General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



District 2 has organized under the name of Southern Union Conference, and the following officers have been elected: President, R. M. Kilgore; Secretary and Treasurer, I. A. Ford, Executive Committee: R. M. Kilgore, Smith Sharp, Irving Keck, W. J. Stone, S. M. Jacobs, J. E. White, A. F. Harrison, S. B. Horton, J. O. Johnson, O. M. Hayward, I. A. Ford.: GCB April 24, 1901, page 441.1

“As we journey through life Let us live by the way.” GCB April 24, 1901, page 441.2

This is the truest: That we know because we love, not love because we know.—Hardy. GCB April 24, 1901, page 441.3

“A sound mind can not exist except in a sound body.” GCB April 24, 1901, page 441.4

“There is no inducement merely to exist.” GCB April 24, 1901, page 441.5