General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




IN the fall of 1893 a school was opened on the island of Raiatea, Society Group, South Pacific Ocean. Elder B. J. Cady was in charge. There were sixty enrolled at the opening of the school, which increased to one hundred and five the first term. The second term the enrollment was one hundred and twenty, the attendance rather irregular, the average attendance being from seventy-five to eighty. When the missionary ship “Pitcairn” left on its last voyage, Brother and Sister G. O. Wellman and Sister Lillian White, of Michigan, went to assist Brother Cady in his school work. On account of some difficulties between the French government and the natives of that part of the island on which the school is located, the workers were not permitted to land immediately, but have since been able to do so, and are now upon the island. I will read briefly from the last report received from Elder Cady:— GCB February 19, 1895, page 222.1

It has been some time since we wrote you of our school, so we will write you a little about it this month. We have held school now, altogether, between five and six months. The interest is better now than when we opened at the beginning of each term. We have had in all one hundred and twenty names registered, but a part of them are very irregular in attending. We have as an average attendance, lately, from seventy-five to eighty. This is more than we can do justice by, with our present facilities. I think that at present there is more interest manifested by parents and children than there has been at any previous time. GCB February 19, 1895, page 222.2

Brother Dean, of Tahiti, has now been with us about a month and has been quite a help to us. We think if he had been here three or four months before, our school work and work for grown people would have been much father along. Since he has been here, ten or twelve have commenced a sort of “Saturday-keeping,” but we hope it will end in Sabbath-keeping. We have a Bible talk every Sabbath. The most of our children attend it, and some grown people. Our donations for school work have been $84.15 in Chili money, or in United States coin at the present exchange, $56.10. Of course this is not a large sum, but it has been nearly a year since the natives have made copra, and many of them gave all they had. This amount was given by only the children of our school and by their parents. Those on other parts of the island gave their money to the native minister. GCB February 19, 1895, page 222.3

The government is making a new set of laws now, and it is reported that the legislators are going to pass a law that the donations of the children are to be given to those who have charge of their instruction in the school. We cannot say how it will be, but much more enthusiasm was manifested in paying us than was shown when they gave to their pastor a few days before. GCB February 19, 1895, page 222.4

We have three married people in school now, and though we are not teaching directly the truths of the Third Angel’s Message, we are confident that much good will be accomplished. Many of the youth cannot read yet, and it is quite important that they learn to do so, that they may read and learn for themselves the truth as it is in God’s word. GCB February 19, 1895, page 222.5

Our monthly mail arrived yesterday, and we were much pleased to receive letters from yourself and others with the news that re-enforcements are coming. We are especially glad that one, at least, is fitted to teach the French; for if our school is continued here, French and Tahitian must be the principal languages which are taught. The French are very zealous for their native language, and would like it to become the universal language of the world. GCB February 19, 1895, page 222.6

There is a rumor that that government is going to take steps soon to bring these natives, who are called rebels, into subjection to them. If this does happen, it will probably be about the time that our ship will arrive. We do not apprehend that it will be a hindrance to our work, for it will soon be over, and then we can go on as usual. We say nothing about government matters to the people, for that is not our business. If they yield to the French, it will be just as well for our work, and perhaps better. The French law allows Sunday labor, while the Raiatean law prohibits it. Of course we cannot say for certain whether anything is to be done in this line or not, but we can trust the interests of the work into the hands of Him who has all wisdom and power. I cannot talk in public meetings yet [Brother Cady has now learned the language so that he can use it in public work], though Mrs. Cady exhorts in the women’s meetings, and is picking up the language quite fast. Prospects are encouraging, and we are cheerfully doing the best that we can for the people. Poor people! They are very needy, and yet they do not know it. GCB February 19, 1895, page 222.7

Since establishing the Claremont school in South Africa, two private schools have been opened, one at Beaconsfield, about 750 miles northeast of Cape Town, with Miss Sarah E. Peck in charge, and the Claremont Village school, which was opened by special request of citizens of the village, with Mrs. J. C. Rogers in charge. The attendance at these schools, as indicated in the first part of this report, is in the Claremont village school, 70, and in the Beaconsfield school, 42. Much interest has been manifested in these schools, and it almost seems that these two branch schools have attracted as much interest as the college itself. Provision has been made to continue both these schools during the present school year. GCB February 19, 1895, page 222.8

