General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




IN the good providence of God we are again permitted to assemble in General Conference. We are glad to see the large attendance and general representation, and extend to all a hearty welcome. It is a source of joy to look over this assembly of delegates who have come from many parts of the world, and to see in it a token of the rapid progress of the Message. The importance of this meeting will not be second to that of any such gathering in the past. Indeed, in the very nature of the case, every meeting will be more important than the one preceding it. GCB February 15, 1895, page 146.1

The outlook for the work is encouraging. The general situation was never so favorable for the rapid proclamation of the truth to every nation and people as at the present. In the passing of time and the development of events, our position is continually being strengthened. Many things that were wholly matters of prophecy a few years ago, are now fully demonstrated in fulfillment. This gives added strength and power to the Message. GCB February 15, 1895, page 146.2

In the early history of the Message, but little attention was given to us as a people; but this state of things has changed, and our work is rapidly coming into notice before the world. During the past year the public press has had much more to say about us than ever before. All this has its significance, and it is fast putting us in a position where our opportunities for work will be enlarged, and our responsibilities correspondingly increased. This is in the providence of God. GCB February 15, 1895, page 146.3

The agitation for religious legislation continues, and with the spirit of true Protestantism fast dying out, this movement makes rapid progress. During the past two years the arrests of our brethren for Sunday labor have continued to increase in number. During this time forty-one have been arrested, and thirteen have served a longer or shorter sentence in prison. These experiences are also coming to our people in other parts of the world. In Australia three of our brethren have been arrested and condemned to the stocks. In Basle, Switzerland, Elder Holser suffered three weeks’ imprisonment in consequence of work done in our publishing house there on Sunday. In Christiana, Norway, our publishing house has been twice fined for Sunday labor. These fines have not been paid, of course, and arrest is imminent. GCB February 15, 1895, page 146.4

These things are intended by the enemy to discourage and intimidate souls, but the result is just the opposite. In this country, in Australia, and in Switzerland, persecution, instead of hindering our work, has given it a new impetus. “Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee; the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain.” Psalm 76:10. GCB February 15, 1895, page 146.5


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The records of the past year show that we have held twenty-nine State and twenty-eight local campmeetings. In the same time our church membership has increased from 37,404 to 42,763. This record shows an encouraging gain over that of precious years. GCB February 15, 1895, page 146.6

Since the last General Conference, sixty-two brethren have been ordained to the gospel ministry, and ninety-one church buildings have been erected in the United States alone, or are now in process of construction. The contributions to the work, both for the home and distant fields, have also been considerably increased. But the most encouraging part of all, is that there has been, as we are led to believe a spiritual growth in most of the conferences, and for this we have reason to be grateful. GCB February 15, 1895, page 146.7


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We have reason to be grateful for the health that has been enjoyed by our laborers generally, and especially by our missionaries. But very few of them have been seriously afflicted. We deeply mourn the death of Elder A. E. Flowers, who was sent to Trinidad, where his work was suddenly cut short by that terrible malady, yellow fever. His bereaved companion has our deep sympathy. We also lament the death of Elder Knud Brorsen, who, on returning to his field of labor in Scandinavia, shortly after our last General Conference, suddenly sickened and died. It may truly be said of these brethren that they died in the Lord, and “their works do follow them.” GCB February 15, 1895, page 146.8

On the 20th of last June, Elder A. S. Hutchins passed away. He was a pioneer in our work. His faithful life and tender watchcare over the interest of present truth in the State of Vermont for so many years, caused him to be regarded almost as a father to his conference. He was esteemed as a true father in Israel among his acquaintances in all the conferences. His wife survives him. May she continually be comforted by the divine Presence. GCB February 15, 1895, page 146.9


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Our work and message being to the world, other nations, peoples, and countries have as much claim upon our attention and care as the home field. The Foreign Mission Board, realizing this, decided that the chairman of the Board ought to visit those parts of the world where our work has begun, so that we might have a proper understanding of the work and its needs in the different countries. It will not be consistent to take the time of this meeting to present a detailed account of our tour. We have already reported through the Review and Herald, and also spoken at some length of the work in those countries at the time of our Council. We therefore submit only a brief summary. GCB February 15, 1895, page 146.10

