General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



Before the Conference closed, arrangements had been made for organizing the six General Conference Districts into Union Conferences, each organization to be complete in itself, having an Executive Committee, with a President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Auditor, and each to take the entire oversight-of the work in its territory. The Union Conference Committee will unite with each of the States in looking after their interests; work up, receive, and administer funds; advise with States in exchanging laborers; and practically carry forward the work in its territory as though no other Conference existed, except that it will cooperate with all other Union Conferences, and with the General Conference. This, it will plainly be seen, will distribute the responsibilities of the General Conference, placing them more fully and definitely upon those who are on the ground where the work is to be done and the issues to be met. Thus more men and more talent will be brought into the management of the work. A thousand details will be transferred from the General Conference Committee to those whom the Lord has called to his work, and whom he has placed in the field where the details are to be worked out. If this plan is managed wisely by those first placed in charge of the different conferences, a large number of men and women will be brought to the front, with the experiences necessary to make them safe and valuable burden-bearers in the various departments of the cause. GCB July 1, 1901, page 513.6