On July 4, 1894, a school was opened on the island of Bonacca, in the Bay Islands. Brother W. A. Miller and wife, of California, went to take charge of the work. The average attendance the first term was 39; the present enrollment is 45. I will read a word or two from Brother Miller’s report:— GCB February 19, 1895, page 222.9

Our students take a fair interest in intellectual work, and the same is true of them as regards their attitudes toward spiritual matters; but they are tropical bred and tropical born, and that means there is a lack of that element that causes a person to take right hold of a thing and hang on to it until the victory is won, and an experience gained. I believe the school here has a positive influence for good over the entire people of this locality, and that it gives a healthy color to the general work of this field. GCB February 19, 1895, page 222.10

I will say that this school, in connection with the other work in the Bay Islands, has been self-supporting. GCB February 19, 1895, page 222.11

They built their school building with very little aid from the General Conference. GCB February 19, 1895, page 223.1

Aug. 31, 1894, the school building which had been erected at Frederikshavn, Denmark, was dedicated. A Bible institute, conducted by Elders O. A. Olsen and E. J. Waggoner, was the first work done in the building, and this was followed by the regular work of the school. This is a union school for Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, with Elder M. M. Olsen in charge of the work. The situation is somewhat different in that country from that in other countries, and the plans for work are necessarily different. I will quote from Brother Olsen’s report, that you may see something of this:— GCB February 19, 1895, page 223.2

Our methods of teaching here differ considerably from the methods adopted in America; instead of each pupil being limited each term to three or four studies, they here take up about twelve different branches each term, and this has been arranged for a three years’ course, closing with an examination called Preliminoreksamen (preparatory examination). All of these studies cannot be taught every day; hence we have arranged a certain number of hours for each study every week. For instance, German, two hours; English, three hours; Danish, two hours; Arithmetic, three hours, etc., making twenty-five hours a week altogether. GCB February 19, 1895, page 223.3

The text books used here are not so large as those used in America, but the contents are more condensed, with less explanation. This deficiency in the books must be supplied by the teacher’s explanation in the class. The reason why this plan is adopted is because all of these studies are required by the government in order to pass examination. As before said, the course covers three years, at the close of which we expect some of our students will take this examination. In the few years we have been here sixteen have passed this examination successfully, and three have taken the examination called Artium. This method of instruction which we have adopted over here, we thought at first could not be carried on successfully: but after a few years’ experience, we have come to like it very well with one exception, and that is, the students have to work very hard in order to reach the object in view. GCB February 19, 1895, page 223.4

The student’s anxiety and suspense becomes very great, and one autumn several were taken sick, so that examination was post-poned half a year on that account. Hence in laying plans for this school, we extended the course over three years instead of two, as we had been doing before, also giving much more time and attention to Bible study than we could possibly do before. We have also adopted the plan of requiring two hours of manual labor daily of each of the students, and during the winter this is principally in-door work. We have a garden, and when summer comes, we expect the pupils to work in that, weeding and caring for plants, etc. We have no gymnasium, but we all take gymnastic exercise in one of our halls or out-of-doors, when the weather permits. GCB February 19, 1895, page 223.5

As far as diet is concerned, we are trying to reach a thorough vegetarian diet. Sister Martha Anderson from the Sanitarium at Battle Creek has charge of the cooking department, and gives excellent satisfaction. We have used no meat since beginning school, and quite a number of the students use no butter. All have cream for breakfast, and nearly all for supper. At dinner more use butter. We find this just as cheap as to use meat and butter. We canned quite a good deal of fruit in the fall, when fruit was cheap. The food is carefully prepared, and attention is given to having it contain the right proportion of nourishment, and we are glad to say that but very few of our pupils long for the flesh-pots of Egypt. We are very thankful for the help of the Sanitarium. GCB February 19, 1895, page 223.6

In reference to Bible study, our school is divided into four divisions, — A. B, C, D. Each of these has at the rate of one hour a day of Bible study. The Bible study is the most interesting phase of the instruction given in the school. GCB February 19, 1895, page 223.7

