General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1



THE fifth meeting of the General Conference was held in the Tabernacle at 3 P.M., on Wednesday, February 20, the President in the chair. GCB February 21, 1895, page 279.17

The opening exercises consisted of the singing of the hymn, “Nearer Thee,” and prayer by Elder A. J. Read. After the reading and acceptance of the minutes, the Chair announced the business of the meeting to be the reception of reports of the General Conference Association and its agents. The Treasurer, H. Lindsay, being called upon for his report, submitted the following for the year ending June 30, 1894. GCB February 21, 1895, page 279.18

Real Estate$167,956 37
Office Fixtures1,523 25
Notes Due Ass’n130,996 08
Review and Herald2,930 64
Tent Factory8,740 75
Pacific Press22,163 70
Donations and Legacies (Overdraft)8,154 85
Pub. Department G. C. A.9,000 00
Walla Walla School6,045 69
Milton Academy Grant2,403 65
So. Lancaster Academy Grant2,000 00
Personal Accts. Receivable1,348 60
Foreign Mission Board6,833 25
Cash1,150 02
Total$371,246 85
Notes Owed by Ass’n.$172,414 85
O. H. T. D. Fund1,013 00
N. Y. Branch P. P.304 08
Home & For’n. Mis. Fund889 47
Personal Accts. Payable22,971 92
General Conference10,484 32
Stock (Present Worth)163,169 21
Total$371,246 85

The auditor presented the following:— GCB February 21, 1895, page 280.1

I have examined the books of the General Conference Association of the Seventh-day Adventists, and find them plainly and accurately kept; presenting, as far as I am able to determine, a lucid and correct showing of the property and funds of the Association. GCB February 21, 1895, page 280.2

(Signed) DAN. T. JONES, Auditor.
Feb. 20, 1894.

J. N. Nelson Secretary of the Association, presented his report as follows:— GCB February 21, 1895, page 280.3

As separate reports have been submitted by the treasurer, auditor, and our attorneys, the Secretary’s report will be confined to the particular branch of the work which is now represented by the Publishing Department of the General Conference Association. GCB February 21, 1895, page 280.4

Some five years ago, by vote of the General Conference Association, the sum of $10,000 was placed at the disposal of what was then known as the Foreign Book Committee of the Consolidated Publishing Committee, as a working capital for the issuing of our publications, principally in foreign languages. GCB February 21, 1895, page 280.5

The work outlined was soon after entered upon, but was in the year following turned over to the General Conference Association, to be carried forward by it through its Publishing Committee. GCB February 21, 1895, page 280.6

In due time, various works made their appearance in different languages, and from the beginning thus made, this branch of the work has gradually increased until, at the present time, the line of publications issued and controlled by the General Conference Association comprises, in the different translations, a list of thirty books, including many of our standard works in the German, Holland, Swedish, Danish, and Spanish languages aside from several publications in the English. To the foregoing list will shortly be added publications in the Portuguese, which with others are at present in process of preparation. GCB February 21, 1895, page 280.7

No reference is included in the above to tracts or pamphlets, the publication of which was last year delegated to the International Tract Society of this place, since which time the Publishing Department of the General Conference Association has confined its operations to the issuing of our larger publications which appear in book form. GCB February 21, 1895, page 280.8

Aside from the line of publications here mentioned, the three foreign periodicals, the Christlicher Hausfreund, the Evangeliets Sendebud, and the Zions Vaktare, representing respectively the German, Danish, and Swedish branches of the work, have, within the past two years, passed under the control of this department. In harmony with the vote passed by the late General Conference, favoring direct denominational control of all our various periodicals by the general body, negotiations have further been opened with the publishers of the Sentinel and the Signs, the Review and De Evangeliebode, for the transfer of these papers, but no definite results have up to the present time been attained in these cases, negotiations being still pending. GCB February 21, 1895, page 280.9

Arrangements are being made for the publishing by the Association of several forth coming works, among which might be mentioned the “Life of Christ,” by Mrs. E. G. White, and smaller publications by the same author of a similar character to “Steps to Christ.” GCB February 21, 1895, page 280.10

