General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




As the Secretary is not yet through with his figures, I will ask Elder Loughborough to take the chair, as I wish to say a few words in regard to the report just read. GCB February 26, 1895, page 353.11

In considering the Financial Report, I will begin at the end of it. You noticed a large shrinkage, — a shrinkage amounting to $143,298.72. This shrinkage is due to the general shrinkage in all values which has taken place during the last two years. GCB February 26, 1895, page 353.12

Now, of course, a bushel of wheat or a bushel of corn is worth just as much for practical use as it was a year ago, but it is not worth as much in the market; and the same is true of our property in the Sanitarium. There has been no actual loss of the property; but the general shrinkage of values of almost all sorts, has made it expedient in the minds of the Directors to make a new estimate of the values of the property held by the stockholders. This estimate has been made upon as accurate a basis as could be determined, and I think it is not very far out of the way, — at any rate the cut made is none too large. GCB February 26, 1895, page 353.13

Real estate has been cut down to $100,000. You notice that in the estimate placed upon our buildings, it is placed at their cost, with annual shrinkages and repairs; that is, the buildings are supposed to be kept in good repair, thus maintaining their original values. But, at the present time we could build the entire buildings which we have for just one half of what they originally cost. Labor is cheaper, and lumber, brick, glass, and all other building materials are so much cheaper that it is estimated that we could erect our buildings for about one half of what they cost. So with the furniture: it is all there but its actual value is less. GCB February 26, 1895, page 353.14

So it was thought best, in starting out for the new year, to have the estimates upon our property based upon its actual value, rather than upon the nominal value which it has carried from year to year. The general shrinkage in values throughout the country has, of course, affected us as well as others. GCB February 26, 1895, page 353.15

The profits for two years are stated to be $44,368. Nearly the whole of this profit, however, was realized during the year 1893. During the year 1894, the profit realized was $268 only. During that year, there was expended for charity the sum of $26,437. This does not include discount; it includes nothing except actual expenditures in the treatment of the sick poor. So that, while the profits for the year 1894 have been only $268, we have paid out nearly $27,000 in charity, and all this has been paid out of the profits for the year 1894. GCB February 26, 1895, page 354.1

Another large item to which I would call your attention, is the labor account, which amounts to $123,000 for two years. Some might infer from that that the institution has been paying very large salaries; but this is a mistake. The labor account for 1894 was $1500 less than the labor account for the year before, although the number employed was somewhat larger. The salaries of employees are all low, — in fact, the salaries of many are simply nominal, although the total is large. This is because so many are employed. There is no time in the entire year that we have as many paying patients as we have employees. Three hundred and twenty is the smallest number we have had, and the average number is about 350 or 360, the maximum being 387. GCB February 26, 1895, page 354.2

One reason why we require so many helpers is because we do so many things for sick people. When an institution undertakes to give a sick man every possible comfort and facility for recovery, it requires a very large force to be ready and in training at the right time. Another reason why so many helpers are necessary, is that we have a self-supporting training-school for missionary nurses and doctors. This department must be kept in operation; the classes must go on the whole year round. The students must be on hand to be ready when they are needed. And they must be trained, boarded, their washing must be done, rooms lighted, etc., and all this adds to the expense, which is often larger for our family of employees than for our family of patients, for the reason that the family is much larger. GCB February 26, 1895, page 354.3

The Training-school for Nurses, during the last two years, has numbered on an average 230 pupils. This is a school in which the pupils are wholly self-supporting. They not only receive board and tuition free, but in addition to that they receive clothing and books. The first year each receives from $20 to $25 worth of books and clothing. The second year, they receive not only board and instruction, but wages. The wages are little more than enough to cover the cost of the books and clothing, amounting to $2.50 to $3 a week. The next year they receive higher wages. So this institution pays not only its regular employees, but also gives compensation to its pupils after the first few months of training, and is able to do a charity work for the sick poor amounting to from $25,000 to $30,000 a year besides. GCB February 26, 1895, page 354.4

