General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1



(Read before the ministers, Sabbath, Feb. 23.)

Camp-ground, Ashfield, N. S. W.


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THE eighth meeting of the General Conference was held Sunday morning, February 24, at 10 A.M. Hymn 733 was sung. Elder W. B. White led in prayer. The minutes were read and adopted. J. W. Loughhead having arrived, he was recognized as an additional delegate at large. The committees having no further reports to submit, the Chair announced the order of business to be the pending motion to adopt Resolution 11, page 283. GCB February 25, 1895, page 340.1

Elder A. T. Jones took the floor. The speaker contended that our position on the entire separation of Church and State should be without a conditional “but” — it should be a clear and decided one. All these resolutions implied doubts and a disposition to compromise. The circumstances of Israel in Medo-Persia and Babylon had been referred to, but did not illustrate the case, since the people were then in captivity, and under the power of a hostile nation. We should look for primitive principles. Christ in his discussion of principles pointed them back to the beginning. Divorces and polygamy were allowed, but in the beginning “it was not so.” Had Israel not forsaken God, the books of Esther and Nehemiah would not have been written. The speaker reviewed at some length the circumstances in which we are at present placed. GCB February 25, 1895, page 340.2

D. H. Lamson remarked that though there was something peculiar in the circumstances of Israel as depicted in Nehemiah and Ezra, still there were features of their relation to the civil power which he could not explain on the ground of entire separation from the State. GCB February 25, 1895, page 340.3

Wm. Healey said that the circumstances of Israel in captivity were not applicable to the question, because the favors that the king bestowed upon them were simply the restoration of the rights which had been forcibly taken from them. If a government were to bring a general persecution upon a religious community, and carry away the people in captivity, and after some years a new administration should come in, which would restore the people to their original condition, there would be nothing in accepting that restoration which would compromise the relation of that church to the State. However, the speaker thought that the resolution might be somewhat improved, and moved to strike out the words “chief, ruler, or royal chartered company.” GCB February 25, 1895, page 340.4

J. M. Rees seconded this motion, and it was carried without discussion. GCB February 25, 1895, page 340.5

The resolution as it then stood was discussed by A. T. Jones, R. C. Porter, D. T. Jones, C. P. Bollman, and W. W. Prescott. The question was called for. The latter speaker remarked that the passage or value of the present resolution was of comparatively small importance compared with its benefit as an educator. He therefore trusted that the discussion would be allowed to proceed, and that questions would be freely asked and answered. The original commission of Christ to the disciples was given when there was but one government in the world, and that government was totally opposed to the gospel, and those who carried it must do so under the penalty of death or the confiscation of property. But they went forth asking no special privileges or immunities from the government. GCB February 25, 1895, page 340.6

G. E. Fifield, Wm. Healey, W. W. Prescott, S. H. Lane, A. T. Jones, O. A. Johnson, D. T. Jones, R. A. Underwood, and C. P. Bollman participated in the discussion that followed. The latter moved to strike out the words “private individual,” and the motion was seconded by W. D. Curtis. This motion was spoken to by L. H. Crisler, D. T. Jones, and others. Carried. GCB February 25, 1895, page 340.7

D. T. Jones then moved, and S. H. Lane seconded, to strike out the words “credit” and “special privilege.” This motion was spoken to by L. D. Santee, A. T. Jones, D. H. Lamson, W. W. Prescott, D. T. Jones. GCB February 25, 1895, page 341.1

The period of the meeting having expired, the motion to adjourn was carried. Conference adjourned till 3 P.M., with the motion “to strike out” pending. W. W. Prescott gave notice that he should ask the Conference on assembling to suspend the regular order, and take up as special order the report of the Committee on Education. GCB February 25, 1895, page 341.2

The discussion of the resolution was animated and instructive. There was no clashing of sentiment, nor of personal feelings, and much that was helpful was brought out, and all felt that the meeting had been a profitable one, and were able to see the issue before us much clearer than before. GCB February 25, 1895, page 341.3


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THE ninth meeting of the General Conference convened in the Tabernacle, February 24, at 3 P.M. After singing and prayer, the minutes of the last meeting were read, and after slight changes, were approved. GCB February 25, 1895, page 341.4

