General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1



WE are still studying the name of Christ, which is “God with us.” And, as stated before, he could not be God with us without becoming ourselves, because it is not himself that is manifest in the world. We do not see Jesus in this world, as he was in heaven he did not come into this world as he was in heaven nor was that personality manifested in the world which was in heaven before he came. He emptied himself, and became ourselves. Then putting his trust in God, God dwelt with him. And he being ourselves, and God being with him, he is “God with us.” That is his name. GCB February 22, 1895, page 298.16

If he had come into the world as he was in heaven, being God, manifesting himself as he was there, and God being with him, his name would not have been “God with us,” for he would not then have been ourselves. But he emptied himself. He himself was not manifested in the world. For it is written: “No man knoweth the Son, but the Father” — not simply no man, but no one. No one knoweth the Son, but the Father. “Neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him.” It is not written, No man knoweth the Son, but the Father, and he to whom the Father will reveal him. No. No man knoweth the Son at all, but the Father. And the Father does not reveal the Son in the world; but the Son reveals the Father. Christ is not the revelation of himself. He is the revelation of the Father to the world, and in the world, and to men. Therefore, he says, “No man knoweth the Father, but the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal the Father.” So it is the Father that is revealed in the world, and revealed to us, and revealed in us in Christ. This is the one thing that we are studying all the time. This is the center around which everything else circles. And Christ having taken our human nature in all things in the flesh, and so having become ourselves, when we read of him and the Father’s dealings with him, we are reading ourselves, and of the Father’s dealings with us. What God did to him was to us; what God did for him was for us. And therefore, again it is written: “He hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” 2 Corinthians 5:21. GCB February 22, 1895, page 299.1

In all points it behooved him to be made like unto his brethren; and he is our brother in the nearest blood-relationship. We are now to study another phase of this great subject: First in the Psalms, — Christ in the Psalms, — that we may see how entirely the Psalms mean Christ, and that the one whose experience is recorded there is Christ. GCB February 22, 1895, page 299.2

It is impossible to touch the whole 150 psalms in detail in one lesson or in a dozen lessons; yet in a sense we can touch the whole 150 by so touching a few as to show the one great secret of the whole number, and that secret is Christ. We shall take some of the psalms of which God himself has made the application to Christ, so that there can be no possible doubt that that psalm refers to Christ. Then when we read these psalms, we know that we are reading of Jesus Christ, and of God’s dealings with him, — he too being ourselves all the time, weak as we are, sinful as are we in the flesh, made to be sinners just as we are, all our guilt and our sins being laid upon him, and he feeling the guilt and the condemnation of it in all things as ourselves. GCB February 22, 1895, page 299.3

Take the fortieth psalm, which refers to Christ at his coming into the world. Turn to the fortieth psalm and the tenth of Hebrews both at once. Beginning with Psalm 40:6: “Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire; mine ears hast thou opened.” The margin reads, “Mine ears hast thou digged.” The secret of the reference there is to that passage in the twenty-first chapter of Exodus 1-6, where if a man be a Hebrew servant, he shall serve his master a certain number of years, and the year of release he shall go out free. But if he say: “I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free,” then the master shall bring him to the door-post, and bore his ear through with an awl, and he shall be his servant forever. That hole bored through his ear with an awl was an outward sign that that man’s ears were always opened to the word of the master, ready to obey. GCB February 22, 1895, page 299.4

Now as Christ came into the world as man, he said to the Father: “Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire; mine ears hast thou opened.” Mine ears are opened to thy word, ready for thy commands; I will not go out; I love my Master and my children. I will not go out. I am thy servant forever. GCB February 22, 1895, page 299.5

“Burnt offering and sin offering has thou not required. Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me, I delight to do thy will, O my God.” GCB February 22, 1895, page 299.6

Now see Hebrews 10:5-9:— GCB February 22, 1895, page 299.7

Wherefore, when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldst not, but a body hast thou prepared me: in burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure. Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me) to do thy will, O God. Above when he said, Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offering for sin thou wouldest not, neither hadst pleasure therein; which are offered by the law; then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. He taketh away the first, that he may establish the second. GCB February 22, 1895, page 299.8

There is the Lord’s application of the fortieth psalm to Christ; and he said this when he came into the world. Let us read on, then, in the fortieth psalm:— GCB February 22, 1895, page 299.9

I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart. I have preached righteousness in the great congregation: lo, I have not refrained my lips, O Lord, thou knowest. I have not hid thy righteousness within my heart; I have declared thy faithfulness and thy salvation: I have not concealed thy loving-kindness and thy truth from the great congregation. Withhold not thou thy tender mercies from me, O Lord: let thy loving kindness and thy truth continually preserve me. For innumerable evils have compassed me about [Who? — Christ.]; mine iniquities have taken hold upon me, so that I am not able to look up; they are more than the hairs of mine head: therefore my heart faileth me. GCB February 22, 1895, page 299.10

Who? — Christ. Where did he get iniquity? — Oh, “the Lord hath laid upon him the iniquity of us all.” GCB February 22, 1895, page 300.1

Were they not more than the hairs of his head? And when he would look at himself, and consider himself, where would he appear in his own sight? — Oh, “my heart faileth me,” because of the enormity of the guilt and the condemnation of the sin — our sins that were laid upon him. GCB February 22, 1895, page 300.2

