General Conference Bulletin, vol. 3



Reading for Thursday, December 28.

“Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.” 1 Corinthians 10:12. GCB October 1, 1899, page 90.3

The history of the children of Israel is frequently referred to, to make vivid some lesson that God would have his people know in the last days. The specific sins mentioned in the tenth chapter of first Corinthians are the ones that will be peculiar to the last generation. “Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples; and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.” That people had witnessed the giving of the law from Sinai’s summit, they drank water from the Rock, and that Rock was Christ. He was their invisible leader. Please study the 105th and 106th Psalms. There are lessons in them for this time. It was Satan that stirred up the people to rebel against God. A similar warfare will be carried on against the remnant of the church. “The dragon was worth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” In this we see an external and an internal warfare waged by the dragon. It will reach its climax in the last generation. “A great crisis awaits the people of God. A crisis awaits the world. The most momentous struggle of all the ages is just before us.—“Testimony for the Church,” No. 33, p.239. “We are standing upon the threshold of great and solemn events. The whole earth is to be lightened with the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the channels of the great deep. Prophecies are being fulfilled, and stormy times are before us. Old controversies which have apparently been hushed for a long time will be revived, and new controversies will spring up; new and old will commingle, and this will take place right early. The angels are holding the four winds, that they shall not blow, until the specified work of warning is given to the world; but the storm is gathering, the clouds are loading, ready to burst upon the world; and to many it will be as a thief in the night.”—Special Testimony. GCB October 1, 1899, page 90.4

“My brethren, do you realize that your own salvation, as well as the destiny of other souls, depends upon the preparation you now make for the trial before us? Have you that intensity of zeal, that piety and devotion, which will enable you to stand when opposition shall be brought against you?” “The time will come when you will be brought before councils, and every position of truth which you hold will be severely criticized. The time that so many are now allowing to go to waste should be devoted to the charge that God has given us, of preparing for the approaching crisis.”—Testimony No. 33, p. 245. GCB October 1, 1899, page 90.5

A brief review of the past thirty years will reveal how accurately the prophecies relating to religious legislation have been fulfilled. The Sunday-law cause has made its way to the front, so that there is scarcely a statute book in any nation or state but that has a rigid Sunday-law, or favorable mention made of the same. For fifteen years there have been, at different times, imprisonments for Sunday labor. With very few exceptions these have been of those who conscientiously observed the Sabbath of the fourth commandment. In the aggregate over twelve hundred days have been spent in jail. Thus we are approaching the great crisis. GCB October 1, 1899, page 90.6

For more than thirty-five years this people have said that Sunday would be urged upon the world, and that a law would be made to compel the observance of the same. It is being fulfilled. “Protestantism is now reaching hands across the gulf to clasp hands with papacy, and a confederacy is being formed to trample out of sight the Sabbath of the fourth commandment.... A crisis is to be revealed in the great and prolonged controversy in the government of God on earth. Something great and decisive is to take place, and that right early.”—Special Testimony. GCB October 1, 1899, page 90.7

Just eleven days after these words were penned in Australia, a decision came from the GCB October 1, 1899, page 90.8

Supreme Court of the United States, declaring this to be a Christian nation. In this is found the foundation for the repudiation of every principle of Protestantism and republicanism as established by our forefathers in the founding of the government. And true to the logic of the question, when Congress passed her Sunday-law regarding Sunday-closing of the World’s Fair, there was no dissonance between the Constitution and the Sunday-law. Both were Christian according to the Judges’ dictum. GCB October 1, 1899, page 91.1

At the General Conference in 1893 the following words appeared in the BULLETIN: “God’s memorial has been torn down, and in its place a false sabbath stands before the world.” “Now, just now, is our time to work in foreign countries. As America, the land of religious liberty, shall unite with the papacy in forcing the consciences of men to honor the false sabbath, the people of every country on the globe will be led to follow her example.” GCB October 1, 1899, page 91.2