Sailing from New York, July 12, 1893, we arrived at Liverpool on the 19th. After making a short visit to Ireland and to some places in England, attending a council at Copenhagen, Denmark, and the yearly meetings in Switzerland and Germany, we sailed the 23rd of September for South Africa, where we arrived October 11. It was our first visit there, and occupied a little less than a month; but during this time the annual South African Conference was held, which gave us a good opportunity to become acquainted with many of the brethren. We found the work in many ways more advanced than we had anticipated and the general outlook seemed encouraging. The first year of their school was nearing its close, and had been successful above their highest expectation. The Lord has blessed the brethren in Africa with means with which to forward the work. It is our conviction that the work in Africa has an important future, and if the brethren prove faithful to their responsibilities the Lord will crown their labors with success. Although our stay was brief, permitting us only to visit Cape Town and the near vicinity, we thus received a much better idea of the situation there than we could otherwise have obtained. GCB February 15, 1895, page 147.1

From Africa we went by steamer to Wellington, New Zealand, stopping on the way at Hobart, Tasmania, where we met with Brethren A. G. Daniells, W. D. Salisbury, and others. Reaching Wellington, New Zealand, November 29, we found the camp-meeting in progress. Brother and Sister White were there, and also other laborers who had come from America. Our missionary ship, the “Pitcairn,” was in port with her crew. This was the second campmeeting held in New Zealand, the first being held the year before at Napier. The attendance was large and the occasion a very profitable one. A good interest was developed in the city, and it was much regretted that on account of lack of laborers, the work could not be followed up. These people are hearty, whole-souled, and earnest in the work, and our visit, though brief, was much enjoyed. It is a good field for labor, but the lack of laborers is very great. GCB February 15, 1895, page 147.2

December 12, in company with Brother and Sister White, we took passage for Sydney, Australia. The steamer passed along the east coast, making stops at Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland, which gave us an opportunity to go on land and see something of these places, at each of which we have churches. At Auckland we had meetings Friday evening and Sabbath forenoon, the boat stopping thirty six hours. Arriving at Sydney on Tuesday, we met Elder Corliss and family, they having just arrived from the United States. Our stay in New South Wales was a little over a week, in which time we met with the churches at Sydney, Parramatta, and Kelleyville, and also spent some time with the brethren in looking around for a suitable location for our school. GCB February 15, 1895, page 147.3

The workers’ meeting of the first camp-meeting held in Australia, was in progress at Melbourne when we reached that place, December 28. The campmeeting as a whole continued over four Sabbaths, and was a success in every respect. The attendance was large, and the interest excellent. The camp was well located, and contained over a hundred new tents. I believe that this camp-meeting had a more decided effect in bringing the truth and work for our time into prominence before the people of Melbourne and Southern Australia than anything else we could have done. The coming of Elders Corliss and Colcord, with their families, was providential, and their labors were much appreciated. Sister White enjoyed freedom in her labors, and spoke with great power. The effect of the meeting was marked, and the labor carried on in following up the interest raised by the camp-meeting resulted in raising up three more churches in the city of Melbourne and its suburbs. GCB February 15, 1895, page 147.4

Our stay in Australia was limited, it being necessary for us to leave February 19 in order to return to the United States in time to be present at the Council held there in early spring. GCB February 15, 1895, page 147.5

Australia has been passing through a severe experience financially, which has brought suffering to many people. This state of things has seriously affected our publishing and book work, but otherwise the laborers have been very successful. During the whole year the number of believers has been greatly increased. On the whole, Australia is one of the most favorable fields for the Message. GCB February 15, 1895, page 147.6

For two years a Bible school was carried on in rented quarters at Melbourne. The Australasian Conference is now arranging for a permanent location for a school. It will be remembered that at the last General Conference an appropriation was made for this purpose. So far, only a part of this has been called for on account of some delay in getting the work started. The labors of Brother and Sister White have been of the greatest benefit to the work in Australia. They have found a large amount of work, and many things requiring their presence and labor, which has rendered it necessary for them to remain longer than was at first anticipated. GCB February 15, 1895, page 147.7