But in his divine faith and trust in the Father, he continues:— GCB February 22, 1895, page 300.3

Be pleased, O Lord, to deliver me: O Lord, make haste to help me. Let them be ashamed and confounded together that seek after my soul to destroy it; let them be driven backward and put to shame that wish me evil. Let them be desolate for a reward of their shame that say unto me, Aha, aha. [Didn’t they say that to him on the cross?] Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: let such as love thy salvation say continually, The Lord be magnified. GCB February 22, 1895, page 300.4

Who said so? — He who was conscious of iniquities in such number that they were more than the hairs of his head. He who was so bowed down and so burdened with these, — he was praising and rejoicing in the Lord! GCB February 22, 1895, page 300.5

But I am poor and needy; yet the Lord thinketh upon me: thou art my help and deliverer; make no tarrying, O my God. GCB February 22, 1895, page 300.6

Now return to the first verse of the fortieth psalm:— GCB February 22, 1895, page 300.7

I waited patiently for the Lord; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. GCB February 22, 1895, page 300.8

Who? — Christ; and he was ourselves. Shall we, then, say the word: “I waited patiently for the Lord; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry?” — Assuredly. What, laden with sin as I am? — sinner as I am? — sinful flesh as I have? — How do I know that he hears my cry? — Ah, he has demonstrated it for a whole lifetime in my nearest of kin. He has demonstrated it in my flesh that he inclines, — leans over, — to listen to my cry. O, there are times, you know, when our sins seem to be so mountain-high. We are so discouraged by them. And Satan is right there ready to say, “Yes, you ought to be discouraged by them; there is no use of your praying to the Lord; he will not have anything to do with such as you are; you are too bad.” And we begin to think that the Lord will not hear our prayers at all. Away with such thoughts! Not only will he hear, but he is listening to hear. Remember the statement in Malachi, “The Lord hearkened, and heard.” To hearken is to listen; then the Lord is listening to hear the prayers of people laden with sin. GCB February 22, 1895, page 300.9

But there are times in our discouragement when the waters go over our souls, when we can hardly muster up the courage of faith to speak our prayers aloud. O, at such times as that, if they are too faint in our faith to reach him as he listens, then he leans over and listens; he inclines his ear, and hears. That is the Lord; that is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ; the lover and Saviour of sinners. Then if he should lead you and me through the deep waters, and they go over our souls, as they did over his, — O, we can wait patiently for the Lord; he will incline unto us; he will lean over, and hear our cry! GCB February 22, 1895, page 300.10

He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord. [Who said so? — Jesus.] Blessed is that man that maketh the Lord his trust, and respecteth not the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies. GCB February 22, 1895, page 300.11

Now turn to the twenty-second psalm. There is so much in that that is familiar to everybody, that all know where it applies. First verse:— GCB February 22, 1895, page 300.12

My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? [Who said so? — Jesus on the cross.] Why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring? O my God, I cry in the daytime, but thou hearest not: and in the night season, and am not silent. But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. Our fathers trusted in thee [He came in the line of the fathers.] they trusted, and thou didst deliver them. They cried unto thee, and were delivered: they trusted in thee and were not confounded. But I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of man, and despised of the people. All they that see me laugh me to scorn: they shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying, He trusted on the Lord that he would deliver him, let him deliver him, seeing he delighted in him. GCB February 22, 1895, page 300.13

You know that is the record of his crucifixion; this is the crucifixion psalm. GCB February 22, 1895, page 300.14

But thou art he that took me out of the womb: thou didst make me hope when I was upon my mother’s breasts. I was cast upon thee from the womb: thou art my God from my mother’s belly. Be not far from me; for trouble is near; for there is none to help. Many bulls have compassed me: strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round. They gaped upon me with their mouths, as a ravening and a roaring lion. I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels. My strength is dried up like a pots-herd; and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; and thou hast brought me into the dust of death. For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet. I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me. They part my garments among them; and cast lots upon my vesture. [Here is his experience on the cross.] But be not thou far from me, O Lord: O my strength, haste thee to help me. Deliver my soul from the sword; my darling [Margin, “my only one.” Septuagint, “my only begotten.”] from the power of the dog. Save me from the lion’s mouth: for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns. I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee. Ye that fear the Lord, praise him; all ye the seed of Jacob, glorify him; and fear him, all ye the seed of Israel. For he hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; neither hath he hid his face from him: but when he cried unto him, he heard. GCB February 22, 1895, page 300.15

Who says so? Who says that from the cry of the afflicted one, from the sinner, who is burdened and laden with sin, more than the hairs of his head? — who says that God the Father will not turn away from such a one? — Christ says so. And he knows it. Who says that the Father will not hide his face from such as I, and such as you? — Christ says so, and he has demonstrated it; for is he not now alive and in glory at the right hand of God? And in that it is demonstrated before the universe that God will not hide his face from the man whose iniquities are gone over his head, and are more than the hairs of his head. Then be of good cheer; be of good courage. He is our salvation; he has wrought it out; he has demonstrated to all men that God is a Saviour of sinners. GCB February 22, 1895, page 301.1

My praise shall be of thee in the great congregation: I will pay my vows before them that fear him. GCB February 22, 1895, page 301.2