The spread of the message in different foreign fields must necessarily call for a continued increase of publications in all of these various languages, and thus the publishing work of the Association, from a small beginning but a few short years ago, is rapidly growing in strength and importance, with the prospect of, under the blessing of the Lord, soon assuming quite gigantic proportions, with its sphere of usefulness continually extending until the very object of its existence shall have been achieved. GCB February 21, 1895, page 280.11

As will be noticed from the annual statement, the Danish periodical has become nearly self-supporting, the loss for the past year being a little less than $150, while the deficit of the Swedish periodical, with a somewhat smaller list, amounts to some $1400, and that of the German periodical to $1075. GCB February 21, 1895, page 280.12

The change of the last-named periodical to an eight-page weekly was carried into effect January 1, 1894, and it has since then been an open question in the minds of some of our German brethren if it would not be advisable to return to a bi-weekly issue of 16 pages, thereby providing space for a wider range of subjects in each number, and thus making the paper more suitable for general missionary work, perhaps adding a monthly supplement pertaining to matter which, while of interest to our own denomination, would prove of but little, if any, concern to the general public. GCB February 21, 1895, page 280.13

Aside from the regular work as publishers already referred to, the Publishing Department of the General Conference Association has also been supplying books to depositories and canvassers in several foreign fields, notably Central America, the West Indies, the Bahamas, and Newfoundland. GCB February 21, 1895, page 280.14

In this line of work it has been the policy of this department to direct to the lately acquired London branch such a portion of the trade as, on account of more direct communication or preference for English-made books, could seemingly be better supplied from that office. In this manner the South American markets, together with the trade with Africa, Australasia, and India, have been turned over to the London office. GCB February 21, 1895, page 280.15

Correspondence has been maintained with the workers in the foreign fields supplied from this point, and many encouraging reports have been received. In many instances, native workers have been developed, and are doing excellent work in the scattering of our publications, and it has been found that in all these fields, as a result of the efforts of the consecrated canvasser, an interest has invariably arisen and manifested itself by urgent requests for ministerial help and assistance. GCB February 21, 1895, page 280.16

The prices on our various publications issued in this country and in London being somewhat at variance, the question has naturally arisen as to which of these two schedules should be followed in the billing of our books, by either the home or the London office, to our canvassers operating in foreign fields; and possibly this question, together with that of the payment of duties, transportation beyond the port of entry, etc., will prove subjects worthy of deliberate consideration. GCB February 21, 1895, page 281.1

As indicated by the annual balance sheets, the net gain of this department during the preceding two years, amounts to $5837.98 for 1893, and — after sustaining a loss of something over $2650 on the foreign periodicals — to $7968.37 for 1894. GCB February 21, 1895, page 281.2

It may perhaps be added that out of the original appropriation of $10,000, only $9,000 has been called for, and that this amount is still standing to the credit of the General Conference Association, so that, in other words, the total net worth, which on Jan. 1, 1895, amounted to $30,654.11, virtually represents the accrued profits to the Association from this particular line of work pertaining to the Publishing Department of the General Conference Association. GCB February 21, 1895, page 281.3

The following is a statement of the Publishing Department of the Association for 1893 and 1894:— GCB February 21, 1895, page 281.4

[FOR THE YEAR 1893.]
[FOR THE YEAR 1894.]

Elder D. A. Robinson, the director of the work of the Association in London, made a brief statement with reference to the influence of the publishing interest controlled by the Association in London. He said financial statements are made each month to the Association; that the London office prints the paper Present Truth, and most of the smaller publications. The bound books are nearly all made by outside parties, who can do the work cheaper and better than could be done by the Association, even if it owned a plant. The work which the office represents has a large and very beneficial influence upon the work in that field. GCB February 21, 1895, page 282.1

Publications sold during the twelve months ending Dec. 31, 1894, are:— GCB February 21, 1895, page 282.2

Trade Books7,412
Foreign and Miscellaneous3,551
Health Books4,683
Subscription Books14,831
Total invoice value$32,738.88