The demands for charity upon the institution are constantly increasing, and will increase still more. The hard times that have come down upon the world have made an increase of business for all kinds of charitable institutions. Every hospital is flooded with applications from those who are broken down in health, and have no money to pay. You would be astonished to see the number of applicants that come to the Sanitarium, who belong to this class. Fortunately those come also who are able to pay, and thus we are enabled to take care of the poor who come. It is necessary, however, to practice the strictest economy. The managers are aware of the fact that with the hard times, smaller salaries should be paid, and that the strictest economy should be employed; and so, although the number of employees has been greater for the last two years than in previous years; the amount paid them in the aggregate has been $1500 less, which indicates that we are not increasing salaries, but the contrary. GCB February 26, 1895, page 354.5

I am glad to say that the next year’s prospects are somewhat better, and we hope to do a great deal more charity work this year than we did last, for we do not try to lay up money. If this institution should be brought to the point where we could spend a hundred thousand dollars every year, what a grand philanthropic work it could do! and that is what it ought to do. But I hope to have an opportunity to say another word upon that point further on. GCB February 26, 1895, page 354.6

It might be interesting to the stockholders to hear something about the medical work of the institution during the last two years. The amount of medical work done in the two years ending Oct. 1, 1894, was larger in the aggregate than that done during any previous two years in the history of the institution. The number of persons arriving at the institution and registering there as guests during the two years was 7225. GCB February 26, 1895, page 354.7

I might state here that the number of persons who come to the institution each year is so large that the railroads which center here have made Battle Creek an all-the-year-round tourist point. I do not know of any other city in the State which has this advantage. GCB February 26, 1895, page 354.8

The secretary of one of the largest railroad associations said to me, when talking about the matter when this arrangement was made, that the number of persons coming to this institution was three or four times as great as that coming to any other institution like it in the State of Michigan; and the number is so considerable that at a large number of the principal railroads stations, you can buy, if you like a “Sanitarium ticket.” You can buy these tickets from almost any point in the Middle and Western States and in the Southern States. The Battle Creek Sanitarium tickets are known to railroad men almost everywhere. GCB February 26, 1895, page 355.1

The number of patients that have remained in the institution for treatment and have been treated during these two years, is 3,774. The number of important surgical operations (not including minor operations) is 772, — 381 of these being in the year 1893, and 391 in 1894. GCB February 26, 1895, page 355.2

A number of improvements have been made in the medical department, which might be of interest to the stockholders. Our surgical operating room has been remodeled, and it has the reputation of being one of the finest operating rooms in the world. Many surgeons who have visited it, and who have traveled abroad, state that they have never seen so fine an operating room. It is not made to accommodate a large audience, but it is fitted up with every convenience and every appliance necessary to give the patient the best chance for recovery. GCB February 26, 1895, page 355.3

The surgical record made in our Hospital (it is your hospital, and not mine), is the best record ever made in any hospital. Our Hospital record for serious cases, difficult cases, — the most serious sort of cases, — is far ahead of any other hospital record ever made, either in a hospital or out of a hospital. The total number of deaths has been extremely small since the Hospital was founded. In 400 of the most serious cases (cases requiring the opening of the abdomen), there have been only eight or nine deaths, and these have been cases of the most desperate character. The facts are, that the mortality rate in our Hospital is very much less than one per cent, — it is scarcely half of one per cent. And the mortality rate of the very worst cases, — the most desperate cases, in which the body has to be opened, — has been only a trifle over two per cent. And during the last two years we have operated upon 166 cases of this sort, without a single death. This is considerably above the best hospital record ever before made. The best record in Europe is 115 cases operated upon without a death. GCB February 26, 1895, page 355.4

I attribute this success, not to the skill of the surgeon, but to the hygienic care, to the careful preparation of the patients, to the good surroundings, and the pure air here in the country instead of in a crowded town, filled with dust and dirt, and to the conscientious care of the nurses. It is to the use of these means that this list of recoveries should be attributed more than to anything else. GCB February 26, 1895, page 355.5

