General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4




The first general meeting since the General Conference, was held at Indianapolis, Ind., May 3-5. There were present Elders A. G. Daniells, W. W. Prescott, A. T. Jones, P. T. Magan, W. C. White; and, as Sister White and her party were starting westward just at this time, she went by way of Indianapolis, and was also present. GCB April 1, 1901, page 511.1

From previous numbers of the BULLETIN, the readers of the BULLETIN know that fanaticism had created considerable confusion in the Indian Conference. By the testimony during the General Conference, published on pages 419-422 of the BULLETIN, the true situation was made plain. The brethren who had led in the wrong course confessed to this, and placed themselves in the attitude of perfect willingness to aid in every way possible in putting the affairs of the Conference on a better basis. At the time of the General Conference, the Indiana Conference Committee tendered their resignation. But as this was a matter to be considered by the people of the Indiana Conference rather than by the General Conference, it was thought best to convene a special session of the Indiana Conference. Although the notice was short, the response was hearty, and a good representation from all the State was present, about one hundred and twenty delegates being in attendance. GCB April 1, 1901, page 511.2

The principles and spirit that had characterized the course of the General Conference just closed were continued in this general meeting and Conference in Indiana. Everything was done openly, with all the people present. Everything was stated candidly, and made plain to all, that all the people might know all that was done, and should themselves be the principals in the doing of it. Since they, the people of the Indiana Conference, are the Indiana Conference, what was to be done in this Conference, as of the Indiana Conference, must be done by the people. Therefore, it was essential that everything should be plainly stated and thoroughly known by the people who were to do what must be done. GCB April 1, 1901, page 511.3

The meeting began Friday evening, with a sermon by Elder Daniells, from the expressive words of Joshua 3:5424: “Sanctify yourselves: for to-morrow the Lord will do wonders among you.” “That all the people of the earth might know the hand of the Lord, that it is mighty: that ye might fear the Lord your God forever.” The Lord is ready to do wonders with his people. All that is needed is that the people sanctify themselves, cut themselves loose, and set themselves apart from the world, and all that is of it, that God may have full possession. The word was well received, and the Spirit of God witnessed to it. GCB April 1, 1901, page 511.4

Sabbath morning at 8:30 o’clock, Brother Prescott gave one of the best Bible studies that ever I heard, from 2 Corinthians 3:1-6; 4:1-7, on the ministry of the Spirit of life. Words can not describe it, but a careful reading of the scriptures used will give an indication of the line of study. The Spirit of God was present in power, giving light and life, and deeply impressing conviction of truth, privilege, and duty. GCB April 1, 1901, page 511.5

At eleven o’clock Sister White spoke with her usual power and solemn impressiveness, on the love, the presence, and the ready helpfulness of Christ to all. GCB April 1, 1901, page 511.6

At two o’clock the Sabbath-school lesson was studied. The house was so full that, instead of reciting by classes, all joined in a study of the lesson of the sanctuary, led by Brother Prescott. Beautiful lessons were found on the meaning of the earthly sanctuary, as a parable for the time then present, signifying that the way into the holiest of all was not made manifest while the first tabernacle was yet standing; and, upon the manifestation of that way into the holiest of all, since the first tabernacle is not now standing, hearts were made to burn as it was seen that Christ alone is the Way into the holiest of all; that Christ is the great object and the meaning of the parable, as in all things of God he is the Way. GCB April 1, 1901, page 511.7

At three o’clock Elder Jones followed, with a discourse on the priesthood and ministry of Christ as the pattern of the priesthood and ministry of Christians. For of us it is written: “Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood,” and “all things are of God, who hat reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation.” 2 Corinthians 5:18. Christ was made priest “after the power of an endless life.” Hebrews 7:16. And it is only “the power of an endless life” that can ever make anybody a priest and minister of God. It is only an endless life, of which we are the ministers. God has committed to us the word of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:19. That word is the word of life, eternal life. It being thus only an endless life of which we are ministers, it is impossible for any one to minister that which he has not. Then, except we be possessed of endless life, our ministry, as of God, is nothing. This simply expresses the great truth that every man must himself be that which he calls others to be, or his call is in vain. No man can minister that which he has not. And in this, as in all other things of Christ, full provision is made, because, though “the wages of sin is death,” “the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Endless life is a free gift to every soul, and every one can have it by believing in Jesus. “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life.” GCB April 1, 1901, page 512.1