It is a striking fact that the sales of this office for the past year were more than ten times greater than were the sales of the denomination as late as the year 1871, and more than twice as great as the sales of the Review and Signs offices in 1879. GCB February 21, 1895, page 282.3

A. R. Henry, agent for Union College, gave an unwritten report. He spoke of the financial situation, and of the difficulties of making collections on outstanding paper. The present enrollment is over 400, which includes no primary department. It may be considered very good, considering the financial condition of that section of the country. The following is the statement of the standing of Union College, submitted by Brother Henry:— GCB February 21, 1895, page 282.4

Report of A. R. Henry, Agent, with the Seventh-day Adventist General Conference Association, for the two years ending Feb.1, 1895. GCB February 21, 1895, page 282.5

Campus, buildings and fixtures$155,901 36
Real Estate30,350 00
Bills Receivable46,475 87
Conference Accounts8,464 87
Museum1,440 43
Furnishings10,468 58
Cash on hand11,514 80
Total$264,615 91
Capital Stock$160,958 94
Bills Payable79,495 01
Accounts Payable1,656 64
Surplus22,505 32
Total$264,615 91
Present Worth$183,463 26

The matter of the new church at College View being alluded to, it elicited very complimentary remarks from Brother Henry and Elder A. T. Jones, both as to the building and the efforts of the citizens in erecting a house second to none in the denomination. The edifice cost $15,000, and is free from debt or encumbrance of any kind. GCB February 21, 1895, page 282.6

R. S. Donnell gave the report sent in by Greenville Holbrook, legal agent of the work of the Association at Walla Walla College, in College Place, Wash. GCB February 21, 1895, page 282.7

The report is as follows:— GCB February 21, 1895, page 282.8

Building material$19,970 45
Labor17,464 13
Steam fixtures3,250 25
Electric wire and bells744 00$41,428 83
Development of spring1,459 60
Value of real estate:—
Acreage3,800 00
Lots3,315 00
40 acres Dak100 00
80 acres Vinman’s Donation400 00
80 acres Blalock’s Donation300 007,915 00
Personal property:—
Library, furniture, tools, etc.3,957 42
Bills receivable32,775 58
Due from conferences:—
North Pacific611 85
Upper Columbia2,100 002,711 85
Due from Walla Walla citizens1,100 00
Nursery account uncollected1,364 00
T. L. Ragsdale244 55
Operating department952 45
Cash on hand245 34
Total$94,154 62
Bills payable:—
Gen. Con. Ass’n.$30,723 63
Mrs. Herman1,000 00
Randall mortgage5,000 00$36,723 63
Interest due500 00
Review and Herald1,139 98
Present worth55,791 01
Total$94,154 62

President O. A. Olsen presented a statement from L. R. Conradi, of the Hamburg business of the Association, which was organized under the laws of Germany, as subsidiary to the General Conference Association two years ago, to carry out recommendations of this body with reference to that field. The work could not be carried on in Germany under the power of attorney given by the Association in America. Hence an association was organized, and the work has gone forward, as shown in reports here given:— GCB February 21, 1895, page 282.9


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At the last General Conference your Board kindly voted that $25,000 be the limit of investment to secure suitable buildings at Hamburg, of which $15,000 was to be the limit of cash advanced. This vote has been meanwhile realized, and we are happy to present to your Board a well-taken photograph of the mission building and the chapel, while Elder Olsen has the plans for the latter. In August, 1893, the mission building was occupied by us on trial during our general meeting, and its purchase advised by members of your Board. In the fall, the Hamburg Seventh-day Adventist Association was formed with favorable statutes to hold the property for the General Conference Association; and by December the purchase was effected. July 17, 1894, the contract was let for the chapel, and December 31 the same was handed over to us completed by the builder. We defer to occupy it only on account of dampness. Not all the bills being presented, we can give only what has been paid or purchased, and add to this about $1 600 for bills to be still settled as follows: Final payment on chapel, December, 1895, $800; $250 additional for furnace and painting seats; $550 for grading, gas fixtures, repairs on mission building, electric call bells, speaking tubes, etc. GCB February 21, 1895, page 283.1