Will you? Now note: Who was he when he was saying this? — He was ourselves. Then who shall it be that is saying it still? Will it not count now for us in him, as well as it did eighteen hundred years ago for us in him? It counted for us then in him because he was ourselves; and now in him is it not the same thing? Now the last two verses of the twenty-second psalm:— GCB February 22, 1895, page 301.3

A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation. They shall come, and shall declare his righteousness unto a people that shall be born, that he hath done this. GCB February 22, 1895, page 301.4

The twenty-third psalm comes next after the twenty second. GCB February 22, 1895, page 301.5

“The Lord is my shepherd.” Whose? — Christ’s. The twenty-second is the crucifixion hymn, the crucifixion psalm. Where is the twenty-third, then? Let us see:— GCB February 22, 1895, page 301.6

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness. GCB February 22, 1895, page 301.7

Who? Me, a sinner? — one laden with sins? Will he lead me in the paths of righteousness? — Yes. How do you know? He did it once. In Christ he led me in the paths of righteousness once, for his name’s sake, a whole lifetime. Therefore I know that in Christ he will lead me, a sinful man, again and ever in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. That is faith. GCB February 22, 1895, page 301.8

Taking these words, as we have heard in Brother Prescott’s lesson this evening, as being themselves the salvation of God which comes to us, they themselves will work in us the salvation of God itself. That is where Christ got it. When he put himself where we are, where did he get salvation? He did not save himself. That was the taunt, “He saved others; himself he cannot save ... Let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe on him.” He could have done it. But if he had saved himself, it would have ruined us. We would have been lost if he had saved himself. O, but he saves us! Then what saved him? — This word of salvation saved him when he was ourselves, and it saves us when we are in him. He leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake, — me, me! And this in order that every one on the earth can say in him, “He leadeth me.” GCB February 22, 1895, page 301.9

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.” — Where was he in the twenty-second psalm? — On the cross, facing death. The twenty-third psalm comes right in there, in proper order, you see, as he steps into the dark valley. “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” Who? — Christ, and in him ourselves; and we know it, because God did it once for us in him. And in him it is done still for us. GCB February 22, 1895, page 301.10

“Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.” Who? — Me; thank the Lord! How do I know? — Because they did follow me once in Him. Goodness and mercy did follow me from birth unto the grave once in this world in him; and as long as I am in him, they follow me still. “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” How do I know? — Ah, because that in him it has been done once for me. It has been demonstrated before the universe that it is so, and I take it, and am glad. GCB February 22, 1895, page 301.11

Then the twenty-fourth psalm comes right on after the twenty-third. The twenty-second is the crucifixion psalm; the twenty-third takes him through the valley of the shadow of death; and the twenty-fourth is the ascension psalm. GCB February 22, 1895, page 301.12

Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. GCB February 22, 1895, page 301.13

He did it once for me in him; in him it is done still for me; and in him I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. GCB February 22, 1895, page 302.1

This is all only illustrative of the truth as to Christ in the Psalms. Look at the sixty-ninth psalm, and we shall see this further. Indeed, where can we look in the Psalms without seeing it? — That is the question. Where in the Psalms can we look and not see it? I will read a verse or two in the sixty-ninth psalm, though, that you may see that this is exactly applicable there. GCB February 22, 1895, page 302.2

Fourth verse: “They that hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of mine head.” The scripture was fulfilled, “They hate me without a cause,” you remember. Seventh verse: “For thy sake I have borne reproach; shame hath covered my face. I am become a stranger unto my brethren, and an alien unto my mother’s children. For the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up.” “And his disciples remembered that it was written, The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up.” “The reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me.” Paul writes in Romans 15:3 “For even Christ pleased not himself; but, as it is written, The reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me.” GCB February 22, 1895, page 302.3

Now Psalm 69:20, 21:— GCB February 22, 1895, page 302.4

Reproach hath broken my heart; and I am full of heaviness: and I looked for some to take pity, but there was none: and for comforters, but I found none. They gave me also gall for my meat; and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink. GCB February 22, 1895, page 302.5

Then that psalm applies to Christ. GCB February 22, 1895, page 302.6

Look at the first verse: “Save me, O, God; for the waters are come in unto my soul. I sink in the deep mire, where there is no standing; I am come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me. I am weary of my crying: my throat is dried: mine eyes fail while I wait for my God.” Then follows, “They that hate me without a cause.” etc. Then the fifth verse: “O God, thou knowest my foolishness; and my sins are not hid from thee.” Whose sins? — Christ’s — the righteous one, who knew no sin, made to be sin for us! Our sins were upon him; the guilt and the condemnation of these were not hid from God. GCB February 22, 1895, page 302.7

O, it was a terrible thing, that he should undo himself, and become ourselves in all things, in order that we might be saved, — running the risk, the fearful risk, of losing all — risking all to save all. But what were we of ourselves? — From head to foot nothing but a body of sin. Yet he risked all to save us, it is true. But we were nothing. True; but in his love and in his pity he did it. Thank the Lord that he had the royal courage to do it. And he won it, and we are saved in him. GCB February 22, 1895, page 302.8

