General Conference Bulletin, vol. 4



Unsullied, comes to thee—new born;
To-morrow is not thine:
The sun may cease to shine
For thee ere earth shall greet its morn.
Be earnest, then, in thought and deed,
Nor fear approaching night;
Calm comes with evening light,
And hope and peace. Thy duty heed
to-day. Selected.
GCB April 18, 1901, page 328.7

“A lie that is half a truth is ever the blackest of lies. A lie which is all a lie may be fought outright, but a lie which is part a truth, is a harder matter to fight.” GCB April 18, 1901, page 328.8

“Search thine own heart: what paineth
thee in others,
In thyself may be.
All dust is frail, all flesh is weak;
Be thou the true man thou dost seek.”
GCB April 18, 1901, page 328.9

“Religion should be to every man not merely a creed, but an experience; not a restraint, but an inspiration; not an insurance for the next world, but a program for the present world.” GCB April 18, 1901, page 328.10