General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1



In the meetings of the Australian Conference, a division was effected, and the churches in New South Wales were organized into a separate conference. Therefore, the representatives of the new conference requested recognition by the Union Conference as follows:— GCB January 1, 1896, page 655.15

“DEAR BRETHREN: A Conference having been organized for the colony of New South Wales, we respectfully request that it be received into the Union Conference, to be under its care, and to be represented in its councils.” GCB January 1, 1896, page 655.16

Pastor Daniells made a brief and interesting statement regarding the growth of the work in New South Wales. There are six churches, with a membership of three hundred and twenty-one. Of this number, one hundred and fifty-six were added during the past year. The amount of tithes paid during the year, was L430 14s 3rd, which was an increase of L124 14s 11d, over the previous year. The hope was expressed that the tithe would increase to L500, for 1896, and that this, with economy, could be made to support two ministers and two Bible-workers. The request for admission was granted by a unanimous vote. GCB January 1, 1896, page 655.17