Since the last General Conference, the Foreign Mission Board, in compliance with the urgent request of the brethren in Australia and New Zealand, have sent them three ministers with their families, one canvassing agent, and one physician, besides returning Brother and Sister Semmens and Brother Teasdale, who came to this country, and spent some time in preparing for the work. GCB February 15, 1895, page 148.1

The future prospects for the work in Australia are very encouraging. They need at present assistance in erecting church buildings at important centers. GCB February 15, 1895, page 148.2

We shall now call attention to some of the leading lines of work carried on by the denomination. Among these we mention first:— GCB February 15, 1895, page 148.3


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This has made steady progress during the last two years. A school has been started at Keene, Texas; the Mt. Vernon sanitarium has been discontinued, and the buildings converted into an academy; and on the 31st of August, 1894, our first educational institution in Europe was dedicated. This school is located at Frederickshaven, in the northern part of Denmark, and is a union school for the three Scandinavian countries. All these schools are well attended, and have excellent prospects. Neither would I fail to mention that we have a school in operation on the island of Raiatea, under the management of Elder B. J. Cady; one on the Bay Islands, in charge of Brother W. A. Miller; and the third one just starting up on the island of Raratonga. At Tahiti a small school has been in progress until lately. All the above are advance moves in the educational work which have been made since the last General Conference. In all, we have at the present time five colleges, five academies or high schools, and fifteen or more church and conference schools. These last are mostly in countries outside of the United States, eight of them being in Europe. GCB February 15, 1895, page 148.4

Of the importance of our educational work, I cannot speak too strongly. I am glad to see the increase of interest manifested, and the large attendance at all our schools, even in these adverse times. At present there is not so much call for increased facilities or more schools as there is for bringing the schools we have up to the high standard which should characterize our educational work, that they may more fully meet the object of their existence. We would strongly urge that conferences and churches do not move forward in establishing schools without due deliberation and proper consultation with those chosen to represent the denomination in this department. Premature movements in this line would be detrimental to the best interests of the work. GCB February 15, 1895, page 148.5


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The work to be accomplished in the closing period of probation is to be, if possible, more full and complete in every respect than at any previous time. Such a work includes a physical as well as a spiritual preparation, for it is our “whole spirit and soul and body” that are to be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. For this purpose God has given us the health reform. And we are glad to report an increasing interest in health principles among our people and our ministry. Our schools have also taken advanced ground on these principles. This is as it should be. We shall find that God means all that he has said on this subject, as well as in everything else. It is becoming generally appreciated that physicians, nurses, and medical workers may be just as closely connected with and just as much workers in the Message as is the gospel minister or Bible-worker, and all be under the direction of the General Conference. GCB February 15, 1895, page 148.6

During the past two years there has been a larger accession to the number of our medical workers than in all the years before. We also find an increasing demand for health institutions at important centers, especially in places where our larger schools are located. Just now a beginning is being made at Boulder, Colo., and at College View, Neb. In South Africa a sanitarium is in process of erection, and the people are calling for such institutions in many other places, but as yet we are not prepared to furnish the necessary help. GCB February 15, 1895, page 148.7

The Foreign Mission Board has established a medical mission in Guadalajara, Mexico, under the charge of Elder D. T. Jones, which is having good success. Lillis Wood, M. D., our physician there, is the second missionary doctor receiving government permission to practice in Mexico. GCB February 15, 1895, page 148.8

Doctor J. E. Caldwell accompanied the missionary ship, “Pitcairn” to Raratonga, on her last trip, and has begun work on that island. At the present time Dr. Neall is under appointment to go to Brazil, Dr. Ferciot, to British Guiana, and Dr. De Forrest, to Zambesia. Dr. Carmichael is to go to the West Coast of Africa, and Dr. Braucht will accompany the missionary ship on her next voyage to the South Sea Islands. Trained nurses have been sent to Mexico, Scandinavia, South Africa, and Australia. GCB February 15, 1895, page 148.9

