General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




IN sending forth this number of the GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN, it might be expected that we would give both a retrospective and a prospective review of the work. But, in view of the fact that we have already sent out the number of the BULLETIN containing the articles for the special season of prayer, wherein our work, both in home and in foreign fields, was so fully presented from nearly every standpoint, it is not necessary to make a general and extended repetition here. GCB July 1, 1896, page 703.1

The year now closing has been, in many respects, a very eventful one. In the early part of the season the country was almost horror-stricken by the terrible storms that occurred on sea and land, so destructive of life and property. The like was probably never seen before. The recent political campaign caused the most remarkable agitation and excitement to sweep over this country that was probably ever witnessed in times of peace. And with all this, the general financial distress, affecting all business interests in the country, has given rise to general scarcity of funds. These conditions have affected our work more or less throughout the field; but we have the greatest reason for thankfulness that the work has made steady progress, notwithstanding the unfavorable conditions that have existed. GCB July 1, 1896, page 703.2

While many leading business firms have become involved, and on account of the financial pressure have had to suspend, all the institutions connected with our religious work have been preserved, and have prospered in the midst of the business uncertainty that has existed. At different times the outlook has been perplexing, but in every time of need, help has come, and the work has gone steadily forward. The hand of the Lord has been unmistakably seen in all this, and this has been an occasion of the greatest gratitude on the part of those in positions of responsibility in connection with the work. GCB July 1, 1896, page 703.3