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Mission property as purchased$16,407 92
Paid on chapel, additional lot.7,763 42
Paid on furnace, seating, etc.448 98
Stock depository paid for3,514 12
Furniture paid for841 35
Bills on chapel still to be settled1,600 00
Bank account5,176 23
Mortgages$10,817 32
Deposits3,559 82
Present value in property, stock and furniture19,758 47
Cash on hand1,616 41
Totals$35,752 02$35,752 02

The Chairman also read the following statement of the financial standing of the college at Frederikshavn, Denmark:— GCB February 21, 1895, page 283.2

Real Estate: Building and lot$18,010 75
Inventory:Furniture of all kinds732 04
Material:Brick, stone, and timber.268 82
Frederikshavn’s bank deposits1,672 30
Accounts receivable241 85
Cash on hand324 96
Notes payable$ 6,989 25
Accounts payable3,836 16
School fund345 48
Present worth10,079 83
Totals$21,250 72$21,250 72

At the request of the Chair, A. R. Henry gave, in a few remarks, his impression of the institutions and general work in Europe, which he has visited the past summer. The speaker expressed himself highly pleased with what he observed. He valued highly the pleasant acquaintances formed with our people, and spoke in very favorable terms of the earnest interest displayed in prosecuting the various branches of the work in the old world. The institutions established in those countries give evidence of permanence, and are managed with ability. GCB February 21, 1895, page 283.3

At the close of these remarks the Chairman of the Committee on Resolutions submitted the following additional report:— GCB February 21, 1895, page 283.4

Your Committee on Resolutions would respectfully submit the following: GCB February 21, 1895, page 283.5

Whereas, Opportunities have arisen and doubtless will arise in the future to secure from various civil governments grants and donations, and, — GCB February 21, 1895, page 283.6

Whereas, To seek or even to accept any such thing from any civil government in any country would be a violation of the fundamental principles of separation of Church and State, therefore, — GCB February 21, 1895, page 283.7

11. Resolved, That we ought not as a denomination either to seek or accept from any civil government, chief, ruler, or royal chartered company, supreme, local, or otherwise, any gift or donation, concession or grant, either of land, money, credit, special privilege, or other thing of value, to which we are not in common with all others justly entitled as men without any reference to our religious profession or religious work. This does not preclude the receiving of aid from rulers, royal personages, or private individuals when such assistance is rendered by these parties in their individual capacity. GCB February 21, 1895, page 283.8

12. Resolved, That in harmony with this resolution, the General Conference Association be instructed to pay an equivalent for all government land that may be secured in Africa or elsewhere. GCB February 21, 1895, page 283.9

13. Resolved, That we combine the General Conference Bulletin and the Home Missionary under the name, the Missionary and General Conference Bulletin, and that the subscription price be placed at fifty cents a year. GCB February 21, 1895, page 283.10

On motion of J. M. Rees, the Conference adjourned. GCB February 21, 1895, page 283.11


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ELDER R. C. PORTER presided in the Tract Society Council Meeting to-day. GCB February 21, 1895, page 283.12

“Bringing in the Sheaves” was sung, and Brother W. M. Lee led in prayer. GCB February 21, 1895, page 283.13

A. O. Tait, Corresponding Secretary of the International Tract Society, occupied a short time in speaking upon the duties of the tract society secretary. The position of the State and corresponding secretaries are especially important. The carrying out of plans for the circulation of literature rests largely with the State secretary, and hence a great responsibility rests upon one in that position. GCB February 21, 1895, page 283.14

The corresponding secretaries should not be placed in office and left to find out their work, but work should be assigned them. The corresponding secretary should endeavor to become acquainted with the people. Those they cannot meet personally, they may become acquainted with by correspondence. Then the correspondence and acquaintance and interest should be kept up. Never lose track of any one, nor the points in which different ones are interested. If they cease correspondence, after a little time write them again, and keep up their interest. GCB February 21, 1895, page 283.15