Two years ago, the Board proceeded to erect a dormitory for the use of our family of helpers. It stands just east of the main building. It is a very great help in our work. We are able to organize our family there, as we could not do before - our school of 230 pupils, who were quartered all about the town. Our old buildings would not hold them, and they were huddled together in small quarters, and it was utterly impossible to give them family discipline and training. This great family were never together. Since we have erected the Dormitory, we have a large room in which our family meet, though a great many have to stand in the hall now. But we now have, in the Dormitory, a home for our young ladies, where they can be taught model house-keeping, and how to keep everything in order, whereas before the erection of the building, they were living about the town, so that it was impossible for them to receive proper instruction. Another advantage is that the building can be heated and lighted properly, which is very conducive to the health of our young lady nurses while engaged in their arduous duties. GCB February 26, 1895, page 355.6

Among other improvements in the medical department is the enlargement of the laboratory, by which minute investigations of various diseases can be made, such as analysis of the blood, bacteriological studies of the sputum, of the lungs, etc., and examinations of morbid tissues, tumors, growths, and such things as are removed by surgical operations. Now by having such a laboratory, we are enabled to place our medical work on a higher level. It also gives our students a better opportunity for medical study and practice, and quite a number of them have been able to do work in our laboratory for which they received credit at medical college. The work which is done in our laboratory is of a more important and interesting character in some particular lines, than that done in any other laboratory in the world. Very many interesting and important discoveries have been made in our laboratories, and there is no place where the sick can be treated so efficiently as here at our Sanitarium. GCB February 26, 1895, page 355.7

Now some one might say, “It is not necessary to have such appliances and advantages in an institution of this sort, because we trust in the Lord to heal the sick.” But my friends, we believe that the Lord is not going to work especially to heal the sick till we have done everything we can do ourselves. GCB February 26, 1895, page 355.8

I must say a word in reference to the medical education as carried on at the Sanitarium. First, there is a constant educational work being done for the patients there. We have three or four lectures every week especially for patients, and the large parlor is often overflowing when lecture hour arrives. GCB February 26, 1895, page 356.1

The patients often say that they have derived more good from the lectures than from their treatment, and that they would not begrudge all the time that they have spent there if they had received nothing but the information given them through the lectures. Many go home to do a missionary work among their friends in advocating these principles. Our patients are admitted gratis to our cooking school, and a large number avail themselves of this means of getting a knowledge of healthful cookery. GCB February 26, 1895, page 356.2

Then we have a department in which patients are instructed in dress reform, — in fact, the whole Sanitarium life may said to be a training in health culture. The gymnasium is a training-school. From the beginning to the end of the day the patient is disciplined and trained to ways that will be health promoting after he goes home, as well as while under treatment. GCB February 26, 1895, page 356.3

Then we have the training of our medical students. During the last two years fifteen have graduated in medicine, and I am glad to say that they have graduated from very highly creditable schools, and have taken an unusually thorough course in medicine, so that they know, or ought to know, a great deal more than the average students who graduate at the average medical college. They must find out what is wrong in the patient’s body and put it right. This requires a deeper knowledge of physiology, a better knowledge of anatomy, and a better knowledge of the fundamental principles of medicine, than that possessed by the average doctor. They must thoroughly understand the chemistry of food and digestion, so as to know how to adapt these things to each other. GCB February 26, 1895, page 356.4

We have besides those who have graduated within the last two years twenty-three medical students in training. The number of nurses graduated during the last two years is twenty-five. This number is much smaller than it would have been, by reason of the addition of a year to the course. GCB February 26, 1895, page 356.5

There have been many improvements made in the course of study for our training-school. Important extension has been made in the direction of missionary work. Heretofore the training has been chiefly of a medical character, but within the last few months the training work with special reference to missionary work has been greatly amplified. I am giving you this information partly because this is the only opportunity I may have of doing so, and because you are here from different States, and when you return, young men and women will ask about our training-school, and what sort of instruction we are giving. GCB February 26, 1895, page 356.6