The last General Conference made provision for the organization of the Medical Missionary and Benevolent Association, which has since been legally established. In the name of this association we hold the Orphans’ Home and other property connected with our health and benevolent work recently established. GCB February 15, 1895, page 148.10

The medical mission opened at Chicago is so well known to the members of this Conference that it is not necessary for me to call special attention to it. It certainly is a line of work which we as a denomination and as individuals ought to be foremost in establishing and maintaining. GCB February 15, 1895, page 149.1


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We are glad to report that our publishing work is in a prosperous condition. The financial crisis, so seriously affecting all lines of business, has diminished our book sales. But while many business houses considered wealthy and strong have “gone to the wall,” those connected with our work have held their ground and prospered. All our business enterprises have the best of credit, and their success and prosperity are a marvel to many people. GCB February 15, 1895, page 149.2

In harmony with the instruction of the last General Conference, arrangements have been made with the Pacific Press Publishing Company by which the General Conference has come in possession of the publishing work in London, England, the transfer taking effect April 1, 1893. The last General Conference also expressed itself as favoring that our denominational periodicals should be owned and managed more directly by the General Conference. So far, this has been only partially accomplished. GCB February 15, 1895, page 149.3

The General Conference book business is assuming quite large proportions. Its importance demands that a man of experience be placed in charge of it, giving his whole time and attention to that line of work. The report, which will be given in due time, makes a very favorable showing for the past year. GCB February 15, 1895, page 149.4


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In this connection we would mention the canvassing work. Adverse times have made it more difficult to sell our larger books, and consequently some have turned their attention to selling periodicals and smaller publications. We believe that much more should be done than in the past in circulating our smaller books and periodicals; they should be scattered like autumn leaves in all the languages of the world, but we cannot for a moment believe that the regular canvassing work should be abandoned. No, our duty is too apparent on this matter to justify any neglect, much less giving it up because of some adverse circumstances. This branch of the work should be pushed with renewed energy. Our brethren and sisters who are properly fitted should sell our larger publications, and numerous less experienced persons in our churches should be engaged in the circulation of our smaller literature. This question is worthy of more than a passing notice. When a work goes hard because of adverse circumstances, then is the time to show courage and perseverance. We believe that there is still much work for the book canvasser. GCB February 15, 1895, page 149.5


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WE are in need of a less expensive missionary paper. It has already been suggested to the Council that the Signs of the Times should be made to meet this requirement, being issued in such editions as would enable it to be circulated by the hundred thousand. We believe this is possible. It ought to have been carried into effect with the beginning of the present year, but in view of the shortness of time in which to perfect arrangements, and the proximity of the General Conference, it was not done. Such a move would open the way for much work to be done by our churches everywhere. The present time demands a missionary paper that can be circulated everywhere. GCB February 15, 1895, page 149.6


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OUR general literature is also worthy of more careful thought. More care and pains must be taken in producing both our books and our periodicals. Those of our brethren who write must be given the necessary time in which to bring out the truth in the clearest and most forcible manner. The responsibility of our position before God and the world cannot be overestimated. We shall be held to strict account for our work. There is danger of belittling the work of God, and lowering its character. The Message must now give no uncertain sound. As the closing work comes more prominently before the world, it will be but to the test of the closest criticism. This we must be prepared to meet intelligently with the Spirit and truth of God. GCB February 15, 1895, page 149.7


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It is a source of joy to note what advancement the work has made, but the judgment only can reveal how much greater this might have been if we had at all times proved faithful to the instruction of God. We have increased in numbers; but have we also grown proportionately in power and spirituality? There was a power, a consecration, a devotion to God, a separation from the world, and a spirit of self-denial manifested by the pioneers in this Message, that was commendable; and the same characteristics should follow this work to the end. There has been a backsliding from those principles, but the Lord will have them restored. The Laodicean warning has been given with power for this very purpose, and the Message is rising. The Lord has in a special manner been appealing to this people in the language of inspiration: “Awake, awake, put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem,” and “Shake thyself from the dust, ..... loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion.” Also, “Arise and shine, for thy light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.” But we have been slow to appreciate and heed the faithful instruction, thus standing in the way of our advancement, and hindering the Lord from doing for us that which we might have expected. GCB February 15, 1895, page 149.8