We read here his confession of sin. This was he as ourselves, and in our place, confessing our sins, and we needed that also. He was baptized in our behalf; because no baptism on our part could be perfect so as to be accepted in righteousness. “It must be perfect to be accepted.” No man’s confession of sin can, in itself, ever be so perfect as to be accepted of God in righteousness, because man is imperfect. But “it must be perfect to be accepted.” Where then, shall perfection of confession be found? Ah! in him my confession of sin is perfect; for he made the confession. How many times when persons have made confession as thoroughly as they know how, Satan gets the advantage of them by the suggestion: You have not properly confessed your sin. You have not confessed hard enough to get forgiveness. O, of course you have confessed; but you have not done it hard enough. God cannot forgive you on such a confession as that. Hold the word of God up before him, and tell him: There is One who is perfect; he bore my sins, and he has made the confession: and when he shows me the sin, I confess it according to my power and ability; and as God reveals it to me; and in him, and by virtue of his confession, mine is accepted in righteousness. His confession is perfect in every respect; and God accepts mine in him. GCB February 22, 1895, page 302.9

Then in him we have exemption from Satan’s discouragement as to whether we have confessed our sins hard enough, sought them out faithfully enough, or repented enough. In Christ we have repentance; in him we have confession; in him we have perfection; and in him we are complete. O, he is the Saviour! GCB February 22, 1895, page 302.10

Weak as we, sinful as we, — simply ourselves, — he went through this world, and never sinned. He was sinful as we, weak as we, helpless as we, helpless as the man is who is without God; yet by his trust in God, God so visited him, so abode with him, so strengthened him, that, instead of sin ever being manifested, the righteousness of God was always manifested. GCB February 22, 1895, page 302.11

But who was he? He was ourselves. Then God has demonstrated once in the world, and to the universe, that he will so come to me and you; and so live with us, as we are in the world to-day; and will cause his grace and his power to so abide with us; that, in spite of all our sinfulness, in spite of all our weaknesses, the righteousness and the holy influence of God will be manifested to men, instead of ourselves and our sinfulness. GCB February 22, 1895, page 302.12

The mystery of God is not God manifest in sinless flesh. There is no mystery about God being manifest in sinless flesh; that is natural enough. Is not God himself sinless? Is there then, any room for wonder that God could manifest himself through or in sinless flesh? Is there any mystery as to God’s manifesting his power and his righteous glory through Gabriel, or through the bright seraphim or the cherubim? — No; that is natural enough. But the wonder is that God can do that through and in sinful flesh. That is the mystery of God, — God manifest in sinful flesh. GCB February 22, 1895, page 302.13

In Jesus Christ as he was in sinful flesh, God has demonstrated before the universe that he can so take possession of sinful flesh as to manifest his own presence, his power, and his glory, instead of sin manifesting itself. And all that the Son asks of any man, in order to accomplish this in him, is that the man will let the Lord have him as the Lord Jesus did. GCB February 22, 1895, page 303.1

Jesus said, “I will put my trust in him.” And in that trust Christ brought to every one the divine faith by which we can put our trust in him. And when we do so separate from the world, and put our sole trust in him, then God will so take us, and so use us, that our sinful selves shall not appear to influence or affect anybody; but God will manifest his righteous self, his glory, before men, in spite of all ourselves and our sinfulness. That is the truth. And that is the mystery of God, “Christ in you, the hope of glory,” — God manifest in sinful flesh. GCB February 22, 1895, page 303.2

Upon this point, also, Satan discourages many. To the believing sinner Satan says: You are too sinful to count yourself a Christian. God cannot have anything to do with you. Look at yourself. You know you are good for nothing. Satan has discouraged us thousands of times with that kind of argument. GCB February 22, 1895, page 303.3

But God has wrought out an argument that puts this plea of Satan all to shame; for Jesus came, and became ourselves, — sinful as we are; laden with the sins of the world, — far more sins than there are upon me. And in him, laden with ten thousand times more sins than ever were upon me, God has demonstrated that with one so sinful as that, he will come and live a whole lifetime, and manifest himself and his righteousness, in spite of all the sinfulness, and in spite of the devil. God laid help upon One who is mighty; and that help reaches us, thank the Lord. GCB February 22, 1895, page 303.4

Brethren, that does me good. For I know that if ever anything good is to be manifested in this world where I am it must come from some source besides myself; that is settled. But, O! the blessedness of it is, God has demonstrated that he will manifest his righteous self instead of my sinful self when I let him have me. I cannot manifest righteousness of myself; I cannot manifest his righteousness in myself. No; I let him have me, absolutely, overwhelmingly; then he attends to that. He has demonstrated that it is so; he has demonstrated a whole lifetime what God is when he is joined with me in sinful flesh; he can do it again as certainly as he can have me. GCB February 22, 1895, page 303.5

Will you let him have you? O, does it call for too full a surrender? — No; it is becoming. How full a surrender did he make? He surrendered all himself; Christ gave up himself, emptied himself. The French translation is, “He annihilated himself.” — He undid himself, and sank himself in us, in order that God, instead of ourselves, and his righteousness, instead of our sinfulness, might be manifested in us in our sinful flesh. Then let us respond, and sink ourselves in him, that God may still be manifest in sinful flesh. GCB February 22, 1895, page 303.6

Now using that statement that is sometimes used in a jocular way about the man — I use it reverently, and it is a good illustration; it is a right illustration, — who said: “I and my wife are one, and I am the one.” Christ and the man are one, and the question always is, Which shall be the one? Christ has allied himself with every man on the earth; but multitudes say, “Yes, that is all right enough; but I am the one.” Many arrogantly refuse all, exclaiming: “I am the one; I am enough.” But the Christian, the believer, yielding to Jesus Christ, says, “Yes, thank the Lord! he and I are one, and He is the one.” GCB February 22, 1895, page 303.7