Young men and women who come to the Sanitarium for the purpose of engaging in this work, come in contact with worldly people, and live in an atmosphere which must be more or less worldly. From morning till night a nurse may be shut up with some frivolous, worldly woman or an ambitious man, who pours into the ears thoughts which lead in the wrong direction, such as, “You are a smart young man (or woman). Why don’t you go out into the world, where you can earn more money, and have a good time, and see the world, instead of staying here working at small wages and having a hard time?” Some of our nurses have to stand under just such a fire for weeks at a time, and hence it is important that something should be done in order to maintain a missionary spirit among our students, and keep them from backsliding. There is any amount of temptation here, and it is not a good place for young men or women to come to, unless they are thoroughly grounded in the faith. I say this, because, every now and then, I get a letter from some of our people, saying, “We have run across a young man here who is a very bright fellow; he is just coming into the truth, and we want to send him to the Sanitarium.” Again, I get a letter from some one, saying, “Here is Mr. So and So; he is getting interested in the truth, and he would like to come to the Sanitarium, and take a nurse’s training course. I think he would come fully into the truth, if he did so.” GCB February 26, 1895, page 356.7

It is not a safe thing to receive such persons, and we don’t want to receive, at the Sanitarium, as a nurse or an employee a single young man or woman who is not prepared to support the principles of the institution, and fight the battles we have to fight there. The Sanitarium is not the place for those who are weak in the faith. GCB February 26, 1895, page 356.8

The following is a brief synopsis of the course of missionary study which has been added during the past year:— GCB February 26, 1895, page 356.9


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The importance of the work to be done.
Need of consecrated workers.
Christian-Help work as an educating influence.
Christ’s methods.
Summing up of practical methods.
How to find openings for work.
GCB February 26, 1895, page 356.10

How to begin work in homes. GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.1

Help in the home - cookery, dress, ventilation, germs, household economy, suggestions to mothers, cleanliness, aid for the unemployed, etc. GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.2

The members of the class will be associated in Christian Help bands for practical work with others of the more advanced courses and larger experience. GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.3


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The church as a missionary agent. GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.4

A series of lessons on mission work from the Bible, of which Christ is the model missionary, will be the leading topic. GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.5

History of missions down to the present, including those of early and middle ages, and modern missions, dwelling especially upon the missions of our own church, and the lands where they are established. GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.6


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The third year’s work will consist in part of general study of missions, and in part of special topics designed for those who are assigned to fields or to special departments of home work. In the former are included:— GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.7

A review of the practical topics of the first year from a teacher’s standpoint, organization of mission work, record keeping, public reporting, etc. GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.8

In special lines:— GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.9

Work for children, including kitchen garden, children’s meetings, paper Sloyd, sewing and knitting, talks on kindergarten principles, etc. GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.10

Work for mothers, — mother’s meetings, physical care of children, education and training of children. GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.11

Study of city missions in various phases, dispensary work, district work, rescue and Bible work, relation to other organizations, different cities and their problems, etc. GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.12

Foreign work:— GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.13

Missionaries as educators, industrial and literary. GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.14

Hygiene in heathen lands. GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.15

Missionaries’ relations to other foreigners and to other missionaries. GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.16

Practical points for foreign missionaries, such as outfit, tools, and how to use them - the various things a missionary needs to know to take care of himself and family. GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.17

Study of special fields by those under appointment, etc. GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.18


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THE second meeting of the Health Reform Institute convened at 11:30 A.M., Feb. 25, 1895. Prayer was offered by Elder I. D. Van Horn. GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.19

The Committee on Nominations reported as follows:— GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.20

For Board of Directors of the Health Reform Institute - J. H. Kellogg, W. H. Hall, A. R. Henry, G. H. Murphy, Lycurgus McCoy, J. H. Morrison, F. D. Starr. GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.21


The ballot was taken, A. O. Tait and T. A. Kilgore were appointed tellers, and the nominees were declared elected. GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.22

The Chairman took this opportunity to announce the following committees for the Medical Missionary and Benevolent Association:— GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.23

On Resolutions - D. T. Jones, N. C. McClure, A. O. Tait. GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.24

On Nominations - H. P. Holser, J. Fargo, R. C. Porter. GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.25

The committee on Resolutions then submitted the following additional report:— GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.26

Whereas, Action has been heretofore taken by the stockholders of the Health Reform Institute and by its Directors, looking to the instituting of proceedings for the dissolution and winding up of said Institute, and, — GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.27

Whereas, In spite of such action, no proceedings have yet been taken, the delay being on account of the advice of legal counsel, who state that there is a great uncertainty as to the legal status of the concern, and that legal proceedings have been postponed in the hope that some substantially similar case might come before the Supreme Court of this State, and be so judicially passed upon as to afford a precedent for the course to be followed by the Institute, and, — GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.28