We have reached a time beset with many dangers. There is danger both in going too slow and in going too fast. In this time of the loud voice, the Message is to go with power, and the whole earth is to be lighted with its glory. This indicates energy and great activity. But we must not get ahead of the Lord. It is for us to follow his leadings, that every movement may bear the divine credentials. The high and holy character of the Message must be preserved. Nothing would better serve the cause of Satan, and be a more positive hindrance to the work of God, than wild, eccentric, and hasty moves which would belittle the work, and lower the standard in the dust. Yet that is just what some will do in their blind zeal for the truth. This is the time above all others for wise counsel, unity of action, and decided advance movements all along the line. GCB February 15, 1895, page 150.1

Oh, how Satan would rejoice to get in among this people, and disorganize the work at a time when thorough organization is essential, and will be the greatest power to keep out spurious uprisings, and to refuse claims not endorsed by the word of God. We want to hold the lines evenly, that there shall be no breaking down of the system of regulations and order. In this way license will not be given to disorderly elements to control the work at this time. We are living in a time when order, system, and unity of action are most essential. GCB February 15, 1895, page 150.2

We need to walk humbly with God at all times. The position of the General Conference must be respected. In the providence of God this body has been placed in the highest and most responsible position among our organizations. Never before was there so much need for earnest prayer, and a mind enlightened with the Spirit of God, that every move may be in harmony with his will. GCB February 15, 1895, page 150.3

The time has come for the presence of God to be more manifest in the church. His people are to come out and be separate, putting on the garments of salvation, the robe of Christ’s righteousness. There has been, and is still on the part of many, a disposition to cater to the world, in spirit, in dress, and in general appearance. God would have his people come out and be separate from the world, and it is his pleasure that everything about their person, their daily habits, and whole course of life, should show their holy character. This has been God’s design with his people from the beginning, and herein he would be glorified. GCB February 15, 1895, page 150.4


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It must never be forgotten that our field is the world, and the work is one everywhere. State and local conferences should have a deep interest for the work outside of their own boundaries, and should gladly co-operate in furnishing funds and laborers for regions beyond. This is an essential characteristic in the extension of our work. GCB February 15, 1895, page 150.5

As voted by the last General Conference, the Foreign Mission Board has sent workers to Mexico, British Guiana, Brazil, and the Argentine Republic, as well as to Jamaica, Trinidad, and to places in the West Indies. Also to the West Coast of Africa, to Matabeleland, and to India. It has been the aim of the Board to give careful study to the work in other lands, and as far as possible to respond to the urgent calls for help when the men and means were found with which to do it. We are glad it has been possible for us to fill as many calls as we have. During the year 1893, sixty-two missionaries or workers were sent abroad, and in 1894 we have sent out sixty-five. This will give you some idea of the work of the Foreign Mission Board. At the present time eighteen persons are under appointment for different places. In most instances it takes several months to work up an appointment, as there are many things to be considered. Right here we would express the thanks of the Board to the officers of the several conferences and to our brethren generally for their cheerful and hearty co-operation in this work. We have been glad, too, to discover the willingness of our workers to go wherever the providence of God may call them. GCB February 15, 1895, page 150.6


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Has received considerable attention of late. The one selected at the last General Conference to superintend this work was prevented from entering upon his duties, so Elder H. S. Shaw was appointed to the position, and has entered upon the work with quite a large corps of laborers located in different places. These workers have also been very successful, as will be shown by the report of the district superintendent. Calls have been made for schools for the benefit of colored people. And this matter should receive careful attention. The time has come when, if we would do our duty, we must lay larger plans for the work in the South. It is a very promising field. GCB February 15, 1895, page 150.7


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The work in Europe is onward. In England our laborers are meeting with good success, and the work is making progress. The outlook in Central Europe was never better, and from Northern and Southern Europe we have excellent reports. At Hamburg the work has gone forward in a very encouraging manner. Our brethren there have purchased a mission house that is very suitable for their work. They have now erected on the premises a chapel with a seating capacity of about 500. It has a lower story for school and depository purposes. GCB February 15, 1895, page 151.1

