General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1





No Authorcode

July 1 to Sept. 30,1895$ 137 13
Oct. 1 to Dec. 31, 18951,915 35
Jan. 1 1896 to March 31, 1896498 66
Apr. 1 to June 30, 1896210 90
$ 2,762 04


Annual membership fees 1894$ 22 00
  ”        ”       ”   189583 00
Life       ”      ”   189410 00
  ”        ”       ”    1895150 00
Donations 1894-955,703 68
   ”      Oct. 1 to Dec. 31, 18945,287 55
   ”       ”           ”     18951,915 35

It is well to consider the fact that it is from these two sources, donations and membership fees, that the funds at the disposal of the International Tract Society are obtained. It is wholly dependent upon these for resources with which to prosecute its work of circulating publications, which we have been told should be “scattered like the autumn leaves.” Every one who reads these figures can estimate over how large a part of the earth’s surface this amount will permit our literature to be thus sown. GCB July 1, 1896, page 721.1

The contributions for the fourth quarter of 1895 are much larger than for the other quarters, as this is the quarter in which the fourth-Sabbath collection for one month, October, is given to the International Tract Society. GCB July 1, 1896, page 721.2

Formerly the society had quite a goodly representation of life members, but many of these, after lives of faithfulness in the cause they loved, have fallen asleep. Others have grown old in the work, so that at the present time our International Tract Society membership is not representative of our active working force, most of our young people never having had their attention especially called to the importance of becoming members, and actively engaging in this branch of our general work. GCB July 1, 1896, page 721.3

These statements are presented, thinking that many of our friends may like to advance the work of the society by becoming life or annual members, or by sending in a donation. Such action on their part will be effectual in doing much good. All who join before the next session of the General Conference will be entitled to vote at the meetings of the International Tract Society held at that time, if they are present. JENNIE THAYER. GCB July 1, 1896, page 721.4