Whereas, Such hoped-for decision has not been made, and so far as known, our case has no parallel, and - GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.29

Whereas, We are much dissatisfied with our condition, for reasons which are in the main summarized thus, — GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.30

1. We are advised that it is uncertain whether the Health Reform Institute is a corporation, a joint stock company, or a partnership. GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.31

2. We are paying large taxes on the basis of being a concern carried on for the personal profit of the stockholders, as a dividend paying business enterprise, whereas the facts are that the stockholders reap no benefit whatever, and that the profits are used in philanthropy and charity, and that physicians, surgeons, managers, and employees of the Institute receive small and in some cases very nominal compensation for their services. GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.32

3. It is uncertain what the result of the winding up may be, as to the disposition of the assets and the possibilities of the continuance of the work; GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.33

4. The limit of our life, even if adjudged to be a de jure corporation, would be April 9, 1897, and, — GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.34

Whereas, On account of these and other reasons, we are in the position of persons groping in the dark, and are surrounded with harassments, doubts, and perplexities as to the continuance of the work of the Institute, and cannot properly carry on the same in such a state of uncertainty, therefore, — GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.35

Resolved, That in our judgment it is best to proceed at once to wind up the Health Reform Institute in the best way possible under the circumstances; and to that end, so far as we have the power to do so, we demand and declare a dissolution of said Health Reform Institute, and a winding up of the business of the same; and we request and authorize the Directors at once to initiate and continuously carry on the necessary proceedings for the dissolution and winding up of said Institute. GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.36

Resolved, That in the election of a Board of Directors we do not contemplate the continuance of the business of the institution, but have aimed simply to provide a suitable Board of Directors, who will be easily accessible for the transaction of the business incident to the winding up of the affairs of the corporation. GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.37

The above resolutions were fully discussed and adopted, after which the meeting adjourned. GCB February 26, 1895, page 357.38


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THE tenth meeting of the Conference was held at 10 A.M., Feb. 25, 1895, in the usual place. Hymn 810 was sung, and M. C. Wilcox offered prayer. The minutes were accepted. GCB February 26, 1895, page 358.1

Opportunity was then given for the presentation of reports of committees. The Committee on Resolutions submitted the following:— GCB February 26, 1895, page 358.2

19. Resolved, That it be expressed as the sense of this body that the editorial control and the shaping of the general policy of the Review and Herald, Signs of the Times, American Sentinel, Home Missionary, Youth’s Instructor, Our Little Friend, and the Danish, German, Swedish, and Holland papers be placed in the hands of the General Conference, it being understood that the business and financial management of these journals remain in the control of the organizations now governing the same, and that the editors of these papers be appointed by the General Conference. And, further, — GCB February 26, 1895, page 358.3

20. Resolved, That steps be taken to reduce the cost of our missionary paper, the Signs of the Times, so as to enable our people to give it a much wider circulation than it has ever yet had. GCB February 26, 1895, page 358.4

21. Resolved, That the substitute for Resolution 7, as found on page 316 of the BULLETIN, is hereby rescinded. GCB February 26, 1895, page 358.5

Whereas, It is desirable to have detailed reports from the various conferences, mission fields, tract societies, and Sabbath-school associations; and, — GCB February 26, 1895, page 358.6

Whereas, It would be more convenient for all parties to have these reports sent to one person; therefore, — GCB February 26, 1895, page 358.7

22. Resolved, That blanks be furnished the proper officials of the various conferences, mission fields, tract societies, and Sabbath-school associations, and all our institutions. That these officials be requested to fill out these blanks as fully as possible semi-annually, the reports to close June 30 and December 31. That the statistician of the denomination furnish the necessary reports to the members of the General Conference Committee, and such other officials as may desire them. That this shall not interfere with the present system of Sabbath-school reporting. GCB February 26, 1895, page 358.8

The Committee on Education further reported:— GCB February 26, 1895, page 358.9

5. Whereas, A school has been opened in connection with the medical mission in Guadalajara, Mexico, and, — GCB February 26, 1895, page 358.10

