General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



As Sung by Lewis C. Sheafe.

I came to Jesus long ago all laden down with sin,
I sought him long for pardoning grace, he would not take me in.
At last I found the reason why, as light came more and more;
I had a shelf with idols on just in behind the door.
GCB April 1, 1901, page 499.1

That shelf behind the door, don’t use it any more;
But quickly clean that corner out from ceiling to the floor;
For Jesus wants his temple clean, he can not bless you more,
Unless you take those idols out from in behind the door.
GCB April 1, 1901, page 499.2

I tore it down and threw it out and then the blessing came;
But e’er I got the victory and felt the holy flame,
Beelzebub came rushing up and said with awful roar,
“You can not live without a shelf right here behind the door.”
GCB April 1, 1901, page 499.3

So many people of to-day are destitute of power;
’tis plain to see they can not stand temptation’s trying hour.
By way of an apology, “My weakness” is their cry,
’tis all because of idols that they are using on the sly.
GCB April 1, 1901, page 499.4

Some smoke and chew tobacco, and some love their fancy dress;
Others have wronged their fellowmen, refusing to confess.
They wonder why they are not blessed as in the days of yore:
The reason why is on the shelf just in behind the door.
GCB April 1, 1901, page 499.5

Your soul is dark, you surely know you have no peace with God;
You daily tremble lest you feel the chastening of his rod.
The blessed Holy Spirit puts this question o’er and o’er:
“What are you going to do about that shelf behind the door?”
GCB April 1, 1901, page 499.6

Some hypocrites may look like saints—from men their idols hide;
But what about the Judgment day beyond death’s fearful tide?
That hidden spot behind the door will be a public place,
Where God and men, and angels, too, shall every idol trace.
GCB April 1, 1901, page 499.7