Christ has allied himself with every human being, on his own part; and if every human being in the world, to-night, should drop everything and say, “Yes, that is a fact; he and I are one, and he is the one” every soul would be saved to-night, and Christ would appear in every soul to-morrow. GCB February 22, 1895, page 303.8

Now, brethren, there is another thing that comes in here in our own practical experience. Christ has allied himself to every human being. Then when he said, “Inasmuch as ye have done it [or not done it] unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it [or not done it] unto me,” how wide-spread is that truth? Suppose one comes to my door as a tramp; suppose he be ill dressed, and perhaps has not had a good chance to wash himself as clean as he ought to be. Who is allied to him? — Jesus. Who has invested his all in that man? — The Lord Jesus. Then as I treat that man, who is affected? — The Lord Jesus, to be sure. GCB February 22, 1895, page 303.9

Shall I treat that man according to the estimate of Christ’s investment, or according to my opinions, as the world looks upon the man? That is the question. GCB February 22, 1895, page 303.10

Suppose here is a man that does not believe in Jesus, — a worldly man, a drinking man, a swearing man, — and he comes to me in some way, — he may come to my door for something to eat, or I may meet him as he is walking by the way, — suppose that out of respect to Christ, I treat that man as Christ’s purchase, as the one in whom Christ has invested all; and suppose that man never believes in Jesus at all, and dies an infidel, and perishes in perdition, how does Christ look upon that which I did toward the man? In the judgment, if I shall stand on the right hand, will he say anything about that which I did? O, he will say, “I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick and ye visited me.” Why, Lord, I know nothing about that. When did I ever see you hungry and fed you? or sick and helped you? or naked and clothed you? I know nothing about this. Oh, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” GCB February 22, 1895, page 304.1

But suppose a man comes, and says, “I am hungry; I would like something to eat.” And I respond: “What are you drifting around the country for, like this — an able-bodied man, as you are? Why don’t you go to work?” “Well, I can’t find work.” “O well, I get plenty of work; I can find work; I have not got out of work yet. I think work is not exactly what you want. I don’t have anything for such folks as you are.” I do not give him anything; and he goes off. GCB February 22, 1895, page 304.2

In that day we shall all stand before the throne, and I find myself standing on the left hand, and I say: “Why, Lord, Lord, I believed on you; don’t you know, I believed the truth? I believed in the Third Angel’s Message; indeed, I was a preacher; and preached in the Tabernacle in Battle Creek. I did much for the cause. In thy name I did many wonderful things.” But the answer is; “I was an hungered, and you gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.” I wonderingly inquire, “When did I ever see you hungry, or in need, or sick? I thought you were in heaven, glorified, with all your trials past; and I wanted to get up here to see you. I did not suppose you were on earth, where I could ever see you hungry or sick.” He replies: “I came to your door one morning, and asked for something to eat, after having been almost shelterless through the night:” I answer, “You? No; I never saw you there.” Well, he might point to such and such a time when a man did come to my door in just such a condition as that. But I say. “O, do you mean that man? surely that was not you.” He answers finally; “Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.” Depart from me; I never knew you. GCB February 22, 1895, page 304.3

Whether a man gives Christ the credit for what he has invested in him or not, as a believer in Jesus, I must give to Christ the credit for what he has invested in that man. It is not a question whether that man gives him credit for what he has invested in him; it is a question whether those professing to believe in his name will give him credit. That is where the great lack comes in the profession of Christianity too many times, as well as in those who deny him, and make no pretension to his name. It is not astonishing that a man who does not believe in Christ at all should give Christ no credit for his investment in him; but here am I, a professor of Jesus; it is astonishing that I should not give Christ the credit for the investment that he has made in that man. GCB February 22, 1895, page 304.4

In the fifty-eighth of Isaiah the Lord describes the fast that he has chosen. It is, “That thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh.” Who is our own flesh? — Jesus Christ is; And Jesus Christ, as he has allied himself to that man, is my flesh. See “that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh.” This is the fast that the Lord has chosen: Feed the hungry, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow, and spread abroad the good of his name and the charity of his goodness everywhere. He has allied himself to human flesh; and in doing it to these, we are doing it to him. That is Christianity. GCB February 22, 1895, page 304.5


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ELDER O. A. OLSEN addressed the workers with reference to the tract society work. It was the plan when the tract societies were organized, that they should furnish work for every individual connected with the work of the Message. It is not desirable to concentrate our work so that it shall be done by a few individuals; but every one should have something to do. God has given to every man his work. This has been repeated to us again and again by the Spirit of God. Years ago there was greater activity among all the membership than at present. Although great advancement in some branches of the work has been made, the increase along all lines is not in proportion to the increase in membership, facilities, and openings. A large portion of our people are doing practically nothing. This must not continue. Inactivity is backsliding; activity is advancement. GCB February 22, 1895, page 304.6

Much thought and labor have been bestowed upon the canvassing work, and none too much; but while all this should have been done, the tract and missionary work should not have been neglected. In the aggregate, a large number of tracts have been circulated during the past two years; but this work has largely been done through a few channels. We want more personal work done, and to have the original plan kept in operation of having every member of the denomination working earnestly for souls. GCB February 22, 1895, page 305.1