The whole school, teachers and students, are well, and seem to be of good courage. Our meetings are well attended, and are characterized by a good degree of devotion and spirit. GCB February 19, 1895, page 223.8

If a plan could be devised by which grown-up individuals could earn their way through school, I think it would largely increase the attendance. We are pained to see that many of our youth, from lack of instruction and proper help, are not able to take hold of the work. GCB February 19, 1895, page 223.9

Judging from appearances and the expectations of our people in general, we cannot but say that the value of the school as a means of building up the work cannot well be overestimated. There are already about twelve persons engaged in the work in Denmark and Norway, a result of the school which has been held at Copenhagen the last three years. We are greatly in need of educated, intelligent workers. GCB February 19, 1895, page 223.10

In connection with the medical mission in Mexico, a school has been opened under the direction of Miss ora A. Osborne, assisted by Mrs. Alfred Cooper. Miss Osborne has charge of the kindergarten work and Mrs. Cooper, of the primary department. The children generally are not above the ages of twelve or thirteen years, and no work of an advanced character is attempted in the school. GCB February 19, 1895, page 223.11

At the request of the Board of Trustees of Healdsburg College, the work of that college has been reorganized for the present year, and a new faculty has been provided. Prof. Frank W. Howe was elected president of the college, and several new teachers were provided. GCB February 19, 1895, page 223.12

In accordance with the resolution passed at the last General Conference, General Conference Bible schools have been opened. One was opened at Battle Creek last year, with an enrollment of over 600. This year there are now two such schools in progress, one in Battle Creek and one in College View, Neb. The enrollment in these schools, as stated before, is, at Battle Creek, 255, and at College View, 131. The special object of these schools is to provide an opportunity for an older class of persons, and for those who have been engaged in the work as ministers, licentiates, and Bible workers to obtain a special training for the work. The time is almost wholly given to the study of the English Bible and the English language. In connection with this, instruction has been given in a greater or less degree in the laws of health and special methods of doing missionary work, and some work has been done by way of lectures in history. GCB February 19, 1895, page 223.13

There has also been a school building erected upon the island of Tahiti, and one upon the island of Raratonga. GCB February 19, 1895, page 223.14

I have no definite reports from these schools. GCB February 19, 1895, page 224.1

Attention is now called to the educational facilities provided in institutions already established at the last General Conference. GCB February 19, 1895, page 224.2

Battle Creek College has an addition to the college building sixty by seventy feet, three stories high, at an expense of $12,000; the South Lancaster Academy, an addition to the Home at an expense of $15,000; and the Graysville, Tenn., Academy, a new Home building. The West Virginia preparatory school has enlarged one building, and dispenses with one, so that the work is now carried forward in one building. GCB February 19, 1895, page 224.3

In Australia a tract of land of 1500 acres has been bought at an expense of Pounds 900 ($4500), and a temporary school will be opened at once, and a permanent building will be erected as soon as possible. GCB February 19, 1895, page 224.4


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The character of the work has improved both intellectually and spiritually. The general enrollment has increased; which the enrollment in some schools has decreased the present year, on account of the hard times. There have been some changes in management. By the advice of the General Conference Committee, the Educational Secretary was relieved from the care of any local school, and Prof. G. W. Caviness was called from South Lancaster to take the charge of the Battle Creek College, and Prof. J. H. Haughey, former principal of Battle Creek College, took charge at South Lancaster. Prof. F. W. Howe has taken the place of Prof. Grainger at the Healdsburg College. GCB February 19, 1895, page 224.5

In Battle Creek College, as the result of considerable study and discussion during the last winter concerning the best methods and plans of work, some changes have been made in the courses of study. The Scientific Course was lengthened one year, and all the courses were put upon a four-study basis instead of a three-study basis. That is, each student is to have four studies at the same time instead of three. This change made it possible for every one who desired to do so to take the Bible study, and at the same time get other thorough work in connection with it. One year was added throughout in Bible study, and one year was added in history work. Changes were made in the plans of recitation. At present all students in and below the ninth grade recite each day five days in the week. The students from the ninth to the twelfth recite four times each week. All students in the regular college work recite three days each week on the six-day basis. That is, they have recitations six days a week, including Sundays. GCB February 19, 1895, page 224.6