Do not be satisfied with just what items come to you. Branch out; keep reaching out. Some simply do the business that comes to them. This is not enough. Be aggressive. GCB February 21, 1895, page 284.1

Another thing: Let the people know what is going on. Keep all informed of what is going on. It will encourage inactive ones to know that those who have no more ability than they, are at work, and knowing this, they will go to work. GCB February 21, 1895, page 284.2

S. H. Lane endorsed Elder Tait’s remarks; and emphasized the point of aggressiveness, and of all the laborers’ looking after every interest of the cause. GCB February 21, 1895, page 284.3

As to the question of placing standing orders by the State societies for forth-coming publications, such as Bible Students’ Library, it is not thought a very good plan by Elders C. McReynolds and I. H. Evans. L. B. Losey, of Minnesota, stated that they kept a standing order for coming numbers of B. S. Library costing not over five cents each. It was thought that the plan would be a good one in some cases, but its adoption should be left optional with the societies. GCB February 21, 1895, page 284.4

W. B. White asked how many hours per day should be spent by a tract society secretary in his work. GCB February 21, 1895, page 284.5

Elder Porter thought the tract society office should usually close by 7 P.M. or half past. When an extra amount of work is on hand, the time might be extended to 9 or even 10 P.M., till the busy season is over. GCB February 21, 1895, page 284.6

Should the tract society secretary ever be given the office of conference secretary? — It might be well in some cases. GCB February 21, 1895, page 284.7

Elder Porter made some pertinent statements with reference to the spirit in which a secretary should do his work. There should never be any scolding. It never helps, and always does harm. If the work is not progressing as it should, do not always keep that before the people. Rather get them interested in something that will help them to go forward. GCB February 21, 1895, page 284.8

The secretary who cuts the people with sharp things will soon have to be replaced. GCB February 21, 1895, page 284.9


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ELDER H. P. HOLSER kindly furnishes us with the following list of languages in which the present truth is being published in Europe: German, French, Spanish, Italian, Roumanian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Bohemian, Polish, Russian, Estish, Lithunian, Croatish, Greek-Turkish, Armenian-Turkish, Dutch. GCB February 21, 1895, page 284.10

ELDER ALLEN MOON, of Washington, D. C., president of the Religious Liberty Association, reached the Conference a little over a week ago, and was almost at once taken seriously ill. We are happy to see him about again. GCB February 21, 1895, page 284.11

WITH sincere pleasure we greet Elder Wm. Healey, President of the North Pacific Conference, who arrived from the West yesterday. Ill health has prevented his reaching us sooner. GCB February 21, 1895, page 284.12

THE venerable father of the President of the General Conference, Andrew Olsen, arrived yesterday morning from Wisconsin. We are glad to see Father Olsen looking so well. GCB February 21, 1895, page 285.1

THE Sabbath-school Association has opened quite a museum of island curios in the southwest vestibule of the Tabernacle. The articles have been donated by the islanders to the Sabbath-school cause. They are for sale, and the proceeds will be devoted to their intended purpose. GCB February 21, 1895, page 285.2

THE principal program provides for but three meetings a day, — forenoon, afternoon, and evening. That looks easy enough. But the subsidiary meetings of committees and societies are really too numerous to mention. And most people are kept on the stretch of nerve and muscle to compass them all, for they are all good; and all very necessary, especially the one to be held next. That is all well; but it requires promptness, — promptness in getting to the meetings, so that they can commence on time and not be confused by people rushing in a little late; promptness in closing, so that the people can transfer themselves and their attention to the following exercise. And if possible, a little breathing time should be allowed. Two hours is quite long enough for one meeting, especially where there are three or four a day, with several one-hour meetings sandwiched in. GCB February 21, 1895, page 285.3

We have often thought that our people should have two mental receptacles, as the cow has two for food. We should have one great one into which we could rapidly swallow all the good things that are poured upon us at such meetings, and another into which we could more carefully masticate them after the meetings are over. GCB February 21, 1895, page 285.4