The religious liberty work is not to supersede the tract society work. The circulation of literature upon religious liberty subjects, and the giving of aid to those in bonds, are right in line with the tract society work. GCB February 22, 1895, page 305.2

The International Tract Society is to have charge of the publication of most of our smaller tracts. It is desired that these shall be cheap, and intended for an unlimited circulation. The larger the quantities printed, the cheaper they can be furnished; the greater the circulation, the larger the number that can be printed. GCB February 22, 1895, page 305.3

Hence, in order to facilitate the work in every way, the State secretaries need to come into close connection with the librarians of all the churches. Every librarian should be so thoroughly infused with the spirit of labor and the distribution of literature, that he will create a real interest in the churches and in all the neighborhood around him. What this might accomplish, with our present numbers and organization, we cannot begin now to compute. I never saw so much work for the State secretaries and librarians as I see to-day. We want to be thoroughly enthused by it. GCB February 22, 1895, page 305.4

It is hoped that we shall secure a change in the Signs, making it much cheaper in clubs, so it can be used in great quantities by the local societies, companies, and individuals. I believe that large numbers of single copies can be sold. I think it would be possible for enough single copies to be sold to pay for the whole club taken. But this will require work, and will depend upon the activity of the members. However, it is astonishing how much one active worker can accomplish. GCB February 22, 1895, page 305.5

We hope this work may be taken hold of earnestly and energetically, but we do not want it to crowd out other work. Let the canvassing work, and the Bible work, and all the other lines of work, be carried on even more earnestly than before. GCB February 22, 1895, page 305.6

It was voted that the Chairman appoint a committee on program for the following meetings. GCB February 22, 1895, page 305.7

Program Committee. — R. C. Porter, S. H. Lane, O. A. Johnson, Jennie Thayer, A. O. Tait. GCB February 22, 1895, page 305.8

The Council meeting of the Tract Society convened again on the afternoon of February 21. GCB February 22, 1895, page 305.9

The song, “Hear the Call; Gird your Armor On,” was sung, and Elder Holser led in prayer. GCB February 22, 1895, page 305.10

A paper was presented by Mrs. E. A. Ellis, of Minnesota on “Home Missionary Correspondence.” Before reading the paper, Sister Ellis expressed her feeling that plans are like the shell, and that the kernel must be wrought out through the efforts, the prayers, and the tears of a heart experience, and that one who does not have it will accomplish but little. Following is the paper:— GCB February 22, 1895, page 305.11


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This subject is exceedingly broad, but as the committee have kindly specified the special point which they wish brought before the meeting in this paper, — namely, the plan of using, in our missionary correspondence, names which have been furnished by our canvassers, — I have confined myself to this point and its practical bearings. GCB February 22, 1895, page 305.12

This plan has many excellent features, and when thoroughly understood and faithfully carried out, is a striking witness to the unity of the work. In years past, our missionary societies have gathered up names wherever they could find them; and a great amount of time and means have been sacrificed in sending literature to those who had no inclination whatever to read it. While even in this way, through the blessing of God, much good has been accomplished, the results in proportion to the means expended were necessarily small. GCB February 22, 1895, page 305.13

But as our canvassers go from place to place, they have an almost unlimited opportunity in their personal intercourse with the people, to secure the names of those who are willing and anxious to read. They are perhaps able, during their visits, to awaken a deep interest in the minds of some; but in the limited time they are able to spend, they cannot develop this interest, and carry it forward to permanent results. If such names can be sent to some faithful missionary worker, and promptly used, the canvassing work will be established and strengthened, and the efforts of the missionary worker will be divested of that aimless, uncertain character which often makes them so unsuccessful. Thus the canvassing and the local society work are mutually helpful, and each contributes to the highest success of the other. GCB February 22, 1895, page 305.14

But, in common with many other excellent plans, this cannot be carried to a successful issue as easily as might at first be supposed. Plans started at headquarters pass through several changes before they reach the outposts, and we sometimes seem to forget that the real success of all our plans for the local societies depends (under God) upon the faithfulness and ability of the individual workers at the other end of the line. Faithfulness was defined the other evening as “doing what one may rightfully be expected to do.” Those who are intimately connected with the “outer circles” of this work, know how small a proportion of our actual membership may be called faithful missionary workers, how extremely limited have been the opportunities of our librarians even, not to speak of individual members, to become acquainted with the best methods of doing missionary work. Especially is this true in the line of correspondence. Not that missionary correspondence should, or could, be governed by rules; but it should rest upon principles, and a sanctified knowledge of these principles is necessary to success in the work. GCB February 22, 1895, page 305.15

If a canvasser finds an interested person, and sends in his name for work, and at the next visit, some months later, learns that no reading has been sent, or that if it has, no one knows where it came from, he will be slow to send in other names. The same will be the case if he learns that the names he has collected with such care, and which have been the subjects of his anxious thoughts and earnest prayers, have been turned over to some half-dead society, to be used, or abused, after the manner which is, sad to say, too common. GCB February 22, 1895, page 306.1

So it becomes necessary that confidence should be established and maintained in the minds of our canvassers, that when they have faithfully done their part of the work, it shall be promptly and faithfully carried on by those to whom it has been committed. GCB February 22, 1895, page 306.2

In the accomplishment of this, the most careful planning and earnest work are necessary. As all I know of this work has been gained by personal experience, perhaps I cannot do better than to briefly submit the plan we have followed, with its results, earnestly hoping that others can suggest improvements upon it. GCB February 22, 1895, page 306.3

