General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1





No Authorcode

Brief Review of our Work, and Present Outlook703
Proceedings General Conference Association705
Proceedings General Conference Committee711
Proceedings Foreign Mission Board712
“General Conference Bulletin”714

No Authorcode

General Conference715
General Conference Association716
Foreign Mission Board716
Echo Publishing Co716
Russian Mission717
South African Conference717
German Mission717
Summary of Statistics of Conferences and Missions718
Summary of Contributions for Missions719
Report of Hamburg S. D. A. Society720
Imprimerie Polyglotte720
Scandinavian Publishing Association720
British Mission721
International Tract Society721

No Authorcode

General Organizations722
General Conference Districts722a
Local Organizations722a
Map of United States, Showing Gen. Conf. Districts,722j
Mission Fields723
Educational Institutions725
Publishing Houses727
Health Institutions728
Benevolent Institutions729
Workers’ Directory730
List of General Denominational Periodicals739


General Conference740
General Conference Association741
State Conference743
State Tract Society744
International Sabbath-school Association745
State Sabbath-school Association745
International Religious Liberty Association746
Rates of Postage747

THE thirty-second session of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists will be held at Lincoln, Nebr., Feb. 19 to March 8, 1897. It will be preceded by a Bible institute, beginning February 9. GCB July 1, 1896, page 750.1

THE present number of the BULLETIN has been considerably delayed in order that our official directories might appear as full and complete as possible. We think that the patrons of the BULLETIN will not have occasion to complain, however, in consequence of the delay, if the directories shall prove reliable and complete, and especially since the delay has made possible the publication, in this issue, of full reports of the late council. This paper also contains the annual statistical reports of the various organizations of the denomination, and much other valuable matter. GCB July 1, 1896, page 750.2

SUBSCRIBE at once for the GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN for 1897-98; price, fifty cents. Extra copies of this issue have been printed, with the view of sending them to our members who have not been taking the paper, and assisting our friends in soliciting subscriptions for it. These will be furnished free on application. Address subscriptions, and make application for sample copies, to the International Tract Society, Battle Creek, Mich., or to any of the State tract societies. GCB July 1, 1896, page 750.3