religious movement in Germany and in Brazil; said that a large number of this people were becoming interested in our work in Germany, and the interest was by them communicated to their friends in Brazil. E. W. Snyder, from Brazil, made a few interesting remarks in reference to the work in that country. There are four hundred thousand Germans in Brazil. The canvassing work has accomplished much good. There are already a number of companies and individual Sabbath-keepers. Brazil is now open for the truth in all of its parts, and the prospects seem very favorable. There are about two thousand English-speaking people in Rio de Janeiro. It was also remarked by the Foreign Mission Secretary that Brother and Sister Graf had expressed an interest in this country, and a desire to labor there. The recommendation was carried. GCB March 3, 1895, page 441.13

Recommendation 8 was briefly spoken to by W. W. Prescott, who heartily commended those who had been chosen, and the recommendation was carried. GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.1

In regard to Number 9, the Chair stated that he felt a great relief, as did also the Foreign Mission Board, to know that their ship was under the charge of one who had had a wide experience in the different features of our work, and also in seafaring life. A. J. Read seconded the sentiments expressed by the Chair. The recommendation was carried. GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.2

Number 10 was carried without discussion. GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.3

F. M. Wilcox and E. W. Webster spoke to the eleventh recommendation. Brother Webster was willing to go anywhere. He had felt for a long time a deep impression upon his mind in reference to the work in Trinidad, and was not surprised when the recommendation came to him, and was willing to accept it as from the Lord, and believed that the Lord would go with them and assist them in their work. GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.4

A correction in the twelfth resolution was offered by H. Shultz, who stated that the name was V. P. Gade, of Kansas, and not of Wisconsin. The recommendation was carried. GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.5

In behalf of the Committee, A. J. Breed asked that the fourteenth recommendation be referred back for further consideration. Granted. GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.6

S. H. Lane said in regard to the fifteenth recommendation that he had always become strongly wedded to his field of labor wherever it had been. He felt a very strong attachment for the East, and thought he should feel the same if he were to go to a new appointment. The language of his heart was, “Anywhere, dear Saviour, to work for Thee.” Carried. GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.7

The other recommendations were carried without amendments, after brief observations from different members. GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.8

The report of the Committee on Credentials and Licenses, page 427 of the BULLETIN, was then taken up. O. A. Johnson moved that the report be accepted. The name of D. T. Bourdeau was referred to the Wisconsin Conference Committee. GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.9

The name of Z. G. Baharian was referred to the Central European Committee, for political reasons. GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.10

The names of M. C. Wilcox and M. H. Brown were taken from the list, as they belong to the California Conference, and receive their credentials there. The name of I. D. Van Horn was referred back to the Committee for further consideration. In all of these cases there was no question as to the fitness of the candidates, the only question being the locality. GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.11

The Committee on Credentials and Licenses presented an additional report as follows:— GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.12

For Credentials - G. W. Caviness, E. J. Hibbard, E. H. Gates. GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.13

For Ministerial License - T. Babienco, A. Barry, M. S. Babcock, J. C. Brooks, J. E. Caldwell, M. E. Cady, B. L. Dieffenbacher, P. Giddings, J. C. Foster, David Funk, J. O. Johnston, B. Jaeschke, H. Krumm, H. Kusmim, R. Klingbeil, H. R. Hanson, J. L”bsack, Delos Lake, P. T. Magan, W. A. Miller, J. Peiper, G. Perk, Ellery Robinson, Carl Rasmussen, F. W. Spies, F. Shubert, Gottfried Tetz, C. D. M. Williams. GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.14

The Committee on Nominations submitted the additional report as follows:— GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.15

Board of Managers of Texas School - J. N. Loughborough, W. S. Greer, G. A. Nichols, B. F. Woods, T. T. Stevenson, H. W. Decker, J. M. Rees. GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.16

Labor Bureau - A. O. Tait, W. H. Edwards, W. C. Sisley. GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.17

Additional Members of the Foreign Mission Board - J. H. Kellogg, L. Mc Coy. GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.18

General Conference Association, Executive Board - O. A. Olsen, A. R. Henry, W. W. Prescott, H. Lindsay, G. A. Irwin, L. L. Lawrence, A. J. Breed, W. B. White, S. H. Lane, I. H. Evans, C. H. Jones, J. H. Morrison, R. S. Donnell, W. S. Hyatt, Allen Moon, N. W. Allee, C. L. Boyd, R. M. Kilgore, J. N. Loughborough, R. C. Porter, T. A. Kilgore. GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.19

The Committee on Distribution of Labor presented the following additional report:— GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.20

23. That Elder D. H. Lamson, of Nebraska, go to the Indiana Conference to labor. GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.21

24. That Elder Smith Sharp labor in the Cumberland mission field. GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.22