We have asked the canvassers to select the names carefully, giving us what information they may be able to gather without special effort in that direction. If the person be highly educated, it is especially desirable that the fact be mentioned, that a suitable person may be selected to conduct the correspondence. These names are all sent to the Corresponding Secretary, who is expected, from intimate knowledge of the societies and individuals in the State, to be able to place them where, beyond a reasonable doubt, they will be properly used. If such places are not available for all, the Secretary is expected to use them personally. GCB February 22, 1895, page 306.4

We entered upon this plan three years ago. The first year but little was done except to get the plan well established and in working order. The second year over 200 names were sent in, and the third brought over 400. At the beginning of this time, the society work had been so far neglected that among our seventy societies there were less than a half dozen to whom it seemed best to commit this work. Many more were willing but they did not know how; and the demand became imperative that instruction should be given in missionary work, as well as in canvassing and other lines. The officers of the society have tried to meet this demand by holding church institutes in different parts of the State, where the missionary work received its share of attention, and where practical instruction was given in missionary correspondence and other lines. GCB February 22, 1895, page 306.5

This course of instruction rarely fails to develop a few in each place who are adapted to the work of correspondence, and these are encouraged to take up the work in this line. Names are furnished them, and careful supervision is given to their efforts. I might mention here that all who receive names in this way, whether librarians or others, are requested to report regularly what is done with each one, and the results of the work, so that the Secretary may be able to tell, with reasonable accuracy, at any time, what has been done with each name on the list, as well as to give needful help. GCB February 22, 1895, page 306.6

Letters and reports are frequently given through the State conference paper, and the canvassers are informed by letter of any facts of interest in reference to the names they have sent in. Thus a feeling of fellowship exists in the hearts of all, and the work is brought up to a higher standard. GCB February 22, 1895, page 306.7

While the results of this course are as yet not fully developed, they are, so far, of the most encouraging nature. Of the persons who have been labored with by the secretary, about thirty have accepted the truth in the last two years. Correspondence has been continued with these, and they have been furnished a limited amount of literature, and encouraged to let their light shine. Around some of these converts, little companies have sprung up through the labors of our ministers and others, and in the glad harvest, many will rejoice together in the gathered sheaves. GCB February 22, 1895, page 306.8

The reports of the societies showed, the last year, five times as many conversions to the truth as the previous year, and with one exception, all these were reported from the twenty societies which had been reached with missionary instruction. GCB February 22, 1895, page 306.9

Work by correspondence presents a field of labor for many who cannot leave home to engage in other lines. Of course the adoption of this plan of furnishing names does not hinder the societies from using names obtained elsewhere, if they see fit; but I believe that earnest, faithful work, supplemented by faithful instruction, will, through the blessing of God, accomplish much. GCB February 22, 1895, page 307.1

A paper on “Correspondence in Other Countries” was read by Miss Jennie Thayer, and is here given in full:— GCB February 22, 1895, page 307.2


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When it was announced that a paper upon foreign missionary correspondence was to be read at this meeting, I was somewhat perplexed to determine how much is included in the term “foreign.” By consulting Webster, I learned that “foreign” is “not of one’s country.” Since we are not of this world, but God has chosen us out of this world, and our citizenship is in heaven, we being only pilgrims and strangers here, foreigners would be all persons who do not belong to the heavenly country, whether living in the United States or in other lands. GCB February 22, 1895, page 307.3

Our duty to all of these has been plainly set before us in a communication recently received from Sister White. She writes; “Every true believer catches the beams from the Morning Star, and transmits the light to those who are in darkness. Not only do they shine in their own neighborhoods, but as a church they go forth to regions beyond.” You say, “Yes, we expect as a church to go into the regions beyond, and we have a Foreign Mission Board to select suitable persons to send into those regions, and the responsibility of this work does not devolve upon us individually.” But let us read a little farther: “To every converted soul He says, ‘Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature’.” Every converted soul — does that mean you and me? We would hardly like to be counted outside of this company. GCB February 22, 1895, page 307.4

The practical question then is, How can we go into all the world with the gospel? Perhaps there is no way in which we can so effectually fulfill this commission as through the line of work called “missionary correspondence,” — sending out papers and tracts, and writing letters to all whom we can reach throughout the world. GCB February 22, 1895, page 307.5

The high rates of postage, and the difficulty in obtaining addresses, have in the past prevented some of our members from engaging in this work. Recently the postage rates have been made more uniform, and only five cents a half ounce is now required on a letter to any country, and one cent for two ounces on printed matter. As our laborers are now so widely scattered, there is not the same difficulty as formerly in securing addresses, and the International Tract Society will gladly act as a medium for procuring these addresses, and forwarding them to each State secretary who will find suitable persons to work with the same. GCB February 22, 1895, page 307.6

People from nearly every country have already come to our shores; and as they embrace the light of gospel truth for this time, their first impulse, like Andrew, is to find their own brethren after the flesh, and bring them to Christ. Many of these, however, are not so successful as was the early disciple; and when their relatives refuse to listen to the last warning message, there is danger that they may through discouragement cease their efforts. Right at this point in their experience, if the State secretaries and librarians would lend them a helping hand by giving them a few points in regard to the work, and furnish them some good addresses of persons of their own nationality, they might develop into very successful workers, and be the means of bringing the light to souls who are now in darkness. GCB February 22, 1895, page 307.7

