General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1



THE fourteenth meeting of the General Conference was called by the Chair at 4:15 P.M., Feb.28, 1895. Prayer was offered by Elder McCoy, and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted. Reports of committees were called for, but none being prepared to report, the discussion of Resolution 3 in the report of the Financial Committee, page 402, which was pending at the time of adjournment, was taken up. H. P. Holser moved, Joseph Curdy seconded, that the words “Central Europe” be inserted after “Mexico.” J. E. Graham moved to strike out the word “your” in the last line of the resolution. This motion was seconded and carried, after which the amendment proposed by Elder Holser was also carried, and the resolution as amended adopted. GCB March 1, 1895, page 427.7

Resolution 4 was read and passed without discussion. Resolution 5 was read. The Chair remarked that as we are a body of laborers, he hoped that they would all say “yes,” to the resolution, and then be sure to do the work implied in the resolution after returning home. The resolution was adopted. The next resolution was read and adopted without discussion. GCB March 1, 1895, page 427.8

Resolution 6 was read, and amended by substituting the word “Australasia” for “New Zealand,” and was passed without objection. GCB March 1, 1895, page 427.9

The Chair announced that the next business for the Conference would be the report of the Committee on Nominations, found on page 402. G. A. Irwin moved that the report be adopted. The motion was seconded, and the question was placed before the house. The Committee on Nominations requested permission to change the title of the “Trustees” of Union College and Walla Walla College to “Board of Managers.” Permission was granted. GCB March 1, 1895, page 427.10

F. D. Starr moved that the name of G. W. Caviness be substituted for his own in the Committee on Foreign Missions. A. T. Jones seconded. Motion was lost. GCB March 1, 1895, page 427.11

R. S. Donnell moved that on account of the prospective removal of Greenville Holbrook from College Place, the name of T. L. Ragsdale be substituted for that of Brother Holbrook. Carried. GCB March 1, 1895, page 427.12

D. A. Robinson moved that the name of The International Tract Society, Ltd., London, be added to the Committee on Transportation. The motion was seconded and carried. GCB March 1, 1895, page 427.13

N. W. Allee moved that the name of A. G. Adams, of Minneapolis, also be added to the Committee on Transportation. This motion was adopted. GCB March 1, 1895, page 427.14

The Chair stated that it had been suggested to him that a transportation agent for the Northwest should be located in Portland, Oregon, and invited the consideration of the suggestion by the Conference. GCB March 1, 1895, page 427.15

R. S. Donnell replied that he thought it was doubtful if the railroads would recognize two transportation agents; and on account of the special favors which had been in the past granted by the railroads to the previous agent, which favors would probably be sacrificed by the election of another, it would probably be better to let the matter remain as it is. The Conference concurred in his opinion. GCB March 1, 1895, page 428.1

C. McReynolds inquired how far the business of a transportation agent extended into that of a local or State business. He had been requested by the railroad authorities to appoint a State transportation agent, and this agent was recognized by the railroads for the transaction of their State business. The Chair replied that the appointment of General Conference transportation agents would not supersede the business of the State conferences where they were established or where they might be needed. GCB March 1, 1895, page 428.2

Other questions of similar import were raised, and it was decided to leave local railroad business in the hands of conference agents. GCB March 1, 1895, page 428.3

W. W. Prescott stated that in view of the past services of Greenville Holbrook in connection with the work in Walla Walla, his experience on the Board would be of great value, especially since the names now mentioned on the Board of Managers are mostly new. He would not draw any comparisons between the value of the different nominees, but in regard to all the circumstances, he would suggest that the name of Greenville Holbrook be substituted for that of W. W. Sharp on the Board of Managers for Walla Walla College. Carried. GCB March 1, 1895, page 428.4

W. B. White suggested that the name of C. McReynolds be substituted for president for the Kansas Conference on the Board of Managers for Union College. The Chair explained that the reason for presenting the name indefinitely was that there had been some prospect that Brother McReynolds would take another field of labor. In that case his successor would fill the place on the Board; otherwise Brother McReynolds would remain a member of the Board of Managers. The motion was lost. GCB March 1, 1895, page 428.5

The question of representation of the Sanitarium on the Committee on Foreign Missions was then brought up. W. W. Prescott moved as an amendment to the report that the By-Laws be so changed as to call for the election of a committee of eight instead of six, and that the names of J. H. Kellogg and L. McCoy be added to the nominees. The Chair decided the motion would not be in order. The question of the adoption of the report of the Committee as amended was then placed before the house and was carried without objection. GCB March 1, 1895, page 428.6

W. W. Prescott then moved that Article 1, Section 10, of the By-Laws be amended so as to read as follows: “The Conference shall elect a Foreign Mission Committee of eight, whose term of office shall be the same as that of the officers of the General Conference.” The motion was carried, the committee on Nominations was requested to bring in two additional names, and the Conference adjourned. GCB March 1, 1895, page 429.1


No Authorcode

THE partial report of the Committee on Distribution of Labor with be read with interest. And the rest of it will be awaited with even greater interest. But it is very noticeable that a feeling of willingness to labor anywhere that duty may call, prevails very generally, and hence there is no special terror for any one in the recommendations of the Committee. It makes but little difference how we spend our time and where we expend our strength, if it be only as and where it will best glorify God. GCB March 1, 1895, page 429.2

THE chairmen of our councils very obligingly permit members to second and sometimes to offer motions without the formality of “obtaining the floor.” The consequence is that the BULLETIN does not always get sight of the mover or his second, and thus their names are not given. GCB March 1, 1895, page 429.3

TWO interesting meetings of the Conference were held yesterday. The minutes of both are given. GCB March 1, 1895, page 429.4

TWO CORRECTIONS. — The name of G. W. Colcord appears in the list of members of the Medical Missionary and Benevolent Association as given on page 404. That of G. W. Caviness should appear instead. GCB March 1, 1895, page 429.5

On page 401 is found an amendment to a resolution moved by W. W. Prescott. The amendment should include the last portion of the amended resolution: “And that better provision be made for the Sloyd department.” GCB March 1, 1895, page 429.6