General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



Have you read the GENERAL CONFERENCE BULLETIN? Many failed to order the BULLETIN before the Conference began, and perhaps think they can not do so now. But the publishers, remembering previous experiences, printed several thousand extra copies, and are prepared to supply complete files. GCB April 25, 1901, page 457.1

The BULLETIN has a three-column page, contains about twenty-four pages each day, and the numbers printed during the Conference aggregate nearly five hundred pages. A faithful report was given of the meetings; and while reading the BULLETIN, one can well imagine himself sitting in the Tabernacle listening to the consideration of the important questions that came before this great gathering. Stirring testimonies from Sister White, together with a full report of many important sermons and studies, make the BULLETIN a rich feast for the reader. GCB April 25, 1901, page 457.2

A full report is given of the business proceedings, so that you will know who spoke to the questions considered, and what each one said. Very important changes have been made, and advance steps taken. GCB April 25, 1901, page 457.3

Order at once, then read and study the proceedings carefully. GCB April 25, 1901, page 457.4

Only fifty cents for full sets of the BULLETIN printed during the entire Conference, or seventy-five cents for two years. Again we say, ORDER AT ONCE. GCB April 25, 1901, page 457.5