During the year just passed, Elder S. N. Haskell and Elder U. Smith attended the annual meetings in Europe. The Foreign Mission Board further advised that Brother A. R. Henry, in company with the President of the General Conference, visit and become acquainted with our institutions in Europe. This he did, and together we visited the work in London, Hamburg, Christiania, Copenhagen, and Frederickshavn, attending important meetings in each place. Brother W. C. Sisley crossed the Atlantic in company with us, going at the request of the Foreign Mission Board in response to the urgent calls from Africa and Australia to have him visit them and aid them in their building work. While stopping in Europe he visited with us some of the important centers of our work there. His assistance in arranging for the building at Hamburg was much appreciated, and he also rendered valuable assistance in connection with the finishing up of the school building at Frederickshavn. GCB February 15, 1895, page 151.2

My stay in Europe was prolonged in order to attend the Workers’ Institutes at Hamburg and at Frederickshavn, Denmark, both of which were very important meetings. While Brother Haskell was in Europe, it was decided that he go to South Africa to remain as long as the situation seemed to render it necessary, and he is there still. GCB February 15, 1895, page 151.3


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Our missionary ship has made three successful voyages, and is now in port at Oakland, Cal. By means of this ship we have been able to make a good beginning among the islands of the pacific. But this field is a large one, and it has become evident that the “Pitcairn” has not the desired carrying capacity, either for passengers or freight. Therefore it has been recommended that she be sold, and that another ship, better adapted to the needs of the work, be built. It will be in order for this body to consider the question, and take proper action thereon. GCB February 15, 1895, page 151.4

Since the last General Conference GCB February 15, 1895, page 151.5


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has been completed and taken into use. Over three years ago we began to receive orphan children, and care for them in rented buildings. So when the Haskell Home was dedicated, we had quite a family to begin with. At the present time there are forty-eight children in the Home. We have found good Christian homes for fifty orphans; and twenty more, after having received care and training at the Home, have been returned to friends or relatives who are able to provide for them. GCB February 15, 1895, page 151.6

The James White Home has not been erected yet, but a number of aged and infirm people are being provided for, and when the way opens to move forward with the building, there will be quite a family to occupy it. Personally I am much gratified over the beginning made in this line of work. The report of the Medical Missionary and Benevolent Association, which will be read in due time, will doubtless give much interesting information. GCB February 15, 1895, page 151.7


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At the last session of this body, the holding of district conferences was considered and recommended. Such conferences have been held in all the districts except Europe. This subject should be further considered, and the question of the authority of these conferences and the business to be transacted in them, further defined, especially for the benefit of those more remote from the center of the work. GCB February 15, 1895, page 151.8

Many responsibilities are placed on these district superintendents, and their position and work should meet with proper recognition. It seems to us that arrangements could be made for the presidents of the local conferences to form a committee with the superintendent of the district as chairman. This committee could be called together for counsel and action by the superintendent, whenever there were important questions involving the interests of the work in the district. On such occasions many questions could be considered which would otherwise have to go before the general body. To avoid confusion, it would be well for the President of the General Conference to attend these meetings as far as possible. In cases where this is not consistent, the decisions of these district committees ought to be presented to him for consideration. In this way a larger number would engage in consultation, the unity of the work would be preserved, and every interest of the cause properly guarded. GCB February 15, 1895, page 151.9


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More of our young men should be called to bear responsibility in connection with older brethren. It is decidedly wrong that a few men should be on nearly all the important committees and boards. In this way we are doing injustice to our old and experienced brethren, to the younger brethren, and also to the work itself. Sooner or later the older brethren will wear out, and the work must be taken by persons who ought now to be in training for it. But if they are not given an opportunity to gain an experience, they will not be prepared for the work. We suggest that this matter be borne in mind by all the committees in planning for the work, especially by those on nominations. GCB February 15, 1895, page 152.1