At the close of the Sabbath, there was taken up the business of the Conference: At 7:30 Elder Daniells was to preach, but the business meeting was so spiritual, and therefore so interesting, that it was the unanimous choice that the business meeting should continue. And throughout, the proceedings were not distinguishable in spirit from the meetings that had been held even on the Sabbath; because the same principles were simply continued in the business meetings that had been dwelt upon in the Sabbath meetings. The people themselves did the business; they themselves named the committees. GCB April 1, 1901, page 512.2

Sunday morning at 5:20 there was a Bible study led by Elder Prescott on the kingdom of God of Daniel 2:44. At 8:30 Sister White gave counsel, clear and direct, on the situation as it was in Indiana. It was accepted by all; and all willingly began to act in accordance with it. At 10:30 Elder Jones delivered a discourse on the power of that endless life by which alone men are made priests and ministers of God. It is found only in the righteousness of God, which is by faith of Jesus Christ: for “In the way of righteousness is life, and in the pathway thereof there is no death;” “Righteousness delivereth from death;” and the gospel is the power of God, because that therein is the righteousness of God revealed. This was followed in the interval before the afternoon meeting, by a Bible study with the ministers and other workers of Indiana, led by Elder Prescott, on the development of the truth in the book of Daniel, leading up to the finishing of transgression, the making an end of sins, and reconciliation for iniquity, and the bringing in of everlasting righteousness, the sealing up of the vision and prophecy, and the anointing of the Most Holy, by the coming and the sacrifice of Christ, and his ministration in the sanctuary and the true tabernacle which God pitched and not man. At noon, Sister White and her party departed for the West. GCB April 1, 1901, page 512.3

At 3 P. M. there was again a business meeting of the Conference, which again was but a continuation in principles and spirit of the other meetings that had been held. All the committees reported, their reports were freely considered and adopted, in great spiritual blessing. When the Finance Committee reported, there was the period of greatest blessing. The Spirit of God came upon dear Brother M. Hill, and he delivered one of the most thrilling exhortations that it was ever my privilege to hear. And to this statement I know that all who were present will say “Amen.” GCB April 1, 1901, page 512.4

The new Conference Committee, unanimously elected, are: President, Elder Ira J. Hankins: Executive Committee: Ira J. Hankins, P. G. Stanley, Enoch Swartz, J. H. Crandall, and R. O. Ross, M. D. As Sister Thompson is called to work in another State, Sister Clara Miller was chosen as Sabbath-school Secretary. GCB April 1, 1901, page 512.5

This business meeting closed about six o’clock, in full unity of the brethren, with the deep and heart-felt doxology, “Praise God from whom all blessings flow.” GCB April 1, 1901, page 512.6

The closing service was at 7:30, in a discourse by Elder Prescott, on “He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” GCB April 1, 1901, page 512.7

At the end of the discourse the meeting was closed, and the brethren departed to their homes in good cheer, of good courage, with the set purpose of “endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” There are better days for Indiana, and for all the field; for this meeting made it perfectly plain that the good work of re-organization which God began in General Conference, he will continue in the field until all the Conferences shall be reached and touched with the new life and power which have come down from heaven to water and revive his thirsty heritage. And let all the people pray that thus it may be, and more and more. ALONZO T. JONES. GCB April 1, 1901, page 512.8

The whole General Conference company were freely entertained at the sanitarium conducted by the Brethren Ross. They have an excellent start, and are doing a good work. They have a beautiful place, in a most excellent location. It was a pleasure to be there. GCB April 1, 1901, page 512.9

A. T. J.

Below are given the pages on which reports of the Committee on Distribution of Laborers may be found (discussion and adoption of reports shown in parentheses): 281, 282, (310), 311, (329), 330 (332, 353), 355, 356 (387,388), 390 (414,415), 417 (442,444), 445 (446). GCB April 1, 1901, page 512.10

Recommendations 1-122 were adopted with the exceptions noted: Nos. 41, 74, 85, 102, 107, 108, and 110 were referred to the General Conference Committee; No. 55 changed to 92; Nos. 64 and 65 withdrawn. GCB April 1, 1901, page 512.11