General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




ONE of our State agents has just sent us the following very interesting report of some work being done in his State:— GCB July 1, 1896, page 749.3

“I will tell you a little of the nature of my work on the circulation of the Signs. I go to a church, talk up the work, get as many as I can to take hold of it, even if they cannot put in more than two hours a day (but when they get at it, they will do much more than that), get them together, and give them instruction as to how to take orders for the paper. Then they go out a few hours and canvass, and I go out myself and canvass also, and they soon see that the Signs can be sold. Then I get the church together again, and let them see what has been done right in their own neighborhood, by hearing the experience of those who have been out in the work. After they see what has been done, and how anxious people are to get our literature, then I see how many each one will become responsible to sell, — not give away. GCB July 1, 1896, page 749.4

“After ascertaining how many each will sell, the librarian orders the club. And while the first number is coming, they secure the orders, and go personally and deliver the papers each week, thus coming in personal contact with those who take the paper. GCB July 1, 1896, page 749.5

“The last church I visited was composed of four families living in the country; they took thirty-five copies. One church that I visited was in a town of about eight thousand; they are taking one hundred and forty copies of the Signs. At another place a lady took a club of twenty-five copies, and will devote much of her time to this line of missionary work. Our lady canvassers who are working in cities are handling about twenty-five copies each, besides selling books. We expect that all our canvassers working in our cities will handle about twenty-five Signs each. GCB July 1, 1896, page 749.6

“Other churches in larger cities are taking larger clubs. Our people are taking hold of the work well, and God is blessing their efforts. During the past few weeks the number of Signs coming to this State has been increased over one thousand copies.” GCB July 1, 1896, page 749.7

There is sufficient in the foregoing for reflection for many a State agent, Conference president, or other worker. Let us not only reflect upon this work, but actively engage in it. A. O. TAIT. GCB July 1, 1896, page 749.8