The music department has been made a regular department of the college, and the facilities have been largely increased. More attention has been paid to music, as being an essential part of a Christian education; that is, sacred music. GCB February 19, 1895, page 224.7

The present year the department of physical culture and hygiene has been added, with Dr. W. A. George, from Ann Arbor, a graduate from the medical department of the university there, in charge of the work. The purpose has been to give instruction in health principles, and how to conduct the department of physical culture upon a proper basis. GCB February 19, 1895, page 224.8

Some changes have been made in what we call the church school, or the graded school. The general principles may be indicated as that of concentration, — studying objects and observations, rather than simply studying books. this work has been in a measure experimental, and yet the results have been extremely satisfactory. GCB February 19, 1895, page 224.9

The children are encouraged to observe for themselves, and to bring to the school-room objects for study, and their work consists largely in the study of these objects, and in the discussion of them. In this way it has been found possible to do nearly all the teaching usually done by separating the classes into different lines. That is, in the same class reading, language, geography, and natural science can all be taught, and taught very largely from object lessons rather than from text books. GCB February 19, 1895, page 224.10

Work has also been introduced in what is known as Sloyd, which in general means making, — some employment for the hands. Each one of these grades spends two hours a week in this special instruction. A separate room has been fitted up for the purpose, and regular instruction is given. The children of all ages, from five to fourteen years, are instructed in sewing, in knitting, and in card-board work, and we hope soon to introduce wood work, with a regular outfit of tools. This work is simply experimental, but so far is extremely satisfactory. The children themselves in general have taken a very great interest in this work, and the parents also. We hope to be able to develop t he plans further. GCB February 19, 1895, page 224.11

As regards the work in other institutions, I can perhaps do no better than to read the reports that have been submitted by the institutions. I will first present the report of — GCB February 19, 1895, page 224.12


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The College opened in September, with an attendance somewhat smaller than that of the preceding year, but the numbers doubled during the first month, which gave a larger enrollment than at the same time last year. The numbers kept up well during the first term, which closed December 18, but a smaller number have entered during this term than during the corresponding weeks in any year since the College opened. The chief reason for this is the severe and wide-spread drouth which has prevailed in this district during the past year, and which in connection with the financial depression has so seriously interfered with all business enterprises. The enrollment at the present time has reached 450, and these figures will probably be slightly increased during the remainder of the year. What has been lost in numbers seems to have been more than made up in the spirit and disposition of those who are here, as the students never worked harder or with more earnestness than at the present time. The results of this have been very gratifying, and we trust they are permanent. GCB February 19, 1895, page 224.13

One most favorable fact in connection with the work has been the almost uniformly good health of both teachers and students. There has been no serious illness of any character, and the record of attendance shows less absence caused by illness than ever before. This brings special satisfaction, in view of the fact that there were several severe cases of typhoid fever in the school last year, and a lingering suspicion has existed in the minds of some that it was produced by some local condition which would subject us to the same danger again this year. The fact that this disease has not broken out again has gone far to remove this unfortunate impression, and the consequent evil which was threatened. GCB February 19, 1895, page 225.1

The religious work has been kept prominent, and a deep interest on the part of students has been shown in all the different lines. The missionary societies in particular are worthy of mention, as an earnest spirit of work seems to be developing, and quite a number have expressed a desire to become laborers in the foreign fields. An effort has been constantly put forth toward a daily growth and experience in the things of God, the result being that a very perceptible advance has been made by many, and the result seems to be permanent. The week of prayer was a profitable occasion for all, and about forty were converted or reclaimed from a backslidden condition. Special efforts have been put forth since then, and much of the blessing of God has been given. All things considered, the religious interests are in as good condition as at any time in the history of the school; and while much remains to be done, there is still abundant reason for gratitude for what the Lord has given us. GCB February 19, 1895, page 225.2