More than six years have passed since these words were published, and, true to their prediction, the influence of the Sunday-sabbath, or Lord’s-day, movement in this country has had its influence in other countries. GCB October 1, 1899, page 91.3

There has been a little time of comparative peace and quiet, so far as religious persecutions are concerned, and the storm cloud has rather settled over the nations. War and rumors of war are heard on every side, so much so that in some sections missionary operations have been hedged up. For all this, we must not take our eyes off from the work for this time. The third angel’s message must be given. The world must be warned against the worship of the beast and his image, and the reception of his mark. We must not forget that the Sunday-law advocates were never more thoroughly entrenched than at present. Their plans were never better laid than now. Never have they had a corps of workers enlisted who have such a hold on the public mind, as at present. Never were they better prepared for a systematic canvass of the entire field than now. “While men are sleeping, Satan is actively arranging matters so that the Lord’s people may not have mercy or justice. The Sunday movement is now making its way in darkness. The leaders are concealing the true issue, and many who unite in the movement do not themselves see whither the undercurrent is tending.”—Testimony No. 32, p. 208. A sad thing in all this is that many with whom we are associating day by day are engaged in the movement. GCB October 1, 1899, page 91.4

We must not console ourselves by saying that prophecy will be fulfilled whether we know it or not. The truth is, so many are not ready for the issue. “The clouds are loading, ready to burst upon the world,” and how many there are who are unprepared and unwarned of the impending destruction. GCB October 1, 1899, page 91.5

“The work which the church has failed to do in a time of peace and prosperity, she will have to do in a terrible crisis, under most discouraging, forbidding circumstances.” “This day is just before us. The members of the church will individually be tested and proved. They will be placed in circumstances where they will be forced to bear witness for the truth. Many will be called to speak before councils and in courts of justice, perhaps separately and alone. The experience which would have helped them in this emergency they have neglected to obtain, and their souls are burdened with remorse for wasted opportunities and neglected privileges.”—Testimony No. 32, p. 219. Now is the time to “be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.” 1 Peter 3:15. GCB October 1, 1899, page 91.6

“Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.” The external warfare is small in comparison with the subtle devisings of Satan in our deceitful hearts. For six thousand years the enemy of our souls has been laying his snares to entrap the unwary. He works on our weak traits of character, and would pervert every right impulse. GCB October 1, 1899, page 91.7

In a certain sense the history of the children of Israel will be repeated. Their lusting and idolatry are mentioned as ensamples for those living in the last days. The besetting sins that confronted that people, and prohibited their entrance into the promised land, will be the ones that will be the test to those who are looking for the second coming of Christ. They were going to the promised Canaan; we to a heavenly Canaan. They expected to pass over to that good land without seeing death; so likewise the children of God in this generation are looking forward to the appearing of Christ in the clouds of heaven, when the living righteous will be translated to heaven without seeing death. “With many of them God was not well pleased,” because of their idolatry, their fornication, their unbelief, and their criticizing, murmuring spirit. Only two of that vast company who were above twenty years of age were permitted to cross over the Jordan. GCB October 1, 1899, page 91.8

God’s covenant with them was a sufficient guarantee, and supplied all the help needful, to make them a peculiar people, and fitted in every respect to enter into that rest which was prepared for the people of God. But when they left God out of their lives, they found it impossible to enter. They entered not in because of unbelief. Will anything less be required of the people who are to be translated, than of the children of Israel in the wilderness? GCB October 1, 1899, page 92.1

If it was necessary that the descendants of Jacob be perfect, and to walk circumspectly before God, in order to enter the promised land, how much more necessary that the people who are to be translated to heaven, to dwell in the immediate presence of God, should get the victory over every besetting sin, over every wrong word and action. “We must reflect the image of Jesus fully.” It is not enough that we get an occasional victory over our besetments. We must maintain that victory all the time. “The soul is to take the impression of the Spirit of God and retain the moral image of Christ.” GCB October 1, 1899, page 92.2