Whereas, Conditions are such in that country as to require a more vigilant supervision over the moral and religious training of the children than can be obtained through the medium of a day-school, we would therefore, — GCB February 26, 1895, page 358.11

Recommend, That such steps be taken to place the school on a basis which will make it efficient in the propagation of gospel truth, as may be agreed upon by the managers of the mission and the Foreign Mission Board: and that the necessary funds be appropriated for its support. GCB February 26, 1895, page 358.12

The Chair then announced that the pending discussion of the report of the Committee on Education, page 249, would constitute the order of the day. GCB February 26, 1895, page 358.13

J. W. Watt moved, and D. B. Oberholtzer seconded, that the words “recommending” be substituted for “presenting and supervising” in the last clause of Resolution 3. After further explanation by the chairman of the committee, who stated that the intent of the resolution was to provide a means of communication between those who participate in the course of reading and those conducting it, followed by a brief discussion, the vote was taken, and the motion was lost. GCB February 26, 1895, page 358.14

G. O. States inquired whether the courses of reading and study would be so graded as to be adapted to the wants of the readers. Answered in the affirmative. GCB February 26, 1895, page 358.15

Resolution 1 was amended by striking out the words “in the present teaching force and courses of study.” GCB February 26, 1895, page 358.16

The Committee requested to be permitted to add the words, “and other laborers” after “minister” in the last clause of Resolution 3. Granted by vote. GCB February 26, 1895, page 358.17

L. H. Crisler and S. H. Lane inquired whether, in view of the numerous papers now published by the denomination, it would not be expedient to use a department in one of them for the purpose under consideration. GCB February 26, 1895, page 358.18

The difficulties of such a course were alluded to by Prof. G. W. Caviness, who also spoke of the necessity for such a journal in view of the rapidly increasing importance and volume of our educational work. GCB February 26, 1895, page 358.19

W. D. Curtis inquired how the provisions of these resolutions, if adopted, would be carried out. The Chair replied that to the General Conference Committee the work of caring for the varied interests of the cause had been committed, and it would be their duty to care for the educational work as well as for other interests. GCB February 26, 1895, page 358.20

Resolutions 1 and 2 were then put upon their passage, and adopted unanimously. GCB February 26, 1895, page 358.21

Resolution 3 was further discussed by G. W. Caviness and W. W. Prescott. The inquiry being raised as to details of size, form, and price of the journal, it was replied that at this point of time and place it would be impracticable to undertake to decide on these matters. They were purposely omitted. GCB February 26, 1895, page 358.22

The Chair admonished the assembly of the necessity of all the expedition in our business that is consistent with thoroughness. GCB February 26, 1895, page 358.23

The time set for the meeting of the Health Reform Institute having arrived, upon motion of R. S. Donnell, the Conference adjourned. GCB February 26, 1895, page 358.24


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THE third meeting of the fifteenth annual session of the International Sabbath-school Association was held Monday, February 25, at 3 P.M., in the regular place of meeting. GCB February 26, 1895, page 358.25

President C. H. Jones occupied the chair. After singing the song, “Where are the Reapers?” the assembly joined in prayer, led by Elder H. E. Robinson. GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.1

Minutes of previous meeting were read by Elder M. H. Brown, Recording Secretary. GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.2

As Mrs. Vesta J. Farnsworth, the Corresponding Secretary, did not reach the last meeting in time to present her report, it was presented at this meeting, and will be given in another place. GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.3

The report of the Committee on Nominations was called for, and presented by W.S. Hyatt, secretary of the committee. The report is here given, and was unanimously adopted:— GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.4

Your committee to nominate officers respectfully submit the following:— GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.5

For President - C. H. Jones. GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.6

Vice-president - I. H. Evans.
Secretary and Treasurer - M. H. Brown.
Corresponding Secretary - Mrs. Vesta Farnsworth.