One interesting feature in connection with the College is the growing interest in the study of the languages, classes being conducted in eight or nine different languages, and two or three more having been asked for. It has been impossible to meet this desire without increasing the Faculty, as every teacher has full work now. There is also a deeper interest in the physical-culture work, and four classes meet daily for instruction and drill. It would be comparatively easy to awaken an enthusiasm in this subject, and I trust the time may not be far distant when such appliances may be procured as to enable the director to give special training for the development of deficient parts. GCB February 19, 1895, page 225.3

Owing to the financial stringency, very little money has been expended for the library, which has thirteen or fourteen hundred volumes of choice works, all having been selected with a view to their special fitness for the lines of work carried on in the school. A very much larger library should be provided, for the demands of the school are becoming more and more urgent, as the advanced work is taken up by larger classes each year. The laboratory is also in need of better equipment, as what we have is wholly inadequate to meet the needs of a growing school. GCB February 19, 1895, page 225.4

But while the need of a better equipment is urgent, there are other considerations which have repeatedly pressed themselves upon our attention. One of these is the fact that many young men and women in indigent circumstances are unable to attend the College; and the failure of crops the past year, together with the partial failure of the previous year, has served to emphasize the importance of devising some plan whereby the students may partially pay their expenses with manual labor. There are many young people of promise who have expressed a wish to obtain an education to be used in the cause of the Master, but who cannot do so because of a lack of means. Many of these could attend if it were possible to earn while here, from one fourth to one third of their tuition. If any such plan could be devised, it would also enable some who have been here for one or two years, and have gotten nicely started, to return and take a much fuller and better course. GCB February 19, 1895, page 225.5

The evidences of God’s fostering care were never more numerous or more clear than they have been during the portion of this year already passed; and the freedom from sickness, the quiet and earnest deportment of the students, together with an enrollment much larger than we had dared to hope for, under existing circumstances, all show the restraining power and mercy of Him who founded the College, and whose presence and blessing have made it what it is. Our only desire is that it may be so conducted as to meet the mind of God, and accomplish all that he purposes in it. GCB February 19, 1895, page 225.6



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The present enrollment is 162. Last year at this time we had 130, an increase of 32. The class of students that is attending this year is superior in a number of respects to those we had last year. A number are attending school this year who have been engaged in gospel work in one way or another. Quite a number of young married people of real worth have also moved into the village, and are attending the school. This class of students gives solidity to our school, and a mold and character to the work, that it is impossible to have with a; young and inexperienced act of students. GCB February 19, 1895, page 225.7

Concerning the character of the work from a spiritual and intellectual standpoint, I can say that there has been a steady growth in spiritual things. While there has been no great demonstration, and indeed we have not attempted to have any, there is a very earnest spirit pervading almost the entire school. GCB February 19, 1895, page 225.8

I dare say that out of 160 students, at least 100 are earnestly preparing to enter the work. Concerning the intellectual growth, I can say there has been progress made all the time, and we feel that the work is carried on in such a way that students can develop if they have a mind to. GCB February 19, 1895, page 225.9

We have made some additions to our work since the Institute last summer, as a result of the Institute. We have introduced cooking as one of the branches taught in the school. With our limited facilities we have not been able to accommodate one fourth of those who desired to take it, but we have instructed about twenty-five. GCB February 19, 1895, page 225.10

There is a class of about twenty men who expect to enter the work shortly as ministers. We are studying subjects that will be of particular help to them in this work. I believe our schools, to reach the point of greatest usefulness to our people, must come up in these things, and be institutions where the best training can be obtained in all lines. Last but not least, we should by all means make a determined effort to provide work, so that students who are poor may have the advantages of the school. Many in this section of the country would be willing to pay their way if they only had the opportunity. I am sure it will not be necessary for me to say more on this; for it is well understood by our schools that something must be done in this line, and I trust that steps will be taken to accomplish something that will be tangible. GCB February 19, 1895, page 225.11

The value of the school in building up the general work in the territory where it is situated, is hard to estimate in figures or statistics; yet I have observed several things in connection with the school in this territory. The Upper Columbia Conference has nearly doubled in the last two years. Now I would not for a moment want any one to think it has been due altogether to the College; yet I think that the College has had something to do with this increase. How much I cannot say. I know that the influence of the College is felt all through these two conferences, for the young receive instruction that is carried by them to their homes, and it is felt to quite an extent, for I have visited these homes, and have seen with my own eyes that this is the case. GCB February 19, 1895, page 225.12