We would further suggest the impropriety of placing the President of the General Conference on so many of the local boards and committees. We do not understand that the duties of the President are confined to the committees of which he may be a member. By virtue of his position he is the property and servant of the whole body. In connection with the Executive Committee, he is to oversee the work throughout the world, and is under equal obligations to every part of it. Every committee has the same privilege to call on him, and he in turn has the privilege to call on him, and he in turn has the privilege to meet with any committee, or inquire into any work where he may think it his duty to do so. Often the fact of the President’s being on many local boards and committees hinders his taking a proper oversight of the general work. In proportion as he is localized, the work as a whole is robbed of his services. GCB February 15, 1895, page 152.2


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received some consideration at our last General Conference, but it deserves further careful thought and attention. In proportion as the Message advances, there is increased demand for higher qualifications in the ministry. The fact is that our individual experience and growth have not kept pace with the providence of God, and so to-day we find it far in advance of us. The standard of our ministry should be raised in every conference. More pains must be taken by the local conferences to have their ministers attend the General Conference Bible schools. The plan of work in our colleges and academies should be carefully arranged to meet the needs of the time. GCB February 15, 1895, page 152.3


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We suggest that much thought and study be given to the general policy and spirit of the work. We are in danger in our General Conference deliberations of giving too much attention to details, and not enough to important underlying principles. If more prayerful thought were given to understand the mind of God and the great principles governing the work, we might be spared many sad mistakes. Superficial ideas of the work of God and personal opinions and prejudices many times stand in our way. When a truth or principle is advanced, let there be study and prayer to understand the mind of God in the matter. It is the part of folly to hastily oppose. It is also wrong to criticize and condemn a brother for not grasping an idea at once. If the matter were treated with greater forbearance and consideration, as it should be by men of God, Satan would not so often have the opportunity to exult over our wrong course. Unity must characterize the work of God for this time, yet nothing of the one-man mold can be allowed. The divine mold is that which the work is to bear. GCB February 15, 1895, page 152.4

During the sitting of the Conference, attention must be given to the needs of the home field. In a number of cases changes should be made in the laborers, inasmuch as the unity and oneness of the work are often best preserved by a frequent change of gifts. GCB February 15, 1895, page 152.5

The demand for laborers in distant fields should receive thoughtful attention. We invite the Conference to carefully investigate the work of the Foreign Mission Board, and learn its workings, that you may counsel with reference to the future. At the present time the Foreign Mission Board consists of seventeen members — the General Conference Committee of eleven, and six other members. It will probably not be best for the General Conference assembled to take final action in the matter of definitely recommending many individuals to go abroad before the parties themselves can be seen and consulted. GCB February 15, 1895, page 152.6


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At the last General Conference appropriations were made for mission buildings in London and Hamburg. As already stated, the work has gone forward in Hamburg, and suitable quarters have been secured. Circumstances did not permit the fulfillment of the recommendation for London, but there is now some prospect of our being able to secure a piece of property that will be suitable for our work. GCB February 15, 1895, page 152.7

Appropriations were made for the work to be started on the West Coast of Africa and in the interior. Also for India, China, Japan, Constantinople, Jerusalem, South America, and Mexico. We have already mentioned the progress made in some of these places. The work has opened favorably in the interior of Africa in the region known as Zambesia, embracing matabeleland and Mashonaland. Already two men have gone there from this country, and it is expected that another company will start soon after the close of this Conference. GCB February 15, 1895, page 153.1

In China, Brethren La Rue and Olsen continue to canvass and work in various ways. A number of people are in preparation for the work in that field and in Japan. In Constantinople and other parts of Turkey, the work has made a good start. Brother Baharian has been ordained to the ministry, and is laboring successfully, though under many difficulties. Elder U. Smith on his missionary tour visited Jerusalem, but we have not as yet begun a definite work in that city. GCB February 15, 1895, page 153.2

In South America the work has made a good beginning. Three churches have been organized in the Argentine Republic, and the openings are many and favorable. A book depot has been opened at Buenos Ayres, and another at Rio de Janeiro. GCB February 15, 1895, page 153.3

Appropriations were also made for mission work in our large cities. But in this work much progress cannot be reported. The General Conference has given some assistance toward the erecting of a church in Chicago, in view of the turning over of the property on College Place to the Medical Missionary Association. The church at Washington has been assisted in purchasing a house of worship. GCB February 15, 1895, page 153.4


