General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1


THE nineteenth annual meeting of the Seventh-day Adventist Educational Society was held Monday, Feb. 18, 1895. The Secretary, Prof. W. W. Prescott, called the meeting to order, and stated that the President of the society, Elder U. Smith, could not be present. It was moved by A. R. Henry, and seconded by H. Lindsay that O. A. Olsen preside. The motion prevailed. GCB February 19, 1895, page 221.1

After singing, and prayer by W. B. White, tellers were appointed to obtain the names of the stock-holders present, and the number of shares represented. GCB February 19, 1895, page 221.2

The result of the count showed 38 stockholders, representing 437 shares; and 1 proxy. GCB February 19, 1895, page 221.3

On motion of J. N. Loughborough, seconded by H. Lindsay, the reading of the minutes of the last meeting was waived. GCB February 19, 1895, page 221.4

The Auditor, W. C. Sisley, being absent, the Treasurer’s report was called for. A. R. Henry, the Treasurer, gave his report, which is as follows:— GCB February 19, 1895, page 221.5