One illustration might make this more clear. The dietary of the school has been on vegetarian principles from the beginning. It was new thing for the people in this section. But we had with us about 150 young men and women the first year, and I dare say that at least 100 of them left the school fully converted to these principles; and at the present time I will venture to say that these two conferences have more vegetarians in proportion to their numbers than any two conferences in the Union. I visited a number of the homes before the school opened, and know how they lived then, and have visited nearly every home since, and have seen the change, and know what I am talking about when I make this statement. GCB February 19, 1895, page 226.1

I believe that this is as good an illustration as I can give to show what the influence of the school is, and how far-reaching. And further, we are preparing a class of young men and women who, if they ever get into the field, surely will have a strong influence to build up the conferences. In conclusion, I will say it seems to me that there is no other one of the institutions that can mold and change the people like the school, and I trust that greater efforts will be put forth to make our schools more valuable to our people, in order to strengthen the denomination. Let them be really and truly denominational schools, and for the denomination. GCB February 19, 1895, page 226.2



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The present enrollment of students in all the departments of Healdsburg College is 130; twenty-seven in the Primary Department, and the remainder in the Preparatory and Collegiate courses. As compared with the reports of last year, this appears to be a falling off of forty-three students; but I am unable to ascertain whether the figures for last year represented the highest total enrollment during the year, or the actual attendance at the time the report was made out. We have had enrolled quite a number of students besides those now included in the 130, who have been obliged to leave the College either from sickness or financial reasons. Only one has left for reasons that were purely disciplinary. We have no explanation to suggest concerning the comparatively small attendance this year, except to state that the financial stringency caused by the failure of banks and the great railroad strikes is more severely felt, perhaps, in California than in any other State in this country. GCB February 19, 1895, page 226.3

The general character of the school work is very satisfactory. The religious interests of the students are provided for in a College Sabbath-school, regular preaching services at the church, the student’s Sabbath afternoon meetings, the Student’s Missionary Society on Wednesday afternoons, and meetings held by the students from room to room in the Home on Friday evenings. The intellectual interest of the school is also very satisfactory, and constantly improving. Some lack of thoroughness is to be seen in the case of a few of the old students, but the general sentiment is very strong in favor of thorough, conscientious work in their intellectual as well as in their spiritual and physical interests. The faculty have been much gratified at the evident heartiness of co-operation which the students have shown in all the plans which have been adopted, and the general opinion seems to be that the intellectual interests of the school are on a solid and satisfactory basis. This conviction has won for the College the support of patrons who at some time have rather held aloof from giving to the College their full endorsement and co-operation. GCB February 19, 1895, page 226.4

The propriety of the adoption of a strictly vegetarian diet for the Home was thoroughly discussed locally, and it was the opinion of the Board and the Faculty that the time had come to put our school upon the right basis in this respect. The plans followed previously here have been for several years working in that direction, as in some of our other schools. The general results of the adoption of our present plan are very satisfactory. After the first week or two there were no indications of dissatisfaction with the bill of fare provided. The general health of our students has uniformly improved since the beginning of the year, and the good results of our diet system are specially noticeable. Patrons of the school who have visited us at different times have uniformly spoken of the change with satisfaction. GCB February 19, 1895, page 226.5

As to the value and influence of the school in building up the general work in this conference, I am unable to give as close an estimate as I should hope to do in two or three years from now. In a general way, however, I feel certain that much dependence is put upon the College to educate laborers for the general denominational work in this conference. A majority of our present students are engaged in lines of work that are intended to fit them for general service in the denomination; and this is, in the main, the desire of those who attend. We hope by the use of the means already indicated to enlarge the influence and usefulness of the College in preparing efficient laborers for the cause, and it is this interest which is the strongest motive in seeking to advance the general well-being of the College, financially and intellectually, as well as spiritually. GCB February 19, 1895, page 226.6



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The past two years has marked some noticeable changes in the history of the South Lancaster Academy. GCB February 19, 1895, page 226.7