Committee reports were called for, and C. H. Jones, Chairman of the Committee on Resolutions, stated that a partial report had been prepared, after careful and prayerful consideration, in which the help of God had been sought and experienced. F. D. Starr, Secretary of the Committee, presented the report as follows:— GCB February 25, 1895, page 341.5

Your Committee appointed to nominate officers for the General Conference respectfully present the following partial report:— GCB February 25, 1895, page 341.6

For President of the General Conference - O. A. Olsen.
Corresponding Secretary - L. T. Nicola.
Foreign Mission Secretary - F. M. Wilcox.
Recording Secretary - W. H. Edwards.
Educational Secretary - W. W. Prescott.
Treasurer - W. H. Edwards.
GCB February 25, 1895, page 341.7

Executive Committee of the General Conference - O. A. Olsen, S. N. Haskell, J. N. Loughborough, W. C. White, W. W. Prescott, J. H. Morrison, J. H. Durland, A. J. Breed, G. A. Irwin, R. C. Porter, H. P. Holser. GCB February 25, 1895, page 341.8

Respectfully submitted. GCB February 25, 1895, page 341.9

C. H. JONES, W. B. WHITE, F. D. STARR, S. H. LANE, Committee.

The Chair stated that the discussion of Resolution 11 was pending when last meeting closed; and it was moved by C. P. Bollman, and supported by C. L. Boyd, that this be postponed, and the report of the Committee on Education, page 249, be taken up in accordance with the program. The motion was carried. GCB February 25, 1895, page 341.10

It was moved by J. H. Durland, seconded by G. B. Tripp, that the resolutions referred to be considered and adopted. GCB February 25, 1895, page 341.11

Elder A. T. Jones asked that some explanation be made upon Resolution 1, with reference to the “more decided efforts” mentioned. GCB February 25, 1895, page 341.12

Prof. W. W. Prescott, Educational Secretary, spoke at length upon the line of work he believed should be followed in our schools. It was plainly set forth that it is not the desire to lower the standard of our educational work; rather it should be raised to the highest point. GCB February 25, 1895, page 341.13

A number of extracts were read from the “Spirit of Prophecy” showing that our schools should not be after the order of other schools; that they should be after the order of the schools of the prophets. The subject has received much earnest and prayerful study; and it is believed that even greater prominence should be given the study of the Bible than it now receives; that it should be the basis of all lines of study. More prominence should be given to the study of health principles. We should not take away a single general line of study, but perhaps add to some of those now in use. No change should be made simply to tear down; take nothing away till something better can be substituted. GCB February 25, 1895, page 341.14

We must not look to other schools for our light. We may learn lessons from them as to the application of principles we already have had given; but God must be the source of our wisdom and light. The teachers should all be Bible teachers. Our schools should prepare their students to explain the grounds upon which the Bible itself stands as an inspired record. Many fields of Bible study, by us as yet unentered, should be taken up in our schools, and earnestly explored. GCB February 25, 1895, page 341.15

Prof. G. W. Caviness followed with remarks which sustained the position taken by the Educational Secretary, and read extensively from the “Spirit of Prophecy’ showing that there should be no cheapening of the standard of education. The course of study should not be so arranged as to repel those who are looking toward our schools. A good liberal course of instruction should be provided. He agreed with the previous speaker that the curriculum should not be made narrower, but that it should be made as broad as the intellect can comprehend. The study of the Bible should be made broader and deeper. And the study of the classical languages could be carried on with the Bible as a basis. GCB February 25, 1895, page 341.16

While time is short, let us not feel that we cannot spend a little time in obtaining an education. But because time is short, let us make a thorough preparation for thorough and earnest work. GCB February 25, 1895, page 342.1

J. W. Watt called attention to the last clause of the third Resolution, as he thought it was worded so as to give the General Conference undue supervision. GCB February 25, 1895, page 342.2

The chairman of the committee explained that the intent and wording of the resolution simply gave the Conference Committee supervision of the course of reading, not of the ministers who read. GCB February 25, 1895, page 342.3

The time allotted to the meeting having expired, M. C. Wilcox moved to adjourn. Carried. Benediction by J. H. Durland. GCB February 25, 1895, page 342.4