We are living in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when the mystery of God is to be finished. The gospel with all its heaven-born energy and vitalizing power is to be applied by the overcomer in the conflict with sin. The mystery of godliness and the mystery of iniquity are to stand in sharp contrast, and be manifested in humanity. Each one in this assembly is to stand as a revelation of God’s power to save to the uttermost, or as a slave to the base passions of the deceitful heart controlled by Satan. Dear reader and hearer, which shall it be in your own case? GCB October 1, 1899, page 92.3

The grand controversy of the ages is rapidly approaching its end. The great lines of prophecy foretelling this event, are almost fulfilled. We are in the latter days. The closing events of earth’s history are just before us. In view of this, let none think that the enemy of all righteousness will give up his cause without a severe struggle. Inspiration says: “Rejoice ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” Revelation 12:12. From this we conclude that every inch of ground will be sharply contested. Humanity will be made to feel its weakness at every step of the way. We shall constantly be reminded that it is only by the power of Christ—humanity clothed with divinity—that will enable us to overcome. “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” GCB October 1, 1899, page 92.4

The great time-prophecy, the twenty-three hundred days, is a thing of the past; but the event that the close of that period ushered in is a thing of the present, and is of the greatest consequence to every one living upon the earth. The year eighteen hundred and forty-four marked the beginning of the cleansing of the great antitypical sanctuary-the investigative judgment. It was then that the Ancient of Days did sit, and, surrounded by myriads of the angelic hosts, the books were opened. The cases of the dead, those whose name have been entered in the Lamb’s book of life, come up in review before the Judge of all the earth. Just how soon the cases of the living will be investigated, we know not. It is enough for us to know that every act, every word, and even every thought will be closely scrutinized. After the cases of the living have been considered, Jesus lays aside his his priestly-mediatorial robes, and clothes himself with the garments of vengeance. See Isaiah 59:16, 17. Then there will be no intercessor. Probation will have closed. The plagues will then fall upon the finally impenitent. Then will be fulfilled the statement: “He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.” From this it will be seen that those who endure the trying ordeal, must have gotten the victory over every wrong word and action. Their sins have all gone beforehand to judgment. Now is the time to prepare for that event. Please read Luke 13:25; 21:34-36. GCB October 1, 1899, page 92.5

We must attend to the sowing, and God will see to it that the reaping will be done; for we shall reap what we have sown. We may sow to the Spirit, for through the sacrifice of Christ on the cross “comes the greatest blessing that God could bestow,—the gift of the Holy Spirit.” GCB October 1, 1899, page 92.6

“All our powers are to be used for Christ. This is the debt we each owe to God. In forming a relationship with Christ, the renewed man is but coming back to his appointed relationship with God. He is a representative of Christ, and he is ever to pray and watch unto prayer. His duties lie round him, nigh and afar off. His first duty is to his children and his nearest relatives. Nothing can excuse him from neglecting the inner circle for the larger circle outside. In the day of final reckoning fathers and mothers will be required to answer in regard to their children. Parents will be asked what they did and said to secure the salvation of the souls they took upon themselves the responsibility of bringing into the world. Did they neglect their lambs, leaving them to the care of strangers? Fathers and mothers, are you allowing your children to grow up in impurity and sin? A great good done for others will not cancel the debt you owe to God to care for your children. The spiritual welfare of your family comes first. Take them with you to the cross of Calvary, laboring for them as those that must give an account.” GCB October 1, 1899, page 93.1

“The cross of Calvary challenges, and will finally vanquish, every earthly and hellish power. In the cross all influence centers, and from it all influence goes forth. It is the great center of attraction, for on it Christ gave up his life for the human race. This sacrifice was offered for the purpose of restoring man to his original perfection; yea, more. It was offered to give him an entire transformation of character, making him more than a conqueror. Those who in the strength of Christ overcome the great enemy of God and man, will occupy a position in the heavenly courts above angels who have never fallen.”—Mrs. E. G. White, in General Conference Bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 2. L. A. HOOPES. GCB October 1, 1899, page 93.2