General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1



THE eleventh meeting of the General Conference was held in the Tabernacle, Tuesday, February 26, at 10 A.M. After singing, prayer was offered by Elder Fargo. GCB February 27, 1895, page 371.3

The minutes being read, the Chair announced that the delegate from South Africa, Harmon W. Lindsay, having arrived, would take his seat in the Conference. GCB February 27, 1895, page 371.4

The Committee on Education submitted the following additional report:— GCB February 27, 1895, page 371.5

6. Whereas, The greatly increased demand for educated laborers at home and abroad has demonstrated the necessity of facilities for instructing those who cannot attend our regularly organized schools; and, — GCB February 27, 1895, page 371.6

Whereas, The General Conference Bible-schools now in successful operation at Battle Creek and College View do not meet the wants of the laborers in other parts of the field; therefore, — GCB February 27, 1895, page 371.7

Resolved, That similar schools be established at Walla Walla, Healdsburg, and South Lancaster, as the demand may indicate, and that ministers, licentiates, colporters, and Bible-workers be encouraged to attend as far as practicable, and that a uniform course of study, covering a period of three years, be adopted in all these schools. GCB February 27, 1895, page 371.8

The Committee on the brigantine “Pitcairn” submitted, through its chairman, J. E. Graham, the following report:— GCB February 27, 1895, page 371.9

Whereas, A large field has been opened up among the Pacific Islands through the visits of our missionary ship “Pitcairn” to these regions; and, — GCB February 27, 1895, page 371.10

Whereas, Experience has demonstrated that the capacity of the ship is inadequate to meet the present and constantly increasing demands for more room for passengers and freight, the discomforts to passengers in a ship with such limited cabin accommodations being very great; therefore, GCB February 27, 1895, page 371.11

Resolved, That we recommend that the “Pitcairn” be placed on the market at $10,000, and, if sold, that a larger and more commodious vessel be built for the island work. GCB February 27, 1895, page 371.12

J. E. GRAHAM, A. R. HENRY, W. W. PRESCOTT, Committee.

The Committee on Resolutions submitted the following additional report:— GCB February 27, 1895, page 372.1

Resolved, That we request all our American churches to unite in a general donation to the Orphans’ Home the last Sabbath in November of each year. GCB February 27, 1895, page 372.2

There being no further reports of committees, the Chairman announced that the unfinished business, which consisted of the further consideration of Resolution No. 3, on page 249 in the report of the Educational Committee, would be taken up. H. W. Mitchell moved, and L. H. Crisler seconded that the resolution be amended so as to recommend that the proposed educational journal be issued as a monthly extra to the Review and Herald, under the title of Educational Extra, and that the Review and Extra be furnished for $2 a year. GCB February 27, 1895, page 372.3

C. P. Bollman moved, and Matthew Larson seconded, that the report be referred back to the Committee for further consideration. A. O. Tait remarked that it would be impracticable to issue the journal as a supplement to the Review and Herald on account of the requirements of the postal laws. The motion to refer was carried. GCB February 27, 1895, page 372.4

The Chair announced that the way was now opened to take up the business laid aside for the Educational Report, which was the consideration of General Conference Resolution No. 11, on Page 283, GCB February 27, 1895, page 372.5

The Committee on Resolutions offered the following substitute for the resolution in question:— GCB February 27, 1895, page 372.6

Resolved, That we ought not as a denomination either to seek or accept from any civil government, supreme, local, or otherwise, any gift, or grant, either of land, money, or other thing of value. GCB February 27, 1895, page 372.7

S. H. Lane moved, C. L. Boyd seconded, that the substitution be made. Carried. GCB February 27, 1895, page 372.8

The question now being on the adoption of the substitution, Darwin Dingman, of Quebec, inquired whether the resolution would prevent our receiving grants of money from the authorities for school purposes. R. C. Porter explained the question of Brother Dingman further by stating that in the Province of Quebec it is customary for the legislature to apportion out public moneys to the different denominations in proportion to their numbers. The Catholics receive a grant, and different Protestant sects receive the same. Taxes were paid with that understanding. The answer was that the circumstances were not well enough understood to admit of a definite reply. GCB February 27, 1895, page 372.9

I. H. Evans being called upon by the chairman of the Committee, offered reasons for the substitution which had been made. The former resolution might readily be construed to support the ideas of the National Reform party, since they do not claim any provisions to which they were not with all others justly entitled as men; but while this position was true in the negative, to take that position would be strongly to infer the positive side of the question, which would be that we should seek and accept all the privileges to which we as men are entitled, while the fact is that our position does not embrace that conclusion. The Committee also thought best to omit the words “credit and special privileges,” so as not to limit personal liberty and individual action. GCB February 27, 1895, page 372.10