The accommodations afforded, both in the Home and in the Academy building, having become almost wholly insufficient to meet the needs of those who were in attendance, and still others desiring to come to the school, some of whom had to be turned away the Academy Board decided to bring the matter before the stock holders of the institution for their consideration. Accordingly, in September, 1893, at a meeting of the stockholders, it was recommended that a fund of $15,000 be raised for the enlargement of the Academy building, and the erection of a new Home. This however, was subject to the condition that operations were not to begin until two thirds of the amount should be actually in hand. In the first part of March, 1894, at the District Council in Jersey City, the presidents of conferences in consultation recommended that the General Conference be asked to provide $5000, the New England conference $5000, and the other conferences in the district $5000, and that work on the buildings begin as soon as the above conditions should be fulfilled. Following this, in April, at the meeting of the General Conference Association, held in Battle Creek, Mich., it was voted to agree to this request. Near the beginning of June, matters had taken a sufficiently definite shape to warrant the employment of an architect, and the completion of plans for beginning the work during the summer. GCB February 19, 1895, page 226.8

The addition to the Academy building, which consists of four new rooms and the enlargement of the chapel, was essentially completed at the opening of the present school year. It was planned to have the dormitory ready for occupancy the first of January, 1895, but this has necessarily been delayed until the first part of March. There are, all told, eighty rooms in this building; and in addition to ten teachers and helpers, it will accommodate 110 students. This will increase the capacity of the institution to not less than 250. GCB February 19, 1895, page 226.9

The enrollment Jan. 30, 1895, was 171, the highest the Academy has ever reached. It was thought by some that the many changes in teachers and helpers the past year would materially lessen the attendance, which may be the case, as it is not possible to determine what it otherwise would have been. There are at this writing ninety-seven living in the Home belonging to the institutions. GCB February 19, 1895, page 227.1

Beginning with the fall term, a musical department was opened, which is characterized by vocal and instrumental instruction in sacred and classical music. Vocal and physical culture have received more attention than usual. GCB February 19, 1895, page 227.2

This is the second year that our culinary department has been conducted upon a purely vegetarian basis, and upon the recognized scientific principles of hygienic cookery. Excellent health on the part of both teachers and students is a sufficient testimony to its success. Health and temperance talks are given once a week to the students in the Home, and any others who may desire to come in, by the matron of this department. GCB February 19, 1895, page 227.3

Undoubtedly there are many ways in which the efficiency of the school as an instrumentality for training and developing workers might be greatly increased; but already, in the providence of God, students have been sent forth from the institution not only into various parts of this district, but into other parts of the United States, into Canada, South America, England, Ireland, Africa, and the islands of the sea. As laborers, we all feel our weakness in the presence of the great work before us; but we rejoice in the assurance that, if faithful, we, with it, will triumph gloriously. GCB February 19, 1895, page 227.4


There have been some further developments in the work since the last General Conference, to which your attention is also called. By advice of the General Conference Committee, a Teachers’ Institute was held last summer in Battle Creek. The Committee invited the heads of all the schools in this country and the Bible teachers of these schools to meet in counsel. Dr. J. H. Kellogg gave special instruction in the health work, with suggestions as to the best way of teaching this line of work in our schools. Elder A. T. Jones assisted in giving instruction in the Bible work. The object stated in this Institute was that we might have unity of action in all our schools, that every school might have the benefit of whatever had been gained by experience in any other school in new lines of work, and that together we might study new developments and devise plans for the school work. GCB February 19, 1895, page 227.5

Quite a full report was made of the work in the Review and Herald at the close of the Institute. It may not be necessary, therefore, for me to give any extended report. I would like to refer, however, to one feature in particular, and that is the growing interest in health principles. In all our schools the diet is now practically upon a vegetarian basis. Better provisions have been made for teaching health principles in the different schools. I regard this a very favorable feature of the work. I have felt for two years or more that much of the work that has been done in special classes at the Sanitarium should be done in every one of our schools. GCB February 19, 1895, page 227.6