Executive Committee - C. H. Jones, I. H. Evans, M. C. Wilcox, M. H. Brown, Superintendent District No. 6, W. N. Glenn, G. W. Reaser, F. M. Wilcox, E. J. Hibbard. GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.7

G. A. IRWIN, D. A. ROBINSON, R. C. PORTER, Committee.

A. E. Place gave the following resolutions as the report of the Committee on Plans of Work:— GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.8

The Committee on Plans of Work would respectfully submit the following recommendations:— GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.9

1. That the word “committee” in Section 1, Article 4, read, “board,” to harmonize with other parts of the Constitution. GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.10

2. That Section 3 of Article 4, be expunged. GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.11

3. That Section 1, Article 6, be so amended as to read as follows: “The duties of the President shall be to take the general oversight of the work in the Association, to preside at all its meetings, and to call and preside over all meetings of the Executive Board.” GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.12

4. That Section 1, Article 7, be amended so as to read: “The duties of the Recording Secretary shall be, (1) To record the proceedings of all meetings of the Association; (2) To submit a statistical report of all Sabbath-school work at the regular sessions of the Association; (3) To prepare such other reports as may from time to time be ordered by the Executive Board.” GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.13

5. That we amend Article 8 by inserting (2) “To choose the Committees for all sessions so that they may be announced by the presiding officer at the opening meeting.” GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.14

6. We recommend that the present plan of furnishing the Sabbath-school Worker at reduced rates to State associations be continued. GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.15

7. Whereas, In the Lord’s providence our beloved brother D. N. Loughborough, President of the Illinois Sabbath-school Association, has been removed from us by the hand of death, therefore, — GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.16

Resolved, That we bow in humble submission to him who doeth all things well; and further, — GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.17

Resolved, That we extend to his bereaved companion and to his honored and sorrowing father our heart-felt sympathies in their affliction. GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.18

8. That we earnestly request conference officers, ministers, and other laborers to give to the Sabbath-school work in their respective fields all the time and attention that its importance demands. GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.19

9. (1) We recommend that as far as is practicable an effort be made to give instruction in Sabbath-school work in connection with the annual meetings of associations. GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.20

(2) We recommend that great care be taken in the selection of instructors for the children and youth at our camp-meetings, and that ample time be given such persons to prepare for their work. GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.21

10. We recommend that economy be practiced in the use of Sabbath-school contributions, and that no part of the same be used for the running expenses of the church, in order that as large an amount as is consistent may be given to missions. This recommendation, however, should not be construed as discouraging the purchase of necessary supplies for the schools. GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.22

11. That the primary lessons published in the Little Friend be published in the German language. GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.23

M. H. BROWN, A. E. PLACE, Committee on Plans for Work.

These recommendations and resolutions were considered and freely discussed. Numbers 1 to 5 were acted upon together. GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.24

A number of the brethren spoke upon the resolutions in regard to the death of Brother Delmer N. Loughborough, expressing a deep sense of the loss sustained, and extending heart-felt sympathy to the bereaved friends. GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.25

Upon Resolution 8 the sentiment prevailed that the ministers should take such a deep interest in the Sabbath-schools, that they would not usually omit them to give place for other meetings. GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.26

Resolution 10 was discussed at some length. It was earnestly hoped that great care would be exercised in the matter of raising and applying the donations; that the children be encouraged in their giving, and earnest efforts be made to educate them with reference to missionary work. It was felt that much money is expended in obtaining expensive or unnecessary supplies. Elder Holser mentioned the case of Wesley, who would not increase the amount of his expenses even when his income was more than doubled, but gave all the increase to the work of the Lord. GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.27

Elder F. M. Wilcox believed that the money to increase our work must come from schools that are not now giving according to their ability. GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.28

The Auditing Committee, through its chairman, C. D. Rhodes, rendered a verbal report to the effect that having examined the books of the Association, they believed them to be faithfully kept. GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.29

A few minutes remaining, the time was given to A. J. Read, who gave an interesting account of starting the Sabbath-school work in the islands. He spoke of the simplicity of the natives, and of how they first looked upon our plans of conducting schools, and then how readily they are adopting better methods, and seeking to improve. He had lately received a letter from Brother Paul Deane, in which he expresses his love to all the brethren, to Brother Olsen, and especially to Brother Tait, who sends him so many letters. He also speaks of the progress of the Sabbath-school in the matter of donations and other respects. GCB February 26, 1895, page 359.30