A. T. Jones remarked that something was needed which might serve as a guide to those who went out to represent the denomination. While it is true that we should not restrict individual action in this matter, it was the province of this body to dictate what should be the policy of the denomination, and to define that policy, so that there need be no mistake on the part of those who represent our people. He thought that the object of the discussion had now been reached, that it had been helpful and educational in its effects; but he believed the time had now come when the vote should be taken, and the Conference should proceed to further business. The question being called for, the substituted resolution was carried unanimously. GCB February 27, 1895, page 372.11

Resolution No. 13, on page 283, was then taken up. W. W. Prescott raised the question as to whether the proposed name of the combined journal could not be shortened. The chairman of the Committee replied that the reason for the name suggested was that the journal would be a blending of two papers, both of which was referred to in the name proposed. The Chair then stated that the object of the motion, as he understood it, was to save the establishment of another paper. It was first thought that the BULLETIN might take the place of the Year Book, but as there seemed to be some objection to this idea, the thought of combining the BULLETIN with the Home Missionary had suggested itself as a solution of the difficulty. Whether this would be satisfactory to the Conference or not, he felt quite uncertain. GCB February 27, 1895, page 372.12

The question of the consolidation of our papers being brought up and discussed briefly, J. N. Loughborough was called to the Chair, and the President read the following communication from the pen of Sister White touching that subject:— GCB February 27, 1895, page 372.13


It was moved by W. B. White, and seconded by D. T. Jones, that the resolution be referred to the General Conference Committee, with power to act. The motion was carried unanimously. GCB February 27, 1895, page 373.1

The Chair then called up the partial report of the Committee on Nominations, page 341. W. D. Curtis moved and N. W. Allee seconded that the report be adopted. The report was read, and the first name was considered separately. D. A. Robinson was called to the Chair, and O. A. Olsen stated that as his name was again before the Conference, it would be right to say that he felt very grateful to God for his care, and to the brethren for their confidence and support. He felt sensible of many mistakes and failures that had marked his administration, and never before was so conscious of the defects in his work. Since this report had been before the Conference, it had given time for serious thought. As best he knew, he had yielded himself to God and to his service. He now more fully than ever before had a sense of the responsibilities and perplexities connected with the work, and in view of his own deficiency, he had urged the Committee to consider this matter most seriously. GCB February 27, 1895, page 373.2

He was not here to say what he would or would not do, but he did say that it was for this body to consider this matter before it very carefully. The position required largeness of mind to a degree that he felt that he did not possess. It had been pointed out to him that his work was defective in regard to not disposing the burdens and labor upon others. He had a purpose to work, and was willing to work, but it was required of one in that position to distribute the burdens and responsibilities of the work with wisdom and care, and many details that he had performed might no doubt have been done better by others. That man is not of the most value to this work who spends his own strength and allows many others to stand idle; and as this work increases, there is an increasing need of this ability to distribute responsibilities, and place them wisely upon men who can bear them well. In the past the speaker thought that he had exhausted his reserve strength, and had gone to the extent of his power, and found himself now without that reserve of strength which it was his duty and privilege to preserve. GCB February 27, 1895, page 373.3

He felt it to be his duty to place these things before the Conference, that it might act intelligently; and so while he was not here to say that he would not act in that capacity, he did ask to be excused, and to be placed in a position in connection with the work where he could better serve the cause. GCB February 27, 1895, page 373.4

W. W. Prescott said that by his intimate association with the President of the Conference he felt it his privilege to say that if he knew of any one else who could as well bear these burdens and do this work, he would certainly offer the substitute; for no one not having the experience in these things can know the intense burden which they impose. We are not here to praise or belittle men, but to decide these matters in the fear of God. Those who know the most of these responsibilities would certainly be the last ones to seek the position. GCB February 27, 1895, page 373.5

M. C. Wilcox spoke as a worker from the field. In view of the responsibilities and burdens that have been placed upon our President in the past, he appealed to the Conference to seek help from God that would enable us to bear to a greater degree our own burdens, and thus make the burdens of our leading officers lighter. GCB February 27, 1895, page 373.6

C. H. Jones, chairman of the Committee, stated that the Committee appreciated all that had been said. They had canvassed the field carefully and prayerfully in their work, and there had been a unanimous voice in choosing the one whose name was now before the Conference. GCB February 27, 1895, page 374.1

A deep feeling of solemnity rested upon the congregation, and a sense of sympathy for those bearing heavy burdens; and with an earnest prayer that God would assist them in these responsibilities, the vote was taken, and the candidate for President was unanimously elected to that office. The rest of the names suggested were acted upon together. J. H. Morrison asked to be excused on the ground of ill health. The vote being taken, the candidates were elected without objection. GCB February 27, 1895, page 374.2

The Chair, in speaking of the office to which he had just been re-elected, stated that he was comforted with the thought that God was leading his people, and would help those who put their trust in him. Were it not for this fact, he could not be induced to accept any place of trust or responsibility. God had often manifested his compassion and consideration of our need in sending us necessary light just at the right time, and he believed that God would still lead and guide his chosen heritage. At this point the meeting adjourned. GCB February 27, 1895, page 374.3