General Conference Bulletin, vol. 2




(March 16-July 11, 1897.)



THE following actions were taken with reference to distribution of labor:— GCB July 1, 1897, page 95.7

That Elder D. U. Hale be granted permission to return to America. GCB July 1, 1897, page 95.8

That Wilbur M. Phelps and wife make Trinidad their field of labor at their earliest convenience. GCB July 1, 1897, page 95.9

That Elder J. E. Jayne act as Secretary of the Foreign Mission Board. GCB July 1, 1897, page 95.10

That Professor and Mrs. W. E. Howell be sent to Hawaii to teach in the Chinese school, and that we instruct them to sail as early in the month of April as possible. GCB July 1, 1897, page 95.11

That E. W. Snyder and his wife be recommended to engage in Bible work in Buenos Ayres, selling books in connection with the same, as far as consistent, reporting their receipts to the Board. GCB July 1, 1897, page 95.12

That Captain J. E. Graham continue to act as superintendent of the Polynesian field, and that he proceed to Honolulu as soon as possible, to look after the proposed school enterprise in that place. GCB July 1, 1897, page 95.13

That the Board express its willingness for Elder A. T. Robinson to answer a call from Australia, providing that, in the judgment of the South African brethren, including Elder O. A. Olsen, it would be best for him to leave the work in South Africa. GCB July 1, 1897, page 95.14

That the Secretary be instructed to correspond with Professor and Mrs. J. L. Shaw, with a view to encouraging them to go to South Africa, and that, if the way is clear for them to do so, they be encouraged to go. GCB July 1, 1897, page 95.15

That the Mission Board concur in the recommendation of the General Conference Committee in asking Elder O. A. Olsen to go to South Africa as soon as he can arrange his affairs to do so, it being understood that on his way he spend a little time in Scandinavia as required. GCB July 1, 1897, page 95.16



The following actions were taken with reference to the work in Mexico:— GCB July 1, 1897, page 95.17

That arrangements be made for two colporteurs to go to Mexico to work under the direction of Elder D. T. Jones. GCB July 1, 1897, page 95.18

That the Board concur in the recommendation of Elder Jones, that Miss Carrie Sadler go to Mexico, to engage in the work of teaching. GCB July 1, 1897, page 95.19

That the work in Guadalajara be considered a training place for the education of workers for the Spanish field, and that Elder D. T. Jones be requested to organize a mission training school for this purpose, to be under the management of the union board. GCB July 1, 1897, page 95.20



The following committees were appointed;— GCB July 1, 1897, page 95.21

That C. H. Jones, A. J. Breed, and J. E. Graham be selected as a committee on Polynesia. GCB July 1, 1897, page 95.22

That A. J. Breed, C. H. Jones, and F. M. Wilcox be a committee to formulate instructions for the guidance of Capt. J. E. Graham. GCB July 1, 1897, page 95.23

That Allen Moon, J. E. Jayne, and W. H. Edwards constitute a standing committee on Constitution, By-laws, and incorporation. GCB July 1, 1897, page 95.24

The following appointments were made: Committee on Finance, W. H. Edwards and J. E. Jayne; Committee on Polynesia, G. A. Irwin and R. A. Underwood; Committee on West Indies, Central and South America. T. A. Kilgore and W. H. Edwards. GCB July 1, 1897, page 95.25

That an executive committee of five be appointed, consisting of the President, Secretary. and Treasurer, and any two other available members: and that, if it is convenient for only three of the above committee to meet, that they transact any ordinary business, provided there is unanimous agreement upon the questions considered. GCB July 1, 1897, page 95.26



The following actions were unanimously adopted:— GCB July 1, 1897, page 96.1

That the sum of $7000 be appropriated for the work in Australasia for the next year. GCB July 1, 1897, page 96.2

That the office of Foreign Mission Board be located in the city of Philadelphia, Pa. GCB July 1, 1897, page 96.3

That the executive committee investigate the advisability of sending a portable tabernacle to Chile. GCB July 1, 1897, page 96.4

That the executive committee be authorized to issue a code of instructions to its missionaries. GCB July 1, 1897, page 96.5