You have observed in the different reports that have been presented that there is a uniform purpose in providing facilities for manual labor in our schools. Those who have studied this subject know that special instruction was given on this line years ago, at the very beginning of the educational work. Some effort was made to carry out this instruction, but it was in a new line, and the difficulties were many, and the discouragements were found to be great; and after a time it was practically abandoned. Then the effort was made to introduce one hour’s work for each student in our Home. This accomplished considerable benefit, and yet it did not meet the idea fully. Our attention has again been called to this matter, and it is absolutely necessary for the perfect development of men and women that there should be manual labor connected with the educational work. There is a spirit now to revive this effort, and to provide facilities for the work as a part of the educational idea, and also as a means of support. GCB February 19, 1895, page 227.7

In my talk before the Council last week, I made brief reference to my visit to a school in Missouri. When I visited the school in December, there were over three hundred students in attendance, and of this number only twelve were paying their way; some did not pay anything. Some could not even provide their books and clothing. Between one and two hundred were paying from $100 to $200 a year. But by the cultivation of a large tract of land, it is made possible for deserving students to work and pay or partly pay their way through a collegiate course. GCB February 19, 1895, page 227.8

Now I am satisfied that there are lessons for us to learn here, and that we may receive benefit from. There is no school in the denomination where such favorable opportunities present themselves for such work as the school in Texas. With the 150 acres of land adapted to a variety of crops, with a favorable climate, with a good, healthful location, I am satisfied that this problem can be worked out, and I am very heartily in favor of its being done. Where the school is opened, it is becoming known, although no special effort has been made to advertise it abroad. Inquiries are coming from different parts of the country, to know if there is opportunity for students to work their way, and I am fully satisfied that there are students who will go from our other schools, unless similar opportunities are afforded, and get their education there. GCB February 19, 1895, page 227.9

One thing further, and that is, the educational work int he denomination has now reached that point that it seems very necessary in order to preserve unity in the work, and to provide the means for further developing plans, that there should be a regularly established medium of communication, — that there should be an educational journal which should be devoted wholly to the educational problem. I would not limit it to the regularly organized schools; I mean the general educational problem in the denomination; and I would have it include the work of the regularly organized schools, and of the unorganized schools and conference schools. I would also have it render assistance in what is coming to be a very important problem, and that is, the education of the young children in the homes, — too young to go away to other schools, or in families located where they could not attend other schools. We shall see more and more than we have ever seen in the past that it will be unwise for Seventh-day Adventists to place their children in the public schools to receive their instruction. Events and circumstances will be more and more shaped to make this impossible. We can see it in many ways already, and we shall see it more in times soon to come. GCB February 19, 1895, page 228.1

The principal problem will therefore be, What will they do for their children? how shall they educate them? I would have this educational journal assist them in this work. Further: I would have the journal elevate the standard of our ministry so that our ministers, those that are not able to attend the Bible schools, and other schools for regularly organized work, may have laid before them regular courses of reading, prepared and supervised in such a way as to give advanced work. You know it has been suggested in times past that our ministers should do a good deal of reading, and books enough to make a large library have been named as good books to read, etc., and they have gone home and forgotten all about it. I would have this journal meet this requirement. I will therefore put in form three or four recommendations for the Conference:— GCB February 19, 1895, page 228.2

1. That a more decided effort be made to conduct the work in all our educational institutions with special reference to the work of the denomination, giving the first place to those lines of study which are most directly helpful in developing workers of the highest type for carrying forward the gospel work committed to this people, making such changes in the teaching force and in the present courses of study as will bring them into harmony with this suggestion; and that opportunities for manual labor, both as a means of support and of education, be provided for the students as far and as fast as it is practicable. GCB February 19, 1895, page 228.3

2. That arrangements be made for the General Conference to take charge of the school recently established in TExas; that a Board of Managers be elected by the General Conference; that sufficient means be invested to put the school upon a good, strong basis; that such a course of study be introduced as will be in the fullest harmony with the instruction given and the principles laid down in the “Spirit of Prophecy” upon the subject of education; and that the plan of manual labor for students be further developed and carried out. GCB February 19, 1895, page 228.4

3. That a monthly educational journal (ten numbers a year) be published, as a means of bringing before the schools and the denomination generally the best plans for educational work, of suggesting to parents definite plans of home education for their children, and of presenting and supervising a regular course of study and reading for the ministers of the denomination. GCB February 19, 1895, page 228.5