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In the first place, all work that has been undertaken must be carried forward. This will require at least $60,000. The work on the West Coast of Africa and also in Zambesia will require for the next two years quite a large appropriation. While the work in both of these fields is to be made self-supporting, it will take considerable to get started. South America is a very promising field, and the work there should be pushed with vigor. More laborers are needed, and more books should be translated into the Spanish and Portuguese languages. In Chili the work has just been begun. GCB February 15, 1895, page 153.5

Before another Conference convenes, the work should be permanently established in India, China, and Japan. Therefore provision ought to be made for these fields. GCB February 15, 1895, page 153.6

In several large and important cities in this and other countries, church buildings are a necessity, but our people in these cities have not the means with which to build them unaided. There is a call from our brethren in New Zealand for assistance in erecting a church building in Wellington. Australia has already had some help in this line, and needs more. A call comes from Denmark for aid in building a church at Copenhagen. We advise that these cases receive consideration. GCB February 15, 1895, page 153.7


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In a general way the financial condition of the General Conference is encouraging. You will see by the report rendered by the treasurer that we are carrying a heavy indebtedness. Much the larger part of this is money deposited with us at a moderate rate of interest. We must again remind our brethren that there is a limit to the amount of money that we can carry in this way. We should not carry as much as we do, only to accommodate many of our people. It is known that the institutions connected with the cause of God are the safest places of investment in these precarious times, and it is an easy matter to get all the borrowed money we can use. But the work cannot be carried on with borrowed money. We must look to gifts to the cause for funds with which to support the work. While the business of the world is suffering, and contraction is seen everywhere, the work of the Lord must be rapidly extended. We cannot at this time to any degree slacken our efforts. GCB February 15, 1895, page 153.8

The present General Conference, while studying every move and planning for the most careful expenditures of means, should not forget that this is the work which God is accomplishing in the closing time of probation. While exercising prudence and care in all outlays of means, calculations are not to be made from the standpoint of the world. Courage and confidence in God should characterize our every action. This is his work, and it cannot fail. The plan of salvation is founded on self-sacrifice, and the spirit of sacrifice must characterize all our work. GCB February 15, 1895, page 153.9

We are looking for and expecting the outpouring of the Spirit of God. If we follow out the instruction of Malachi 3:10, we shall realize this abundant blessing, and there will be no lack of funds in the Lord’s treasury. While the work has made rapid progress in the past two years, the near future will witness much more rapid advancement and much larger extension, and this will call for the sending forth of many more laborers to the regions beyond, and a corresponding outlay of means. GCB February 15, 1895, page 153.10


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The time allotted for this meeting will be short, in comparison with the work that is to be done. But this has in some measure been made up by the Council which has been in session during the past two weeks. Some important questions that will call for action have already been presented to many of our brethren; and having had opportunity for consideration, you will be the better prepared to act without much delay. GCB February 15, 1895, page 154.1

In the appointment of committees, we shall follow much the same plan as at the last session of the General Conference. The Committee on Resolutions will be representative as far as possible, and we shall invite like committees of the other organizations to prepare their resolutions, and submit such of them as are of general interest and importance to the General Conference Committee on Resolutions for consideration and presentation to the General Conference. This will be a great saving of time, and will, we believe, give satisfaction to all. We think it well, under ordinary circumstances, that measures submitted in the form of resolutions, or important reports of committees, be left for action until the day following their submission, a vote to suspend the rule in any special case being sufficient to bring a measure before the Conference at once for discussion and action. GCB February 15, 1895, page 154.2

In behalf of the General Conference Committee and also of the Foreign Mission Board, I thank the brethren for the confidence and assistance given us in our work. We also thank our people throughout the field for their ready response to our calls for laborers to send to the different places, and for their willingness to contribute freely of their means toward the support of the work. GCB February 15, 1895, page 154.3

We now transfer our responsibility to the General Conference assembled. May this season be rich in the blessings of God, and may the work done bear his divine impress. Soon our last General Conference will have been held, and the next grand meeting will be the gathering of the saints in the Jerusalem above. GCB February 15, 1895, page 154.4