We now have publications in such a variety of languages, that our Swedish, Danish, French, German, Dutch, Bohemian, Russian, and Italian brethren and sisters in our midst might engage in the work for their respective countries, and form a vast army of workers for other lands. This would in no way interfere with the work of our English-speaking members; for the English language has long since traversed the globe, and found a home on every grand division of the earth. GCB February 22, 1895, page 307.8

Mr. E. R. Young gives a very interesting incident of his work among the Nelson River Indians. An old, gray-haired man, after listening to the gospel, expressed the joy he felt that he had not died before he heard this wonderful story. He had feared the Great Spirit, as manifested in the lightning and the tempest; but the thought of him as father had never entered his darkened mind. Addressing the missionary, he said, “You say, ‘our Father!’ He is your Father. Does it mean that he is my Father — poor Indian’s Father? Then we are brothers.” GCB February 22, 1895, page 307.9

For the first time the mind of this untutored savage comprehended the Fatherhood of God and the oneness of the human family, and he rebuked the missionary in a way that the latter could not answer. “Well, I do not want to be rude, but it does seem to me that you, my white brother, have been a long time in coming with that great Book and its wonderful story, to tell it to your red brothers in the woods.” GCB February 22, 1895, page 307.10

Among the vast millions of our earth are many hearts weary of empty rites and ceremonies, longing for the soul-rest found only in Christ. Is there not danger that they will reproach us who rejoice in the prospect of the near return of our Elder Brother, and know that we have but a short time in which to work, because we are so long in bringing the glad tidings to our brethren of other climes? GCB February 22, 1895, page 308.1

Again I quote from Sister White: “The great lack of men to go from place to place and preach the Word may be in a great degree supplied by tracts and papers and by intelligent correspondence.” “It is a fact that the circulation of our papers is doing even a greater work than the living preacher can do. All can do something.” “If those who claim to have a living experience in the things of God, had done their appointed work as God ordained, the whole world would have been warned, and the Lord Jesus would have come to our world with power and great glory.” GCB February 22, 1895, page 308.2

God in his infinite mercy is still granting us an opportunity to perform this neglected work. Let us from this day forward redeem the time. Then when that great multitude which no man can number, out of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues stand before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes and with palms in their hands, with a loud voice ascribing salvation to our God and to the Lamb, we may rejoice with them that we have been co-partners with Christ in the great work of saving the world. GCB February 22, 1895, page 308.3

A short time was given for discussion of the subject of correspondence. One speaker mentioned the necessity of coming in close personal touch with the people, and showing a personal interest in the things about them in which they are interested. GCB February 22, 1895, page 308.4

Elder Lane thought that it was a good thing to be a good penman; but a good pen, without the Spirit of God to move it, could do but little in this work. If the penmanship is not so good, and the Spirit is there, the effort will not be lost. He said that the question asked by the poor Indian in the last paper impressed him; and he believed that there are hundreds and thousands who will wonder why we have not come to them before. Why don’t we go? GCB February 22, 1895, page 308.5

Brother N. W. Allee appreciated the papers read, and thought they should be studied, because they have so much of the “know-how” in them. GCB February 22, 1895, page 308.6

Elder A. O. Tait believed that the Master is asking many, “Why stand ye here all the day idle?” Every one should go to work. Let those that do not write so well, or spell so well, write to those who do not write or spell very well. He also thought there is no excuse for our people remaining poor spellers, if they are that now. Dictionaries are cheap, and the words can be looked up. GCB February 22, 1895, page 308.7

He thought that not over one-fortieth of our people are at work; and said that when we get all the Seventh-day Adventists at work in the cause, then the message will be finished in just a little while and we shall be at home. GCB February 22, 1895, page 308.8


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THE day and evening proving too short for the purposes of the occasion, it has been decided to invade the night for the purpose of holding a class for instruction in missionary nursing. It is to meet we learn, after the close of the evening services. GCB February 22, 1895, page 308.9

THE special value of this and the previous numbers of the BULLETIN for statistical reference will be at once perceived. These tables cannot be found elsewhere; and as it is possible that the BULLETIN may supply the place of the Year Book, we advise all to preserve these papers for reference. GCB February 22, 1895, page 308.10

IN fact, we suppose that nearly every one will desire to preserve all the BULLETINS. The Review and Herald have prepared some very convenient cases for home binding of the Bulletin. They consist of front and back stiff board covers with lacing string attached. The price of the binding is 15 cents; 10 cents extra for postage. GCB February 22, 1895, page 308.11

THE General Conference statistics show an encouraging increase in our work. The tithes have tripled in ten years and the membership has increased in a nearly equal proportion. GCB February 22, 1895, page 308.12

But no statistics can by any means represent the actual progress of our work. These are but the visible signs, while its real progress is measured by the rapidity with which it is doing its work of warning and preparation for the coming of Christ. GCB February 22, 1895, page 308.13

THE name of Elder Albert Stone of Vermont was inadvertently omitted from those of our laborer whose work has been closed by death since the last Conference. Brother Stone was at the time of his death the oldest minister in our ranks, a pioneer and a faithful friend of the cause. He was highly esteemed by the denomination and loved by all who knew him. GCB February 22, 1895, page 308.14