That the appropriations to the Australasian and European Union Conferences be the same as for last year. GCB July 1, 1897, page 96.6

That we confirm the previous action of the Board, appropriating $400 for the building of a boat in Fiji. GCB July 1, 1897, page 96.7

That the Treasurer be authorized to make the necessary purchase for Matabeleland,—carriage, plows, tools, etc. GCB July 1, 1897, page 96.8

That W. W. Prescott be requested to nominate a teacher for Bonacca, who can teach both ethical and musical branches. GCB July 1, 1897, page 96.9

That the missions of India, Argentina, Chile, Gold Coast, and Matabeleland be supplied by the Treasurer as soon as possible. GCB July 1, 1897, page 96.10

That the ordination of P. Giddings be referred to those in charge of the general meeting to be held in Jamaica in the fall of 1897. GCB July 1, 1897, page 96.11

That the Board require certificate of examination from some accredited physician, from each applicant for appointment to a foreign field. GCB July 1, 1897, page 96.12

That the matter of opening up the six-thousand-acre farm in Matabeleland be left to the judgment of Elders Tripp and Armitage, on the latter’s arrival in that country. GCB July 1, 1897, page 96.13

That the Board encourage Dr. M. G. Kellogg to prepare for work in Samoa, by asking that he and Mrs. Kellogg study the Samoan language, and in other ways gain a fitness for working in that field. GCB July 1, 1897, page 96.14

That a general meeting be held in Jamaica immediately following the next council of the General Conference Committee, providing the brethren in charge of that field make the necessary arrangements. GCB July 1, 1897, page 96.15

That the city mission work in the various phases hitherto developed, be opened in connection with the headquarters of the Mission Board, to serve as a training-school for missionaries; and that as far as possible, all missionaries spend some time at this mission before going to their fields of labor. GCB July 1, 1897, page 96.16

That Allen Moon be authorized to effect an arrangement with the General Conference Association, whereby the Foreign Mission Board will purchase all books for foreign fields direct from the publishing houses. GCB July 1, 1897, page 96.17

The Board found it necessary to accept the unconditional resignation of Elder F. M. Wilcox as Secretary, and as a member of the Foreign Mission Board. The following resolution was unanimously adopted:— GCB July 1, 1897, page 96.18

Resolved, That we deeply regret the failing health of our brother and Secretary, F. M. Wilcox, and that he finds it necessary to discontinue his connection with the Foreign Mission Board; that we hereby express our heart-felt sympathy with him, and our high appreciation of his earnest and efficient labors for the advancement of foreign missions, and sincerely hope and pray that, through the blessing of God, he may rapidly regain his health. GCB July 1, 1897, page 96.19

The following resolutions were unanimously adopted:— GCB July 1, 1897, page 96.20

Whereas, The rapid advancement of the message makes it necessary to establish and maintain institutions in other lands; and,— GCB July 1, 1897, page 96.21

Whereas, The Testimonies have spoken against investing means in institutions, which should have been used for the purpose of supporting laborers in the field, and experience has also demonstrated the impropriety of such a course; and,— GCB July 1, 1897, page 96.22

Whereas, At the present time the demand for means to sustain laborers in the field, and to maintain existing institutions, consumes the income of the Mission Board; therefore,— GCB July 1, 1897, page 96.23

1. Resolved, That we hereby express our hearty appreciation of the cooperation which the Foreign Mission Board has ever received from our people, as manifested in words of sympathy and approval, and in liberal donations for the work in foreign lands. GCB July 1, 1897, page 96.24

2. That we earnestly invite the careful study of these fields and their needs, to the end that a lively interest may be awakened, and our consciences quickened to a greater sense of our obligation to carry the gospel to those who sit in darkness. GCB July 1, 1897, page 96.25

3. That information necessary for such study be provided immediately. GCB July 1, 1897, page 97.1

4. That we maintain the policy of providing institutions only when and where a sufficient constituency is secured to properly support them. GCB July 1, 1897, page 97.2

5. That further purchase of property or erection of institutions be deferred until sufficient means are secured for that purpose, to warrant the same. GCB July 1, 1897, page 97.3