General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1





THIS society was organized Oct. 16, 1890, with Elder R. M. Kilgore as president, and Sister Lyle Reynolds as secretary. Sister Reynolds, (afterwards Sister Charles E. Giles) continued its secretary till the time of her death in the early winter of 1892. GCB February 19, 1895, page 237.1

I came to this field early in April, 1893, at the recommendation of the last session of the General Conference, and at once, after locating the office in this city according to the direction of the General Conference Committee, began a systematic course of correspondence with ministers, librarians, directors, and the membership in general, all over the field, as rapidly as I could get names and addresses to write to, which I found somewhat difficult in some parts of the field. But by persistent effort, very nearly, if not entirely, all the Sabbath-keepers in the field were reached either through the librarians, where societies were organized, or through the individual members themselves, where they were so isolated as not to have the privilege of meetings. GCB February 19, 1895, page 237.2

This correspondence opened up some very interesting cases of persons keeping the Sabbath who had never seen a Sabbath-keeper, and of others who were suffering great trials and persecutions in their families from their faithfulness to their convictions of duty. The truth having reached these parties through our excellent literature, I was very anxious that an extra effort be put forth in that line, and I appealed to the General Conference Committee for help, which was very generously granted me through the International Tract Society, clubs of fifty each of the Review and Herald, Signs of the Times, and American Sentinel, and ten each of the Youth’s Instructor and Little Friend being supplied at first for six months. The clubs of the three former were then increased to seventy-five each, the other two papers being dropped. GCB February 19, 1895, page 237.3

Our canvassers supplied many names of those who they thought would prove interested readers, and the results have been satisfactory indeed. Very interesting correspondence has resulted with quite a number of people, and there are some now keeping the Sabbath, and others deeply interested, from whom favorable decisions are yet expected. GCB February 19, 1895, page 237.4

Among our good papers, I find that the Review and Herald seems to meet with greater favor in this field than others, being more often spoken of in the correspondence, and requests for it more frequent. GCB February 19, 1895, page 237.5

Our religious-liberty literature has also been received by many in this field with great favor; its teachings seem to meet a responsive echo in many hearts. Calls for this literature have come from many who know nothing of us as a people, but whose ideas of us, formed after reading some of our Religious Liberty Library, were most favorable indeed. GCB February 19, 1895, page 237.6

The cases of legal persecution which have been carried on in this district have opened up favorable chances to get before the people the true principles of civil and religious liberty, and they have been followed up with systematic work in the distribution of suitable numbers of the Religious Liberty Library, in very large quantities, two counties in Tennessee and one in Georgia having been thoroughly canvassed, and literature left in every home that would receive it. This work was done with conscientious care, and has not been without favorable fruits. The following is a statement of the number of pages used in these places:— GCB February 19, 1895, page 237.7

Pages of Religious Liberty Library distributed in Weakley Co., Tenn., 456,000; Reha Co., Tenn., 139,000; Hall Co., Ga., 531,000; Atlanta, Ga., 216,000; Chattanooga, Tenn., 159,000; other places, 1,074,112; total distributed free, 2,576,064; pages of Religious Liberty Library sold, 233,820; total used in the field, 2,809,884; pages B. S. Library and O. S. tracts distributed free, 134,380. In Atlanta the literature was reloaned from house to house in envelopes, till the 266,000 pages grew to be in all 948,000. GCB February 19, 1895, page 237.8

Total cash received at office from literature of all kinds$659 60
Total cash received on donations66 36
First-day offerings received127 87
Annual offerings received (one year only)127 47
Letters written by secretary32 01
Members reported287
Letters written1,243
  ”   received536
Bible readings held767
Periodicals distributed10,723
Pages tracts, etc., distributed260,118

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The work of the office has increased from the start with considerable regularity. The purely business part of the work has made quite large growth, and during the past five months, there has been as much business done as during the preceding eight or ten. And I am sure the work has more than doubled in the past year. GCB February 19, 1895, page 238.1

The work done by our local societies, also, has been much increased during the latter part of the past year. There seems to have been a coming up on the part of the membership, in spiritual life, and and a consequent taking hold of the work with more energy and courage, which is a very encouraging omen for the future in this field. GCB February 19, 1895, page 238.2

this office has been appealed to several times by the Secretary of the International Society, in the interests of work among the people of other nationalities in this field, especially the French-speaking people. Since my mind has been called to this subject, I have been led to feel that it would be a wise move to have workers placed here who can correspond in other languages, and at the same time take up part of the work in the English, which has grown to about the place where another helper is demanded to retain the work already undertaken. GCB February 19, 1895, page 238.3

Is it wise to limit our efforts to what one person can do in this important field? There is certainly no difference of opinion as to the desirability of carrying on our work in this field from within its bounds. As this is acknowledged to be the wisest policy, it has occurred to me that now might be a good time to act upon it. I would gladly welcome a worker here; but leave it with you to decide as to the advisability of such action at present. GCB February 19, 1895, page 238.4

The outlook in this field seems to me very hopeful indeed. The truth has found its way into thousands of homes all over the South, in the form of the printed pages which our canvassers have been so earnestly laboring for some years to scatter; and in many of these homes it is not lying dead on the shelves, but is read, and hearts are agitated by the soul-stirring themes they find there; and even where there is yet no visible fruit, deep convictions of duty are felt, which need but spurring into action. This would result from a personal contact or correspondence with those whose lives exemplify the truth they profess. GCB February 19, 1895, page 238.5

With gratitude to God for his mercies in many ways, especially for great improvement in health since coming to this field, and for the hearty support and co-operation that have been accorded my work by other workers in this district, I remain as ever, your fellow-servant in the work of the Third Angel’s Message. GCB February 19, 1895, page 238.6


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THE third meeting of the General Conference was held at 10 A.M., February 18. GCB February 19, 1895, page 238.7

The hymn, “O let me walk with thee, my God,” was sung, and Elder McReynolds, of Kansas, offered prayer. GCB February 19, 1895, page 238.8

The Chair announced as the order of the day reports from the district superintendents. These are presented, in order that the Conference may have a concise statement of the state of the cause set before it. Brevity in these reports has been recommended, as the scope of the subject is very wide. GCB February 19, 1895, page 238.9