General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



NEW YORK, April 1, 1901.

L. T. Nicola, Secretary and Treasurer of the International Tract Society. GCB April 22, 1901, page 399.14

“DEAR BROTHER: Having examined your books of original and subsequent entry and vouchers pertaining thereto. I hereby certify that the accounts are correct. GCB April 22, 1901, page 399.15

Respectfully, “FRANK D. ALLEN.”
48 Market St., Newark, N. J.

It will be noticed that the Treasurer’s report closes with Dec. 31, 1900. The donations to the society for 1900 came in through the State societies mostly during the month of January, 1901, hence could not be included in this report. It might be added that a considerable amount of the indebtedness has been paid since the report was made, which gives a better present standing than is indicated by the above. In considering the loss, it should be kept in mind that every dollar’s worth of literature contributed from invoiced material constituted a loss, and all matter over and above receipts from all sources came from old stock on hand and constituted “net loss.” GCB April 22, 1901, page 400.1

Mention should be made of the frequent receipts of literature in papers and tracts from the Pacific Press, and many friends in many parts of the United States, also of the use of several hundred dollars’ worth of books donated from the old Pitcairn stock, returned on account of inadaptability to the work of the Pacific Islands. None of this matter is in any way connected with the financial report appearing herewith. GCB April 22, 1901, page 400.2

Secretary and Treasurer International Tract Society.