General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3




Inasmuch as the South African Conference is conducting work in adjacent mission fields, it was voted to refund the tithes recently received from that conference. GCB April 1, 1900, page 123.11

That, providing the brethren of the Cumberland mission field see their way clear, that field be organized into a conference about January, 1901. GCB April 1, 1900, page 123.12

That the following-named counties of Idaho be added to the Utah mission field: Owyhee, Cassia, Oneida, Bear Lake, Bannock, Bingham, Logan, Elmore, Ada, Canyon, Alturras, Boise, and Fremont. GCB April 1, 1900, page 123.13

TRANSFER OF “AMERICAN SENTINEL.” GCB April 1, 1900, page 123.14

In harmony with the action of the General Conference, the final negotiation for the transfer of the American Sentinel from the Pacific Press Publishing Company to the International Religious Liberty Association was effected. GCB April 1, 1900, page 123.15

It was further recommended that, in view of the large expense incident to the removal of the Sentinel from New York to Chicago, the General Conference pay the salary of the two editors of the Sentinel for one year. GCB April 1, 1900, page 123.16

That Leon A. Smith and Elder C. P. Bollman act as editors of the American Sentinel. GCB April 1, 1900, page 123.17