General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



Perhaps no Conference in the States has done more thorough work in organizing than has the Pacific Union Conference. It has added to what was District 6, Arizona, Alaska, and Hawaii. The new administration began July 1, 1901. Without delay, laborers were sent to Arizona, Alaska, and Honolulu.” Only those who have served on the General Conference Committee and Mission Board can fully appreciate the relief that comes from the transfer of all the details of the work on the Pacific Coast and the Hawaiian mission field to a strong and experienced committee, located on the coast, and consequently in personal touch with all that demands attention. And best of all, the work in that part of the vineyard will prosper so much better. GCB July 1, 1901, page 514.2

In addition to all that the other conferences have done in making arrangements for carrying on the regular business, this Conference has established a Union Conference paper, called The Pacific Recorder. It is issued fortnightly, and is full of valuable instruction and interesting reports for the churches throughout the Conference. GCB July 1, 1901, page 514.3

As we see the grand work this Conference is doing, and experience the relief from perplexing burdens it has taken from the Committee at headquarters, we are more thankful than we can express for this change in plans. GCB July 1, 1901, page 514.4