General Conference Bulletin, vol. 1




That S. M. Jacobs, of Iowa, be invited to take the superintendency of the Oakwood Industrial School now being established near Huntsville, Ala. GCB January 1, 1896, page 647.11

That Elder F. D. Starr and M. C. Guild, of Michigan, make the Tennessee River Conference their field of labor. GCB January 1, 1896, page 647.12

That M. S. Babcock, of Alabama, change field of labor with J. R. Buster, of the Ohio Conference. GCB January 1, 1896, page 648.1

That Elder G. G. Rupert make Northwestern Oklahoma and the Panhandle of Texas his field of labor. GCB January 1, 1896, page 648.2

That Elder Ole Nelson, of Sweden, who is about to return to America, be requested to make Utah his field of labor, engaging in the Scandinavian work. GCB January 1, 1896, page 648.3

That Elder W. A. Hennig, of Nebraska, make Manitoba his field of labor. GCB January 1, 1896, page 648.4

That Miss M. M. Osborn make Atlanta, Ga., her field of labor, engaging in work for the colored people. GCB January 1, 1896, page 648.5

That G. W. Wells connect with Elder W. T. Drummond in labor at Montgomery, Ala. GCB January 1, 1896, page 648.6

The removal of Elder F. M. Wilcox to Colorado being made necessary on account of his wife’s health, it was recommended that his resignation as secretary of the Foreign Mission Board be accepted, and that he be recommended to connect with the sanitarium and church work at Boulder, his resignation on the Board of Foreign Missions to take place upon the appointment of his successor. GCB January 1, 1896, page 648.7

That M. E. Olsen act as secretary of the Book Committee, in place of Elder F. D. Starr, recommended to labor in the Tennessee River Conference. GCB January 1, 1896, page 648.8

That L. Dyo Chambers, of Chattanooga, Tenn., be appointed tithe sub-treasurer of the Southern Mission Field. GCB January 1, 1896, page 648.9

That the General Conference furnish one or two Christian Help workers for New York City. GCB January 1, 1896, page 648.10

That the Wyoming Mission field embrace the northern part of Wyoming and the southeastern part of Montana, and that the Wyoming Mission field be considered a part of District 4, and that Elder O. S. Ferren and H. F. Kettring continue their labor in that field. GCB January 1, 1896, page 648.11

That the Medical Missionary Board be asked to furnish health and temperance workers for the camp-meetings of 1896, on the plan followed last year. GCB January 1, 1896, page 648.12