The meeting adjourned. GCB February 26, 1895, page 360.1


No Authorcode

Review and Herald$ 831 63
Pacific Press13,167 60
Pacific Press - London Branch22 13
Sabbath school supplies42 00
Furniture and library168 00
Postage and stationary5 00
Story of Pitcairn441 06
State Sabbath School Association169 37
State Tract Society715 05
Other accounts42 50
Cash162 54
Total$15,766 88
“Sabbath School Worker”$886 48
General Conference Association14,332 24
Surplus Dec. 31, 1893548 16
Total$15,766 88

The money received on missions during 1893 is as follows:— GCB February 26, 1895, page 361.1

For Mexico and Central America$6,700 10
For India12,106 39
For Hamburg5,586 24
For West Indies and Polynesia693 47
For James White Memorial Home93 38
Total$25,179 58

The amount of mission money on hand at the close of the year, not paid over to the General Conference Association, was $14,332.24. This is placed to the credit of the General Conference Association. A portion of this was paid over in March, and the balance in June, 1894. GCB February 26, 1895, page 361.2

For year ending Dec. 31, 1894. GCB February 26, 1895, page 361.3

Review and Herald$33 72
Pacific Press75 79
Sabbath-school supplies136 00
Furniture and library158 00
Postage and stationary5 00
Story of Pitcairn443 24
General Conference Association18 84
State Sabbath School Associations298 29
State Tract Societies583 74
Other Accounts56 50
Cash11 07
Total$1,820 19
“Sabbath School Worker”$761 50
Surplus Dec. 31, 18941,058 69
Total$1,820 19

The money received on missions during 1894 is as follows: GCB February 26, 1895, page 361.4

For Africa$10,497 44
For Hamburg6,049 82
For Japan5,497 37
For India165 21
For Haskell Home166 00
Total$22,375 84

This has all been paid over to the General Conference. GCB February 26, 1895, page 361.5


No Authorcode

Furniture and library$ 27 60
Postage and stationery157 68
Expense270 71
“Sabbath-School Worker”1,032 22
Total$1,488 21
Sabbath-school supplies$ 3 41
Sabbath-school lessons504 25
Tithe417 16
Donations151 90
Net loss for 1893411 49
Total$1,488 21
Surplus Dec. 31, 1892$ 959 65
Net loss for 1893411 49
Surplus Dec. 31, 1893$ 548 16

For the year ending Dec. 31, 1894. GCB February 26, 1895, page 361.6

Furniture and library$ 10 00
Postage and stationery151 42
Expense223 68
“Sabbath-school Worker”115 07
Net gain for 1894510 53
Total$1,010 70
Sabbath-school supplies$ 46 75
Sabbath-school lessons562 20
Tithe400 56
Donations1 19
Total$1,010 70
Surplus Dec. 31, 1893$ 548 16
Net gain for 1894510 53
Surplus Dec. 31, 1894$1,058 69

The loss on the Worker for 1893 needs explanation. It really includes some of the previous losses that did not appear in former reports. The reason is this: In 1891 and 1892 the unexpired subscriptions for the Worker were estimated and not computed. GCB February 26, 1895, page 361.7

Careful computation at the close of 1893 shows the value of unexpired subscriptions to be $886.48. This indicates that they would not have been far from $750 at the close of each of the two previous years, but they were estimated only at $250; hence the loss on the Worker for those two years was considerably more than the report showed, and for 1893 the loss is considerably less than indicated by the report. In other words, the loss on the Worker, amounting to $1691.26 during 1891, 1892, and 1893, was about $560 each year, instead of $88.61 for 1891, $570.43 for 1892, and $1032.22 for 1893, as shown by the treasurer’s reports for these years. GCB February 26, 1895, page 361.8

The loss on the Worker during 1894 has only been $115.07. The better showing of that journal during the past year has been owing to the fact that only one number published the reports of all the schools, instead of four numbers (one each quarter), as in former years. The expense of publishing all the Sabbath-school reports was becoming so great that it was thought best to discontinue their publication in the Worker, and publish only a general summary of reports from the State associations, thus saving about $400 a year. M. H. BROWN, Treasurer. GCB February 26, 1895, page 361.9