General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



THIS is the truth about a book just being issued from the Review and Herald press. “Ecclesiastical Empire” is the latest and best of Elder A. T. Jones’s books. It embraces the leading events of history from the fall of Rome to the present day. It canvasses the career of Europe’s kingdoms during the Dark Ages, examines the religious controversies of the principal papal councils during the time of papal supremacy, showing its intolerant spirit and resultant anarchy. It traces from its origin the growth of the Reformation, first in England, then in Bohemia and Germany, pointing out the principles of true Christianity. The latter portion of the book deals with national apostasy as it is and what its end is to be, as revealed in the sure word of prophecy. It contains, in a connected way, all the essential points of history necessary to a good understanding of the great question of to-day,—the relation of church and state. While doing all this it has also the merit of being highly entertaining. As one said while reading the proof-sheets, it is a “hummer.” It contains 874 pages, and sells at $2.50. For sale by Review and Herald, Battle Creek, Mich. GCB April 22, 1901, page 377.16

“BLESSED are the peacemakers.” GCB April 22, 1901, page 377.17