25. That Elder D. H. Oberholtzer, of Indiana, go to Kansas to labor. GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.23

26. That R. W. Parmelee, of Michigan, go to Oklahoma, and take the place made vacant by the removal of E. R. Palmer. GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.24

27. That Elder H. J. Farman, of New England, and Elder G. E. Langdon, of Nebraska, go the Maritime Provinces to labor. GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.25

28. That Henry Duerkson, of North Dakota, go to Wisconsin to labor. GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.26

29. That M. S. Babcock labor in District No. 2, under the direction of the superintendent of the same. GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.27

30. That Elder E. A. Merrell and wife, of Illinois, go to the Texas Conference to labor. GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.28

31. That the name of Elder E. H. Gates be referred to the Foreign Mission Board for appointment, as soon as he is in a condition of health to engage in active labor. GCB March 3, 1895, page 442.29

32. That C. N. Perrin and Nettie Perrin go to Jamaica to engage in the canvassing work, the former to take charge of the canvassing work in the island. GCB March 3, 1895, page 443.1

33. That A. F. and J. T. Berger, of Washington, go to Brazil to canvass among the Germans. GCB March 3, 1895, page 443.2

34. That D. U. Hale, of Texas, and G. P. Riggs, of Florida, go to West Africa in company with W. W. Eastman. GCB March 3, 1895, page 443.3

35. That Elder S. S. Shrock, of Kansas, go to Ohio to labor. GCB March 3, 1895, page 443.4

36. That Elder I. D. Van Horn take the presidency of the Ohio Conference made vacant by the placing of Elder G. A. Irwin on the General Conference Committee. GCB March 3, 1895, page 443.5

The Chair announced the following appointments of General Conference District Superintendents, in accordance with the suggestion of the Committee on Nominations:— GCB March 3, 1895, page 443.6

District No. 1, R. C. Porter; No. 2, G. A. Irwin; No. 3, J. H. Morrison; No. 4, J. H. Durland; No. 5, J. N. Loughborough; No. 6, A. J. Breed; No. 7, W. C. White; No. 8, H. P. Holser. GCB March 3, 1895, page 443.7

The Chair then renewed his admonition in regard to the necessity of expedition in the transaction of business, because the time allotted to the meeting was rapidly drawing to a close. GCB March 3, 1895, page 443.8

Meeting adjourned. GCB March 3, 1895, page 443.9

At the close of the meeting of the International Tract Society on the afternoon following, the Committee on Distribution of Labor presented an additional report, as follows:— GCB March 3, 1895, page 443.10

37. That Lucy Post, of Ohio, go to Argentina to engage in Bible work. GCB March 3, 1895, page 443.11

38. That Elder James A. Morrow, of Kansas, connect in labor with the Central American Mission, under the direction of Elder F. J. Hutchins. GCB March 3, 1895, page 443.12

39. That Elder John A. Brunson and wife be referred to the General Conference Committee for appointment, as soon as they are prepared to take up labor. GCB March 3, 1895, page 443.13

40. That Elder W. S. Cruzan, of Texas, connect with the Missouri Conference. GCB March 3, 1895, page 443.14

41. That Elder W. T. Drummond, of Texas, and Elder W. N. Hyatt, of Nebraska, exchange fields of labor. GCB March 3, 1895, page 443.15

The Committee on Credentials and Licenses at the same time reported further as follows:— GCB March 3, 1895, page 443.16

Credentials - G. E. Langdon, H. J. Farman, O. Johnson, L. Johnson, E. J. Ahrens, Matthew Larson. GCB March 3, 1895, page 443.17

Ministerial License - W. H. Anderson, C. E. Shafer, J. W. Loughhead, J. A. Brunson, E. L. Stewart, E. C. Chapman, E. S. Butz. GCB March 3, 1895, page 443.18

Missionary License - Mrs. Emma Shafer, D. W. Reavis, Earnest D. Haskell, Ida Simmons, A. La Rue, Mrs. Amelia Shireman, Mrs. F. J. Hutchins, Mrs. A. J. Read, Mrs. B. J. Cady, Mrs. M. J. Cole, Mrs. E. C. Chapman, J. R. McCoy, Dr. M. G. Kellogg, Marcus Ashley, Anna Agee, C. Beneche, Jacob Duerksen, Anna Hammond, Annie Hemming, G. K. Rudolph, Frank C. Kelley, Otto Madsen, Capt. G. Masters, John Perk, C. L. Kilgore, Mettie Sharp, W. H. Thurston, Dora Vetter, Martha Wintzen, Miss Georgia Burrus, F. L. Mead, A. F. Harrison, Z. Sherrig, R. B. Craig, L. Dyo Chambers, J. E. White, Paul J. Dean, W. O. Palmer, W. H. McKee, J. Christiansen. GCB March 3, 1895, page 443.19